...whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger...

The Joker, in The Dark Knight

I used to mention the possibility of eventually creating dance movies. I actually thought that these movies would make up the most important part of my site.

Dancing can feel a particular way, but how it looks up close, or how it looks to others may differ greatly from one's own perception. Aside from that, I haven't done any actual dancing in years.

It could be that as I began using a website as a channel for self-expression, 'face dancing' filled the spot in my life that dancing once did. 'Face dancing' passes some time, and there is a kind of communication or dialogue between my conscious and unconscious.

My most recent face dancing efforts include: halloween 2010, a 2010 portrait of GK (460k), the image at the top of this page, and from earlier this year, etchings, and grog artist.

November 2010















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