Family Skeleton Dance Party Playlist:
1. Fire Dreaming
2. The Falls
3. The Sex Apartment
4. Diary of a Failed Teenage Exorcist
5. The Dancing Cave and The Prophecy
6. Karma Frog, Frog Karma
7. Drunken Parents Obstacle Course
8. The Antidexter: A Seminar Hosted by Dr Velvet Thong
9. Abominable Snowmonster Therapy
10. WTF is Stigma, Anyway?
11. Barfing Mad: The Department of Addiction and Psychic Crime
12. Getting Drunk With The Bumble
13. Rites of Passage and Sexual Trivia
14. Token Lesbian Sex Scene
15. My Aunt Gave Me Genital Warts, and My Mother Tried To Give Me Herpes
16. The Herpes Fairy
17. Ace of Cups
18. Helveeta's Herpes Happiness Blog
19. Happy Days
20. University of Disorganized Thinking
21. Little Pond, Big Pond
22. Our Rodeo Days
23. Six Weddings and Three Funerals
24. A Wedding and Four Beagles
25. The Dude, The Dud, and The Mountain of Kitty Litter
26. Cecil Livingston Seagull
27. Family Skeleton Dance Party - The First Draft
28. Birthday Chainsaw Massacre - The Director's Cut
29. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and Everything Else I Don't Know Where Else to Put
30. Social Media Epic Fail
31. The Church of Nonconsent/
32. The Suicide Registry
33. All-Inclusive Psychotherapy Travel Destinations
34. Virtual Video Clinic
35. Black Unicorns
36. I Still Don't Get It?
37. Family Skeleton Recipe Collection
38. Family Skeleton Fashion Closet
39. Night of the Werepossum, or, Pimped Up Possums
Family Skeleton Dance Party!
Fire Dreaming
Dear Dr Velvet Thong,
I am writing to let you know that I don't know if I will be able to
make it to our next scheduled session. I'm not sure how much time I
have left. I had hoped it would all go so differently.
I think our Plan was a good one. I really hoped I could find one last
massive effort in me to tie all the loose ends together and help a
lot of stories to have happier endings, including my own. I would
help Don Quixote with his house, help him clean, update and organize
some things and prepare for his future, and I would try again to
write something for my biological family, something that at last
would help us all, lift our spirits, bring the pieces together. The
challenge of my life has always been to try to harness the
destructive more constructively, to find ways to have more control
over something inherently destructive, like fire. That's what fire
dreaming is to me, my life's work, all my effort to make it come out
in some positive way. To try to get farther each time I have to start
But it's all shot to hell now.
Don't get me wrong. I am proud of myself. I have done the
impossible already. It just wasn't enough.
I think I might be too sick to write, and so I will have to leave
things unfinished, hanging, but life does tend to be like that rather
than neat and tidy.
Dr Thong, you have helped me more than you could know. Attached you
will find the unfinished manuscripts. They're a mess. Do you know
what to do with them? I don't even know if this message will reach
Yo way yo,
The Falls
Blinky: Of all the places we have lived, which do you have
the best and worst memories of?
Boo: I liked The Falls best, and the worst might have been
the one with the swimming pool.
Cecil: The one with the dead squirrels in it?
Beany: I only remember the green swimming pool. Did it have
dead squirrels in it?
Cecil: No, the green one was green because of all the algae in
Blinky: The one with the dead squirrels was after the Sex
Apartment, and Beany, you would only have been about 5 or 6. I think
the dead squirrels gave you nightmares, maybe kind of like there were
Poltergeist squirrels on the property, so maybe it's best you have
forgotten. That place was brown and orange and it smelled bad. I
guess that was common in the 70s. I often have trouble finding
memories through the swamps of brown and orange plaid, or shag
carpets, and the permanent cigarette smoke fog.
Boo, do you mean the depressing apartment where there was a swimming
pool in the courtyard, the place where we were all crammed in like
sardines, with the orange and brown vomit flower couch Grandmother
Bumble donated, and for the first year, because of the disruption,
you had trouble socially and it wasn't until the next year that you
had friends again, and that lonely year, when you mostly only had me
to watch tv with or talk to, was something you never want to
experience again?
Boo: I'm not sure which place was the worst, and I'd rather
think about the good times, in all places.
Blinky: That's understandable.
[Note: Cecil, Beany, Blinky and Boo did not reside at the place
with the dead squirrels. The Bumble rented that place after Mama
Smurf complained about the Sex Apartment (which technically had
banned sprogs anyway), and for a time that's where they visited him.
The squirrels weren't removed prior to visitation. A few years
later, on the farm The Bumble taught Blinky that drowned mice and
rats must be fished out of horses' water buckets ASAP, and the
buckets properly cleaned, but those squirrels were probably there for
the duration of his tenancy. It is just now occurring to me that
this might be one source of inspiration for Boo's obsession with
horror movies.
The pools in the houses The Bumble rented were never cleaned, so they
weren't really useable. But, it sounded good to lawyers to say 'I'm
renting a house with a swimming pool', and because the kids all liked
to swim, and it was a way of competing with Mama Smurf's side of the
family. She took them to the beach, and her brother-in-law The Space
Cowboy worked for a time as a pool salesman - and he would sometimes
let them visit unoccupied swimming pools in summer, or the pool
showroom at night - you can probably imagine how fun it might be for
sprogs to wander around in such a place, free to choose from all the
different shapes and types of pools, like Sprog Heaven.
Also, let's make it clear from the start that no one actually talks
as the characters did here.. I'm paraphrasing and improvising, in
order to get the gist across, and to protect the innocent.]
Did Blinky the Three-Eyed Pumpkin blink and miss her life?
If you have too much baggage, can your life ever change in the blink
of an eye?
The Sex Apartment
4 kids, Blinky, Beany, Cecil and Boo, ages ranging from 4-9, two
girls, two boys, are sitting at a table for breakfast, eating Froot
Loops and drinking orange juice from jars containing labels which
read: Mother Phucker's Homemade Jam. Instead of reading newspapers or
comics, they all flip through copies of Playboy, Penthouse, and
The Bumble is busy using his skill with knots to create handholds on
a long rope for his kids and several others as he and some other
separated or divorced friends plan to take them on a field trip to
see The Santa Claus Parade, and don't want to lose any of them. Each
individual handhold looks like a perfect miniature noose. I wonder
what Freud would say about that.
One wall of the Sex Apartment looks like a kid's paradise grocery
aisle, with every conceivable type of junk food. On the door, a sign
like on a boys' club playhouse, which reads NO SMURFS ALLOWED. Maybe
a picture of a smurf with a red circle and line through it. It's an
adult luxury apartment. The other walls are covered with erotic art
prints, which depict women in a variety of submissive positions, and
there's an impressive bar, extensive even by 70s standards..
There are two bathrooms, and it can be difficult to maneuver through
the stacks of sex mags in order to use them.
The Bumble: You're overreacting.
Mama Smurf: You are too immature to be a parent. You give them
so much junk food they come home sick for days. You let them look at
sex magazines with no supervision, watch as much tv as they want, and
it sounds like you get drunk and let them do whatever they want,
period. I'm going to report you to the apartment management, and I'm
going to call my lawyer. How serious are you about exercising your
visitation rights when you take an apartment which states Adults Only
on the lease agreement?
The Bumble: Get off your high horse. What kind of example are
you and Neil Carnegie/Dale Diamond setting for them over at The
House of Kama Sutra?
Mama Smurf: That it is possible to have a committed
relationship with someone you are attracted to and have chemistry
The Bumble: He's a shifty-eyed, hypocritical criminal. Do you
want your kids to end up on drugs or in jail?
I signed the lease because I don't believe anyone should have to
martyr themselves for getting divorced. It's the nicest place I
could find, on a separated man's budget. The rules are ridiculous
and discriminatory, and I never had any intentions of following them.
Besides, when the lease is up, I'm moving into a nice family
home in suburbia with 3 bedrooms and a swimming pool.
Mama Smurf: It took you more than a year to get that house,
but it doesn't mean you know anything about being a parent or how to
set a good example.
By the way, I'm going to take them on a family camping trip for the
summer, and we're moving to Northern Ontario. Then we'll see how
serious you are about visitation.
The Bumble: The Pollution Capital of the World, The Armpit of
Ontario! With a racist dog-beating loser you're giving all my hard-
earned money to? We'll see about that.
Mama Smurf: You're making excuses to get out of paying as much
child support as possible. You have no sense of proportion; you
expect all 4 of your kids to live on a tiny fraction of what you
make. I carefully plan and am as careful as possible with money as I
can be, while you spend without giving it any thought. What about
their futures? That's why we're moving further north. We bought the
fishing resort to give the kids a chance at a future. I can't make
enough money as a supply teacher, Avon and Amway representative with
the amount you send and still plan for their educations, so I'm
taking a risk and trying to give them a chance.
The Bumble: Well I'm moving to a farm, and there will be
horses for them to ride, and dogs, and fresh air, not like in Sudbury
with the mines and smokestacks, or Espanola, with that hideous paper
Mama Smurf: We're outside Espanola, closer to Manitoulin.
Dale can teach the boys how to fish and play guitar.
The Bumble: Natalie's a much better role model. She's a nice
person, and she can actually cook.
Mama Smurf: By nice, you mean that she puts up with all your
bullshit and never questions you, and takes your side over everyone
else's, including your kids'. It means she never speaks up for
herself or wants anything that isn't in line with what you want. Is
that really what you've looked for all your life?
The Bumble: Sounds like someone's jealous.
Mama Smurf: You don't even really care if you ever see your
kids, and most of the time you forget about them for weeks on end,
and on birthdays. You'd rather not have had them. You'd rather get
drunk than spend time with them, and you can't actually spend time
with them for a whole weekend without getting drunk. The only reason
you want to see them is to hurt and scare and manipulate me into
losing my shit so you can point out to them what a witch I am. All
that matters to you is winning, getting back at me, at any
In his best steely-eyed Walter White impersonation:
The Bumble: Listen up Ms Fucking Psycho Smurf, I am a good
father, and I've got a team of lawyers behind me to back me up so you
fucking watch your fucking step or I will take all your kids away for
good. I'm living in a respectable suburban home now, with 3 bedrooms,
and a swimming pool, and if that's not enough, I'll move to a farm,
and I'll have a horse breeding business that will provide for their
How popular do you think you are with your own kids?
Mama Smurf: They're just kids, and of course if they have the
choice to eat junk food and watch tv they find it hard to resist,
but it won't be long before they see through you.
The Bumble: I wouldn't bet on that.
Mama Smurf isn't ready to give up, but she does feel scared. She's
also really, really angry. It's a frustrating position to be in, to
be able to see ahead when someone with more power refuses not to.
Mama Smurf: I'd be surprised if you had the skills or
discipline to run a successful business, and horse businesses are
pretty difficult to succeed at, but if you could contribute, that
would be something. However, I suspect that even if you did make
money, you'd still find ways to spend it, and not be able to provide
guidance or support to the kids.
The Bumble: There are more important things to pass on to kids
than handing them their futures on a silver platter. I had to make it
on my own, and I don't respect anyone who can't. What I will pass on
to them is 'heart', of which you have none.
Mama Smurf: Look at the odds. Not all of your kids can be
Rocky. We need to give them Plan Bs. They can't all live like each
day is their last, such that special occasions are no longer special,
but indistinguishable from everyday life. We have to give them limits
and boundaries, teach them how to delay gratification, how to look
forward to or anticipate celebrations and rewards.
The Bumble: Kids need big dreams. All the restriction you
place on them isn't good for them. You try to validate your existence
by thinking you're needed, or it will all go to hell, but you're
completely useless and unnecessary. Kids know what they want, and the
only thing that is important is that they're happy.
Cut to: A phonecall
between The Bumble and Mama Smurf.
The Bumble: I don't know what
you want from me. I didn't see anything wrong with my last place,
and just because you think you can screw me out of visitation by
moving to Bumfuck WhoknowsWhere in the hopes I'll just lie down and
take it, you've got another thing coming.
In the past screaming and inarticulateness, possibly what I have
'translated' above might represent some of the underlying
'philosophies' of the arguments. It's a bit unfairly skewed at the
moment in favour of Mama Smurf, who, I must admit in order to be fair
to The Bumble, had a lot of religious quackery influencing her ideas -
but, stripping things down to parenting itself, one of her issues
might have been that while she had valid points, she didn't know how
to articulate them, and it came out a screaming mess. When you don't
have time to be prepared for Walter White, it seems possible that's a
'normal' reaction. Her anger, and cursing of Blinky when Blinky chose
to live with him seem to suggest a kind of immaturity on her part as
well, and some of the punishments she inflicted over the years seem
to have been coming from irrational places, such that even years
later, Blinky couldn't really understand the punishment. However, a
little more guidance and boundaries might have prevented a life of
being constantly out of control for Blinky, which means she and the
others all probably could have done with a little more of their
mother's influence. The war between the two parents also contributed
to a kind of paralysis - each way you step in life, there are hidden
landmines, and there is no way to move without fear of being blown
up/hated/permanently damaged, and never loved.
He is interrupted by a tugging on his sleeve.
Blinky: Dad, I think Mommy is a lot prettier and sexier than a
He ignores her.
Blinky thinks that maybe Mama Smurf likes smurfs because it's hard
being a mommy and sometimes she wants to feel like a kid again, and
play with stuffed toys. Maybe she just finds them so surreal looking
that it makes her laugh, and she needs to laugh sometimes. They're
like the opposite of Mommy and what she thought her life would be, in
every way.
Meanwhile, the camera pans out so we see the dead squirrels floating
in the swimming pool, and then inside, again we see the fantasy
grocery aisle, and again in the middle of it there is a 70s style bar
common to the time period, fully stocked, and the kids, sitting on
bar stools, busy themselves mixing drinks in cute, colourful plastic
kiddie cups of various descriptions. (This didn't really happen, but
they got to try drinks, they were always witnessing the adults
drinking, and so I'm trying to get across that it was imprinted with
the junk food.) The Walter White thing probably needs to be
emphasized, because when I saw it on tv, I recognized that really
cold, merciless will, not concerned with 'right or wrong', or
anyone's best interests but his own survival, and 'winning', at any
cost, while remaining in denial about his true motives, almost to
the very end. And it's possible The Bumble did him one better.
Note: The Bumble and Mama Smurf do not really talk like this,
they have their own style, which has been changed to protect the
innocent. Same goes for their kids.
Diary of a Failed Teenage Exorcist
A series of flashbacks: various members of the family try to speak
to the Bumble and he goes into a rage and roars and steps on them or
throws them against the wall, or even dances around in a rage and
steps on them accidentally. Also, a scene at the North Pole where ice
is breaking away and all the children are floating in the cold water,
and in a panic the Bumble starts using them to step on, and he hops
from one to another, with the sprogs almost drowning.
Voiceover, by Blinky: We hadn't been able to find a dentist
willing to work on Bumbles, and that's the root of the problem. He's
got a horrible toothache that results in his behaviour. When I was a
child, watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer I used to find The
Bumble scary, but now I think he's kinda cute, and quite
And then more flashbacks, of The Bumble playing horsie with the
kids, and another in which he tried to lift all 4 at once, and the
groceries at the same time, while walking from the driveway to the
kitchen, and then, another with him patting each of the kids on the
Blinky, aged 16:
Dear Diary,
Today The Bumble found us playing with a Ouija board. He became
extremely angry, and ROARED!
The Bumble: You are inviting evil into this house! You are
inviting my enemies into this house! I don't ever want to see one of
these instruments of evil in my house again!
And with that, he ROARED again, and cracked the board over his knee,
opened the front door and threw the pieces out into the street. And
he slammed the door.
Beany, Cecil, Boo and I were all perplexed, but we understood it was
probably best not to ask why he was so mad. We never brought it up
again, but we all retained a lifelong interest in the supernatural.
Dr Velvet Thong: How much of this actually happened, and how
much is creative embellishment?
Blinky: I know memory can warp things and is notoriously
inaccurate, and I am pretty sure my siblings will think I didn't
understand The Bumble, Mama Smurf or much at all about the past, and
that I'm as out of touch with reality as that Sylvia Plath chick
(just not as poetically out of touch!) But that's because they were
brainwashed so effectively no one has been able to rescue/
deprogram them.
Dr Velvet Thong: Tell me about the exorcisms.
Blinky: To this day, suburban homes give me the
I am just noting this down, because it might be
possible to find ways to link a suburban style and mentality with
Blinky: Technically, I only attended the one. It was probably
the most boring exorcism ever. I think many teens have had similar
experiences, and are blogging about it, and so it's probably going
to seem old hat.
The Bumble was hanging out with his psychic friends a lot, and one
day he asked me if I wanted to sit in on an exorcism. I think he said
something about getting the right combination of vibrations, or no,
I'm making that up. I got the sense that I was auditioning. They
wanted to test if I had any psychic potential, if my energy would
combine well with their group. However, underneath all that, I think
they might have had more sinister motives.
Dr Velvet Thong: Tell me all the details you can remember.
Blinky: I have forgotten a lot, but I'll try.
It took place in daylight hours, in a bright and clean 80s style
suburban home in a suburb outside of Toronto. Not with all the usual
knickknacks common in such homes of the day, but more like that New
Wave kind of look, sparsely decorated, and subtle, not avant-garde
like Liquid Sky or anything.
Dr Velvet Thong: screws up eyes as if trying to picture
Blinky: There was The Bumble, me (16 - not long after I
returned home with tail between legs. I'd left in a panic one day due
to The Bumble's sexual advances, I lived in a state of panic and
confusion for a couple of months and then had a traumatizing
experience in which I was left for dead, all cut up in a field 90
miles from where I was renting a room), two middle-aged women, and a
man with schizophrenia who was frequently possessed by demons. The
task at hand was to help exorcise the current one/s.
It could be that rather than dealing with the mental health industry,
this particular method of keeping his condition in check worked for
the man possessed by demons. I think a prerequisite to be at the
table was that you accepted the possibility of demons, and preferred
this type of spiritual healing to resorting to the medical
I think I was pretty open-minded at the time. I was having PTSD
style nightmares, and wasn't getting much sleep, but I had no
conscious connection to feelings of resentment, anger or self-pity.
I think I accepted life and its complications without prejudice, and
that I was there in a spirit of exploration. And I admit, I wanted
to be special, and psychic.
I suspected the subject was gay and had some issues with that, but
I kept that thought to myself.
Dr Velvet Thong: In the 80s the equality laws hadn't been
passed yet.
Blinky: We held hands around the table. I don't remember
music, candles, or anything like that. I wasn't given specific
instructions, and I think they just wanted to see if I had a natural
ability. The point was to try to tune in, become aware of the demon,
and then as a group pressure it to leave through psychic persuasion.
Also, the possessed guy was supposed to help out by notifying us when
he felt it coming closer.
At a certain point he did become frightened and panicked, and
described what he could, but I don't remember what he described. What
impressed itself upon me was his distress and emotional intensity.
Whatever it was he was experiencing, it was real to him, and he
needed some kind of catharsis.
I think the others started to ask the demon to leave, but it was
mainly through positive thought beaming processes. I didn't really
know what I was doing, and just tried to beam positive energy
'wherever it was needed', and also tried to be open to anything new
and exciting that might present itself to me.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's too bad you didn't tell people about
this years ago. Now everyone probably just suspects you downloaded
your experience off the internet.
Blinky: I didn't have a frame of reference for it, and I
probably felt bad that I wasn't good at it, that I didn't have a
talent for it.
That was basically it and the exorcism was over. The guy calmed down.
Wait, we might have gone through the process more than once before
the demon was totally gone.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you ever participate in any further
Blinky: No, I was never asked back. I guess I didn't impress
them, or didn't have the right vibe. I know I seem cynical now, but
back then, I was still quite 'open', so I'm not sure it was about me
having a bad attitude. I think they had decided that I didn't have
the right vibe, or enough power, or I wasn't positive or psychic
enough. One thought I've had is that everyone at the table was
attracted to The Bumble, and that for some reason that's what made
my vibrations 'wrong'.
Dr Velvet Thong: Was this experience before or after your
father's psychic friends discussed your destiny to kill yourself
before the age of 21?
Blinky: I'm not sure, but one of the ones who shared this
idea was not present at the exorcism. She was an older, more
established psychic who'd given me a reading at a psychic fair not
long before, my first reading ever. The Bumble seemed to be saying
that all of them separately first had come to this conclusion about
me. If they'd all come to the conclusion separately, and were all
psychics who made their livings as psychics, maybe that gives the
prediction more weight. When everyone Wants To Believe, it's probably
pretty hard to overcome some human flaws that even special people
like psychics might possess, such as the need to please/kiss the ass
/gain the favour of a New Powerful Psychic who would lead them
through the Apocalypse into the New World. The kids and spouses of
Artists and Famous people probably deal with this phenomenon all the
Dr Velvet Thong: Freud might say that they were just psychic
enough to perceive he wished for your death. Did you have any further
contact with these people?
Blinky: I'm not sure if it was the same day, or not long
after, but The Bumble brought me to meet the daughter of a husband
and wife psychic team.
Dr Velvet Thong: Why did he do that?
Blinky: They all wanted me to meet her and see if I could
offer any 'impressions' about her psychic state.
Dr Velvet Thong: And?
Blinky: She was a little older than me. She seemed extremely
depressed. She was noticeably sad, as if she cried often. She didn't
seem to have much energy or hope, and it looked to me like it was
difficult for her to even move. I didn't know how to articulate it,
but I thought that because the parents were so wrapped up in the
'special destiny' of being important, paid psychics, they had
neglected her and made her feel as if in comparison she wasn't very
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you know what became of her?
Blinky: No. After I saw her, I didn't leave the house for
months. The two excursions were rare and occurred during that first
extended period when I lost touch with the structure of normal life.
This group of psychics believed for a time that The Bumble was the
leader who would help focus all their powers to their full potential,
and that they would all have special roles in the upcoming
Apocalypse. I guess I can see that problem teens were something to
put on the backburner, when you think about the enormity of something
like The Apocalypse.
Dr Velvet Thong: They had special meetings, aside from the
exorcisms, to discuss this?
Blinky: Yes, for a while, during the period when The Bumble
was out of work, he was always jaunting off to an exorcism or some
kind of special psychic meeting. Sometimes when he was at home he
would tell us about the upcoming times.
Dr Velvet Thong: He believed the End of the World was on its
Blinky: I might have some things confused, because for a while
he spoke about a Psychic School which he and his friends would run,
and that I would be a teacher there, and there was no need to
complete regular high school, and it might have been also that there
was no need to keep polluting my mind with unhealthy ideas. I'm
confused because it might also have been that I didn't need to
finish high school if the world was ending. But if they all thought
I'd kill myself by 21, maybe they weren't sure the world was ending
immediately, and maybe they thought I had some things to teach
before it was my destiny to die. It could be my memory is faulty,
but it could be I never really had all the details, because they were
all kinda confused.
I realize some people might think I wasn't compassionate enough
about my father's mental illness, but he had support, he had
corroboration of his religious delusions and psychic impressions. I
didn't have support, I was isolated, and I think it was the same
with that psychic couple's daughter.
Dr Velvet Thong: Or that their leader was confused?
Blinky: I think for a time he really did have experiences that
seemed oddly synchronistic or 'prophetic'.
Dr Velvet Thong: If the psychics didn't think he was
mentally ill, perhaps it's not so odd that his kids didn't realize
it, either? This is the oldest story in the book when it comes to
charismatic leaders, and to be fair, they might serve an important
function that can't be summed up or dismissed as 'mental illness'.
Blinky: I think he believed Boo might be The Second Coming.
My bible knowledge is sketchy, but he himself was some character who
was to go 'toe-to-toe' with The Antichrist (who he once seemed to
hint was our uncle The Space Cowboy, the drug dealer.) Maybe it
sounds like we were all pretty gullible, and not recognizing he
needed psychiatric care, but he spun a good story, and we were all
magical thinkers who wanted a special destiny. And by that time, I
was kinda invested in the idea of the world ending, because of my
serious, insurmountable problems. I was isolated, had no real
guidance or role models, except those who seemed to believe I'd
kill myself, and that it was all good, all part of God's or
whoever's plan. And to be honest, although you might detect some
hyperbole in my tone, I'm still not totally sure they were wrong
about me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Some of us have to fight all our lives to
believe we can have something good or even enjoy life.
Blinky: He told us his enemies would try to get at him through
us, and that we must surround ourselves with white light, visualize
Dr Velvet Thong: What happened to these ideas over
Blinky: While he was engaged with his new friends, he invested
in the idea of the world ending. He'd received a generous severance
package from the place he was running when he had his accident, and
he just 'lived in the Now' until the money ran out. The world didn't
end, the Psychic School remained a pipe dream, and I think that he
had fewer visions and premonitions.
Dr Velvet Thong: In a sense, the world did end, life as you
knew it changed forever.
Blinky: When the money ran out, he started to break down. He
first tried to get money from our bank accounts. My brothers were
the ones with a more signficant savings, because Mama Smurf had paid
them for their work at the fishing resort. He demanded the money and
they gave it, for the family. He borrowed money from his mother. And
he applied for welfare but was denied, and when that occurred, he
said good-bye kiddies and good luck! and he tried to sign himself
into a psych ward, but they refused him entry, possibly because he
had kids to take care of.
Dr Velvet Thong: He was affected by the stigma and
misunderstandings associated with mental illness, or at least the
lack of adequate resources, and it had ripple effects.
Blinky: My memory is foggy about the timeline, and what the
solution was. He might have got another loan from his mother, he
might have landed a job. He might have stopped seeing his psychic
friends around the time he started dating a woman with two teenagers
who taught business classes at a high school.
Dr Velvet Thong: This was when you moved to The Beaches, in
Blinky: She might have helped to get him organized, like he
was a fixer-upper type bf. Once he landed a decent job, at least
comparable to his past high paying ones, they decided to go in on a
house together in The Beaches, and form a Brady Bunch style family.
She was very organized, and to help provide guidance for the kids,
she devised a rotating chore schedule for various types of house and
yardwork, and in addition that each kid was expected to cook one meal
every two weeks, and write up a shopping list for That meal. I had
been doing all the housework and cooking, and you'd think this would
be a relief for me, but in some ways it was still pretty stressful.
Overall, I'd say it was one positive way of providing a fair, non-
sexist structure and discipline, but by that time it really wasn't
enough. We'd had to adjust to too many different extremes in too
short a timeframe.
We divided ourselves into teams of two. Cecil and I were by far the
best team, the most conscientious, responsible, reliable team when it
came to any type of house or yard work. In the early part of my life,
'responsible' was always one of the adjectives anyone would have
used to describe me. It's weird, the way things go sometimes.
I'm rambling a bit.
I think she might have had money of her own, or from her divorce
settlement, or something, and the house was only in her name, and
when she kicked him/us out, she and her kids kept the house. She had
done things 'smartly', to protect herself.
He had a serious breakdown partway through the year and she was
completely horrified, but she held on to the end of the schoolyear,
perhaps for our benefit, helped him find an apartment he could
afford for all of us, and that was it, we moved again.
With his next serious girlfriend (his second legal wife), when he
moved to Winnipeg, they both went through another New Age phase, and
there were tons of books in the house, but for the most part,
whatever he wished for he kept mum about. Note: when we moved to
Sudbury, he called it the Armpit of Ontario, but made no such
comments about Winnipeg, which was/is the Murder Capital of Canada,
and not a very pretty city.
After my stay in the psych ward at Misericordia, my apartment was on
the main floor of a house on a street just off Portage, a very easy
walk to the whole downtown Hudson Bay-tunnel system. I only had a
phone for the last couple of months, but before that, if I ever
needed to call anyone, I went to a payphone down the street. It was
located near a large parking lot, and I'm pretty sure a body was
found there while I lived there. Also, there was this trail of blood
leading from the phone to the parking lot, and no one from City Works
or anything came to scrub it off.
After that period of exploration of New Age philosophies, K-Pru
shopped around for a church with a good choir, and settled on some
version of a Christian church, I'm not sure which, and became
completely identified as Christian. They broke up after being
together in total a few years, married for less than two years, when
she left him in Winnipeg.
Many years later they got back together and lived in Northern
Ontario, and all of her communication was seriously
Christian-influenced, as if she was a hardcore cult member.
Specifically, in her communications with me, there was an easily
identifiable theme: if you are unhappy in your life, it's because you
have to work on your relationship with Jesus. I could even try to
translate to my own belief system and say 'OK, what she's saying is
that I have to be consistent with my beliefs and values when it comes
to actions I take in order to have a meaningful life', and I tried to
proceed from there and I tried to open a dialogue, and I think I
chose my words carefully, to be clear I was not a Christian, but not
with a condescending tone.
She never responded, and The Bumble never emailed me, either. She
wasn't, but it's possible he was something of a Luddite. She was
still so angry that years later when I emailed her to say 'sorry for
your loss' when The Bumble died, my first message bounced back, and
when I asked Boo for another email address of hers, she never
responded to the second attempt. I don't know what upset her, because
she wouldn't tell me.
I don't know to what extent he shared her religious views or merely
tolerated them because he needed someone to take care of him and
support him, because he hadn't planned for the future while always
living in the Now.
I think it's unlikely he would have been too keen on attending
church services, but I think they both worked at a soup kitchen
distributing food to the poor in their later years.
The Dancing Cave and The Prophecy
The Prophecy: In a voice that everyone would respect and
trust.. maybe imagine that it sounds like Galadriel..
Blinky, firstborn daughter of The Abominable Snowmonster, if you
do not kill yourself by the age of 21, your entire family will be
cursed, and no one's potential will be fulfilled. Do you really want
to be responsible for that? You will throw a wrench in The
Apocalypse, and no one will live happily ever after. No one in the
entire world.
Blinky, of No Fixed Address, this is the task that has been
appointed to you. If you don't do it, nobody will. You are the evil
created in the name of evil that must be destroyed so that the things
that should not be lost will not be lost forever. Your journey will
be long and perilous, but the rewards beyond measure. Throw yourself
in the fire! We are all counting on you.
We all had the dream, and sometimes I thought maybe everyone in the
world had had it, too, because of the way people looked at me
sometimes, or most of the time, right after they asked 'What do you
do?' and I hemmed and hawed. I knew what I was supposed to do, and I
felt extremely bad that I hadn't done it.
On the evening of my 22nd birthday, enraged, my father took me to the
cave and left me there without food to die.
I haven't eaten since, and I don't know how I haven't died.
That's when I started to dance. There wasn't anything else I could
think of to do with my time.
As my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, I began to make out the
skeletons of my ancestors and of others not related by blood, all of
those who had come before me who had died in this cave. We all danced
together. I did not know the stories of my ancient ancestors but I
learned about the original 'lifeforce' within them, the struggles,
hopes, dreams, passions, rivalries, disappointments, and everything
that had died with them, and when dancing, it did not feel like the
'lifeforce' was weak in me, I felt connected, I felt I could connect
the past, present, and future and in effect do a kind of particle
dance, butterfly effect where I could swirl the particles, and every
time I danced, it had an effect in the world, and it wasn't a
negative effect, and in a way I could dance with anyone, everyone,
anywhere, from any time or in any time, and in this manner, alone and
abandoned in a cave, I could nevertheless find answers for those not
at peace, those unfulfilled, and all those who wanted to challenge
The Prophecies, but had no Voice.
Time is not the same in the cave, but I could not always hold on to
all times at once. That I could only do when I danced, and I don't
know how to dance any more. It's been many years since I last danced,
and it doesn't seem like I will ever dance again.
Later, there was another dream, and this time the voice said:
Because your family is so special, we will let you have another
chance. The day you manage to kill yourself, the curse will be lifted
from your family and from the world at last.
So do it, already!
Through the years, extended family, friends, acquaintances and
general passersby, understandably anxious about the fate of the
world and their own personal destinies would ask The Bumble and my
siblings about how I was progressing in my task, if I was getting
any closer to lifting the curse, and The Bumble had coached them all
to say:
She's busy. Don't worry, it won't be much longer now.
Karma Frog, Frog Karma
Once upon a time, a young Feminist (whose mother the Queen wanted
her daughter to grow up to be a Working Princess) accidentally ran
over a frog while mowing the lawn. She felt awful for the poor little
frog. Knowing full well she should be able to solve this or
any crisis, she did not call her father to put it out of its misery.
She hoped it would die on its own, but when she came back hours later
to check on it, the little red spots where the legs used to be were
still pulsing.
As punishment for not living up to feminist principles or
understanding them, the witch who lived in the tree that was the
frog's home cast a guilt spell on her which turned the young feminist
into the frog. She still sits there today, the little red spots
Tree Witch:
When your brothers chased toads with the lawnmower and laughed when
they managed to run one over, the toads only suffered a little in the
chasing, and only momentarily before becoming spatter, whereas you
abandoned that frog to a horrific fate. Therefore, you must live as
that frog for all eternity.
This becomes a family fable, a source of great amusement at every
family gathering, for years to come. The punchline becomes: Run
Froggie Run! And everyone laughs, like the Simpsons in the Family
Therapy episode when they all push buttons to deliver electric shocks
to each other. And the girl believes she deserves it.
Every year the frog receives sadistic Valentines and Birthday Cards
from the kinfolk of the original frog, to make sure she never
Blinky: Can frogs' legs regenerate?
Dr Velvet Thong: Hang in there, Oblio.
Drunken Parents Obstacle Course
A game show for parents to test their parenting skills drunk. This
is how the game works: a group of parents and their sprogs are put
into the testing facility house/neighbourhood, the parents are
supplied with alcohol, party favours and music, (and sometimes
illicit drugs) while the kids are directed to unsupervised play areas
which have been specifically designed to result in certain kinds of
injury. The object of the game is to test how quickly drunk parents
and their friends can become aware of a problem, and get sprogs to
the hospital before permanent injury or death occurs. It's understood
that sober applicants need not apply as they are irrelevant for the
purposes of mass entertainment and cultural advancement. The show's
My Drunk Parents Are Way Cooler Than The Stunted Sober
Chickenshits You Call Parents!
Dr Velvet Thong: In the 60s and 70s, many women smoked and
drank through their pregnancies, and it was not considered odd.
Blinky: I don't know for sure if Mama Smurf drank and smoked
during her pregnancies or not. The Bumble and Mama Smurf were highly
social. We were always going somewhere. Neither of them were ever as
social again with subsequent partners, but they were still a lot
more social than I ended up.
After our births, our parents participated in 'normal socializing',
which in those days usually involved lots of alcohol. During these
parties, it didn't seem to make sense to get babysitters, since there
was a house full of adults. There were frequent trips to Emergency
for the kids.
Dr Velvet Thong: No 'child-proofing' houses and apartments.
And you and your siblings played outside and in dangerous situations
without supervision, and occasionally there were accidents.
Blinky: Everyone trusted The Bumble to drive whatever vehicle
to Emergency. Snow, icy conditions, whatever.. he had good reflexes.
I don't think he ever had an accident, drunk or sober. When he was
caught for drunk driving 3 times in 3 months when I was a teenager, I
don't think that was because his driving was erratic. I think it's
because they were starting to crack down on drunk driving, and police
would wait outside the country bars where he went to drink, and then
follow and pull people over and force them to take breath tests.
That's just a guess, and I realize I might never know the
Dr Velvet Thong: Perhaps it is good for children to see their
parents in a good mood, especially if a lot of the time there is
tension, or the parents are fighting?
Blinky: I totally agree. Sometimes anxious people are actually
more effective at teaching new tasks or conveying love when their day-
to-day anxieties have been relieved or softened by alcohol. This was
particularly true of The Bumble. The common thinking is that alcohol
makes everyone an asshole, but the worst things he did or said were
usually things he did or said sober.
Blinky: I guess what would usually happen would be that we'd
be playing, an accident would occur and somebody would have to
identify if someone was just momentarily stunned or crying in a minor
way, or seriously hurt and we had to attract the drunken parents'
attention ASAP. I guess it was easier to figure out if everyone could
see blood gushing everywhere, or something like that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you remember any of the trips to the
Blinky: Probably quite a few of them over the years, but some
are more vivid than others. I mean, I can remember my trips to the
hospital, parts of all of them, but I wouldn't have been there for
the other kids' trips. There would be parents who took injured kids
to the hospital, and others who stayed at home with the rest of the
sprogs, I think. I can remember bits and pieces of other incidents
and I know there were a lot more, and it's possible I remember fewer
with Beany because I was getting older, and I might have been a
better babysitter by then, with an ability to spot trouble before it
resulted in a trip to Emergency.
I remember when I had a concussion and had trouble seeing and felt
like I was going to throw up in the car on my navy blue dress that
looked like a Girl Guide dress that I was afraid the adults would be
angry and that I would be a disappointment to myself and them and
that when I started throwing up, when I couldn't control it, an adult
was nice about it and was telling me not to worry as I apologized.
I'm not sure which one. I suppose they understood my throwing up was
a sign of concussion and they knew they were on the right path. They
had to get there; they got there. Well done. That was a Gold Medal
day in the Drunken Parents Olympics. But there were a lot
I remember going for stitches when I was about 3. I had tripped over
a purse on Babci and Grampa's kitchen floor, and split my head
open. I remember I didn't cry when they did the stitches, and the
doctor or nurse was impressed.
Dr Velvet Thong: It all sounds so stressful. I admit I'm glad
I never had sprogs. I suppose drunk, reflexes might be slower, but
maybe there'd be less panic? And maybe drunk it's easier to enjoy the
evening, without checking on kids every two minutes? I wonder if the
kind of parenting you experienced was a middleclass North American
thing, and if it would sound strange to people who live in other
parts of the world.
Blinky: Oh, gushing blood head injuries, for example, we were
all bouncing on this old sofa with springs sticking out of it in the
basement at one place (we were using it like a bouncy house), and I
was only 6 there so Cecil was probably 3, and he bounced off it, it
looked like he was flying, onto a metal baby carriage, nailed the
corner of his head, and there was a lot of blood and we all went
running up to get the drunken parents. There were some other kids
there, but I don't remember which ones. We had formed a line and we'd
take turns bouncing and then leaping off (
trying to
But yes, I think on average we all had about 3 major Emergency trips
each by age 10 or so, and the parents made it each time and we had no
permanent damage (aside from a few scars which added character) or
death, so well done to them.
Dr Velvet Thong: There was also the time when you were 3 and
you tempted another 3 year old to share a bulksize bottle of baby
aspirins with you and the drunken parents somehow found you and got
you to the hospital. And all the times Boo swallowed poisons?
Blinky: There was also a time when he was really young and his
appendix burst and they had to take him to the hospital. I think
Beany mostly had health issues related to her asthmatic bronchitis.
She'd cough so hard she'd vomit. That was pretty shocking and
scary. I always wondered if that had something to do with how much
smoking all the adults around us did.
I'm not sure Mama Smurf would have been any less self-possessed in a
crisis, but I think it's likely The Bumble tended to take all the
glory for himself, as he was usually the Designated Drunk Driver who
had to get injured sprogs to the hospital without compounding the
The Antidexter: A Seminar Hosted by Dr Velvet Thong
Dr Velvet Thong: Dexter is a very entertaining tv program,
but it's important to think about the broader implications.
Almost all males I've ever known have been Dexters. Their primal
self-protective instinct tells them they know what information is
essential for females to know, and that the best outcome depends on
skillful secrecy. When females know too much, it adds layers of
complication that ultimately mess things up. Males rely on their
assessments and skills and discount female abilities - we all
discount or devalue female abilities, and this is about white male
privilege, and spinning the story.
Do women tend to outlive men because men protect them? Or despite
them? Dexter ultimately wasn't able to protect anyone, except
himself. Most of the important females in his life die. Since this
doesn't match statistical reality, do we then view Dexter the tv
show as male fantasy - and specifically, a kind of misogynistic
fantasy, where when females become problematic, it would be kinda
nice if they just died?
But if it seems like we are honouring the relationships in a public
way, it disguises the hidden fantasy and relief when they're gone,
and deflects from the problems they were causing?
Persons of colour do not tend to fair well in this program, and
pretty much the best they can hope for is to be considered loveable
oafs compared to Dexter.
The universal thing is that all people know what it's like to have
to conceal something 'dangerous' about themselves that would hinder
their social and general success in life. Since my life is about
taking an opposite stand, I have dubbed myself
The Antidexter.
The universal thing is that unconsciously, we are still programmed
to support a white male patriarchy, and the atrocities that are
necessary for its continuation.
It's a very nice piece of brainwashing/propaganda.
If you watch for entertainment's sake, the underlying themes of white
male supremacy (at least the ones able to pass as hetero) and support
of capital punishment might slide right on by.
There are people in the world who like to kill, there are some people
deserve death, and only Dexter can be trusted with
upholding this sacred balance. We trust Dexter to be objective, and
to find the definitive proof, and later, when he makes a few
mistakes, we know his intentions are good and we let it slide. But
even so, the story is told from his perspective, and easily squashes
all of the usual lefty-pinko objections.
We always admire someone who is especially skilled. And when someone
breaks the law and never gets caught, that is kind of impressive. It
is never difficult for viewing audiences to accept that it is
sometimes necessary for even law enforcement officials to break the
Dexter retires other killers, and we are invested in believing that
he is always right, that if any of the others deserved to die less,
they'd have found a way to beat him. He and his brother Brian aka
Rudy or The Ice Truck Killer were both very young when found in a
pool of their mother's blood in a shipping container. Dexter is
taken in and raised by the cop Harry, and taught a Code to live by
to channel his murderous instincts for the good of humanity and his
own survival. Brian is deemed a lost cause although not much older
than Dexter.
If both brothers grow up to be creative, competent serial killers,
and the only difference is upbringing (nurture), and that's why
people like Dexter better, or the show is about him and not Brian,
then the 'hero' of this show represents a kind of dumb luck, or
maybe that Dexter had a slight advantage because he was younger or
cuter. The whole white male thing though usually represents something
like Will, Reason, Determining One's Own Destiny.
But anyway.. why wouldn't Brian, or any other serial killer deserve
If Brian had had a Harry, and other serial killers had had a Harry,
which one would we like best? I guess most people wonder why any of
this matters for the purposes of entertainment. Well, for lefty pinko
reasons. Perhaps any serial killer, or drug addict or sex worker, or
disadvantaged person in the world, if they had a Harry, could channel
their impulses and early experiences differently, and we'd like them
as much, or more than Dexter.
The whole show is an argument in favour of the importance of nurture
over nature. Nurture is the reason both Dexter and Brian's sociopath
genes were activated (extreme childhood trauma), and the reason we
root for Dexter over all others (Harry takes an interest in Dexter).
So, in fact it tells us the opposite of what the white male
patriarchy and the republicans stand for (solitary will, reason, self-
determination, etc.) Mrs Harry is curiously or perhaps not so
curiously, something of a nonentity in the whole thing.
He is 'nurtured' with the white male patriarchy propaganda. That's
where the problem, the flaw is. And that's why the ending sucks so
badly. So, to recap: nurture is more important than nature, but we
need to make some refinements on the kind of nurture, and we need to
understand that many more of the 'rejects' in society could
potentially benefit from it.
Men might think they're alone in not having the appropriate emotional
response, and this is because they are programmed from a young age to
act as if they do, and programmed to compartmentalize. In effect,
they all might be sociopaths, but if this is the case, maybe it's
really just that we are ignorant, we don't have enough info yet. We
are imposing an idealized morality over reality.
How much can one person realistically evolve in one lifetime? It
would be nice if there was some kind of singularity principle that
could get enough people up to speed, immediately, and I could
retire, or take a vacation.
In the Dexter series, Rita is first married to a guy who abuses her,
physically and psychologically - and then she meets Dexter. Is it
worse to be abused, broken and 'alive', or to have a brief delusional
period that you are in a 'good relationship', and then be killed
because of this non-abusive, but secretive guy? Rita did get stronger
and more assertive in many ways, but not strong enough to be prepared
for Dexter's hidden baggage.
One of the purposes of these seminars is to help people become
prepared for the hidden baggage of the Dexters in their
If serial killers do help keep humans on their toes, when one is
killed off or locked up, does another spring up to fill that gap?
Let's leave my dating history out of this for now.
Dr Velvet Thong winks.
Abominable Snowmonster Therapy
Blinky: I can explain. I suggested that Don Quixote try to
make a monster, for Halloween, and that after that, it could be our
own unique chrismukkah ornament, a new tradition. I was giving him a
creative, fun task to enrich his life, a challenge, while at the same
time symbolically addressing my own psychological baggage with
Don Quixote has never had to meet any member of my biological
family. They're all safely tucked away on the other side of the
world. The Bumble is/was the head of that patriarchy. In a sense, he
spoke for them, because none of them ever became conscious enough to
challenge him.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's also a way of dealing with how difficult
'special occasions' are for you, by taking control, putting your own
positive spin on things?
Blinky: I'm making my own rituals, and consciously choosing
what they mean. When I was young and I watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed
Reindeer, I found The Bumble really scary, but as I got older, I just
thought he was really cute, and I understood that he roared so much
because he had a very bad toothache. I began to realize that in life,
some of The Bumbles never bump into a dentist who can help and it
helped me to see the damage they do differently. All the pain,
confusion, horror of childhood, is still mixed in with some of the
original charm, and I'm focusing on that. I can't let the rest of the
family write my story, or wait for them to understand my part. I can
forgive them if they still want to perpetuate myths like 'Blinky
moved to Australia and is doing great', or 'She's batshit crazy and
is best avoided until she decides to behave'. I can hope that one day
they might understand better.
Don Quixote has become invested in this new ritual. He drew up plans
and made measurements, and he took my suggestions on board. What else
were we going to do with the old flokati rug? He struggled and sweat
over his creation, but I think he also had fun, and was proud of
solving the problems and of the end result. Every step of the way, I
suppose I was the control freak framing the situation: the kids in
the neighbourhood might find the Yeti fun (and maybe adults, too!),
it might make them smile or lift their spirits each year he's trotted
out. They might wonder each year if the Yeti will make his
appearance, and perhaps this is a way I can address and deal with my
psychological baggage and lift other people's spirits at the same
time. I am weaving us all together in my ritual, focusing on the
positive. And although The Bumble died in 2013 and so Don Quixote
will never have a chance to meet him, I can host these posthumous
family get-togethers that leave us all feeling better, not
We can say it's ridiculous to celebrate ridiculous holidays that
should be obsolete by now, or we can admit that in some ways we
like the silliness of it, and we can aim at taking it to a whole
other level. We can admit that we need human connection, and try to
find ways to make the impossible possible.
Dr Velvet Thong: What about having Don Quixote actually meet
the surviving members in person?
Blinky: I don't believe in this lifetime I will ever have a
'fair go' in that situation, factoring in the family of origin, or
Don Quixote himself, and what I know about The World.
Dr Velvet Thong: Say it for the record.
Blinky: Hi my name is Blinky and I'm an unrepentant control
freak. Everyone I've ever known is living in a state of serious
denial that can only be cracked open by Art or Time, and I'm not
sure either of those is on my side.
WTF is Stigma, Anyway?
Blinky: I'm not sure where to even start with this. People
throw words like 'stigma' around, they recognize that it's a Bad
Thing in relation to mental illness, but do they know what it means?
I'm not sure I do.
If at 15 I could ask my parents to see a psychologist, it probably
means I'd read widely enough to think it was my best option at that
point, and I didn't think it was shameful to ask, although it did
take courage, especially because I felt a lot of guilt that my
mother wanted me to talk to her, and I really felt I needed the
input of someone outside the situation.
Less than a year later, with the suicide attempt, I think rumours
started circulating within the family that I was turning into a
nutjob, and on The Bumble's side, I think the most likely thing is
that people made fun of it - it was just the style of humour they
were all brought up with. And on Mama Smurf's side, maybe people
were at first more quiet about it, hushing it up, and hoping it would
work itself out.
I think on both sides of the family, it would seem strange to
actually pay for medical care, and psychological care would be seen
as even more unnecessary/frivolous. The Canadian system paid all
medical expenses (er, except for things like abortions, even at a
time you could only get one if two doctors said it was 'medically
necessary' but I digress.) Look, if we lived in Japan, the old
useless folks and the infirm in the family, like me, would either
have easily consented to be dropped off at that notorious suicide
forest (Aokigahara), or hightailed it there themselves. The American
and even Australian systems would be weird to my family. And tv shows
like Grey's Anatomy? You actually pay for surgery? That's crazy.
I'll try to break it down into sections to make it more manageable:
1. What do you do?
If you're a teenager, and your parents had been bragging for years
about your grades and accomplishments, and suddenly this stops, it
gets embarrassing. For people who especially don't like to admit
any weakness or illness, it becomes a toss up, and it might be the
most psychologically acceptable thing is to start saying the kid's
gone bad, rather than is physically or psychologically weak. And then
as years go by, and it's harder to make up excuses for absences or
lack of progress in life, the truth just can't be hidden any longer.
Perhaps no one means to, but it ends up feeling like you're not
just letting everyone down,
on purpose out of laziness or
weakness, but you're a burden of embarrassment that puts them in the
position of having to cover for you.
2. How much is all this costing?
Money is a big part of the shame. If you're not going to school, you
have to pull your weight in other ways. If no one will accept you
are ill, or don't want anyone to know, then everyone who meets you
will think it's a character issue and the whole shame cycle is
If you're worried about costing money, and you feel out of control
and have tried to force yourself to 'get better', 'get over' your
eating disorder, etc, and you already know your patterns well enough
to know you're not effective at controlling it, then on top of all
the food you're already eating, you understand that no one would want
to invest in something that might be a waste of money. If it costs a
lot to go to university, it would be a shockingly stupid thing to do
to sign someone up if they were too 'unstable' to go. 'Strong'
should be able to leave the house in an instant, with
less than $2 in their pockets, land somewhere, and make a go of it.
We don't admire anyone who can't do that. Stay in your room until
you are ready to do this. We don't want to hear your excuses. We are
not going to coddle you - otherwise you'll never learn.
As time goes by and adulthood is reached and the situation hasn't
changed, part of what happens is a kind of inertia, but it's also
like the hoarding situation. More and more psychological obstacles
get placed in front of the original problem, and it gets harder
and harder to access.
In my particular situation, in being housebound for years, by the
time I was 18 on, even when I didn't have a job, it would have been
negative reinforcement to give me any money. That would have been too
'easy'. The family privacy and politeness policy probably had some
effect, and personal integrity as well on my part. I knew I
should be working, and so I wouldn't complain or attract
attention to it if I ran out of personal supplies. I tried to budget
carefully with money I received for chrismukkah and birthdays. In
Winnipeg, there was a stretch when I didn't have tampons, and I cut
up old sheets and used and reused the rags for a while. Even then, I
reasoned that women all through the ages had been doing this, and
some in poorer countries still did. There was no reason to feel sorry
for myself or to draw attention to it. I had access to a washing
Underneath this, I suppose it was all about embarrassment, stigma,
and money. This embarrassment was a kind of family sewer I lived in,
but thought it was what I deserved.
So, no one is acknowledging 'mental illness', and no one's asking
questions about personal needs, or seeming to inquire about hopes,
dreams or plans for the future. It's either like ostrich syndrome
with everyone pretending not to see, or there's a kind of resentment:
why doesn't she stop inflicting this on us? and fear: We'll never
be free of her.
Yes, it is hard to live with someone who is mentally ill, but it's
hard to be the mentally ill person too, especially if you're somewhat
perceptive and conscientious and compassionate. Most people think the
mentally ill 'aren't all there' and don't realize what a burden they
are, and so they sympathize most with the poor family that has to
bear the burden. And so with friends and society taking the family's
side, it can feel like a very big burden for the mentally ill person
to bear.
In later years, everyone really just left me to sort out my own
monetary issues. Mental illness was My Problem. We don't want to
hear about it. It was like if I tried to bring anything up, I was
imposing, or it was like I had slimed them.
When I was granted disability, partly because the family attended
family therapy sessions with me for a while, it was like after that,
everyone believed it was all settled, for life. I was unmonitored and
unmedicated for many years, but no one inquired about my situation.
They didn't want to know. I think this might somehow relate to
stigma, as well as family psychology and patterns. We've invested as
much as we possibly can in you, more than you deserve, when we
contact you once a year on birthdays or holidays, have the decency
not to inflict your problems on us.
Was I ill, was I weak, was I a scumbag, was I a shirker?? The
reactions of society and my family all seemed to be pointing to what
a loser and an embarrassment I was.
In later years, when having contact with other mentally ill people
online, it did seem that although most of them came from extremely
fucked up families, the ones who did best were those who had a
certain minimum of support, the ones whose families could play some
part in helping connect the person with the system. When I have made
the comment in the past that I was 'too disabled to do all that had
to be done to apply for disability', it's not an exaggeration. It
seems likely to me that many homeless people have less support than
the ones able to go through with the process, although it might be
tricky to spot (and dismissed as them making a choice or being too
difficult to help) because of the internalized brainwashing - the
effects of stigma within families and society.
It has occurred to me more than once that sometimes the homeless
might actually be 'prouder' or more ethical than people like me.
They summed things up, and went dutifully to the forest.
If I write that Don Quixote married me to save me from homelessness,
again there's a collective ewwww that I can hear in my head. I can
hear 'oh the poor nice guy', and there were many concrete examples,
people warning him in my presence that I was just after his money.
So, am I a gold-digger, or am I mentally ill?
You don't just get a permanent resident visa for marrying someone.
There's a complex process. Officially, they were allowed to
discriminate against homosexuals, HIV positive status, TB and
obesity, but a psychologist warned me that they were having a problem
with my eating disorder and so at that point I started to lie to
them. The message I got was: mental illness is expensive. We don't
want people like you in the country. And in the interview, I was
asked a lot of questions about my ability to work fulltime, and by
that time, I knew the only 'right' answer was to lie.
I was extremely conflicted. It didn't make sense to put myself or Don
Quixote through all of this, especially if it was better I die
anyway. Why put it off?
Does any of this have to do with stigma, or is it just about a
sensible way of preventing excess spenditure? In the 17 years I've
lived in Australia, I haven't sought mental health treatment, or had
it forced on me. I've probably utilized medical services less than
the average person, and haven't really cost them much. But did I feel
pressure not to be a 'bad investment' on Australia's part? I would
say so. I was afraid to tell my doctor many things about my
situation, afraid to tell Don Quixote's family much, and this is
partly because it would have put them at risk. The things they had to
sign for me, statutory declarations.. was I really worth it? The less
they knew, the better. So the message continues.. keep it to
yourself, don't burden others. Wouldn't it be better just to kill
And meanwhile, I can see my doctor is suspicious of me, because
I only slowly start telling her some details over the years and so
who would blame her? But it feels like crap to be judged as a bad
person or possibly a liar by someone entrusted to your medical care.
It doesn't make it easy to visit, especially when it's already
difficult to deal with all the self-consciousness in relation to my
3. A really big problem is that there are so many different kinds
of mental illness that even those who accept some kinds still
discriminate against or judge other kinds.
Eating disorders are still not very well understood. My eating
disorder has been like an incapacitating addiction that has affected
every area of life including my ability to plan for a future, attend
school, have a job, even have the confidence to see a doctor, but it
gets summed up as a ridiculous thing, that I barf after meals, and
someone who'd let something like that destroy her life is extremely
shallow and stupid and we just can't relate to her.
An agoraphobic might recognize their reasons for not going out aren't
strictly rational, but still might look down their nose at someone
who suffers from delusions. I did find that in a community of the
mentally ill, the different types are constantly judging each other.
And there's no clear, objective consensus or language to help us all
decipher who's legit and who's milking it, and I think it's because
of the way society is structured, and it's about collective
consciousness and unconsciousness.
The Australian criteria for disability ensure that a lot of people
will slip through the cracks and feel like it's their fault.
When laws and public opinion are not on your side, it does have
effects. It's fantastic that marriage equality has finally passed in
What about how easy it will be to scam the system, or that more and
more people will come forward and the country will go broke from
overload? I'll just quickly say that if so many people
and seek treatment, it's about the state of society, quality of life,
and potential for quality of life in Australia, and that those things
need to be addressed and can't be solved with a pill. As for myself,
I would happily volunteer to be euthanized, if humane options were
4. Those who are mentally ill participate in stigmatizing
I moved away from Canada, letting my family think the worst of me,
because I thought it was best for my ex. Before he met me, he was
pretty isolated, but even when I stopped seeing my family and their
social circle, he continued to see them, and I supported him in this.
I figured I was a lost cause, and he might as well have their
support, social ties crucial to survival.
My marriage with Don Quixote was never real, it was a political act
of defiance, and an act of compassion on his part, and I've always
been ready to step aside for 'someone better for him' than me. I
couldn't help his isolation by donating my family this time. I found
the possums for him! I created a family, a support structure. I
created the first possum website, and I nagged him for years to get
his photos and thoughts out onto the web so that he could 'find his
But I continually act in ways that suggest my life and contributions
are of less importance, and everyone seems quite willing to accept
this. It is a bad idea to bring up the money thing again. If I were
to leave, how realistic is it that I could survive? Don Quixote has
enough that he could give me a kind of charity-alimony that would be
similar to living on disability payments (without disturbing the
security or comfort of his future and retirement), and I could manage
on that, but I'd need help getting set up, and I would need his help
for that, and we've reached some stalemate because until I have the
strength to believe I deserve it, and push for it, we won't be able
to do it, because he requires me to make all the decisions and direct
him completely in it. And I fall over because I'm scared that I won't
do the conscientious thing and kill myself or die after a year or so,
after having a bit of time to live independently, and he will get
stuck paying for me for the rest of my life.
There's absolutely no way I'd qualify for disability or even general
welfare in Australia, and so if anything happened in my relationship
with Don Quixote, I have no other contacts in Australia, I would not
qualify for any kind of benefits and it would be beyond me to apply
anyway, and there's no way in hell I would go back to Canada, but
even if I did, because I've been unmedicated and unmonitored for
decades, I would not qualify for assistance. And it 'looks bad'.
You've been living in Australia? If all you say is true, how did you
manage that?
If I am just a Loser, is there anyone who appreciates my guilt and
embarrassment about it enough to say: er, in this kind of case,
voluntary euthanasia would be humane? Rather than let me continue to
bleed poor suckers dry to the end of my life? What kind of benefit
am I to society? All I do is Take, and never Give Back.
So.. are my attitudes about myself in part about lack of adequate
info about mental illness and about stigma, or are they justifiable,
deserved Low Self-Esteem?
Have we connected the dots here? Or made a good start? Can anyone
else take it from here? Please?
Dr Velvet Thong: Are you feeling self-conscious about how
often you've repeated yourself over the years?
Blinky: Yep, you guessed it. Am I really saying anything new,
or am I even saying things in a different way?
Dr Velvet Thong: I think it makes sense that you might forget
what you've already said, or how well you said it, because you
haven't received enough feedback. There's no evidence of people
hearing your words, even when you string them together particularly
well. However, I do think you have made progress over the years. I
see it, if no one else does.
Blinky: I have figured out a way to try to express a
significant problem with the situation here.
Smartphones. I keep explaining my situation wrt addiction, depression
and isolation, and through Don Quixote's framework of knowledge it is
interpreted in sort of the old literary or artistic tradition.
Writers and artists suffer for their art, by now my personality and
patterns are fixed, all we can do is sort of try to get through the
'bad times'.
Smartphones = unfortunate language tools to help us get the necessary
message across. Terms, vocab. Mentally ill. Disability. Odious as it
all is, intellectually limiting as it all is.
Blinky: I want to state clearly that I am uncomfortable with
just waiting. My level of discomfort isn't acceptable, and your level
of trying to pretend it's all fine isn't acceptable to me.
When it comes to the rest of the world, I know you don't have a
language to describe 'what I am' or what I do, and so I know that I
must be a source of embarrassment or discomfort. In order to help
you, and to help myself, I think we have to put some effort into
updating this 'smartphone'.
Don Quixote: I don't really know how to do that. We're
probably going to let it drop, and go back to keeping the peace
here as long as possible.
Blinky: Does it seem at all strange or disturbing to you that
I don't have a phone or don't use the computer any more? That I only
go on once a month and/or to shop for basics, that I have no contacts
besides you, that I no longer add to my website. Are you worried
about how I pass the time in my room, not having contact with anyone,
and not using a computer and not reading books? Do you wonder what's
going on in my mind?
Every day is an Emergency, and every day is a feat of endurance to
get through, but I am getting better at containing it in my room.
And so I wonder, if I don't feel 'special enough to deserve to live',
how can I possibly have the energy to do that for others? Is there
something hypocritical in it? Or just sad? How do I escape the
pattern? Because every time I weigh the options, it still seems to me
best to compromise, to admit that I want to do something special for
you, and that some years I can be better at it than others.
Don Quixote: The trip to Northern Rivers was really great,
and many of my birthdays have been really good. I really appreciate
Blinky: I am glad. I do like it when you are able to enjoy
things. It makes me feel better.
Dr Velvet Thong: Obviously you know that it's a major burden
for one person to be a mentally ill person's sole support?
Blinky: Of course I do, and that's why I could see the areas
in which he himself lacked support and I tried to encourage him to
build those areas, even if it meant making friends who would counsel
him to distance himself from me. He can't do the same for me, and so
it reinforces that I deserve less support, I'm the one with less
value to society.
When I am isolated, when I haven't used the computer in months or
added to my site, he doesn't say, 'you have important things to say,
what's going on with your website at present?' He doesn't say 'people
would benefit from talking to you, you're a really interesting person
who makes people think' or 'what can I do to help you focus on
another trip?' I see his mental patterns and hoarding patterns, and I
try to figure out ways to organize and channel differently. I
challenge the system. The way he tries to help me is always to simply
bring me the drugs to placate me but perpetuate the cycle. He thinks
it's cruel not to, even when I tell him ultimately it's crueler to
just keep letting the days go by and not try to find some way to
challenge the system/pattern. You have a smart brain. Did you just
inherit political and social viewpoints from your journalist father,
or can you take a bunch of new, unfamiliar info, sort through it and
reach your own conclusions? Do you need some authority figure to
give you the greenlight, to let you know it's a worthwhile cause, or
And I have to feel guilty that talking to me is so draining because
it's unimportant, fluffy, psychological hoarding garbage that has to
be sorted through, but sorting out his hoarding issues, which takes
massive effort on my part, is something I must bear stoically,
because his problems aren't as ridiculous as mine? And when he talks,
and goes on and on, actually kind of similar to me, except with
different subject matter, it's more valid, because it's about how
things work scientifically, it's about technical problems and things
that are generally more important because they are about either his
paid work, or his hobbies which everyone praises, compared to all the
stuff I do, which is useless and rightly gets no negative
reinforcement in the form of encouraging feedback.
And people will see his intellectual points, his online
organizational style, and compare with mine, and think ah, she's a
horror to live with, never shuts up, etc, and they don't know that
I've now been keeping track, and he goes on about things much longer
than I do, and I contribute more meaningful suggestions and comments
than most of the fluffy Humanities types do than he can return to me,
so there's no damn equality. But if I lose it one day, because I
finally think I need to write, if he can't help me with my issues the
way I can him with his, and I lose my temper when he begins a long
discourse on something and I say:
I'm sorry, I can't talk to Treebeard right now!
I feel like an absolute shithead, and the guilt keeps piling on all
the guilt and shame and stigma Hoarder's Mountain and how am I ever
to Give Back something Positive?
His family is like mine in some ways. You suck it up and solve your
own problems, or you take yourself to the forest. Don't embarrass us
or yourself. It's a perfectly sound intellectual choice to kill
yourself, but do it with dignity.
I think it is a family system/communication problem, and a stigma
problem. I wasn't allowed to talk about my 'condition', and so no one
really knew what it was. They thought it was something that wasn't
real, and that I was choosing to be a deadbeat, not that I didn't
have enough support such that I could be a support in return.
I accepted my lot for a long time, or I tried to, and I accepted the
putdowns, even when or maybe because I knew they weren't really aware
they were doing it. And then I began to see things differently, and
to see it made more sense for me to choose not to attend family
functions rather than say 'I can't'. But with this, I also realized
it was important to try to explain why, and when I tried, I was shut
out. I 'should' have tried harder, perhaps, but it was too difficult
to take everyone on, when they were so invested in maintaining the
status quo. I had to accept that I couldn't change the system from
It was important to get a 'divorce' from family, to level the field,
and make it possible to make choices. Only if we could be genuinely
interested in each other's lives (and that goes both ways) would we
be a real family. Only if you remove the programmed obligation is
there a chance to make a choice.
When people have fantasies that some movies/books represent regarding
slavery, about being the 'nice white person' who helps the black
person (or the straight person who befriends gays) who is suffering
indignities and prejudice, can they relate that fantasy to any
current issues, such that they are able to step up and actually do
something before other people are the ones to step up? I know I have
written this badly, but I will try to get the idea down. If you
support some causes in theory, and even have fantasies about being a
certain kind of person, shouldn't you actually act while you have a
chance to do so, while you have a chance to be one of the voices that
is heard? So that it's not just the case that after the fact you sit
around watching movies and having fantasies about being one of the
people who tried to speak out in some way, or help?
It might be good to work that story in again, about how I seemed 'the
person who least needed to be on a psych ward' in all my
incarcerations, and the psych nurse at the last place confided that
Day School was only for the Hopeless Cases before she realized I was
one. When after almost a year of family therapy I mentioned that I
was interested in applying for disability, she asked me if I wanted
to attend Day School.
It was like I had let her down, or was choosing to fail, when she had
bet on me to make it out. Maybe she wanted me to be one of her
success stories, but in the end, it's like she judged me in the ways
the teachings of Family Therapy were fundamentally against. It's like
she was a therapist and didn't really understand the philosophies of
the type of therapy she was offering. The failure of the individual
is about a damaged family system. It's not about the individual
choosing to be weak, but that's what all my family members took away
from therapy ultimately, and in part, the therapists themselves
contributed to it.
So, sometimes psych patients can lose even more self-esteem, if their
therapists, and family judge them. You're the exception! In most
families, it's about a damaged system, faulty styles of communication
and obsolete and stubborn beliefs, but in this case, you are simply
the worst excuse for a human being we've ever enountered, and we
totally sympathize with your poor beleaguered family.
The psychiatrist in this situation was someone I only saw a few
times, and it was difficult to talk to him. I had trouble
understanding his accent, and he had to repeat things, and that made
me feel bad, and then he made me repeat absolutely horrific and
uncomfortable events from my life, very slowly, like word by word, so
he could write them down. And I felt bad, because it was like maybe
the whole thing meant I was prejudiced for not understanding his
accent. But he never really shared any of his insights about me or my
situation. He did write on the report for social services that my
prognosis was Poor. I did see that. And later, when I had to see him
to sign some forms when I moved in with Gandhi, he asked if I was
planning to have children and I said decisively no, and he replied
something like 'good'.
Whereas in the online dating community for the mentally ill, it
seemed many people there didn't seem to worry about that kind of
thing, it was like they had dealt with professionals who steered them
toward dreams of relationships which did not preclude the possibility
of having children. And of course, many of them already had
The doctor wouldn't have signed the forms if he didn't think I
'needed' disability. It might have been a personal disappointment
that family therapy didn't 'work', especially with such a 'promising'
family, but that was never communicated to me, and in the end it felt
like the Failure was about me in particular, my choices, and that's
what my family took away from the whole thing, not that the family
itself was a 'hopeless case'.
If we look at family communication over the years, it seems seriously
dysfunctional. The one person who is 'out of touch with reality' is
the only one who can actually communicate like a responsible adult,
who can identify problems or when she herself is angry, and try to
make changes for the better. And this person is the one who is
considered the most dysfunctional. She puts 'more' into communication
than any of the others, yet is considered someone shallow and
negative, who cannot really love.
I want to write down a 'karma incident', but it might also relate to
the whole stigma issue and how it affects self-esteem. When I was 20
or so, I had an extremely painful period, and when my father saw me,
he said it looked like I was going into shock. My face was white, my
lips were blue, and I was in horrific pain. I went to see a doctor
near where he worked, and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. I
never had an answer. To be fair, doctors see all kinds of people, and
it is known that women have bad periods sometimes, and they vomit,
have diarrhea and a lot of pain. But I was someone who didn't leave
the house/apartment, and for me to go to a doctor, it had to be
really fucking serious. I'd seen some of the girls who had bad
periods, and I'm not sure that what I was going through was the same
The Bumble described the doctor as 'dozey'.
When at 21 I called a Distress Centre in distress and went on about
my situation, that I wasn't leaving the house, the person I talked to
said that if you don't do something soon, you will have a problem for
life, and the person asked if I had a family doctor, and I didn't
have one, and so a few more questions got them to identify that the
last doctor I had seen was that one, and in my distress I called him
'dozey', as The Bumble had done, because he hadn't helped me with my
'serious pain'. And I've always wondered if that volunteer contacted
that doctor and told him what I said, and if that was why during a
pap smear I had at 21 later in the year, when I was thin, he
'accidentally' cut my vagina with the metal speculum, such that blood
was running down my leg. And so I thought maybe it was karma, maybe I
'deserved' it for speaking about him in that way. He apologized
profusely, and I said it was OK, and I never saw him again. I guess I
thought maybe it was like we were now even. If he had been testing my
pain threshhold, I guess he would have seen that to me, a vaginal
tear was like a mosquito bite compared to what I was going through
with the period pain.
A few major family deaths have occurred in the time I have lived in
Australia, and I have usually received a brief message sometime after
a funeral has occurred. I sensed some anger or resentment in this
approach, (is this somehow connected to the whole stigma thing, too?)
but it seemed impossible to get anyone to open up about it. The best
I can work out is that others were angry at my withdrawal and
perceived lack of caring and responsibility, whereas my side of the
story was that because I couldn't communicate about how depression
had affected my life (family members would not respond to any
conversation that veered in this direction), I couldn't establish a
bridge between the differing perspectives.
Dr Velvet Thong: I have to admit that I'm not sure what advice
to give you. I think it makes sense that you'd eventually think
divorce was the only answer, but there's still the problem of finding
some recognizable role for yourself in life. When you encounter new
people, they usually seem to possess some of the same beliefs and
communication style as your family, which dredges up the past again.
Do you try to force yourself to 'get over it', and shun words like
'mental illness' and 'disability', and accept that you will live a
life, in your room, in your head, dreaming of a future society you'll
never be part of, because you'll be long dead by then? I think you
might be doomed to keep trying to explain things, even if no one ever
seems to register that you've said anything of import.
If the people you know feel embarrassed when they are asked questions
about you by those in their lives, when they don't know what to say,
or have to make up lies for everyone's comfort, I think that has
something to do with stigma.
Barfing Mad: The Department of Addiction and Psychic Crime
Dr Velvet Thong: How do you expect people to react to
your history with eating problems?
Blinky: I understand that for most people it's difficult to
grasp that a person can have a problem with eating patterns that is
severe enough to be debilitating when it comes to every aspect of
life: in schooling, work, social life, and even when it comes to
seeking medical attention itself. It 'sounds' like the person is
just being silly, and I get that, but my problems with food were as
serious as a 'real, grownup addiction' from the time I was 13 on, and
I didn't know how to express that.
For me, there are a lot of other issues all tangled together,
including PTSD and low self-esteem, and undiagnosed BDD.
[One aspect of BDD: I need to isolate it and draw attention to it,
that when it came to rape, my biggest fear was not rape itself, but
that my skin would be exposed and rapists would see it and find me
disgusting. That has to be underlined, and challenged. Somehow I
doubt I'm the only one, and yet it's not an angle I see people
Dr Velvet Thong: When you speak of attaining focus, some
people have thought you might suffer from ADD, and that you might
need meds to treat that.
Blinky: It's embarrassing, but 'focus' is about concentrating
all my effort to subdue the addiction for a while. It's a willpower,
mind-over-matter kind of thing, and it relates to the fact that when
it comes to food, you can't go without food altogether, and so you
have to 'control' intake in some way.
If I were capable of getting help, I think I'd need those helping
1. Be honest about whether they think I look better when technically
underweight, or if they see the pros and cons for both under and
what is currently considered a medically 'healthy' weight.
2. Be willing to accept that if the details could be worked out, it
might be 'healthier' longterm to help me maintain an underweight
goal than to try to get me to accept a 'healthy' weight.
Decades ago, during my last hospitalization, the eating disorder was
seen as a priority, and the hospital staff tried to get me into a
well-respected eating disorder program and study. I wasn't stable
enough to attend more than one session, and so I ended up in the
'hopeless case' category, or the one where people say you have to
want help to be helped. I wanted help, but I didn't know how to
identify my broken leg or quadriplegic state, and others couldn't see
it. To get to the sessions, I needed some kind of support system to
encourage me to go, to believe it was important and might help, to
believe that I was worth helping, and to escort me to sessions.
Internally, all of that was missing.
Dr Velvet Thong: So basically that state of personal
instability has persisted for all this time but you're not
technically dead. That's one long, drawn-out pernicious fatal
Blinky: Yes. And it applies to a lot of things, including
whether I could even volunteer to help others who are 'worse off'
than me.
Dr Velvet Thong: But you could travel to Australia, and you
could travel around the world on your own, so surely that looks
inconsistent, especially to people who might realize not all people
can travel on their own?
Blinky: It's a different kind of beast, and requires a
different kind of psychological 'preparation'.
I think it makes sense that based on my past experiences, having
contact with doctors and hospitals can trigger a PTSD reaction which
no one identifies. I don't have a basic level of trust in this area.
And, I don't really trust that I
can be helped, and in
addition to that, I might not be good at fighting unconscious
judgments that I don't 'deserve' treatment or even to live.
But travel.. that's the unknown, that's where 'life' is 'possible',
and so to focus (a short-term burst of) energy to achieve that makes
a kind of sense.
Dr Velvet Thong: Is the best place to start to stop
Blinky: I realize that most people believe alcoholics lie to
themselves and others and live in denial..
But if I try to sum up my situation, it's not that I just didn't
notice as alcohol was becoming more and more of a problem, and
somehow I lost my life, job, friends.
If I give up alcohol, we have a wac-a-mole situation, and the
countdown begins as to when another addiction will pop up in its
place. Alcohol isn't the primary addiction.
I only resorted to alcohol because I had no clue as to how to live.
Take alcohol out of the equation, and there is still the pattern of
addiction, along with the underlying damaged foundation/belief
system, and a kind of personal instability that feels like panic.
It's probably bad to use that word (panic), because then people think
ah, let's get her some meds. It's probably better to describe it as
the lack of a belief system which can help me become anchored in life
in a practical way. It's 'scary' to realize how difficult it is to
anything to live for. But once I give up alcohol, without
attaining immediate 'focus', I fall into caffeine-sugar abuse that is
pretty extreme, and if I manage to avoid that, it's only a matter of
time before the eating disorder is triggered again. The return of
disordered eating is the state I fear most, the one with fewest
rewards and the most severe punishment.
If I decide that it's better to do something to try to change my
situation, even if only temporarily, for variety's sake, it seems the
best place to start is to give up alcohol, and then the pattern can
manifest in one of the following ways:
1. Within a few days, I am 'focused' enough to start 'improving' my
situation. Technically, it starts out 'healthy' or would seem so to
the casual observer. I try to nourish myself well, I begin to
exercise, I try to start compensating for whatever might be
compromised with my health. I can't attain this kind of focus if I am
drinking coffee. Caffeine/sugar detox is a real bitch for me, but a
necessary step in giving up alcohol. I have to be prepared to go
without any 'pickmeups', 'rewards', 'energy boosts', as well as
relaxation, for an extended period. It would be insane of me to think
I could do it forever, but I go in thinking I'll do it as long as I
possibly can, so as to consciously create contrast and the
possibility of pleasure again.
Sometimes, I can only do this for a short time, days or a few weeks,
and then I go back to alcohol and caffeine. I feel the most 'hopeful'
when I've managed to attain enough focus to go without for an
extended period. I feel I have at least some control when I am
trying to 'do something' about my life and unhappiness. However, if
we look at the pattern over the course of my life, I have only been
able to maintain this kind of control for short periods, even though
in the past I did not go into it thinking I'd eventually revert to
addictive behaviour. I went in thinking I was giving it up for good,
and was proven wrong, over and over and over, so, I (eventually)
adjusted my expectations. Don't forget, this pattern started when I
was 13, and in the first years, I put in massive efforts to focus and
have a life, I was much less jaded, and I had the energy and strength
of youth on my side.
The most successful times have lasted anywhere from 10 weeks to 8
months, and these times in my life tend to stick out as leading to
the most 'postive' and memorable periods. But, it is unrealistic
given the record that I can attain this state indefinitely, and part
of that is because the only way to motivate myself is to make lists
of things I might still want to do in life. And now, on those lists,
I can't keep alcohol or caffeine out of them. There's going to be a
crash; the only question is when.
As I get healthier and physically stronger, I will restrict caloric
intake and increase physical exercise, if I can, gauging how my body
is handling it all/responding. At my current age, 1000-1200 calories
per day seems to be fine, and I try to make sure my choices are as
nutrient-dense as possible. When I first give up alcohol and
caffeine, though, I find it necessary to start off with a much higher
caloric intake - 2000 calories per day, until I start to feel my
system regaining a kind of balance, and then I slowly taper
When I hit a plateau, then I will introduce phases of increased
restricting, but sometimes in monitoring my body's reactions, I sense
things are becoming too extreme, and so I go back to 1000-1200, or
even slightly higher until it feels it's all 'in balance'. Also, if
by this time a few months have gone by, I will start wanting to go
out, so there might be days where I have a higher caloric intake, and
I think of it as 'positive' to go out to lunch or something, but the
rule is: no alcohol, no caffeine. It's still not really 'unhealthy'
to the casual observer. It seems like I am 'getting my shit
together'. And, I am still in control.
At this point, I might be able to fit into some clothing that is a
really low size (0-4 Canadian/American, 6 Australian), but I don't
really look that size, and so we get into the more fucked up
I wanted to note something before continuing: my mother and sister
might look better at a higher weight because of their head/face
size and shape. I notice that in wearing wigs, with very thick hair,
that seem to add size to my head, in the overall sense I look more
proportional, even when 'fat'. A 'socialist beauty' principle, maybe
if there was some other way to get me up to a certain level of
beauty, I wouldn't focus as much on fitness and weight, but there is
a certain level I personally need to reach in order to feel
comfortable 'enough' in my own skin. So, on that front, I would say
that wearing wigs and hats contributes to my mental health and makes
personal grooming rituals less time consuming and traumatic.
Continuing on..
Once I'm at that phase, it's usually a question of how long before I
lose control. I've often planned trips to sort of get me 'launched'
into the world before I lose it, so I have a chance to enjoy my 'hard
work'. When I was younger, I could get it together quicker, and
that's maybe partly because I could gauge my body's reactions and how
much it could take. In the past, even with a slightly higher calorie
count, I could do a lot of exercise, which produced results quickly.
I'm not sure how much was about being really in tune with my body, or
how much was fear, but in later years, with the drinking, I would
think maybe it was too 'dangerous' too push harder/faster factoring
in the alcohol consumption, and what effects it might have had on my
While I'm in control, I've always vaguely had the sense that 'maybe
this time can be different, maybe I can keep going'. And then my
illusions are shattered again and again, even when after I begin to
lose control I keep trying to tell myself, it's one slip, it doesn't
undo everything, try again. I have even tried to break the pattern
in other ways, like immediately going on a trip. But it doesn't
work, and there's a period of extremely unhealthy out of control
behaviour, and then it sort of stabilizes at a slightly less
unhealthy level. Eventually, though, I think during one of these
extreme relapse periods there's a good chance of a crisis requiring
2. If after I stop drinking I don't attain focus within a few days,
I go into a crazy caffeine-sugar mode. My food intake is fine, I can
eat 'normally', even 'healthily', aside from the massive skim soy
mocha lattes. I feel constant unease. My weight might be relatively
stable, but it's too 'high', it's 'unattractive', and it means I
don't want to do any of the things on my 'lists'. If this phase goes
on too long, I risk very unpleasant stomach pain.
3. I haven't done this in years, so I don't know if I even can. But,
no alcohol, no caffeine, just 'eating naturally'. My weight would
be as in 2., with all the associated issues except stomach pain.
What is more likely, although I suppose this is just a projection,
is that the bulimia would resurface, because the underlying pattern
of addiction dictates that I need 'release', or it feels like there
is a kind of pressure that
never goes away, even after months
or years. If after a year at a 'healthy' but unattractive weight,
with no b/p episodes I assess that I haven't had any pleasure in that
year, it doesn't seem likely to me I will ever feel pleasure, no
matter how long I keep going. So, I can't keep it up.
The state I like best is 1. (correction: the very brief part after
1., when I've lost control, but can momentarily enjoy it - that's as
close as I get to pleasure), but it's really hard to attain. Also,
I'm really scared of the crashes. The most 'hopeful' thing I guess
would be to get into this phase, get out of the house, and get to
some place where I could talk to someone about these patterns before
I crash and isolate myself. I can't make it as simple as 'I'm ready
to make changes, please help me figure out how to attain the changes
I desire'.. it is more like 'I have a window, I would like my life to
change, but I think I need to try to talk about the options, and try
to figure out how realistic it might be that I can change or if there
is any realistic way I can find a kind of life I actually want'. And
I'm not sure, but it could be that psychologists are wary of my type,
and don't think I'm 'ready' enough or 'positive' enough. And so I'm
not sure if the Catch-22 is obvious enough.
4. I accept that drinking is the best solution, and this might even
reduce the total number of episodes, since I'm not always trying to
force 'New Year's Eve'. Drinking is better than b/p behaviour. I at
least have some fun and a reduction in the sharpness of
consciousness, and I seem to be good enough at monitoring 'day after
health' that I experience less discomfort with a hangover than I did
with b/p behaviour. If weight is similar anyway, then it does seem
the more attractive option. And, since the things I wanted on my
previous lists came with conditions, and an important one related to
youth and attractiveness, my maximum potential, since that is no
longer available to me, the way to have a 'meaningful' existence
might be to try to drink and write/create.
I think though that I have reached some other conclusion that I
didn't before when I was completely willing to just say my existence
has been shit, it would be better if I had never existed, it would be
fine to die at any time. If there could be a world in which I got to
be young and attractive, and in which if I still had all the
addiction issues but there were no consequences to appearance or
health, I might at least for a time find life intriguing enough to
explore. If I could choose from any university in any time period,
and sit in on classes, I could possibly begin to pick up a few things
I originally wanted to learn but was too fucked up to go to school.
If a person could travel anywhere, visit any era, I mean, even if I
still have meaning of life issues that can't be resolved, I think
it's possible I could manage to live longer.
4. Obviously is not realistic, because I think my addictions are
escalating, and my health might not hold up. It's like I 'need' a
more 'hopeful' 1. phase occasionally to balance the whole.
5. If I try to do something 'productive', say get an online degree in
Psychology and then go from there to continue learning, I will be
dealing with the underlying pattern still, and any course I take will
come with an underlying addictive pattern of behaviour that's about
getting to some finish line. Alcohol and caffeine would be a major
part of trying to 'accomplish' this. I would keep trying to reach
milestones with the promise of rewards - and I would be thinking that
at graduation, there'd be a major 'breakdown'. I might reason it's
better to try, and I've used this reasoning with other
'accomplishments', like finishing new websites, doing work on the
house, even planning trips, but there is a kind of pressure to the
pattern that's very unpleasant. The lists of my 'accomplishments'
over the years are impressive in some ways, but more predominant is
the wish to just stop the cycle and be done with it all at
I think I've managed to get the basics down, and the thing is that
when it comes to psychologists, I'm not sure how many could
understand these basics. But if it's something obvious, and they
refuse to explain it me, I think that really sucks. 'All addicts
think exactly like you, it's not big news'. Er, so what do I do?
If I was prescribed meds of any kind, it would have to occur in
a 1. phase, and then monitoring might be difficult. I would have to
feel trust with a doctor pretty much immediately, or I wouldn't be
so likely to go back. I'd need to feel there was the potential to
talk in-depth. Most of those I've talked to in the past only heard
small parts of the story, and even when they tried to address
different aspects of my problems with different types of therapy,
it didn't seem like anyone was overseeing the whole operation,
someone with insight into how all the different conditions impacted
one another. The prescribing doctor I suppose is the one with that
overview, but I've never talked to any of them for more than short
periods of time, and I didn't actually trust that they did have
more than a very simple overview of my situation.
It is possible that meds might be needed to bring me up somewhat,
sort of like addressing a nutritional deficiency by loading certain
things for a while, but I think such efforts are likely to fail
without a good understanding of the underlying patterns and
If my beliefs about myself and my appearance don't change, I don't
think any amount of meds would get me out of the house. I think the
problem has more to do with beliefs than anxiety. Meds that help me
feel less depressed or give me more energy wouldn't be likely to help
if my weight stayed the same. I would be in one of the situations
above that feels like 'limbo' and in which I don't really want to do
things on my lists.
I probably wouldn't be able to give up alcohol in order to take meds.
And if I were on meds, and did not feel a doctor or therapist had
much interest in talking to me, if I felt my situation bored that
person and I was not likely to ever get the validation or
ackknowledgment I feel I need, I'd bail, become alienated. If I felt
the person was just waiting for the meds to do their magic, that
eventually I'd discover I was enjoying life and didn't need to talk
about all the unnecessary stuff, I'd feel extremely alienated. The
pattern would overwhelm the process, I'd withdraw and fall into one
of the states above, most likely a drinking one. I feel I
a validation regarding my experience and my insights.
Dr Velvet Thong: You do see why professionals might not think
you 'want' help, or think you have to at least be ready to give up
alcohol before they can start helping you?
Blinky: Am I supposed to agree it's because I have a bad
attitude, am in denial or just being stubborn? When I give up
alcohol, I use every ounce of my energy to do it, and when I lose it,
I just don't see any way to get it back. I think it's about
internalized beliefs and lack of internal support. Maybe this is the
very definition of a hopeless case? There isn't enough of a
foundation to build from and we can't rebuild from scratch, it's too
Dr Velvet Thong: Have you tried meditation?
Blinky: When it comes to things like meditation, I do that as
best I can on my own, I do have my own centreing process, but
otherwise, it's just not achievable for me to attend classes or seek
out gurus. I'm probably not finding the right words to explain it to
people when I try, and I just keep repeating that I don't have the
minimum level of personal stability to manage that kind of
The last time I went to Melbourne, I contacted a psychologist, and
ideally, if I had been able to start going then, I might have been
able to begin a long range plan to live on my own there.
Dr Velvet Thong: What happened with that?
Blinky: The psychologist I contacted didn't reply to my
email, and it was too difficult to be pushy.
Dr Velvet Thong: And that's not the first time that has
happened to you, and so I suppose here we are.
Blinky: When I read things online about eating disorders, it
really stresses me out. On Yahoo UK there was an article regarding an
increase in eating disorders in increasingly younger children. When I
read the comments below the article, it seemed to me that a lot of
people still do not really know what an eating disorder is.
There were comments about the media and music videos, and mothers who
babble on and on about diets, but there were also a lot of comments
related to 'spoiling children', giving them too much choice with
food, and allowing them to behave like brats. There were also
comments that seemed to focus in on the childhood obesity issues,
pretty much saying we need to be honest with kids, not coddle
There were comments about selfishness, and how kids need to be taught
to think about others - for example, that their silliness with food
will cost a lot in medical resources.
And I just thought yikes, these attitudes sure have helped me a lot
through the years with my eating disorder. As if I didn't have enough
guilt. Do I really have less insight, am I really someone who isn't
capable of trying as hard or being as responsible as the people who
make these sorts of comments?
Dr Velvet Thong: Try to remember that we came to the
conclusion it was best for you to try to automatically block this
kind of noise. The most 'pro-active' way you can deal with it is to
try to articulate your own experience and observations, but to be
selective about where.
Blinky: In the last few months we had contact, when I returned
from Australia and was trying to go through the process of applying
for disability in Toronto, part of Gandhi's disgust related to my
eating disorder. I think in large part it was like at that point he
felt backed up by society's opinion and disgust with eating
disorders, and even though bulimia was a clear diagnosis of mine, it
was like it had no real meaning in the face of his and society's
disgust. Our relationship had broken up, and it was clear he wanted
the friendship to end, unless I could just snap out of the eating
disorder. He'd seen it for 7 years, and was tired of it. He didn't
want me to waste any more money on food, because he was ready to
invest everything into his future. I was beyond embarrassed about not
being able to control it.
I felt embarrassed, because it is wasteful and it does cost money
to engage in an eating disorder, and the more pressure I felt to
stop the behaviour so it wouldn't cost more, the harder it was to
stop, and for those 4 months, I was badly out of control.
I came back to Canada at about 105 lbs, and it wasn't long before I
had gained a certain amount, and kept yoyoing, bingeing and then
fasting. I had no self-confidence, I didn't go out anywhere on my own
except to buy food, and to try to apply for disability. I didn't have
alcohol even once - that wouldn't have occurred to me, it just wasn't
my thing back then, I needed all money for food binges and rent. I
did actually budget binges.. Loblaws Superstores were great for
buying snack type foods in bulk. It was $9.99 to have a large pizza
and Coke delivered from PizzaPizza, but that was the only takeaway I
had at that time.
It is difficult when those who care about you most look at you with
disgust. I think the hopelessness of it is part of what makes it seem
like the only answer is to die. No one will really love you; how
could they?
When the suicide attempt at 16 was dismissed as nothing more than a
pathetic attempt at manipulation, right there is when things became
the most hopeless, probably.
I guess my idea of myself was that I was a 'good kid' with a
'promising future', and that I actually complained less than most
kids, was less bitchy than most kids, and so something had to be
really bad for me to go off the rails, and I kept wanting someone
with authority to recognize it, and no one did, and so that became an
identity I was never comfortable with, that I was always just a dud.
It took years, decades, to even begin to question how serious the
suicide attempt was - even on a.s.h it was like I had been
brainwashed into downplaying it, but I know now that even before the
string of events that occurred just after I got out of the hospital,
I had no idea how to cope, and that was what had led to the attempt.
I couldn't see myself being able to cope with the amount of stress
and tension I was living with, I couldn't see any way to have or plan
for a life. It was already
that bad at 15, and it was a
fullblown addiction. It wasn't a momentary blip. Something was wrong
or broken
already, and it was never resolved, and I'm still
there in that place.
And I feel mean bringing it up, but I think it's an important part of
the story, and it shows that even 'nice' people, intellectuals can
find themselves extremely angry when it comes to the implications of
whatever it is that's wrong with me that doesn't have a diagnosis or
any validation/acknowledgement: Don Quixote could become so angry
with me, so frustrated, that he cracked my ribs. I did not then, and
I have never used physical violence with him, even to defend myself.
People say that abusers will always do it again, and so if someone
only does it the once, then maybe it's a special occasion, and it's
because someone really deserved it, because the nice, understanding
person was pushed past their limit. Again, I'm the exception. It's
not because people don't understand depression or how isolated I was;
it's probably because I did something I'm not willing to own up
to? Something that would cause any long-suffering decent person to
But at that stage we had been together a few years, I had tried to
explain as well as I could, and I was actually extremely self-
conscious about how much I had cost him over time, and I was worried
about him getting stuck with me. I had tried to live on my own, but I
wasn't any closer to having a job or social life, and in another half
a year or so, I just wouldn't have had money left. There was no long-
range plan in place, I couldn't apply for benefits in Australia,
especially considering all the lies to get the visa, and meanwhile,
that whole process and meeting everyone else in Australia just
reinforced that everyone suspected I was a deadbeat he was better off
without, and who wants trash like that in our country, etc.
When the only person who 'cares' about you gets so mad at your
condition that he breaks your bones, doesn't it seem to make sense
that it 'feels' like you need some kind of acknowledgement from the
world regarding your condition, whatever it is? And if you don't get
that, then it seems like people are judging you and looking down on
you? And that if you can't bring it up, people might remain unaware
of their hidden beliefs and prejudices?
Dr Velvet Thong: Sometimes people with eating disorders have
early onset osteoporosis. Maybe it wouldn't have taken much to
break your ribs?
Blinky: I wondered about that, but even at age 49, the first
time I ever had a bone density scan, my bones had a normal-to-high
It fucking sucks to be the disgusting leech others can't get rid of.
I tried to warn him, but it's like the pattern is so strong.
The Bumble set the example for family that physical violence, anger,
disgust and embarrassment were appropriate reactions to my
depression/condition. They internalized it, but I could feel it in
their silence, and their refusal to challenge The Bumble, when he
said things like: 'Get a fucking job, you fucking loser!'
It feels to me that if I try to disturb the status quo, the whole
family would be likely to band together to put me in my place, and
that's why I felt so much guilt and kept destroying what I wrote
over the years.. I feared retribution. When the response to your
feelings and assessments is anger, the world ganging up on you, it's
not much of an incentive to have feelings or speak.
I can't just keep repeating about how isolated I am and that maybe it
would be better for both of us to try to get me settled in Melbourne,
or that I need someone to believe it would be valuable for me to
have someone to talk to, and without that kind of support, it just
reinforces that nothing can be done and everyone just waits for me
to die, and I try to act as if it's not excruciating.
Dr Velvet Thong: More than that is reinforced. All of your
issues with appearance as well. As long as you don't leave the
house because you are uncomfortable with your appearance, if it's
not challenged or questioned, it is a kind of reinforcement of all
your harmful beliefs.
Blinky: Let's not forget though that I don't have actual
occasions to go outside. That is part of the issue now. I don't get
invitations, I don't have social connections or obligations, and in
order to go out, I have to consciously choose to, and meanwhile, I
live in a place that I don't find culturally or socially
But back to appearance issues and beliefs and reinforcement.. when we
met, Don Quixote said it was probably a good thing I wasn't more
beautiful, because if I had been, he probably wouldn't have been able
to control himself from begging me to marry him the second I stepped
off the plane.
Dr Velvet Thong: A true incentive to put up with mental
illness, maybe.. You said that Gandhi and Vlad had also agreed that
they could be happy with someone who was 'pretty, but
Blinky: When Gandhi told me that, I realized he wasn't
Dr Velvet Thong: Don Quixote was a very inexperienced male,
and so you had to cut him some slack, not expect he'd never put his
foot in his mouth.
Blinky: Yes, that's true, and I really did try, but over time,
I knew that I was never going to be special 'enough' to feel special.
Underneath it all, we were both invested in 'saving him' for
someone 'better'. I wasn't tough enough to keep bracing myself and
so I steered us toward focusing on the friendship.
In the early years, and all through the years, I tried to write up
things to make sure I wasn't pushing things further into dependence,
and I had suggestions, like take me to the ocean, that there will be
times when I can't bring stuff up myself, and at that point, you need
to know what to say. But he could never remember. And after all these
years, I would say every time I tried to give up alcohol or start
losing weight that I couldn't be asked questions about preparing
meals, and again and again, I wrote, I typed, I said by mouth, a list
of things that were 'ok', and just prepare it at the right time,
don't ask, just do, (and if it's not done by a certain time, I'll
make something myself) and he couldn't do it. He sometimes can now,
but he still needs to ask if it's ok a lot of the time, and I'm so
worn out that I realize I just can't win these battles. And so I have
to accept that these things are as hard for him as my issues are for
me and the only way to survive here is not to dwell on those things,
but to try to praise him for what he does well, and to try to wait
until something new happens, and hope that it won't be as disastrous
this time. And hope that this time when he truly feels society's
support he won't look at me with disgust, that I won't have to go
through that again. But it's not like I want society to turn on him
or those I have known.. I mean, I know they're better than most
people. I know I'm a horror. I'm ok with the majority taking his and
my family's side. I guess I just would hope that a few people would
get what I'm saying. And not think it's nothing.
It is like he's got a crazy wife in the attic. When he's here, it's
'normal', and it's probably better to have someone than be alone, but
if he had to talk about me to others out there, I think he'd be
embarrassed of me, and not find it easier than I do to talk about
what I 'do'. I suspect that when he does talk to others they already
know it's a weird subject for him and so they don't pressure him, but
the unspoken thing is that the subject is embarrassing for everyone,
or at least that's my impression. They might feel sorry for him. I
doubt he uses any situations as a platform to discuss mental health
issues or rights, and he probably participates in perpetuating
silence and stigma. The article about the delusion of gainful
employment that he wrote.. I find myself wondering if he was
consciously thinking about me, or something/someone else as he wrote
it? That might sound weird, but the thing is, I don't know, and I
wouldn't be surprised if there's a disconnect. Does he believe my
contributions are equal to his in this household? How would he
describe it, if he had to? 1:25 or so?
What would it take for the daily civility to be torn away? Will he
one day curse me, his unconscious assessment bursting through? It
hasn't happened to that extent, the broken bones, for a long time and
so maybe it means we've both learned something, but what if it's
just a resignation to hopelessness? While I have no validation aside
from his, even his will remain suspect, and I think that makes
sense. I am not 'free' in my position to care for anyone, to have a
real choice.
Dr Velvet Thong: He's not, either. Sometimes there is no
choice but to try to live in an impossible situation as best you
Blinky: There isn't anyone I care about more than him, and I
know I would feel sad, very sad if anything happened to him, and I
do hope that I die first.
But I think my other relationships, with family, have been eroded by
the impossibility of the situation. I guess I'm just not explaining
it well enough, or maybe I'm a lousy person, but the amount of
discomfort I continue to experience is 'too much' for me to be able
to believe that anyone truly 'cares'.
And there's also the disloyalty angle. It seems nasty or unfair
somehow to describe all my grievances, as if it's something you just
don't do. And if you wonder if others experience something similar
and would benefit from hearing your story, that might just seem like
a sleazy way to rationalize being a petty little traitor. That's what
eroded your relationships, you nitwit!
Dr Velvet Thong: Maybe this does indeed relate to
Blinky: In descriptions of BDD, the 'professionals' seem to
suggest that the person with bdd is blowing things out of proportion,
that they are seeing something about themselves that is an
But, if you look at the comments people make on Yahoo on a daily
basis, these people with BDD might have picked up on assessments that
some members of the public make about their personal
appearance, or that most people think but don't say, kind of like
ugly baby syndrome, where everyone knows they have to say 'how cute'.
One way of dealing with the problem might be to try to figure out if
the person with BDD can pinpoint the people who hold these views, or
figure out why certain people's impressions might be important to
them. Is it the opinion of someone they cared about? Is it the
opinion of someone they wanted to like and respect them? And does
this get hidden from awareness and transferred onto the public at
large? Is it about not recognizing that they don't actually respect
the people who hold such opinions, or that they haven't had the
chance to communicate with these people, to get to know where their
opinions come from?
Dr Velvet Thong: In your case, these questions are obviously
Blinky: In my family, in person, the first thing people will
notice is if you are fit or not. Yes, they'll 'accept' you if you're
fat, but it's like there's an unconscious score keeping, a pattern
that was set by The Bumble and other relatives. When I get people on
my playing field, (typing, writing) I can see my identity, I know I'm
saying something, but in person, it's like everyone conspires to
prevent me seeing that. Why should I put myself in that position?
Dr Velvet Thong: I have seen a pattern in many of my patients,
and I think there is a lot of undiagnosed BDD out there. Maybe we
need a better term for it, and maybe I should coin it. But because
there is a hidden moral judgment against being too concerned with
one's appearance, almost no one will admit they are ashamed or afraid
to do some things because they are having trouble dealing with some
aspect of their appearance.
Blinky: In movies or tv, people have stable weights, or the
fluctuations are only described in certain ways, and not as an
ongoing horrific battle that gives them no peace. It's usually more
black and white, not constant fluctuations, and constant struggle, or
you accept it with humour. This is something it's important to try
harder to express, because most people really can't grasp it, or
grasp how it's missing from what's portrayed on tv. The fact that
characters usually have a stable identity includes that they have a
stable weight, and it's probably in their contract to stay at that
weight, unless there's a plot development that helps them work weight
gain in, like a pregnancy. The message this gives, when repeated over
time, is that fluctuations point to something unappealing and
unacceptable. People like to gossip about the weight gain of stars
when not working, but still, the official storytelling, the stories
validated to help us all psychologically to process our lives and
experiences and what it all means, in these official stories, this is
an aspect usually left out.
Dr Velvet Thong: The message is that fluctuating weight is
something that
should be of minor importance or something
completely unimportant if someone really loves 'you', not something
that rules your life.
Blinky: When you apply for ID, height, weight, hair and eye
colour are all supposedly 'givens' that help others to legally
identify you. Can you have a stable sense of self if you don't know
how to describe your weight? And if your programming tells you not to
create negative self-fulfilling prophecies? If you have to commit to
a piece of ID for 5-10 years, do you go with probabilities and give a
higher weight, or do you hold out the hope that you can bring it down
and keep it there, be someone who is 'looking after herself', not
'letting herself go'? If I only travel when my weight is lower, and
that's when I'm likely to have my passport on me, then shouldn't I
choose a lower weight?
Dr Velvet Thong: There are mixed messages. If men snag a hot
woman, they are 'lucky' and people can understand why they'd be
'happy'. If you 'let yourself go', don't be surprised if he looks
elsewhere. 40 is young for a man. What is it to be 'unlucky'?
'Unhappy'? Every time people repeat phrases that relate to how
'lucky' someone is to have snagged an attractive mate, a slim one, a
young one, a large-breasted one, if we keep equating this with
happiness, then the subconscious subtext is always present in
society, and it makes sense for people to become unhappy with
unattractive females, or to start feeling unhappy as they age or stop
meeting requirements. It's about trying to make different language
choices, in order to consciously challenge the status quo, which
might also have ripple effects at other levels, language choices
which honour the sentience of women, no matter what their personal
Blinky: Whenever I went out for food with anyone, I would
usually try to be open to their suggestions, because I needed some
kind of guidance or new input. It probably looked like I lacked
assertiveness, and it was partly about that, but it was mostly that
I was completely lost and had no language to express how difficult
it was for me to deal with any kind of food. 'Whatever I eat, I'm
just going to go home and eat a ton more after we say good night.'
You instinctively know you shouldn't inflict that on people. It took
a long time to start to try to make conscious choices, and it did
lead to change, but the process was long and arduous.
I did figure out that junk food represented a certain comfort zone
that I didn't know how to step out of. It was a kind of food that
didn't require me to have to wash dishes or do the prep, but what I
really wanted was a variety of social and cultural experiences, and
the opportunity to try different foods in those settings. I had a
major social deficit, starting in my teens. My contacts could not
connect me to the kinds of experiences I wanted. Bingeing became a
way to express both the deficit and a feeling of having no control
over my life. I was acting it out, in distress, hoping some authority
figure would notice. I eventually had to become my own authority
figure or parent, but I've never been strong or resourceful enough to
take it far enough.
I'm still not sure many people could understand what a relief it is
to be able to figure out what you want to eat each day, and keep it
to a certain amount, after decades of feeling totally out of control.
For me, it feels like a step forward to have replaced the food
addiction with alcohol, but maybe it's not. I get more out of it, and
it's less distressing, but the addiction is still powerful and
destructive, the underlying structure or pattern or pressure is the
same, and I still have all the same issues with weight and body
image. I've had a wider variety of social and cultural experiences
now, but not enough experiences on an ongoing basis, and alcohol
compensates for an inability to truly connect with people or life.
Dr Velvet Thong: The pattern.
Blinky: The Bumble got stuck with me, Gandhi got stuck with
me, Don Quixote is now stuck with me. If I try to focus all my energy
to leave, I can never stay gone for long, because I don't have enough
internal or external resources, and I still don't really 'desire' to
It's just not realistic for me to get a paying job, or
to apply for disability in Australia.
Dr Velvet Thong: Basically, in order to get a permanent
resident visa, you learned it was necessary to hide your history, to
say you were in fact perfectly capable of working fulltime, and in
order to protect members of Don Quixote's family, all your personal
details and the history of where the two of you met had to be fudged,
so they were taking on less risk in making statutory
And, in the 17 years you've been in the country, there is no history
of you seeking therapy. In a sense you are consistent with the
original terms under which you were accepted to this country?
Blinky: In a nutshell, yes. It always seemed unfair to
everyone to gain entry and then start going for therapy, and besides,
I wasn't even stable enough to attend therapy, and I didn't really
at this stage hold out much hope therapy would help, and I kept
hoping I'd die before I became too inconvenient for everyone
concerned who tried to help get me a visa, and that is now long
out the window, and certainly doesn't help my self-esteem.
Dr Velvet Thong: Yes, I see that you have no way of
validating your 'disability' with Australian authorities. And I have
seen their criteria, aside from that, and you don't really fit it,
so you really are in a position to become one of the homeless in a
few steps, and there wouldn't be anyone to notice, and pretty much
everyone would think you deserved it and it was your choice.
Dr Velvet Thong: No other friends or acquaintances?
Blinky: There is no one other than DQ who could vouch for me,
or who knows my personal situation, and if anything happens to him,
that's it. There's no going back to Canada for me. I have even less
support there.
Dr Velvet Thong: Let's address some practical details that
most people take for granted.
Do you have a personal phone?
Blinky: 'Normal' life involves serious mobile phone use. What
is it like in contrast to not really check a phone or gets calls if
you're not a Luddite, or a Nature fanatic? This also ties in to the
whole 'ties to life' issue, getting invitations, and also not even
'needing' to check one's email.
I had one up until late July 2017, but it was not really for personal
phonecalls. It was mainly for travel and emergencies, and 'just in
case' I ever had social reasons for it. As it turned out, I never did
in all the time I had it. I never really learned how to use it, and I
even had trouble remembering my phone number. It was a flip phone. It
was a 2 G phone with a 3 G sim and they cancelled the 2 G network.
The sim was standard size, not micro or nano, but I probably could
have used it in a 3 G flip phone. I decided it might be better to
think ahead, so I got a Chinese clone phone, a phone I could use for
texting, and set about getting a new sim from the phone company. It
was a horrible nightmare, and in the end, I started saying 'look, I'm
agoraphobic, I'm totally fucked without a phone, I can't come in to
verify my identity, can I fax you a copy of my passport' they agreed,
but when I looked at the photocopy I couldn't go through with it.
They probably thought they had craftily outmaneuvered a scammer; I
realized I was probably well and truly fucked now. I had had a Plan
B, but the distress of looking at my passport made that plan seemed
pointless. I gave up on trying to get a phone, and in many ways since
then, it's been a relief. I gave the clone phone to Don Quixote to
practice with. He can use his own chip in it. I thought maybe if I
had another period of going out eventually I might one day just stop
in and get a new account/phone number with a new company, but after a
few outings in early 2018 I became housebound again, chained to this
manuscript, and it seemed to me the repercussions of that might last
some time. So I'm phoneless, and fucked.
I've never had a personal visitor in the 17 years I've lived in DQ's
house. That's not an exaggeration. His family members stayed here a
couple of days before the wedding, and then some years later his
sister and her husband came to stay for a couple of days at a time
I chose to leave and stay in a hotel.
I have not once in all this time spoken to anyone from my biological
family on the phone, or anyone from Canada. One person from online
texted me a couple of times, never anything regular, and one person
I think called once to listen to a recording of me? But a few years
ago there was a period where I spoke to some people online with a
mic, through voicechat applications, and I think the sound quality
was better than anything I have heard here on mobile phones.
Dr Velvet Thong: In 17 years, that doesn't sound like much
social interaction.
Blinky: Nothing ever really goes very far, because there
isn't a solid foundation for me to build sustainable relationships
upon. That is one aspect of 'mental illness' that might be
difficult to understand, because it seems a person 'chooses'
isolation, and brings it upon themselves.
In recent years, I don't even go online much any more. After my
experiences in relation to an online dating agency for the mentally
ill, I've withdrawn further from social contact. It might be part of
a cyclical thing with me, but part of the pattern is that those I
live with don't seem to recognize it's any big deal, even if I try
to explain it is.
Dr Velvet Thong: How often do you have contact with others
Blinky: Aside from correspondence that is necessary when
buying something online, not much - and that type is usually
uncomfortable, because I have to use my legal name so as not to
confuse things with credit card details and whatnot. It's artificial
communication. I think Boo is uncomfortable with me now, either
because he just doesn't know what to say, or he himself has personal
problems and the family approach is to withdraw. I easily go months
without contact, or more. Boo and I have contact maybe once a year,
or less now. I usually send him a tarot reading.
Dr Velvet Thong: What do you think others make of it?
Blinky: That it's 'normal' for me, and that I am the only
one who can solve my own problems.
While I am here, there is something I wanted to bring up about The
Bumble and his effects on family philosophy.
My sense that I am an embarrassment is distinct from how I bring
shame on the family in another way. In bringing up family patterns
and harping on some of the things people have done or said, a
'crime' has been committed. I think The Bumble had a lot of trouble
ever being 'wrong', and so he controlled what others thought, and
only sought out those who would never think he was wrong, would never
challenge him if he was, or weren't powerful enough that he'd ever
publicly lose face.
Dr Velvet Thong: Basically, he feared being wrong because it
was something shameful to him, and it meant a loss of control and
power over others, but underneath that, he had some kind of belief
that it was shameful to be 'stupid', and his instinct was to
retaliate with as much force and rage as he could to try to prevent
this sort of thing, or as 'revenge'.
He passed this on to all the others. You can imagine that no family
or small community particularly likes to be portrayed in unflattering
ways by a fiction writer or screenwriter or whatever, but I think in
your family, this situation is on steroids, and I don't know if your
family members could get past the instinctual rage they'd feel in you
trying to tell your story. I think your instinct that they'd try to
band together to 'prove you wrong' is probably correct, and in fact
they already learned from The Bumble how effective silence/The Quiet
Game is in undermining a particular family member's status and
respect, including self-respect. Because they don't know they have an
underlying belief that it is shameful to ever be wrong or behave
badly, or to even try to look at the 'negative' things in trying to
understand them and perhaps change. They will focus on details you
have wrong, as if it means everything you say is wrong, because
really what you are doing is questioning everyone's identity and
history, and to see the overview you are putting forth might not just
be upsetting, it could be devastating. And you've seen how the person
most likely to accept everyone and cut people slack will try to
stand up for the underdog: when you questioned The Bumble's heroic
status in relation to a stepbrother, Boo was quick to jump in with
a True Story of how The Bumble had rescued this brother by 'getting'
him a job, and you had suspected this would happen, and you'd already
had an email ready to go to explain the sordid truth of the
situation. I can imagine you have responses to a lot of the family
myths, but it probably seems pretty overwhelming to have responses in
advance for all of them. And that it would indeed feel like you were
taking on the world. And I think it makes sense that before you die,
you'd want to at least try to tackle a few of these things.
So you're trying to take on this massive job for the whole family, to
help them see it, and see that they don't have to 'save face',
because it's not about that, it's about trying to identify structural
problems that are detrimental to the survival of the family as a
system, flaws that are likely to be passed on to future generations
if they are not addressed.
Blinky: I think Mother Bumble lived with a bomb shelter
mentality, and that between working for Laura Secord and the money
that had been saved at the time of her husband's death, she lived
with a kind of stress in having to figure out how to make it last
until her death. As far as I know, she managed.
I once realized that she was afraid to talk to her landlord for
small repairs, afraid that as an older woman on her own, she might
be evicted or retaliated against, and I think this was an approach
she had to a lot of things in life, and she passed these things on.
The Bumble was a 'bad son' for not talking to the landlord or helping
her get things fixed, and maybe her daughter was a 'bad daughter',
too, but maybe they all suffered from fear of confronting some things
in life, and tried to keep their heads down. Apathy, plus fear of
rocking the boat.
Mother Bumble was nervous about having to deal with authorities of
any kind, and she also didn't want to ever have to go to a home. I
don't think she could have dealt with learning how to invest money,
or consulting lawyers, and I think this might have something to do
with why when I was 21 and she was about 74, I'll check, she said
that that year for chrismukkah she was going to give us all $1000.
She said there wasn't going to be a will or whatever, or that's the
sense I got, and so she was going to give us our portion while she
was still alive.
I think that was an important contribution. I know at the very least
that that money had significant impact on at least my life and Boo's.
With that money, he went to buy his first videocamera (I was with him
when he went shopping for it) - and he became a cameraman as his
profession. With my money, I went to BC, and ended up living away
from home for 6 months, when I had been stuck. I am not sure what
Cecil and Beany did - Cecil might have put it into his education
fund, and Beany might have spent some when she and Jean-Claude went
to Europe to visit his Dutch and Belgian relatives.
I remember when I was visiting, she made a comment about not buying
green bananas, and at 21, I didn't really know what to say, and so
said nothing, like most people in my family still would (before you
really think about death, you say nothing, you say things like
'oh, you'll live a long time yet', or 'let's not be negative, did
someone piss on your cheerios today'), but I think what I have said
today relates to the reasoning behind it all. She couldn't deal with
lawyers. She was isolated, and she was still trying to stretch out
her money. She thought she could die at any time; she didn't know for
sure. If she died at 88, she lived approximately 14 years past the
date of 'making plans as best she could'. Grampa Smurf's will had
been dated a really long time before his death. Both planned ahead as
well as they could.
I have already lived something like 28 years past the 'green banana'
stage, and I think part of what's underneath that is a feeling that
I've never been able to plan for a future, and that's a big part of
why I felt I was in the green banana state.
Dr Velvet Thong: All of your family members like to watch
movies, right? Well, in order for movies to exist, you first need
writers, and writers need inspiration.
Blinky: Yes, but we don't all like the same types of movies,
and so they might not appreciate how I use inspiration.
Also.. another (probably mostly unconscious) family secret: in
reading anything I write, most of the members past and present would
want to be the star, and so if it all mainly focuses on my
perceptions, and they don't get to be the star, they probably won't
think much of my writing, they'll all think I don't really get
Dr Velvet Thong: Well, everyone is the hero of their own
story, and that's as it should be, and maybe you will never be a good
enough writer to help others to imagine how that is true when
a story is told from your perspective.
When you are finished writing the current story, what are your plans
for it?
Blinky: I'll just put it with the Manifesto. I guess you're
asking if I'd 'try again', and send a link to the family members who
are still alive? Ask for feedback before I make it public?
The Horror of Having a Depressed Significant Other (more about
Blinky: For social services, Gandhi signed a note saying that
for years he had urged me to seek help, but that I had refused. He
also mentioned that I had no family to rely on, and that whenever we
had visited my family together, he had noticed that I would go into a
serious longlasting breakdown state afterward.
He did not come up with this. I did, because I was trying to clarify
what I thought they needed to know, but I was actually trying to help
myself. He had never urged me to get help, and had never looked into
it himself. He had noticed what happened after visiting my family,
but he would not have recognized its relevance to applying for
disability. In order to get help, I needed the problem to be
recognized, and I needed a certain amount of encouragement and
support. Unfortunately, I needed someone to find a doctor, make an
appointment and tell me they would drive me to and from appointments.
I did not know how to ask for this, and so years went by.
The situation had been the same in my family, where the pattern was
originally set.
I dictated the note for Gandhi, but he wrote it out by hand. It
looked authentic, partly because it was not edited. I thought it best
to leave in his spelling and grammatical errors.
I guess I wonder if our relationship is now described by him in ways
similar to how resentful ex-spouses of the mental health challenged
describe their relationships online. I can really see that he was
trapped, and didn't know what to do. But, I can also see that I was
able to point out a lot of things that most people with depression
are not able to, that I was very open, and that I did say it was
very important for him to think about what he wanted. Just before I
was about to stop receiving disability because we had lived together
for 3 years, I had a serious talk with him, asking him to really
think about it, because I would need his help in moving out and the
rest. And after that, I did say that although it would be difficult,
if things changed with him and the situation wasn't acceptable, we
would have to look into applying for disability. But, because he
didn't really understand my situation, just as most people don't
understand depression, and because he underestimated the process of
applying, he put it out of his mind, kept saying things were fine,
kept lying about his activities, and waited for an outside force to
make the decisions for him.
What I think this underlines is how difficult it is to understand and
deal with depression, for both parties. But, my long-term actions,
while I was supposedly the irresponsible one, the one not thinking
clearly, always had his best interests in mind. I was always
performing small actions to try to increase or help increase his
connections to life, and I did not try to pull him down with me. I
was aware enough that I might have had more success than many others.
I encouraged him to go out even when I wasn't going, I supported him,
I didn't act resentful, I didn't act suspicious or grill him about
his activities. I identified his interests and was often instrumental
in supporting him to move forward in pursuing them. Indirectly,
through introducing him to my family, many different social and
sporting opportunities were available to him, when in the past he
had no social life aside from getting stoned and watching tv and
playing video games with his friend, including that he ate chips
and chocolate bars every night when stoned - which I don't really
have a problem with, but he does have type 1 diabetes, and the
long-term complications can be ugly. He quit smoking, I participated
in different kinds of exercise with him, he ate more nutritious
food.. but these are things I suggested and put effort into
initiating. He did not put similar effort into my 'health problems'.
He was very tolerant, and very compassionate. It is interesting,
because people say men are the problem solvers and women just like
to talk, but in both my relationships, I think I was putting in
much more effort to problem solve. I was thinking about long-term
effects, I was planning for their futures.
It does seem to me that in both cases, their approach to 'problem-solving'
consisted of short term fixes. Listening compassionately,
yes, but mainly getting drugs. Food, movies, alcohol.
At age 25, I had real reasons to be nervous about initiating
relationships - but on the surface, Gandhi did not. He felt ok with
life. However, I think it's likely that having diabetes affected him
in various ways that had made him feel different - he just didn't
have conscious access to this, including that he felt insecure about
not having firm erections, due to taking insulin regularly. This is
another sticky 'stigma' situation. A person with a problem like this
'should not' feel bad, but people's attitudes and ignorance about
medical conditions can make it impossible not to. When people thought
he was too good-looking, too nice and too successful to be with
someone like me, I guess it was related to this unconscious
insecurity that made us more 'equal' than we seemed on the surface.
We made do without, but his whole life might have turned out
differently if he'd had access to Viagra from a young age. All he
needed was a prescription (and I went with him when it became
available, but we never tried it out together) and a social network,
and that was enough to connect him well to life. My problems were
trickier, even though I had more conscious awareness and was more
willing to talk.
Anyway.. what this situation has forced me to see I guess is that
sometimes attachments sneak up on you, and you might have to draw
lines early on. I did try, though. Now, what responsibilities do I
have toward possums? Do they care? But if fundamentally I wouldn't
have a problem with urban expansion, except that I don't really
relate to the human need to keep reproducing, how does that gel with
a feeling of responsibility toward possums, and trying to give them
good futures, or their descendents? If underneath it all, I've sort
of always thought the vegetation here was a lost cause, that maybe
you could hold it a while, but never indefinitely, and it isn't a
fight that makes sense longterm? It's the story of a lot of
Australian wildlife. They've made way for humans, and many are lost.
Humans find themselves in the situation of having families sometimes
before they even know what they're doing or what they want in life,
and then they have responsibilities? In trying to do things
differently from my parents, have I still ended up with my own
version of it? But I could never tell a possum 'I could be happy
without you'. Is that just a reaction that signifies judgment of my
father? 'I won't be like you.'? But in my case, possums are not 'the
problem', the problem is the personal patterns that make it difficult
for me to enjoy life, whatever my circumstances. To let go of possums
would be to give up a kind of 'therapy'. I can't get along with
people, but I can get along with possums.
There are possums in other parts of the country, and logically, it
would have made sense to start again, with a plan to encourage
possums? But do I really believe it is a good thing to set a new ball
rolling? I think that in having experience with possums, I have
learned about something I didn't know was there, something of value
like in The Lord of the Rings, that should not be lost. I have played
a part in that story. I have taken some of the photos and movies, I
kept encouraging Don Quixote until he could carry on with the story.
At present, I am still part of the story, and I guess it's a bigger
decision now. I am part of something, and on my own, can I adapt and
figure out some sense of 'meaning' for myself? My website has been a
support to me and a personal sense of meaning, but I think it makes
sense to conclude that in following that through as far as I could, I
discovered that I am not someone others like or relate to. I don't
regret the steps I took. It's like what I have said about Walter
White - he's not a very likeable person, but by the end of the
series, I think he's 'self-realized' - he has fulfilled his
potential, he has 'sounded his barbaric yawp'. Some unlikeable people
are still respected for something they have achieved, or are
antiheroes. I don't count on anything like that for myself.
And when I mention the possum story, I don't mean that I want to be
known as a Possum Woman, wildlife photographer, nature person,
conservationist, animal rights activist, and the co-founder of Possum
TV. I mean that I need to think carefully, for myself, and what it is
possible for me to get out of life, and if that means to continue to
interact with the possums here I have a history with. If
realistically I have no chance to 'survive' on my own, if there is
nothing in life I can see I want, is it better to live out my days
here as a cripple?
I guess I could be wrong, but I don't have enough input coming in,
new stimuli, to see if there are other ways of looking at it. I
don't have 'advisors'.
But when it comes to possums, I think I have successfully contributed
to a system of remembering something of value.
Dr Velvet Thong: It is interesting to think that the diversity
of Possum TV, the range and health of species, is possible because a
suburban property is in a state of 'neglect'. It is wilder and
perhaps receives less maintenance than state forest. There are some
impressive features, like gum trees of 20-30 m? or more. On one side
you've got neighbours with a well-planned, meticulous garden which
receives a lot of care, and on the other, a neighbour who hates trees
and is growing an automobile garden.
Three very different philosophies all in a row. At least there is
good communication with one of the neighbours. He probably is
horrified by the garden here in many ways, but it is fortunate he is
willing to compromise? What would the majority of those in the
neighbourhood say about this property? Would they have a problem
with how unkempt it is, would they think it fits in ok, would they
support it or would it make them think if they realized it was
associated with Possum TV?
The Ugly Epidemic
Report: There is an epidemic of men feeling suicidally depressed
because they are married to unattractive women. A committee of
experts has banded together and shared their findings.. we need to
accept a 'socialist' attitude toward beauty, and we must help all
women to attain a certain minimum of beauty that has been found to
contribute to a higher quality of life/happiness/contentment.
It is now routine practice for school guidance counsellors to
recommend cosmetic procedures for these very reasons, and if a parent
argues about how insane it is the counsellor is to shrug and say it's
the reality, and the kid is more likely to succeed in university and
in a career if they get the procedures.
Dr Velvet Thong: You'd be surprised at how many patients I see
who are convinced someone has placed a Fat Curse on them.
Blinky: Do you take their money and promise you can remove
Dr Velvet Thong: I don't receive payment for any of my
services. I do it because it's more interesting than doing nothing,
and there's nothing else I'm qualified to do, even though technically
I'm not a qualified psychotherapist or curse remover, either.
Blinky: Sometimes as I feel myself getting fatter, or bloated
after a few days of binge drinking, I try to question my beliefs and
my discomfort, and imagine what it is like to have been trapped for
a lifetime in an overweight or obese body. If I judge myself, do I
judge these others? What is the big deal? If I have given up on
earning anyone's respect, and I suspect no one finds me physically
or mentally attractive, even at my 'best', then isn't it just a
state of being to explore? And if it's natural for me and my body,
why not just drink, and not think of it as 'drinking myself to
death', but as taking a stand, to do something I enjoy, for the rest
of my life?
I've had very few periods of time in which I felt comfortable in my
own body, so in a way I already know what it's like, but it's also
like I can grasp what it's like to feel comfortable in my body, and
it seems so much 'better', that it feels like a kind of denial to
stop trying to achieve it.
Dr. Arya Sharma, scientific director of the Canadian Obesity Network:
"In assessing someone for obesity, you need to assess mental health
as your number one priority before you even start thinking about what
people eat and how much people move," he said. "Because right away
you can assume that if there's a mental health problem going on,
managing weight is going to be very difficult."
"They're saying 'it's all a matter of choice, and if I tell people
what healthy eating is they'll just go out and do it,' not
recognizing that (obesity) is as much a medical disorder and as much
a medical condition as a lot of the mental health issues are," Sharma
Dr Velvet Thong Blinky, according to the data, you are on
trial for the Manifesto, but possibly due to some bureaucratic
fuckup, there's no organized attempt at setting a trial date or
It's all rather vague, but the Manifesto is a kind of psychic crime
for which you cannot be forgiven. If you had remained silent, with
The Bumble moving to Northern Ontario, and you moving to Australia,
if 'normal', polite superficial family communication, at least with
siblings and stepmother had resumed, it could perhaps have been
forgiven, but you had to ruin everything.
It's not as bad as I thought.
According to your history, it seems you sort of wanted to be a
writer early on, but then gave up on it, thinking you just weren't
cut out for it. Can you refresh my memory?
Blinky: At 10, my spelling and grammar were better than The
Bumble's, and Mama Smurf's, but I didn't know it. I think it's
possible that he had an unconscious jealous-fear reaction which
resulted in him passing on to me that spelling and grammar meant
nothing, and that the actual book I wrote at age 10 was a joke, and
schools were a joke, too, for rewarding spelling and grammar.
Dr Velvet Thong: Spelling and grammar, eh? What the hell
happened, use it or lose it?
Blinky: Haha.
I had always been insecure about grammar because I didn't feel I had
a good grasp on it - I was just using forms of sentences I had seen,
and probably my memory was good enough to sort through which books
and things I'd read were more likely to be employing correct grammar -
you know, unlike Penthouse Forum fantasies, or something like that.
I didn't find out until I was 22 that The Bumble wasn't so gifted
with spelling and grammar. Mama Smurf was considerably better, but
not as good as me (I found out at about 13- 15) and that shocked me,
too, since she actually was able to work as a teacher - it's like
that info stunned me in a way I didn't expect to be stunned about the
world, but it does show a kind of serious stupidity in me. K-Pru's
spelling and grammar are good, but in writing I could finally see
that she was either in some kind of denial, or she didn't think
deeply about things. I had assumed her thinking processes were more
complex, because of the books on her shelf, but we never actually
discussed them, and maybe I got something out of them she didn't. Not
all readers get the same things out of books. My personality wasn't
strong, and I wasn't smart in seeing people's 'lacks'. It was like I
was programmed to only look at the good, and build people up for
that, and my consciousness could not explore further than that,
although it was good at perceiving complicated depth when it came to
'good qualities'. My basic programming told me to be humble, and to
look for the good in people, and to see anything else meant I was a
bad person, and it was important not to be a bad person, essential in
finding love and in surviving. I had a bitch of a time cracking that
I need to explain more about what it means or why sometimes people
can't feel that primal urge to 'stay alive and thrive to teach others
a lesson or not let them win'. Most people just chalk that up to not
having any 'spirit'. Maybe it's just niche picking, choosing the
opposite of The Bumble? But it could mean that already the primal
rage leveled against me from both parents had 'killed' me, so I
didn't have the same survival instinct as other people? Or it had to
go underground, I had to get craftier, more creative, to express that
primal survival instinct without incurring more blows?
Do people ever wonder how much 'spirit' it takes to leave up a
Manifesto that the world either looks down on or laughs at?
Or that out of 4 sprogs, I was the only one who ever really stood up
to The Bumble, although I'm often considered the wimpiest?
-The concept of Fairy Tale Debt - the way countries have massive
debts.. too many storytellers and moviemakers bow to the pressure to
tell 'happy' stories or 'positive' stories, and use attractive heroes
and they keep withdrawing/borrowing and using and abusing credit, and
it will lead to some big 'crash'?
-'Saturation' - most people are becoming aware, through repetition of
images and characters, dependent for the most part on physical
features, that they themselves are 'destined' to be 'extras' or
unpleasant characters, and this leads to some kind of anarchy or
revolt or rioting, or WWIII.
-Part of what this entails is that particular actors are chosen to
'sell' somewhat ugly ideas, or to deflect attention away from the
validity of other people's stances. And I could try to point out that
there are definite patterns in the roles certain actors seem to get,
and so in addition to who is hired because they have proven to do
well at the box office, it's also about the types of roles the public
will accept them in, and who they want to see them fuck. It's an
extension of the director's (and/or writer's) own narcissism - the
person who plays the character that resembles them is about how they
want to be seen, and this person is usually more photogenic than the
director or writer themselves. Voyeurs have the illusion of a
director's perspective. If you want to put someone in a potentially
controversial role, if that person has a history of 'likeability',
even when they play a criminal, you can 'bet' on them to be good
box office and to avoid uproar. People will be predisposed to take
the side of someone who has 'conscientiously' chosen roles in the
past. When a person is given a thankless role, one in which the
director originally intended to 'sacrifice' them, possibly because
at that time they were an unknown 'expendable', and that person
somehow manages to beat the odds and garner public approval - that
person will often go on to be a 'success'.
Blinky: If there had been video camera surveillance when I
attended school, I probably never would have showed up to school at
all, it's not just that I would have been afraid to use the
Dr Velvet Thong: Safety first.
Blinky: And if social success depended upon how one
photographed at all times, off one's guard, with no chance to
check first or use filters, I would have felt too ashamed to do
anything, even if I could have figured out how to take selfies.
Dr Velvet Thong: How is that different from the situation you
find yourself in now?
Blinky: I guess it might have been a big part of what 'pushed
me out' of society.
Getting Drunk With The Bumble
The Bumble has a special Bumble dance and spin that he does when
he goes to refill his drink. It's really quite cute, and it's easy
to imagine that the ladies really go for it. It's like tiptoeing
through the tulips, but 'sexier'.
The Bumble: I didn't want to say it before, because I was
trying to protect you, but the reason Natalie left was because that
night we got drunk together, you peed under a chair and she had to
clean it up and that was the last straw for her.
Blinky: I never really knew what happened that night, but I
had an incredibly strong lingering sense of shame about it. I did
realize I had probably peed, and I had wondered about who had cleaned
it up, and I would have done it myself if anyone had asked
me. I just couldn't figure out
where I had peed..
I realize you were trying to be 'altruistic' in the kind of way you
often have over the years, without really being able to see the real
issues here, or somehow you have a way of diverting people's
attention from some of the unpleasant facts of the situation.
The night
we got drunk together, I was 15. Er, just exactly
how did that happen? If I remember correctly, you said something like
'Fuck it, if you're going to get drunk, you might as well get drunk
with me, where I can keep an eye on you.'
And to be honest, over the years I have wondered if you might have
had some hidden motivations, knowing that when I got drunk I tended
to make out with strange boys, and if in fact that was what you
were trying to deflect attention away from.
The Bumble: What would you have done, in my place? I was at my
wits' end with you.
Blinky: When I could not stay the whole summer with Mama
Smurf, had some kind of breakdown and asked you both to take me to a
psychologist, although you arranged it, you failed to realize it was
your job as a parent to find another for me rather than put all the
onus on me to figure out what to do when the first one wasn't right
for me. I did my part, dammit. I alerted you both to the problem,
quite clearly.
You let it drop, not seeming to pay attention to what happened after
that, perhaps thinking it would work itself out. I only turned to
alcohol, the Family Solution, after I had exhausted all other
I had up until then been pretty 'square'. I had been pressured
pretty much on a daily basis at school and by the next door neighbour
to smoke, drink and smoke pot. I resisted, and it's weird, a lot of
kids still seemed to like me.
Maybe it would have seemed like regular problem teen behaviour, if
you hadn't been paying any attention to me and had no idea who I was,
how hard I tried to please you and everyone else and how much
responsibility had been heaped upon my head from a very young age.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's hard to be a parent. Sometimes it's
easier to see what went wrong in hindsight.
Blinky: Are you supposed to forgive someone if they don't
ever believe they contributed
anything to the mess or that
they did anything wrong at all and have no guilt, and in fact blame
you for putting them through so much crud? And that through the
years, they have leadership qualities and spin the story thusly to
every person they meet, so that any time you meet someone new, they
already see you in a bad light??
And I did think I forgave. I thought I could understand the
situation, his upbringing and thinking style, and that his reactions
were understandable, but with the new stepfamily and the stepbrother
I knew The Bumble had not changed and it took a while but I realized
I could not accept him for who he was. And besides, it wasn't just
the stepbrother he was calling a loser, it was me, too, and no one
there was willing to call him on it. I can 'forgive', if that means I
think I can understand how he processes info and see his good
qualities, and wish him well in life, but it doesn't mean the harm
shouldn't be addressed and that I should just quietly 'accept him for
who he is' and know he's a 'good person'. So, does that mean I don't
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you want to be forgiven?
Blinky: If I have wronged anyone, or contributed to pain, I
would like people to let me know and give me a chance to acknowledge
and sincerely apologize for what I have done. If I see things
differently, I would try to explain, and try my best not to
invalidate the other's feelings and perceptions, and try to go
further in to communication with the goal of both of us reaching a
kind of understanding we're both at peace with. If a stalemate was
reached, I would say I am really sorry you are experiencing so much
pain, but I don't think I can help you, and I think it is best that
we stay out of each other's way.. but, I will remain available to
answer questions and help you achieve resolution if you think it is
possible. I guess some people might think these things and not say
them, but I think an important part might be to actually say them.
I wouldn't want anyone to have to feel guilty forever and never find
happiness, and if they felt bad for making mistakes that affected me,
I wouldn't want them to be tortured forever, but I think it would
feel good to know they realized what they did and were sorry and that
they wished for my happiness and didn't want me to be isolated and
feeling so unwanted and unable to feel pleasure that I wanted to die,
and that I was enduring in this state, year after year. If a parent
can look away from this kind of thing, I'm just really curious as to
what the rationale is? Afraid to make things worse? How much fucking
worse can it get?? Did you really think your kid who wrote a book at
10 and skipped a grade and put on shows, and was good at swimming and
judo and horse riding and cleaning barns and cutting grass and was a
top student and liked socializing and wanted to go out on a lot of
dates and wanted to go to university just stopped wanting any of
these things in life? What did you
Think? It all just sadly
changed? That she was always 'off', the signs were always there? Did
you fucking think about it at all??
Dr Velvet Thong: It's good for you to get that out, but I
think you know that sometimes people just aren't trained or
programmed to think about others in such ways. Sometimes unusual
circumstances bring out more complex perceptions, but not always, and
many people, even in or after crises, maintain a more primitive
approach to life and relationships.
Blinky: I know. And most of the time, it's seemed silly to get
angry or even come across momentarily in a self-righteous way. If you
can't change a situation, or make people see things differently, what
can you do? I tried to accept, wish everyone well, and to find others
to communicate with who might understand what the hell I'm saying. I
thought that was 'positive'. But I weirdly seem to keep finding new
variations on the old themes/problems. And all the gurus would say
I'm doing something wrong, I haven't learned my lesson yet,
I can't remember if I've made it clear that The Bumble preferred to
start drinking at night, that he liked to get to a certain level of
inebriation fast, and try to keep it there, and that I have a similar
pattern. Even with many years of experience, it can be difficult to
control all variables, and sometimes blackouts still occur, but most
of the time, I think both of us somehow figured out how to make sure
hangover symptoms weren't too bad. When we lived in Winnipeg and he
drank a 26 ounce bottle of Appleton Estates every night, he still
managed to get up and go to work each day.
The Bumble had certain sayings he liked to repeat.
One was:
It's do as I say, not do as I do!
I used to think that one was funny, but maybe not as much any more.
Also, when a dog was hungry, he used to mutter 'His stomach
thinks his throat's been cut.'
When it came to me, when I was 21, and trying to focus really hard to
leave the house at last, when I was fit and going out more, looking
for jobs, he went around muttering (in a passive-aggressive,
contemptuous sort of way):
Pull up the ladder, Jack,
I'm alright.
And that thing about not recognizing the log in one's own eye due to
focusing on the mote in someone else's. And I think that's because
months earlier, when trying to comfort K-Pru about the scene where
he had dissed her very vocally in front of all of us and said he
didn't want to get married, I had approached her and tried to
explain he was immature, and I guess I can see it, it was outrageous
for me to call him immature, considering the state of my life. I
did get it, and I did try harder to be more sensitive and
understanding in the future.
But on Friday nights, as I was getting older, during the years I
wasn't going out, it was like he understood the needs of an addict,
and he'd genuinely seem compassionate/empathetic when he gave me a
charitable donation of 2L of ice cream.
Dr Velvet Thong: I need a drink. Care to join me?
Rites of Passage and Sexual Trivia
We probably need to get more sex in here, fast, before people
start falling asleep.
Dr Velvet Thong: First kiss.
Blinky: I was 13, on a 3-day school trip to an island camp,
named after a whole lot of guys who pay women for sex.
My hair was greasy, because I could only wash my face, not hair, and
I borrowed the baseball cap of this guy I had a crush on. When I went
to his cabin to return it, he threw the cap off into the air, picked
me up in his arms like in the movies, carried me to one of the cots,
put me down, got on top of me and kissed me. I don't remember the
actual sensation because I was so self-conscious about the retainer
in my mouth which had food in it from my last meal, because I had
been too self-conscious in the mess hall to take it out.
I thought maybe the retainer or bad breath had turned him off and so
he stopped, but there might have been a hidden agenda. When he got
off me I saw that a friend of his was standing at the window with a
camera. He didn't speak to me again for the rest of the trip, or
After that, rumours spread around the school that we'd had sex, and
maybe it was a bit like a forerunner of modern experiences, just less
extreme. There was no internet or smartphones to post the images to.
I wasn't upset or stressed by the incident, because I was so focused
on moving away from the middle of nowhere to stay with The Bumble,
where Life Would Be Much Better. It was near the end of the year, and
I didn't have to hold on much longer before getting a fresh start in
a new place.
I don't mean to dismiss this kind of experience. This, and other
types of harassment at school do add to the overall stress of the
experience, and depending on what else is going on in your life, can
add to a 13 Reasons Why kind of situation. From the age of 12 on, I
did have boys trying to grab or slap my ass on a daily basis, or
otherwise feel me up (for a couple of years, and then that died down
and it became more verbal and about staring). The point is not to
dismiss it and say 'all girls go through this, get a grip,' the point
is to identify it and try to figure out how to change the situation.
Surely there are ways to express attraction that are less
intimidating? I would say that the verbal stuff came across as more
Hustler than Penthouse Forum.
Dr Velvet Thong: First intercourse.
Blinky: Vaginal or anal?
Dr Velvet Thong: What are you in the mood for?
Blinky: I'll take Vaginal for the Masses.
I don't really remember, and it's not because I was drunk. I think
the backstory might be relevant, though.
In Grade 11, after it became known that I had gotten drunk at a party
and made out with some guys, this one guy started pestering me every
day. For the purposes of this story, I'm going to call him Truck
Driver, because he had a job driving and delivering for a furniture
company called Old Ontario House. He regularly stole stuff from the
stockroom and sold it as a sideline, and he had friends who also
stole from their employers. It took me some time to figure this out,
though. In the beginning, all I knew was that I didn't find him
physically or intellectually attractive and in fact he kind of
repulsed me. He was often drunk at school. He kept asking me out, in
many different ways, with many different suggestions, and often he
tried more than once a day. In the early years, I didn't find this
persistence odd, because this was the type of guy I seemed to attract
most often.
This was the Bad Year, the year I was going off the rails, when I
eventually starting thinking there was no solution except to save up
my antidepressants and as many other drugs I could get my hands on to
kill myself. He said I looked like the Saddest Girl in the Whole
School. Eventually, I accepted a ride with him to a party with people
we both knew - strictly as friends. He took me to a secluded place in
the woods, and I guess I thought that's where the party was, because
such parties often did start outside, and bonfires were built, etc,
and teens sat around drinking beer and smoking pot and listening to
Rush, Supertramp, Styx, ACDC and Led Zeppelin.
He offered me a beer, and waited for my pattern to kick in, while we
ostensibly waited for the others to show. They never did, because
we weren't at the right place.
I blacked out and came to with hickeys all over my neck and not much
of a memory. He told me he tried to have sex with me, but wasn't able
to. He said he couldn't believe I had struggled so hard. I was very
embarrassed and apologized profusely if I had led him on, and said
that I didn't want to be more than friends.
Dr Velvet Thong: It sounds awful, but I think at that time,
and in similar places, the concept of date rape would have been
extremely odd.
Blinky: After that, he kept pursuing me. I said no, he tried
another angle. I was otherwise kind of a neglected kid, whose
depression was not being successfully addressed, and eventually he
wore me down. When you don't know how to define rape or ill intent,
and you're very isolated, and someone takes such an extreme interest,
it can start to seem like the guy might actually love you.
Eventually I started giving him handjobs and blowjobs. Ah, another
first, I'll throw in first oral for free. I did it in the livingroom
of my house, near the fireplace/woodstove. Right after, he became
extremely angry and jealous, and said mean things to me, and accused
me of lying about having never done it before. It took quite some
doing to calm him down.
I tried to break up with him, over and over, but he was one
persistent motherfucker. And he came from such a fucked up family,
that actually might be literal, as well. Seriously, I think it's
possible that every conceivable form of incest occurred in that
family, and so you have to ask if he was a product of his
environment, and deserved compassion.
For my birthday, my Sweet 16. he threw me a party at his house, in
the basement, with a lot of people we both knew in attendance. It was
supposed to be a surprise, but he needed a handjob on the way there
and then couldn't stick to the story about going to a restaurant and
blurted it out, partly because he felt bad because he made a cum
stain on my burgundy dress, the same one I wore a few months later to
my mother's funeral. The stain never really came completely out.
Everyone told me how pretty I looked, so that was nice. But, true to
form, I drank too much and I drank fast, and I blacked out and don't
remember much of the party. He told me later that after the guests
left, I passed out on the pool table and he tried to fuck me, but his
father pulled him off me. Factoring in the family mentality, I am not
so sure the father was against rape, but maybe he didn't want me to
bleed on the pool table, who knows. Maybe he didn't think it was the
'right occasion' and he had some standards, or something, and this
was just part of passing the family value system on, some of the
nuances which Truck Driver might not yet have grasped.
Two days after the party, I tried to kill myself. My father was so
angry that he refused to talk to me or see me for quite some time,
and meanwhile, this boyfriend showed up at the hospital every day,
and continued on with his relentless 'seduction' techniques. No one
else took that degree of interest in me, and in the hospital, I
performed sexual favours out of view of staff, in stairwells, and
wherever possible. At this point, it was seeming to me like he
deserved some kind of reward for his persistence, his caring and for
telling me over and over he was in love with me. It's amazing, I've
come to a point where I find this story really really hilarious
rather than just disappointing or sad or shameful.
When I was released from the hospital he tried to force intercourse
once more, when I was sober this time, and I pushed him off and he
ridiculed me and otherwise verbally abused me, and then after he went
back to 'wooing' me, and I just caved in and thought no one else
would ever love me, no one else would ever try this hard, and he
'deserved' what he was telling me night and day he wanted above all
things. The people in the hospital seemed to feel I was a
manipulative little bitch who had treated her long-suffering father
horribly, and I guess I wasn't sure I deserved much. My father was
still mad as hell, especially since I think he was resentful he was
legally required to do something completely unfair (take me in after
my immature little stunt.)
Er, sorry, I tend to drivel on, not realizing if I'm boring others.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm fine, my training and discipline help
me to cope, continue on please.
Blinky: We either had a day off, or took a day off school, and
went to my house. He had a car, and so it was pretty easy for us to
go places. I think I should mention that one of the positives of
dating him was that he did prevent me from withdrawing from the
world or becoming totally socially isolated at that time. He was the
only person persistent enough to get through.
We didn't have anything special for the occasion, not even condoms. I
had studied the Rhythm Method in Biology, and since I'd always had a
very regular period, I thought I had grasped the concepts and was
qualified to choose an appropriate day. It's possibly obvious that by
this time I was headed down the spiral as far as I could go. I mean,
there's probably enough foreshadowing by now.
Dr Velvet Thong: You don't remember the actual act?
Blinky: Not really. I can sort of vaguely remember, or guess.
I think it took 3 goes to get the deed done, because the tightness or
my pain excited him and he kept ejaculating before he could finish
getting it in. There wasn't any or much blood, probably because I
had been riding horses for a few years.
Dr Velvet Thong: Any feeling of intimacy, tenderness,
Blinky: No, I think I was semi-dissociated, but still capable
of experiencing physical sensations. I don't really remember the
sensations, though. I can speculate that at some time during the
afternoon I had an orgasm or more than one unrelated to intercourse,
but that is because that was normal for me. Most of the time they had
occurred fully clothed. After intercourse initiation, it was
extremely rare that I didn't have one during intercourse, no matter
how fast he was. And I suppose my usual anxiety level was reduced by
regular physical contact and orgasms. And this was true when it came
to the others that followed as well, over a range of physical
appearances, personality types and techniques.
I kept trying to articulate over and over that I wanted to break up,
and again and again I would be worn down by his persistence.
Consciously, I didn't want it to continue, but unconsciously, I might
not have believed I deserved better. When people make cliche comments
about how girls like bad boys, I always feel kind of irritated. What
other choices were available to me? Does it matter at all that I
eventually managed to get free of the bad ones, without feeling all
nostalgic about the past? And I could have chosen a different name,
like Truckhead, or worse.
Dr Velvet Thong: Maybe all of your past relationships are
(eventually) in a sense examples of triumph over inequality or
injustice? And that is also how to define your relationship with The
Bumble, or what you are still aiming at?
Blinky: Well, I like that angle better than trying to force
myself to accept that stupid is as stupid does, that I never learn,
and that it probably is because I'm basically rotten and don't
deserve better.
Dr Velvet Thong: What do you think/feel about him now?
Blinky: I feel disgust, but I feel a bit mean about it. I
think his home environment was pretty shocking, and his behaviour was
very likely learned behaviour. Seriously, I think it's possible
everyone was having sex with everyone, and some of them were more
dominant, and others just had to take it. I think the father in
particular had had a go at everyone, including the males, and the
mother might have mainly been an enabler.
Dr Velvet Thong: Can you tell me more about his family
Blinky: I met his older sister once. She was living in an
apartment on the outskirts of the city. She was the person in the
family he got along best with. She was sweet, and extremely fragile,
psychologically, and he told me she was a heroin addict. She was so
fragile, it seemed unbelievable to me that someone like her could
survive living with parents like hers. They were just so hard, such
hard people, without discernible empathy. The father I think would
have fucked me if he got the chance, and the mother was always cold
and extremely rude to me, beyond anything I've ever seen the like of
since. Truck Driver dry-humped her once in front of me. I didn't say
anything. I picked up it was 'normal' for this family. Elaboration?
It was like he gave her a hug and moved his hips up and down,
grinding against her side, and made a few sexual type grunts. She
didn't do much, just seemed somewhat impatient with him.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think the seductive persistence
inflicted on you had also been inflicted on this sister by someone
in the family?
Blinky: That would be my guess. And much worse. I think
because I looked sad and neglected, it triggered an unconscious
pattern/attraction. He acted out what he had witnessed, and possibly
tried not only with his first girlfriends, but with his sister as
well. He was programmed to go after girls like me. He was taught to
think of his feelings and behaviours as 'love'.
The Bumble didn't try to counsel me that maybe I could do better, and
in fact, he made fun of this boyfriend less than any other,
complained about him the least. He made up denigrating nicknames for
most of them. I guess he considered Truck Driver to be an underdog,
but I think he commented that he was 'street smart'. I'm not sure you
can get much more street smart than The Space Cowboy or Vlad, and he
always made fun of them, but whatever. Ah, correction. He didn't make
fun of Gandhi, and I think I somehow earned respect by managing to
'land' him. He said 'Gandhi's a Dude.' The term had a different
meaning in his day, and I think it was something like he was cool and
had a style that he admired or respected. He liked his trenchcoat, I
guess. But seriously, I knew what he meant.
What am I getting at? Sometimes when a family seems extremely
open-minded, they don't teach their kids how to set limits for
themselves when it comes to how people treat them.
After I was released from the hospital following the suicide attempt,
my first social outing was to a party at his best friend's house.
I was nervous, but knew it was better to get back into things. I had
managed to get my Learner's Permit, I was catching up on schoolwork,
I was doing everything to show I would now take responsibility for
myself, grow up, do what was expected of me. Some of the people at
the party knew about the attempt and asked a couple of questions,
not all that intrusive, and I wasn't really doing so badly.
After the party, Truck Driver told me that his best friend had told
him he could 'do better' than me, that earlier in the year I had
looked hotter and dressed better. I took it under advisement.
It's always been difficult for me to find the line between over or
underreacting. If you try to accept people, and listen to them, you
have to allow for some prejudice or 'abrasiveness', or you'll
inhibit people, and/or you'll seem to lack a sense of humour.
I forgot about the Prom. I'm not sure if he thought I looked ugly in
my pink prom dress, or if he thought I looked too slutty. There was
this girl there he had a thing with on the side. I was the Official
Girlfriend. When I walked by her at school, she and her friend would
say mean things and make faces and laugh at me. OK, I didn't hear
what they said, but they were never friendly to me, even when I tried
to say hi. I had been told she was a friend (and later his roommate
when he moved away from home) and I had taken him at his word. I
didn't know why she didn't like me. I would have been happy if our
breakup would stick, and he made her The Official Girlfriend.
At the Prom, I was wearing a pink dress that was slit to the waist
and held together by a big wide belt. There was a kind of gathering
along the hips and arms, I forget the term, I can probably look it
up. I wasn't wearing a bra. I had high heeled sandals in a pale dove
grey colour, with very slim heels and delicate braidwork, and strings
that crisscrossed up my calves and were tied. They were pretty, and I
think that even today they could pass as pretty. They were ruined
that night, though.
The friend was dressed a lot more primly than I was. I think she was
wearing a dress with a lot of frills that buttoned high up the neck.
When he had picked me up, he had looked at me with disappointment and
disgust. He only seemed to change his mind slightly
about my appearance after the prom, when a male friend of his who had
been there commented to him that my body looked good in the dress I
was wearing. It's weird, all these years I had been thinking I looked
frumpy at my prom, and it was probably because of Truck Driver's
reaction to me, and it was strong enough to cancel out other feedback
or impressions, but in reality, maybe I didn't look all that bad,
just really slutty, whew.
He was holding hands on the dancefloor with his friend in a way that
annoyed me (he wasn't trying to hide his seduction techniques), and I
left the prom in a huff. I was just tired of being trapped in a
frustrating situation. I ran a mile or two in those shoes up the
country road, and then they caught up to me in a car and she said
something that really annoyed me, and I went to slug her and got him
instead, and he ended up with a black eye. And that's my prom story.
But we made up and had sex in my bed later that night. My father and
sister were away somewhere, but I don't know where, I can't remember.
There wasn't anyone there to take photos when he picked me up for the
prom. I don't know how it is now, but in those days you could just
walk up to the bar at the prom venue and buy drinks without showing
any ID. I was 16, he was 18, almost but not quite 19, so neither of
us were legal. I'm pretty sure I was drinking vodka and orange juice.
It has just occurred to me that I can't remember a single song that
played that night. I don't think I ever really sentimentalized the
relationship. It could be that the verbal abuse at the end ended up
throwing the rest of the relationship into a different light. I know
it's difficult to understand, and that memory can be faulty, but I
was constantly in a state of conflict. I needed attention, my
instincts would tell me it was not a good kind of attention and I'd
try to break up, and I know some people think how can you have sex
with someone who does such awful things, but in my talks with The
Bumble, early on, the idea of sex as possibly being separate from
love was a big thing. I think he even 'helped' by saying when you
have feelings you might jump to the conclusion it's love, but when
you don't have much experience, you might make a big mistake and only
figure it out when it's too late.
It occurs to me that when I found the writing in the study carel,
that said I was a fat, ugly slut.. it could have been this friend of
his who wrote it, but I don't know for sure. Someone else had written
a defence: that I was a gorgeous hunk of woman! I did register that,
but it's funny the way memory works, and how certain details surface,
trying to get me to identify patterns.
If I compare relationships, my father's later ones, and my parents'
marriage, I think he originally had a more 'complete' love with my
mother than with any of those who followed. He wasn't like Truck
Driver or Vlad; my impression was that women usually came to him. He
wasn't a persistent type. He didn't really want to change or evolve,
and he was dominant and powerful enough after his first marriage to
find women who would accept he didn't want to change. Does
that mean they were better suited? I don't know. It's difficult for
me to admire women who wouldn't at least try to call him on some of
his crap, for instance, with me.
It's possible that Neil was extremely persistent with Mama Smurf.
I don't know the story of how they got together, except that they
met through Sister Smurf and The Space Cowboy. I saw them kissing
in the kitchen at Grampa Smurf's house during my parents' first
trial separation, but my parents got back together and it was another
couple of years before they officially separated and Neil moved in.
When I finally managed to permanently break up with Truck Driver,
there was a period where he kept calling, and it took a while before
I stopped trying to explain myself nicely, even as he hurled abuse
and (completely false) accusations at me. I never descended to his
level, though, not even close, and the thing was, he had actually
cheated on me throughout the relationship - I really just didn't care
enough to be mad about it, because I always hoped he would finally
leave me alone if he found someone new. The longer I held out, the
more vicious the abuse became, and then I just kept hanging up.
Finally, he showed up at The Bumble's birthday party unannounced, and
Mama Smurf's sister pretty much told me to lighten up, that I was
just like my mother, and she basically took his side without knowing
what I had been through with him. And so I came away thinking that
even if I had problems with him, maybe he wasn't so bad, and I
shouldn't try to get in the way of him being friends with my
But I managed to make the breakup stick, and I'm proud of that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did his family seem shockingly unusual to you
at the time?
Blinky: Not really. During our discussions, The Bumble had
told me about a lot of his friends, and a lot of them were wife
beaters and generally sexist, or more aggressively misogynist, and
reading between the lines, I'd bet there were quite a few child
abusers in there.
There was this weird pattern that seemed common out in the country.
Often there would be a guy with good-looking daughters, a guy who was
fairly good-looking and aging fairly well, whose wife wasn't aging as
well in comparison.
Dr Velvet Thong: That seems like a very unfair generalization
or prejudice.
Blinky: Yes, I realize that. But, I do think a lot of
seriously fucked up shit happened in country communities/families,
and it might partly have to do with social isolation. And that's
partly why my experiences maybe didn't seem shocking to me, but
perhaps even rather tame. Or maybe it was just the people my father
knew, in particular.
He always rooted for the underdog, played Devil's Advocate, and the
way it seemed to be framed was that he had a kind of pity for these
poor bastards at times, but later I maybe consciously realized not
enough sympathy for their victims to break off contact or disturb the
friendly vibes, except in extreme cases, but sometimes (er, usually)
not even then.
Dr Velvet Thong: When you chose to live with him, weren't you
in a way sticking up for the underdog, because no one else seemed to
be on his side?
Blinky: Yes. When I was younger, though, I genuinely thought
he was great, and charming and funny. When I was 13, though, I found
I was not really liking his sense of humour any more. The dirty jokes
turned me off, and his general sense of humour dismayed me, but I
endured them I suppose to glean some philosophical truths, secrets,
or personal encouragement/praise. I use the word 'secrets', but he
didn't actually say 'this is between you and me, you must not ever
tell'. He might have counted on me to keep some things to myself, but
it seems likely to me that he trotted out whichever sensational
tidbits he thought or intuited might intrigue someone, when trying to
pick up women, all the time, and he also intuited which things might
be better left to himself.
I think there were probably other stories, for brothers and men
friends, that I never got to hear.
People who knew me from age 13-15 would probably be shocked to hear
how I describe my recollections of my father now, because back then I
was always saying how great he was and how bad my mother was. In some
ways, though, it might have been like I was in a cult, and had been
brainwashed by a powerful leader.
Dr Velvet Thong: Your father was open-minded, and maybe it was
a sign of intellectual curiosity, which can be a positive trait, and
which you have inherited your own version of. Your task is to figure
out the right limits or balance for you, and to try to make
conscious choices.
Dr Velvet Thong: Back to Truck Driver for a moment. Have you
seen a connection between his extreme pursuit of you and what you
have identified in yourself as a desire to be extremely
Blinky: Yes, that just clicked last night. I think it makes
sense to respond to something extreme, but that it is valid to not
want that kind of thing without any qualifications
Who wouldn't respond to being extremely wanted, especially if or
only unconsciously, they feel neglected, undervalued or even unloved?
It's different if you can pick and choose.
I guess it sucks if a guy not capable of conscious thought just
instinctively goes after what he wants and refuses to take no for an
answer and he's the one who gets the girl, while a guy who
appreciates her qualities and daydreams about her and also intensely
wants her is ruled by boundaries and self-consciousness and
respect for others can only muster up the courage to ask her out
once, and if she says no, even if he doesn't know the extenuating
circumstances, doesn't get the girl, and that's the end of it. And I
suppose then there's some philosophical points that could be made
about what it 'really' means to want someone or something.
But I think it's valid to prefer to be wanted in certain ways over
others, and that if you can't attain your preference it doesn't
prove your preference is something else. What a person wants in
fantasy does say something about who they are, and I don't fantasize
about the sorts of degrading 'love' and wanting I experienced with
that guy. Not everyone is attractive enough to pick and choose, and
sometimes any experience is better than no experience, to experience
something unknown is better than to remain closed off from life
When you figure out that Truck Driver doesn't really love or
you, that you have merely triggered an unconscious
pattern which is about denying and subduing your individuality as an
unconscious power game, and depleting and exploiting your resources
the way some feel entitled to the Earth's without a thought of the
consequences, it's not so appealing, or flattering. If you can
identify that you want something different, no one has the right to
label you a masochist. You shouldn't have to kill off your family or
become Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct to prove otherwise.
It's one thing to respond to a man who shows interest because you're
lonely - when for him it's like shooting fish in a barrel, another to
mistake novelty and no other offers for a fetish.
I was extremely open-minded, forgiving, and unaware I had really
low self-esteem.
Dr Velvet Thong: How long did that first ongoing relationship
Blinky: From start to finish, about 10 months, but we were
broken up frequently during that time and in the later months, it
was a lot more off than on.
Dr Velvet Thong: At what point did you find out you were
Blinky: I'm not sure and will have to think about it, but
approximately 5 months in. I found out a day or so before I got the
news Mama Smurf was in a coma and would be a vegetable if she lived.
Dr Velvet Thong: And The Bumble was the one who told you about
your mother?
Blinky: He came into my bedroom, he had a serious tone. I was
in my nightie. He wanted me to sit up, and I sat on the edge of my
bed and he sat beside me and told me about my mother and I started
to cry and become emotional and he put his arm around me and there
was just something about it that creeped me out so seriously that I
went into a kind of shock and just shut down and pushed him away
and could only continue the conversation at a distance, and I wasn't
comfortable at all, I was just conscious of wanting to get away from
him and cover up. I know it might sound strange, but it was like
I had this strange feeling that whatever boundaries had been in place
before, it was like this was some kind of free pass or get out of
jail free card to cop a feel, or something.
I had to hurry and get dressed anyway, as we had to drive up to what
he called The Armpit of Ontario to see her in the hospital before
she died. And when we got there, I was the only one of her children
considered old enough to see her in ICU, and they said something like
I should say whatever I wanted to say to her, and I didn't know what
to say, but my inhibition was worse because her boyfriend was alone
in the room with me, and I had never really liked him or felt
comfortable with him and so that was it, that was the last time I
saw her. She died a couple of days later.
Dr Velvet Thong: And you became the unfeeling daughter who did
not cry at her mother's funeral, and were likely the subject of
Blinky: Yes. Wearing a red dress! to boot, the burgundy one
with the cum stain from my Sweet 16 Surprise Party, because I had
worn the appropriate navy one with a strand of pearls to the viewing
at the funeral home because I thought the funeral was that day and I
had no one to consult about what the fuck the protocol was. It was
just 'get ready, we're going now'. I suppose it could be argued that
the appropriate dress could have been worn for two days of viewing
and then also a third day at the funeral, but, er, in Toronto in
July? It's not just a 'female thing' that clothes matter to some
extent. There was no one to say, 'save that dress for two days from
now.' Also, it was a 'rich' funeral, with massive crowds of people,
many of them wealthy.
Dr Velvet Thong: What about your siblings?
Blinky: I realize that I probably wasn't much of a role model
or support to them. I had no idea what I was doing, and in those
days, the communication structure in the family was such that no one
really knew how to be psychologically supportive. But because I was
so 'cold', it's possible the others were easier to sympathize with.
Plus, everyone kept going on about how much Beany resembled Mama
Smurf, in a complimentary kind of way. My cousin Justine told me she
liked my dress, so there was at least that.
Dr Velvet Thong: You were conscious of your pregnancy during
your mother's funeral, and you had already made a decision to have an
abortion. Did Truck Driver attend the funeral? Was he a source of
Blinky: He wasn't with me at the funeral home viewings or the
funeral itself. I can't remember if he had to work, or if I asked him
not to come. I had an abortion not long after the funeral. I didn't
have to think or agonize about it, and I've never regretted the
The conversation with The Bumble went something like:
The Bumble: Stupid, stupid, stupid! What are you going to
Blinky: Get an abortion.
The Bumble: Good.
He seemed relieved. I was relieved I wouldn't have to tell my
mother I was pregnant, and felt guilty, because I didn't want her to
have to die for that.
Dr Velvet Thong: A lot was happening in a short period of
time, when you were already on extremely shaky ground.
Blinky: Whenever I tried to relay any of this to counsellors
or psychiatrists, there either wasn't time to get into much, or they
didn't seem to think I was saying much, and I was even told 'I've
heard worse.' And all of this is on top of living with the daily
reality of ichthyosis, and a serious, incapacitating addiction/eating
disorder. Through the outwardly more extreme events of my life, I was
still dealing with all of the daily implications of those conditions.
And to top that off, the summer I was 16, I hadn't had time to get a
suntan (or the 'right amount', and certain no time to maintain),
because of all the ongoing drama with the boyfriend, my mother's
death, my pregnancy and abortion, and the fact that I was working 12
hours a day as The Bumble's secretary/receptionist for the summer,
and supervising and marking aptitude tests. I took a day off for the
funeral (the viewings were at night), and a day off for the abortion
and otherwise, I was there every day.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you find the abortion traumatic?
Blinky: I'm not sure I would describe it that way. I was very
conscious that I had brought my situation on myself and that I had
no excuse to wallow in self-pity. I tried to concentrate on doing
what had to be done, and holding myself 'together'.
Some hoops had to be jumped through. For some people, it can be
harder than others. I think you had to get a couple of doctors to
sign off saying that it was in the interest of the patient's health
and wellbeing to get an abortion. I went to a clinic in a small
country town. OK, wait for that to sink in now. They didn't perform
abortions themselves, but I didn't live in the city and didn't go
there on my own, and stupidly, I went to a smalltown country clinic
to get my referral. I really was naive about abortions, thinking you
just had to say you wanted one.
Luckily there was the suicide attempt a couple of months previously
to consider, and that might have factored in to the doctor's
decision. Also, he met the boyfriend.
Ha, also, I just remembered this really funny little extra bit of
trivia. During my pelvic exam, a really young doctor, I guess an
intern, good-looking, with curly blond hair joked with me, a pregnant
16 year old girl, as he put on his white gloves, that in gynecology
class he had been nicknamed Fingers, and he winked at me, before
giving me a demonstration of his technique.
Dr Velvet Thong: I've heard worse. But the important thing is
not to get overwhelmed by past judgments made by those you knew and
those you encountered in positions of authority. It's obvious to me
that a lot of those judgments did affect your self-esteem and even
how you tell the story now, and believe me, I do realize that most
people cannot begin to see enough of the overview not to judge.
Blinky: I had to see another doctor at a private clinic in
Toronto to get the second referral, I think.
The day of the abortion was pretty stressful. Truck Driver had to
work, and he just dropped me near the hospital and the plan was he
was going to pick me up after the abortion. Work was more important
to him than school. In the past couple of years he hadn't managed to
acquire many credits. At that time, I was
unfamiliar with the city and it was kind of overwhelming, and because
I entered not at a main door, I got lost and then suffered the
humiliation of having to ask directions, during which I was asked
what I was there for and I was still too stupid not to give people
too much information. It's a hospital, they perform abortions, I
shouldn't be afraid to admit I'm having an abortion in a big city
hospital, but on the day, it's maybe nice not to have to deal with
unpleasant reactions.
Dr Velvet Thong: You found your way to the right place.
Blinky: I guess it was the hospital's policy, but I had full
anaesthesia, and was in a room with many others who were getting the
procedure done as well. A few of them had had more than one before,
and knew the drill.
I woke up nauseous and had to vomit, but was soon up and about.
My boyfriend was more than 3 1/2 hours late picking me up, and they
wouldn't let me leave. At a certain point I called The Bumble to find
out if Truck Driver had called him to leave a message for me, (no, he hadn't),
and then The Bumble started roaring and saying he'd come pick me up
but I couldn't stand the idea of being around him after what I'd been
through and I said no, I'd wait, and the stress of the argument over
it was just not something I needed on top of it all.
And so when Truck Driver finally arrived, I wasn't mad, just relieved to
finally be leaving, and I was probably a very forgiving person. I
even offered to give him a blowjob, in the back of the furniture
truck (from his work), because it had been a while since he'd had
one, and I knew he'd probably be needing one (and it was going to be
ages in teenage boy terms, until he could fuck me again.
Actually, it seemed like a really long time to me, too, and I
reasoned there was no reason both of us should have to suffer for
it), and really, I was recovered now, and not nauseous at all. He
refused at first and seemed to feel bad or guilty about something, I
don't know what, but he couldn't really fight it when I pressed the
issue. (I mean, tried again to offer a blowjob.)
What I remember after that was that he wanted to take me out to a
Chinese restaurant to compensate for what I had been through or to
try to make up for being late, and we didn't know the city well and
couldn't find an open one nearby. And besides.. it seems rather
dubious to 'reward' me with a treat when I had been so stupid as to
get pregnant.
I was used to a certain type of Chinese food, and I liked battered
chicken balls, and was looking forward to having them, but when we
finally found a Chinese restaurant, it was like a gourmet one that
didn't have the usual things, and I reluctantly tried some boneless
lemon chicken pieces instead, and it was so tender and delicious that
I've always remembered it. The day of my abortion, I probably had the
most delicious lemon chicken I've ever had.
I became a vegetarian a few months later.
When I left the hospital, it was with a prescription for the pill.
Luckily, because of my summer job, I was able to afford to get it
Dr Velvet Thong: What do you think he'd be like now?
Blinky: Like he was then, but older, fatter, drunker, and
with kids and a wife he passes on the family traditions to, and as
many extracurricular activities as he can get away with. The way to
prevent anyone from questioning you too closely is to make sure you
choose someone who doesn't have a lot of power, who doesn't speak
much, and remember that a good offense is better than a good
defense. Attack and confuse, so the other person never gets a chance.
Beat them into submission so they give up the idea of even trying.
Be fucking relentless.
Dr Velvet Thong: Has he ever tried to contact you again, or
vice versa?
Blinky: I have never tried to contact him again. For the
first couple of years, he tried after my family moved. I had had a
thing with the guy who lived across the street at the first place,
and when he noticed Whatshisface skulking around, he was really good
at making sure he got no intel. He didn't even mind doing it; it
just came natural to him to try to thwart a fellow predator. Yeah,
you guessed it, it was Vlad.
Then he went after my best friend from high school, who I was still
in touch with through written correspondence and phone contact once
in a while, and he was absolutely fucking merciless, I know his
tactics, and I have never been even slightly upset with her for
giving the details to just shut him up and make him go away.
She called me quick, to warn me he had worn her down, and she seemed
to feel so guilty, but I never blamed her. My life was in the toilet
by that time and in our last conversations it had seemed we'd had
less and less to talk about, and it seemed like the best solution was
that the next time I moved, it was best that not even she knew where.
It wasn't just so he couldn't contact me, it was because it was
getting harder to cope with the judgment I perceived. She was moving
on with her life, and it was better that I not try to drag her down
with me. I know she might have been curious sometimes, but eventually
I had just had too many unpleasant experiences with former friends,
relatives and acquaintances, and with new people, and I just didn't
want to have to explain the unexplainable and undefendable. It was
just too devastating.
If he tried to contact me now, I don't think it would occur to him to
apologize for anything. I think he'd just be wondering if I felt
nostalgic about any of the 'good times', and although he might think
he's curious about what I'm doing now, what my career and family
life are, I just think it would be a pretext to cover up his agenda:
he'd be wondering if I am still remotely fuckable, and if there's a
chance to hit that again. And while I'm sure he still prefers 'em
young, he can probably bring himself to fuck just about anything.
Dr Velvet Thong: What did he think of your skin?
Blinky: He had his eyes closed most of the time, and I think
he was just too horny to notice. All he wanted was the holes, and I
learned how to preoccupy him easily enough. A lot of the time I
was fully or mostly clothed, and/or we were in dark or poorly lit
Tell me Dr, does it make sense that I would bring all this upon
myself just because I was sad when I figured out my father didn't
really want me to live with him, he just wanted to gravely injure
my mother? I mean when I unconsciously started to connect the dots?
Dr Velvet Thong: It does make some sense, now that you put it
like that, but our job here is not to get too settled into one way of
looking at the situation to the exclusion of others. We can factor it
in as one layer or facet, whose relevance might shift, increase,
warp, diminish, depending on current variables, perspective and any
new stimuli or info coming in.
I think you tried to stay open and flexible, while trying to distill
the most true truth, and there probably is no such thing. When you
were dancing, I think you instinctually knew that, accepted it, and
felt you were able to go with it, and that's why your most positive
memories are associated with dancing. Most people might think of
dancing as a purely physical thing, but you were fully engaged,
physically, mentally, psychologically, spiritually.
Blinky: Even though I feel like I keep getting further, it's
like that is always an illusion, or there's always still so far to
go. It's like I can feel the pressure of the cheering crowd, happy
to get their primal payday, saying 'yes, she's finally gonna get
that motherfucker and good', and I know I maybe have to give them
a moment, but not stay there, not rest there as if that's the
final say.
It's so weird. For so many years, I felt so guilty even trying to
understand my feelings or examine my memories, and it would all feel
so heavy and awful, and I would be scared of how bad it was and how
long I'd be unable to shake that off, and now when I write the
details it all seems so funny, in a way, that I actually laugh out
loud as I describe it.
Dr Velvet Thong: There are those who might point out you
seem to lack emotion, and who might wonder if you've always been
that way, a sociopath yourself. However, you've been trying to tell
your story for years and no one has seemed to understand what you've
been trying to say, and I think it makes sense that because your
family and society and 'professionals' dismissed what you had been
through, you lost the ability to believe in your feelings as
something valid, and now the only way to tell it is to try another
approach. You did not casually reach the conclusion that death was
the only solution for you at age 16. You just don't know how to
articulate or remember in ways that others can finally recognize.
Blinky: I think originally when it came to marriage and kids,
I was largely unconscious and probably had the default setting. By
the time I was a teenager, and there was no cure for my skin, I
began to think there wasn't any way I could ever be married unless
I managed to figure out how to get a job somewhere in the world with
a suitable climate.
Blinky: Truck Driver was unconscious, and his approach to sex wasn't
very sensual. He was so persistent and put in so much effort, I began
to think if I wasn't able to move away, he was probably the only
one who'd ever want to marry me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you have fantasies about a
Blinky: I'm not sure. I think it was more likely that I tried
to imagine what type of white dress I'd look best in, and that I
thought about tropical honeymoon destinations. But, a big part of
making choices for a wedding involves that it's all going to be
photographed, and if the 'centrepiece', the Bride, isn't photogenic,
it sort of ruins the fantasy. I remember reading a book (novel - but
I can't remember what it was) that 'inspired' me to imagine married
life in a cottage by the sea, with a lot of flowers around the house,
and I thought I'd have a husband, two kids, one of each sex, and a
dog and a cat, and that I would know how to cook many, many things,
and dinner every night would be amazing, and there would also be
dessert, but no one would be fat because we would have very active
Dr Velvet Thong: Sounds kind of average..
Blinky: And there was also the thing I did with the Sears
catalogue. It was a game I played, by myself, and maybe it helped me
to develop my addition skills.
When the catalogue arrived, I would get a pad and pencil, and note
down and add up the cost of everything I would buy:
1. If I was married and had a couple of kids and there was no
budget whatsoever, I could just get exactly what I wanted.
2. The same scenario, but I had to create a realistic budget - and
so part of the game would entail that I'd have to figure out how
much I made and my husband made and factor that in, and try to stick
to necessities and a few fun things.
I was aware that there were more fashionable places to shop in the
world than Sears, so part of the game had to be: imagine you have no
other choice. What do you buy? (This sort of fits with the bomb
shelter mentality thing, where you try to plan for as many
contingencies as possible. But the Sears catalogue was designed for
those who lived in remote locations and had to shop this way, and so
they sold not just clothing, but everything needed for a
But usually I liked the game better if I only had to make selections
for myself.
Dr Velvet Thong: When did it start?
Blinky: Probably Grade 2 or 3, and I probably did it until
Grade 7. I still saw Sears catalogues in Grade 8 and in high school,
and some of my clothes at the end of Grade 8 were ordered from the
catalogue, and a couple of things in high school, but I no longer
did the adding up thing/fantasy family game.
Dr Velvet Thong: First masturbation?
Blinky: I seem to have memories of doing it when very young,
maybe from age 3 or so. I remember doing something like a 'striptease'
with a washcloth when I bathed alone, still fairly young, so it
seems possible I 'performed' for some adult in my life who found it
amusing, or, er.. something else. It has recently occurred to me
that originally I 'liked' being watched, and then maybe something
changed and I learned there was something displeasing about me, but
I'm not sure that makes sense.
But also in bed, under the covers, I would touch myself. It took
some years before I had orgasms, but I remember that when it was
dark, I liked when my mother left the room and sometimes I wanted to
get busy touching myself.
Token Lesbian Sex Scene
Blinky: Have you noticed the trend in movies these days, not
just American, but all over the world, where when a man leaves his
wife of however many years when she's in middleage, they don't seem
to present new male romantic options, but seem to go straight for
the lesbian option? Even blind lesbian?
Dr Velvet Thong: Women are more adaptable than men, but maybe
what you've noticed is an imbalance, related to monetary strategy
and the underlying inequality between the sexes that movies are
reinforcing rather than addressing? That although on the surface, it
seems to be about presenting women with options, it's mainly about
catering to men?
If a film is about relationships, it's easier to drag a guy to see it
if there's a chance he'll see two women getting it on, or get to see
a lot of nudity. And usually, whether in movies or on tv, the
lesbians and lesbian communities all seem to be composed of really
hot chicks (not average ones).
But yes, I've noticed it, too. The underlying message seems to be
that if a longstanding relationship ends in middleage, it's not
realistic that a woman will find a new leading man. If she does, it
always seems to go badly, or is just a short-term fling. A younger
guy will pursue her energetically, but then ditch her when he finds a
younger one, and it's accepted that because he's young, he's probably
going to handle it badly. And if she tries online dating, maybe it's
not exactly Looking For Mr Goodbar, but it's like a milder version
of it.
Blinky: I just feel like when people read my history, they
tend to go right to the scene with the female babysitter and so if
we talk about that again, it's like there's this pressure to take it
to another level or reveal something new.
It wasn't something that ever came up with any therapist or
psychiatrist. There simply wasn't time, and there were so many other
things to talk about. Compared to everything else, it seemed rather
a benign experience, but most people these days, when any incident
from childhood has anything to do with sex, that's it, we can stop
looking now, we have found the reason for all your problems in
Dr Velvet Thong: That's rather insensitive of you to say.
Try to think about those out there who are trying their best to cope
with the aftermath of various kinds of trauma.
Blinky: You're right. I'm sorry.
But if we talk about these things, I think it has to be OK to not
lump all of these kinds of experiences into one category, assume
everyone's dealing with the same level of trauma, and refuse to ask
questions because it's not polite.
I don't have nightmares about big black bushes coming toward my
With the amount of force the babysitter used, my guess would be
that she was turned on, and frustrated, and that somehow her
experience in life was that you could behave like this with kids.
But I struggled hard, and she stopped.
My parents found her, probably because a lot of those in their circle
were couples in which husbands physically and verbally abused wives
and possibly children. The Bumble would tell me that some of the men
did some truly awful things. It just seemed normal. He kept
socializing with these guys, although after the split, some remained
friends with him, and some with Mama Smurf. We had a lot of different
babysitters over the years.
I don't remember anything unusual with any of the other
Dr Velvet Thong: I know you don't want to go through the
details again, but there's a pattern I see, and I want to see if you
see it. How do you think this experience affected you?
Blinky: In the short-term, the way I processed the experience
was that I acted out. On sleepovers with girls my age, I initiated
sex games. I was the aggressor, but I didn't use force. From age
5-10, I can remember 5 specific incidents, with 4 different girls,
although the last one at age 10 technically wasn't with just the one
girl. There was a group of girls, and we played something like a game
of strip poker in the girl's bathroom, which was a large bathroom. I
don't think it was poker, it was some other kids' card game. It was
summer, my family were staying in a cottage, and after that, I never
saw the girls again.
But that last time, I somehow got the vibe that I 'shouldn't' be
doing this, and I think around then I started thinking that when I
was in university, maybe then it would be the 'right' time,
Dr Velvet Thong: I think people want to know if you were a
Bad Babysitter.
Blinky: I think I was actually a pretty good babysitter (for
the time period - standards are probably higher now). This was an
ongoing source of income for me through my teens until I was
housebound. I was good at finding ways to 'reason' with kids, who
don't think 'reasonably', getting them to go to bed at the right
time, to only have a certain amount of snacks, all of that kind of
thing. With some of the boys, I would have to say 'OK, let's have a
race in the yard, and if you beat me, you can stay up an extra hour' -
and they seemed to respond particularly well to 'losing' in this
kind of way. I told ghost/Poltergeist stories, and from what I
remember, I was good at improv back then, or kids didn't have very
high standards.
There was one embarrassing incident, with two kids whose parents
offered more than double the usual fee and warned me that other
babysitters had run away in horror. They didn't give me
The first night, I had trouble getting the girl to stop opening and
drinking cans of soda (there was an open pantry with lots of
supplies) but I eventually did, without yelling, and when she climbed
up and peed standing on the dining table, I didn't yell, I cleaned it
up, and I managed to get both her and her sibling to go to bed at the
designated hour. So, I guess I passed the babysitter test, and the
parents called me again.
On the second occasion, just after her parents left, similar
behaviours were occurring and I don't know what set me off, I just
started going 'ARGh!', throwing my hands up in the air, that kind of
thing, and the parents walked in. And I was the one who was
embarrassed, and wondered if after that they had a bad babysitter
story to tell about me, but I'm thinking probably not, because I
babysat a lot of kids in my time, and I've never seen one that
behaved like that before, or after.
I guess I need to reiterate that when it came to how the initial
experience affected me, to my conscious mind it didn't seem
From age 10 on, I started to develop crushes on boys, and by age 13
these became 'extreme' enough that I probably couldn't think of
much else. A few times in my teens, I dropped hints to other girls,
but these fell pretty flat.
I didn't ever try anything with my sister. Maybe there was too much
animosity/sibling rivalry between us, but also I think the attraction
just didn't work that way for me.
Somehow it was only related to girls my own age, (maybe it was about
stage of development, a kind of equality or compatibility) and as I
got older, it seemed that this was still how it worked - I wasn't a
Humbert Humbert frozen in prepubescence, attracted to the young ones.
Dr Velvet Thong: There's a vibe in the family, it's like
everyone thinks there's something weird about you and kids, or like
you don't like them, but it sounds like at least in your teens, you
interacted with kids 'normally'.
Blinky: I didn't have any experience with looking after
babies, though. All the kids I babysat tended to be out of
diapers. I think I only accepted such jobs, where the kids were a
bit older, and I think what makes sense is that because my mother
and I lived so far apart from age 13 on, and because I didn't have
contact with any females who were 'nurturing' types, I didn't get
the kind of experience with babies that other girls did. I guess
when my siblings were born, I never helped out (we were never raised
to be close), and then later, I didn't learn the things other girls
Dr Velvet Thong: There's maybe some speculation that you
feel guilt over your abortion at 16, and that has something to do
with why as an adult you didn't want to have kids of your own, or
were awkward with anyone else's kids.
Blinky: Whatever it was that made me sure I wanted an
abortion, it was only partly related to the right to choose and my
future education. It also related to low self-esteem. By then, I had
absorbed that if The Bumble could do it all over again, if he had
been capable of making conscious choices, he wouldn't have had kids,
and he would have aborted me (the first). The stresses in his life
related to having the massive responsibility of supporting 4 kids. He
wished he could have traded us in for horses. That's not the kind of
thing nice people ever admit, but it doesn't mean it isn't more
true than the official story.
In a way, I was aborting myself retroactively.
It wasn't black and white. There was a split, more than one
important influence. I think the unconscious territory was that I
hated my boyfriend, and didn't know how to get him out of my life,
and I was afraid that my influence wouldn't be enough to prevent a
kid from growing up to be something awful, like a serial killer,
that because I couldn't get away from a boyfriend I hated, I might
not be strong enough to counter his influence in a kid. I need to
stress though that this wasn't totally available to my consciousness.
I didn't think I hated my boyfriend.
I didn't think I could love the child. I don't think I loved
myself. My parents both said they loved me, but in the unconscious
sense, I'm not sure I felt loved.
I think from there the issue became more complex. At 16, I had my
first extended period of not leaving the house, and underneath that,
there was a lot of shame about who I was and how I was turning out.
I think I became self-conscious about infecting new generations, but
also feeling like I wouldn't get a fair shot with anyone, that
everyone else in the family would pass on The Bumble's brainwashing
about me. I didn't feel like anyone was on my side. I didn't know
how to say it.
I had very little contact with kids, or anyone, in the next years.
During the going out phases, or days (sometimes only a day here or
there), I tended to go out and manage to get laid or into a new
Gandhi had a sister who wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. When she
had her first baby, and was passing the sprog around for everyone
to hold, I wasn't assertive enough to say that the tradition didn't
make sense to me, and I wasn't really into it. I did have conscious
thoughts about how horrible it must be for sprogs when adults smell
bad or have bad vibes, and they can't do squat to escape.
Dr Velvet Thong: They can cry.
Blinky: Yes, and this one did when passed to me. I don't blame
the sprog. The mother only passed her to me because she thought you
were 'supposed' to out of politeness, and she was obviously
uncomfortable with the whole thing and couldn't speak up, and her
baby could probably feel these vibes. The grandmother was also
uncomfortable with me.
I didn't want to hold a baby. I didn't want to be in that room. I
didn't want to be in Timmins, Ontario. I didn't want to be in the
relationship I was in. And that wasn't about the baby, it was about
my unresolved baggage, not with babies, but in life overall.
Years later, at a cottage with my brothers, their SOs, and a couple
from their social circle (and Gandhi), everyone kind of muttered
under their breath when I said we had a McDonald's toy in the car we
could give the couple's sprog, everyone kind of reacted like 'you
can't give those things to sprogs, they're choking hazards', and it
was like they were all thinking 'she obviously knows nothing about
kids and couldn't be trusted with one', and meanwhile no one said a
word when Madison complained about how 'fat' her daughter was for a
one year old, or remarked upon the fact that Madison seemed visibly
disappointed in or embarrassed by her daughter's fatness. Except me.
I said she looked athletic, and this seemed to result in a look of
rage on Madison's face, similar to what I had seen on Mama Smurf's
when informed I had gained 15 pounds. A fleeting look, one that
escaped before she could control it.
Dr Velvet Thong: What about Cecil and Beany's children?
How do you think the family see your lack of involvement?
Blinky: It probably looks pretty bad. I'm not sure how to make
it clear, but roughly, I think it relates mostly to the main issue of
me being so alienated from life that I wanted to die, and there was
something especially difficult when it came to kids. To participate
in usual social rituals, I would have had to hide the state of my
mind and life, not just from the original family members, but a new
generation, and accept that I would pass all the same beliefs and
messed up communication on to them.
Beany Jr had inquired about me when she was about 5. Beany explained
to her I was too 'busy' to visit them. I asked Beany if it was
possible to explain to Beany Jr about my depression and she said no,
and so I accepted her decision. It seemed to me the greatest good
would be for me to stay out of their lives.
It was even harder to talk to Cecil than it was to talk to Beany.
But the one glaring thing: do I wonder about my nieces and nephew,
am I interested in their lives?
And it's kind of like with the rest of the family.. I wish them well,
I wish good things for them, but I don't have enough personal
stability to uphold the social customs. I can't be the cool aunt
who invites people to come visit in Australia. I've never lived in
any house or dwelling in which I was comfortable, or would have been
comfortable having people visit. Not just family. And contact with
family has sort of given me the message that if I am 'myself', I
probably don't have anything 'positive' to impart.
Dr Velvet Thong: So your role is probably to be a family
eccentric or villain, who adds a bit of colour to the family tree.
You went crazy in your teens, and disappeared off to Australia,
never to be heard from again.
Blinky: Except.. now there's the internet. And so I do
sometimes worry if my online presence could possibly be harmful, not
just to the younger generations, but to the family of origin.
I kept thinking through the years that I would die at any time, and
that after, it probably wouldn't be long before the Manifesto
disappeared forever. I
hope that my efforts to speak up about
my life haven't harmed anyone, but harm is a complex concept. I
needed to communicate, my family wouldn't communicate with me, and I
had to go somewhere to communicate, or die.
Dr Velvet Thong: Thoughts on feminism.
Blinky: There's just so much anger in men now. I'm not really
sure how to address it. I get that to them it seems like women
complain when they don't talk about their feelings, then when they
do, that makes women complain more, as if nothing men can do is
ever right.
How do you get across that sometimes men's anger leads to women
feeling they don't have a right to their feelings, such as in my
case, when I was always trying to understand everyone, and didn't
really ever feel entitled to be angry with anyone, to the extent that
I couldn't even identify when I was being ill-treated, abused, or
even when someone tried to rape me. [How do you get across that
sometimes men's feelings relate to prejudices and misperceptions they
don't know they hold, because they've had enough power that no one
was ever tough or strong enough to get in there and question their
outdated ways of looking at things? And that when they let their
anger loose, it can cause a lot of destruction? And how do you point
out that while women's accusations feel uncomfortable to men, they're
sometimes coming from a place where there's a broader overview, it's
about trying to achieve a kind of cohesion and healing?]
Using The Bumble as an example (although he's not a typical example,
because in some ways he was always able to talk about his feelings
when drunk).. to allow him his feelings and to be an 'understanding'
person was to push down all my own feelings and accept his worldview.
I couldn't form a cohesive identity. I found eventually it was a very
unequal situation, in which I listened to his problems and tried to
be understanding, but he couldn't return the same to me, and it was
like in the end, he didn't even remember how many hours and years I
had listened to his problems sympathetically, and none of it counted
for anything.
When men are angry, how do you deal with it? Say 'I'm not a feminist,
you can relax with me'? When The Bumble and Mama Smurf broke up, and
he tried to influence how we saw our mother, it was like he was
saying she was awful, and irrational, and his new gf was nice, and I
went along with all of it, but when I think of the gf now, I really
don't know for sure who she was as a person, because she never
complained or spoke up about anything. I know now that not only did
she not take an interest in me, she really just did not want me
there. At a crucial age during my development, I was taught, or I
absorbed, that it is attractive to completely support men even when
they're wrong, and to change your entire lifestyle and preferences to
accommodate a man's.
Compared to Mama Smurf, the women he dated or lived with after tended
to be 'appearance-challenged' (although two of them had a slimness
comparable to Mama Smurf's). Does that prove he wasn't superficial?
He made a lot of derogatory comments about Mama Smurf's appearance.
One thing he said was that she was 'skinny', but aside from a brief
period in the 70s when she was thinner, she seemed to maintain at the
lower end of the range that is (currently) considered healthy for her
height, not underweight. And if she struggled to keep it there, if
she had an eating disorder or appearance issues, it seems pretty mean
of him to constantly attack her appearance. This might have
contributed to the confusion I had to sort through. It's ok to jump
some women for their appearance, and it doesn't matter if
there are some hypocritical factors involved, like, he actually
had more chemistry with the one he criticized most.
Dr Velvet Thong: Thoughts on samesex sex:
Blinky: I think in university I would have been considered a
bi-tourist. Still, I think it's worth pointing out that it's possible
for people to have a wider variety of sexual experiences when their
libido is higher. That doesn't render all those experiences invalid,
and it seems pretty square to cynically say a person was always
completely straight and playing with the emotions of others, that
there's no rainbow of emotions and experience. The thing is, I didn't
know for sure. The experiences I'd had when younger, rather than
'scarring' me, just sort of made me think it was natural and
enjoyable to have sex with females.
Dr Velvet Thong: I want to draw your attention to your
wording above. When describing the incident with the babysitter,
you said 'I struggled hard, and she stopped.'
When Truck Driver tried to date rape you, you used similar words.
After the experience, he told you that he couldn't believe you had
struggled so hard. He tried his hardest, and wasn't able to rape
Dr Velvet Thong: What about the girls?
Blinky: I hope I haven't scarred them. At least 2 of them
probably had significant other trauma in their lives as it was. I
would make myself available to discuss it and apologize, or try to do
whatever they thought they needed for resolution.
My Aunt Gave Me Genital Warts, and My Mother Tried To Give Me Herpes
One of the unfortunate aspects of stds and stigma is that
combined, they activate the ugly human drive to place
Dr Velvet Thong: A sensational heading to make people think
about their need to place blame?
Blinky: Attitudes to common stds are based on ignorance
and hypocrisy.
Sister Smurf introduced me to this tall blond ex-hockey player I
think she'd slept with before. We watched him play floor hockey
together. He didn't really like condoms and he had a lot of partners.
Maybe that's something she and I have in common: the same strain of
Dr Velvet Thong: Technically, you could have acquired them
before that, with any of your partners, including the ones you used
condoms with, and it could have been years before any symptoms showed
Blinky: Yes, I know, and I knew it at the time, too, but it's
sort of funny to think about.
Dr Velvet Thong: You asked him to wear condoms?
Blinky: Yes, we had sex once when I was visiting my aunt in
the summer, it was the summer The Space Cowboy had just been released
from prison, and then again drunk at chrismukkah. I was worried about
my skin the second time, but I got so drunk I blacked out and didn't
even remember having sex, although I had brought condoms with me and
he knew my thoughts about them.
When we did it in the summer, I had gotten out of the bed, walked
naked to the closet where they were stored in my overnight bag, and
brought some over to the bed. Even with the condom on, it was over so
quick I barely remember it, and I was completely sober.
Vlad was a really good influence when it came to safe sex. Before
him, I didn't really know what the hell I was doing, but after, I
always bought condoms and insisted on using them, even if it meant I
had to put them on myself. Vlad's parents were more realistic than
most, and bought him a huge supply, so he'd never run out. I met Vlad
when I was 17, and the hockey player at 21.
When I came to the next morning, the condoms were sitting in plain
view and none had been used and I asked him about it and he said he
didn't use any. And I didn't get mad, because I had blacked out, it
was my fault that I didn't insist.
He seemed hurt I couldn't remember our 'night of passion'. He said:
'I made love to you all night long!'
I couldn't remember anything except some preliminary making out
after the girl who was there before me left for the evening.
There was a kind of understanding, maybe it was psychic, I don't
know, but I never asked my aunt about things, and he and I never
fought about anything. It was just that I had a kind of hippie free
love mentality. We don't own anyone, we're young, we should try
things, don't get hung up on silly things, try to have the
experiences you want, be honest with yourself.
He was like a son to my aunt and uncle. They were devastated when he
killed himself at age 33. The Space Cowboy found him. He'd done it
with a shotgun. That must have been horrible.
One night we'd all gone on a double date, that summer I was 21. The
Space Cowboy poured champagne for me and Sister Smurf and we drank it
from elegant glasses in the back of the car. We went to see Full
Metal Jacket. I suppose that might have been foreshadowing.
Dr Velvet Thong: When did the warts appear?
Blinky: Several weeks later, and I hadn't had any other sex
partners since the summer, er, early fall. They went away on their
own before very long. Winnipeg is the VD Capital of My Sexual Youth.
I had just moved there. And then came the Herpes, with the only
sex partner I had had in a year and a half.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you use condoms with him?
Blinky: Yes, every time, and I bought them myself out of my
limited funds while on welfare in Winnipeg, and I put them on him
He was weirdly lazy, or I guess maybe it was like he didn't really
want to be having sex, and I semi-raped him, every night for a couple
of months. It was like I was the one who undressed him and myself,
took care of all the foreplay, and had to be on top, every time.
That's it, that was our relationship. It could be that it got off to
a bad start because he was worried about passing the herpes on to
me. He told me he had dated his last serious girlfriend for a year
before she would allow any sexual contact, so maybe I had pushed him
into things before he really felt ready.
He was a slum landlord. He owned and rented out approximately 14
properties, and owned the house I rented my self-contained apartment
in. He wasn't a very conscientious landlord, but I never nagged him
about that. We went for walks and bike rides every night for 3 weeks,
and he still hadn't made a move, so I made one. I knew I didn't want
a long-term thing, but I did want to have sex, to see what it was
like, and in Winnipeg, you have something like 6 weeks of summer, and
the rest is winter. It wasn't going to be summer forever. So. He
resisted, but not too hard. I didn't pursue him the way Truck Driver
did me.
I eventually broke up with him, but one night a couple of months
later I was really seriously horny, and I knocked on his door and was
pretty persistent, and I was very thin, and he tried to say no, but
then gave in. I used a condom, and was again on top. We were on the
floor this time, and I was holding on to something to get more
traction, and it was energetic enough to cause rug burns on my knees,
and it was pretty good and I lost my sense of what I was doing, and
forgot to hold onto the base of the condom, and when I got off, part
of it stayed inside and was spilling everywhere, and that woke me up
I was most worried about pregnancy, and so first thing the next
morning I went to a free clinic and got a morning after pill. You
have to take them for two days, I think, but the instructions said
you had to take them with food and I had none. I mean none, and it
was going to be several days until I would get my next welfare
cheque. So I asked him if I could have a dollar to buy food. At
Safeway, I could get day old pastries for a dollar. They were these
big rectangular things with cream and raspberry filling. I got 4 for
$1. They came in one of those clear plastic hinged things grocery
store bakeries still use. I rationed them for the 2 days. I felt
guilty about having to ask for a dollar. But, in our whole
relationship, even though he was considerably better off than me, he
never bought condoms, or took me to dinner, and only once he bought
me a salad, in a takeaway container, sort of like the one the
pastries came in.
He's the guy who complained about the way I cooked Kraft Dinner and
corn on the cob. The package directions on K-D are simply wrong, and
you can't get it right unless you cook it for an hour. And corn needs
at least an hour, too. But maybe because I had weird food issues, I
sometimes attracted guys with weird food issues, too.
I mean, even the hockey player was like a carnivore extreme. His
parents owned a butcher shop, and although he was only about 24 or 25
when we met, and although he was strong, athletic and sexy-looking,
he had already experienced gout.
My landlord and I never had sex again. I had my first outbreak a
couple of weeks later, and it was the common experience people have
of the worst outbreak they ever get.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you confront him about it?
Blinky: He was away on a trip and when he got back I sought
him out and told him my diagnosis, and asked him if he had it. I said
I just wanted to know more about what to expect.
He asked if he could have it and not know it, and I said yes, but it
seemed to me like he knew and was trying to figure out what I knew
and hedge his bets and he also knew he had an outbreak on the day in
question and he had been hoping it wouldn't come to this and that's
why after the incident he hightailed it to BC to visit his sister for
a few weeks, after he turned the furnace down to criminal levels in
the Winnipeg winter, and was unreachable by phone.
I don't think I came across in an angry or accusatory way. I suppose
it was something of an admission when he said that I was a
'good-hearted person'. I asked him some other questions but he had to
leave, and he avoided me after that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Other than that, what was the relationship
Blinky: It didn't make me feel very good about myself. After
we broke up (I broke up with him because after a couple of months of
sex, I was finding the relationship unsatisfying, and he cried and
hid under the covers), he said there never was any oomph in our
relationship, and during it, he seemed to compare me unfavourably to
sex workers, saying he liked them because they had good bargaining
skills. But also, I think he probably had a thing for talking dirty
in bed, and wanted me to take hints, but I didn't have any experience
at that stage.
He's the only guy I remember that used to flush condoms down the
toilet after use, like it was somehow shameful to put them in the
regular trash, or leave evidence of sex. I was always worried the
toilet would back up, because none of the buildings he owned or the
facilities therein were in great condition. (The condoms did have
semen in them. I know because I was the one who put them on, and took
them off. I'd go to put them in the trash, and he'd take them from
As for the fondness for sex workers, I think he often used to drive
around the notorious areas, like Portage and Main? I'm not sure if I
can remember. He'd roll down his window and talk to them. That's as
much as he told me, so I don't know how far it all went. He didn't
like spending money, so maybe he tried to see how low he could get
the price down?
I was just this loser on welfare, and at least sex workers were
earning their own way in the world. And the thing is, I agreed with
that, and still do. They could do something I could not and still
cannot learn to do. Support themselves.
And the thing is, if at the time public knowledge of herpes had been
more advanced, I wouldn't have gone through what I did or felt so
alone or scared, not to mention judged by the doctor who diagnosed
me, and he wouldn't have had such trouble telling new partners, and
nobody would really be looking at the situation with the intent of
finding somewhere to place the blame of infection. Readers wouldn't
be assuming I'm fudging the facts of 'slutdom' or not giving him a
fair shake, or, jumping to the conclusion he got it from sex
Dr Velvet Thong: It seems there's some precedence here. In
the past, family members, for example The Bumble and Sister Smurf,
seemed to value those with other qualities over yours, and you were
graciously humble and open-minded about it. Do you think that deep
down you're a good Catholic or Christian after all?
Blinky: Looks puzzled. I think in the family, I'm
considered the one who sees the negative in everything, and I'm not
sure it's not true. But in the past, I don't remember consciously
feeling mad at people, or that I hated people, or ever wished them
ill, and I was ashamed any time I had an even remotely negative
thought, or casually gossiped about anyone. When these things
occurred, they were like reflexes I was deeply ashamed about, and
over the years I struggled to root them out.
Dr Velvet Thong: How did your mother try to infect you?
Blinky: I don't know if Mama Smurf always had oral herpes, or
if she got it from Neil. It always just seemed like a normal thing,
just one of those things that happens in life sometimes. It was just
such a normal thing that other relatives could easily have had them,
and I just don't remember because it wasn't that big a deal, except
when someone was trying to kiss you.
I don't know if it was only when I was 12-13 or so that I pulled
back when she tried to kiss me when she had a big one on her mouth.
I said something like 'Aren't those things contagious?' As far as I
know, I didn't really judge her for having cold sores, but I didn't
really want to catch them myself.
She made it very clear I had hurt her feelings, and I felt bad
about it, but it was difficult for me to find that incentive enough
to say 'Sorry about that, go ahead, kiss away.' So if she kissed any
or all of us when we were younger and she had sores, my memory is
not good enough to remember.
I don't think the best solution is to tell all mothers with oral
herpes to avoid ever kissing their children, even when they don't
have sores. I think the commonsense thing is to avoid kissing when
you have sores or symptoms, and the same goes for genital herpes.
But, given Mama Smurf's reaction to me, it seems possible that she
didn't take herpes seriously, and would have kissed her boyfriend,
and even given him oral, and not thought it was any big deal. 'If you
love me, don't be squeamish.' If that was her attitude, I wonder how
many other people pre-1980s had similar attitudes to herpes, before
all the hype spread about it being almost as bad as HIV.
I mean if you think about it.. centuries in which possibly 1 in 4 or
so people had genital herpes, and even 1 in 2 having oral.. and no
one making all that much fuss about it?
Dr Velvet Thong: Now, it seems almost preferable to acquire
HIV. With the meds, with tests you virtually seem 'virusfree'. Not
that it's fun to take meds forever, but with the stigma in relation
to herpes.. wouldn't that be a fun debate? Is it now worse to have
herpes than HIV? Which side would you argue?
Blinky: Maybe everyone should make a note of looking at their
family members and think of the stats: 1 in 4, 1 in 2.
Dr Velvet Thong: Yes, but only a fraction of those with
either ever have symptoms.
Blinky: Which doesn't mean they can't pass it on.
Dr Velvet Thong: And crowds, too. Everytime someone is in
public, think of the stats. And every time you watch a movie, not
just porn.
Blinky: Er yes, but some tv shows, even medical shows seem
keen on perpetuating the idea that only 'certain types of people'
have things like herpes. House and Grey's come to mind. All those
medical interns who have come and gone over the years, all the
actors who played them.. remember the stats, people. And House,
taking 13 to a seedy bar and telling her this was her future, with
herpes, as if she couldn't get it from having sex at the 'clean'
hospital, or maybe even House himself. Yikes.
Dr Velvet Thong: Yes, there is a problem with people thinking
that only certain types of people are likely to have herpes, and you
can make good guesses, just by looking at people.
Blinky: I know there are many scientific reasons it might be
difficult to come up with a vaccine or cure, but to me it also
seems those who sell antivirals might not really have much incentive
to offer one. They don't even have to reinforce the shame - pop
culture and people themselves are only too willing to keep that ball
rolling. And as long as we have that, they can sell us a way of
trying to keep it in check, not cure it, when really it is probably
mostly needed by the small percentage with the worst symptoms.
Dr Velvet Thong: And Don Quixote?
Blinky: Well, we know there are false positives and negatives
with herpes tests, but he has tested negative for both HSV1 and HSV2,
and has never experienced symptoms. (I test positive for
And I know that if he feels relieved, and I'm relieved, in a way
that contributes to the stigma, and makes it seem like I'm damaged
and diseased and thank whoever that at least I didn't ruin this
poor virgin's life, and he can now go on to find Someone Better,
someone not afflicted, and experience True, Pure Love and all that.
Dr Velvet Thong: You need to try harder to avoid looking at
it that way.
Blinky: My attitudes about it all now are different, but when
I first met him, I was so scared of giving it to him that the stress
of it all probably brought on more outbreaks. But eventually, it
wasn't just about that. I didn't want to be in any relationship
long-term when I'd have to use condoms every time, forever.
Dr Velvet Thong: Has anyone ever accused you of infecting
Blinky: As far as I know, Gandhi didn't get it either. He
never had symptoms. We used condoms in the beginning, but then he got
a vasectomy, and in the next years, we never used them, we just
counted on me knowing when an outbreak was approaching, being aware
of prodromal symptoms, and letting him know. And in those years, my
outbreaks were mild, and only occurred a few times a year.
And other than that, no.
The Herpes Fairy
The Herpes Fairy
A dream sequence that is repeated every now and then, maybe to
help break up some of the longer, tedious sections. 'Magical'
twinkling light effects, a naked fairy with hot pink wings and hair
flying in from somewhere, maybe fluffy cotton candy pink clouds, and
then the camera focusing in on her as flowers 'bloom' on her lips,
her vulva, and then porn-style she turns and bends over and they also
bloom out of her asshole. An assortment of pink and purple hued
fireworks exploding all around, in the shapes of flowers. Meanwhile,
she smiles and is extremely attractive, and sweet. Probably a lot of
pink, as far as colour scheme and flowers.
The Herpes Fairy: Hello everyone.. Have you, or has someone
you know, recently been diagnosed with HSV 1 or 2? I am here to help
you look on the bright side of VD, by sharing some fun facts.
But first, a question:
Does anyone really want to use condoms every time they have sex for
the rest of their lives?
1 in 4, 1 in 2. What do the statistics really mean, in a practical
Everywhere you go, think to yourself: 1 in 4 have genital herpes,
1 in 2 have oral. Anyone can have it, it's not about being 'dirty'
or slutty, or whatever, and a person can acquire it in love their
first time out, or they can even get it from their mother. Anyone in
your family can have it, friends can have it, people in your school,
people in hospitals, meticulous people who work in labs - it's not
just something you catch in a seedy bar. There might even be some
genetic predisposition, such that even people who have had tons of
sex and don't use condoms sometimes don't get it.
But before you get too scared, think about this: the vast majority of
those who have it don't know they have it. I'm just estimating for
now, and my statistics aren't exact, but roughly, perhaps only about
1 in 20 or so of those who have it know they have it.
Yes, even when you don't have it, you can pass it on, because the
virus can be active (in the prodrome stage) without sores being
present. But this is more encouraging and less horrifying than you
think. And before you rush to insist that everyone be tested, think
about this:
1. The tests are notoriously unreliable, with both false positives
and negatives.
2. A herpes diagnosis tends to be psychologically devastating, for
no good reason. The stats don't support the hype.
1 in 4, 1 in 2, the stats don't support the hype, surely you jest?
The reason most people don't know they have it is that either
their symptoms are very mild, or completely
For the vast majority of those who have either type, this is the
But surely we must be careful, and the responsible thing to do is to
isolate all carriers and make sure they don't pass it on?
People, it's not ebola. It's a mild skin condition, that for the
vast majority who have it, say 1 in 4 or 5 who have it, so 1 in 20 or
so of the general population, results in blisters a few times a year
which go away on their own within a week or 10 days. It's an
inconvenience, but people can avoid sexual contact during those
As for oral herpes, it's not significantly different from genital
herpes. Would you tell 1 in 2 people that they had to inform all
potential kissing partners or oral sex partners that they had a legal
obligation to inform people they have herpes? And a moral/ethical
one, too? Doesn't it make more sense to tell people: avoid kissing
anyone, having oral sex (for oral herpes) and avoid genital contact
(for genital herpes) when you have sores or prodromal symptoms
(itching, tingling)?
Yes, with this method, some people will contract herpes, but the
vast majority will not get it the first time they have sex with
someone, and might not ever get it at all. Of those who do get it,
only about 25% will ever have symptoms. That's not 25% of the whole
sexually active population, it's a quarter of a quarter of the
population. I'm only giving rough stats, to make it easier to grasp
the concepts.
The unfortunate risk relates to the (probably) less than 1% who
have the most severe symptoms. I won't lie, those are no picnic, but
to spread panic and propaganda about herpes is to make everyone
afraid this outcome constitutes unacceptable risk. You take bigger
risks every day driving your car, or leaving the house.
Those afflicted with the worst symptoms deserve support and
compassion, and not to be treated like lepers. Antivirals are quite
effective, and hopefully can help most of them, but again, in cases
where there doesn't seem to be much help for suffering, sufferers
deserve compassion, and people working on better solutions.
The Hype about Herpes engenders fear, discrimination, sexual
segregation, shame, and can be psychologically devastating to one's
self-esteem and sexual identity. It doesn't have to be this way.
PS: Did you know:
Chickenpox is herpes?
Mono is herpes?
Shingles too?
It would be unconscionable, not to mention impractical to insist the
entire population of the world had regular herpes tests to weed out
all who had oral or genital herpes, even if the tests were reliable,
regardless of expense or lack thereof. It would be unconscionable and
wildly unrealistic to insist that 25-50% of the population tell every
potential partner of their diagnoses, and that they should
NEVER kiss or have any kind of intercourse or oral sex without
using a condom, to be as safe as possible. Plus, we don't even have
mouth condoms, and dental dams don't seem practical or designed for
mouth to mouth kissing.
Maybe we will have a kind of sexual elitism, with some people proud
of the fact they're completely HSV-free, but the current tests aren't
accurate enough to prove such claims. What we need to get rid of is a
kind of 'moral superiority stance' related to this whole issue. It
wouldn't hurt to get rid of the stupid jokes (technically ignorant),
either. It's healthier for everyone's sexuality in the long
If the drug companies already have a cure or vaccine and are holding
it back so they can keep people feeling ashamed and therefore
motivated to control symptoms and conscientiously reduce the risk
for partners (with antivirals that are expensive in
most places) in perpetuity, they're pretty evil, and we all have to
make decisions as to whether to negatively reinforce them or not. But
since we can't go making unfounded allegations without proof, for
now we can at least try to make some attitude adjustments.
Ace of Cups
Closeup of a crusty, weeping herpes sore with facial features, and
a sad expression, speaking these lines on a deserted beach, at
sunset, with waves gently washing against the shore. In the same
hushed-sincere tones as those of a character in a Terrence Malick
Herb P.:
All those years.. living the life of an infectious disease...
Misunderstood, shunned, hated. Afraid to show my face in public.
Afraid to speak words of love, afraid that I could never be loved,
for myself...
Helveeta's Herpes Happiness Blog
Counting my blessings one blister at a time...
A religious girl who is raped gets herpes and scrapbooks about her
outbreaks. Her mother becomes concerned as her coping mechanisms
become more extreme, her attempts to look on the bright side of VD
more desperate, and books her an appointment with Dr Velvet Thong.
Dr Velvet Thong: Helveeta, your mother called to book an
appointment for you because she is concerned in relation to your
personal blog, as well as some rather nasty feedback you have
been receiving. I'd like to ask you a few questions about your blog,
if I may.
Helveeta: Fire away, I'm happy to talk about anything you want,
happy to help spread the good news, and get to work at reducing
stigma and shame, promoting peace and love throughout the world.
Amen! Praise Jesus!
Dr Velvet Thong: According to your intro, you, a 17 year old
virgin, were raped and physically assaulted, spent two weeks in a
coma, and you woke up to a herpes diagnosis.
Helveeta: smiling from ear to ear, rocking and raising hands
to heaven Yes, it was a blessing sent from The One True Lord of
Heaven and Worker of Miracles, the day I was saved, the day
everything changed.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you become a Christian after the
Helveeta: No, I was already a Christian, and I was probably a
'good girl', but in my heart, in my soul, I wasn't really ready to
Love, in the truest sense of the word. And Jesus knew that, and in
his Wisdom and Kindness, he sent me this Gift, the Gift of
Purpose, and Unconditional Love.
Dr Velvet Thong: And your mission is to spread the Gospel
about Herpes, to reduce stigma and shame by posting photos of your
outbreaks, zooming in and giving names to individual sores, and
writing positive affirmations and positive facts beneath the photos?
Helveeta: Yes! And personally, I like to give them names of
celebrities, because it gives them more 'personality' than regular
names would, and I hope will draw more people toward my message of
Hope. And anyone can have herpes, even celebrities, and everyone is
desperately in need of this message of Hope. I also like to invent
positive backstories for my little sores, like 'positive gossip' to
combat all the negativity.
Dr Velvet Thong: Helveeta, these images are rather graphic and
high resolution.
Helveeta: People need to see the Truth! I am in a category of
less than 1% of those blessed with HSV, who experience the most
extreme symptoms, and therefore I am in the best position to Shine
the Light, light the way for others, because I can say, I know what
you are going through, and you CAN get through this and find your
way to LOVE.
Dr Velvet Thong: Your mother says that you have been
bombarded with negative feedback and no positive feedback and that
all of your friends have become frightened that you are mentally ill.
How do you feel about that?
Helveeta: Nobody, not even the Lord Himself, ever promised me a
rose garden. My path is not the easiest, but now that I can see it,
I have Faith and I will persevere, come what may.
Dr Velvet Thong: Since you began your blog, have you been
asked on any dates, or have you asked anyone out? Hmmm, let me
rethink this a moment. What are your thoughts on finding
Helveeta: The Lord works in mysterious ways, and as long as I
have Faith, he will guide me to my Soulmate, my One True Love. I
already have Love in my life! I will never be without it.
By bestowing this gift upon me, the gift of Herpes Simplex, no False
Love will come to me, no Pretenders, no Pranksters, they will look
upon His Mark, His Blessing, and Fear Him, to their Souls. Only the
True-Hearted, only the one who can truly Love my Unique and Shining
Soul and Good Works will truly see me.
Dr Velvet Thong: One of the least unkind comments is
'Jesus fucking Christ die already you deranged diseased cunt'. Are
you sure you don't feel bad about the comments?
Helveeta: I have enough Love in my heart for all the Sinners
and Blasphemers. They should be pitied, not feared or hated, they
need His Healing for their hurts which cause them to lash out at the
world, driving Love away when they need it most.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think herpes is an obstacle in the
sense that it prevents people from perceiving unique souls and
beauty, even if it had turned out someone had contracted herpes by
rape, even if before that they were virgins? Imagine the Stories
about Love differently.. all the attraction at the beginning, and
then.. does the plot just stop because you can't have True Love or
mild bdsm if you've got a sexual disease? You can't work around it?
Helveeta: Everyone's path to Love is different, as it should
be, according to God's plan. Because He Loves me, he saved something
special for me, and he has his reasons. I don't think it matters
how you get it.
But thank you! Dr Velvet Thong. Thanks to you, I have been inspired
to reinterpret all the classic love stories from this unique
Dr Velvet Thong: And if you lived a long life and never found
True Love?
Helveeta: I already have His Love, forever and ever. This
lifetime is but a drop in the bucket of infinity.
Dr Velvet Thong: What if you found out you had to have
herpes or something like it forever and ever?
Helveeta: In His Infinite Wisdom and Love, he would not send
me something I could not bear. I just got an idea! I could change the
name of my blog to Helveeta's Eternal Herpes Happiness blog, let me
think. Thank you Dr Velvet Thong! for helping me to more fully
understand His ever-expanding Love and Wisdom. Herpes is a blessing
from God, never a curse, even if there is NEVER a cure!
Dr Velvet Thong: OK, Helveeta, I'm going to recommend to your
mother that you be allowed to continue blogging. If all the
negativity hasn't driven you to suicide by now, I don't think it's
gonna. You have creativity in your life, you have alternative
'friends' and an internal world/community that gives you support, you
have spirituality, and maybe you're stronger than a lot of people out
there. Who am I to say your delusions are worse than anyone else's?
Carry on.
Helveeta: Bless you, Dr Velvet Thong! I will keep you in my
Flash to a Herpes Nudist Beach, where people can lie in the sun
and dry out their sores without fear of shame or stigma. Seriously,
if a person has active sores, they would probably feel self-conscious
about attending nudist events. Herpes Nudist Grocery Shopping. Herpes
Organic Freetrade Cafe, with welcoming signs that say Please! Have a
Seat, (with smiley faces). But the kicker is that they're all
integrated, so anyone at all can go there.
Dr Velvet Thong: Have you thought about letting people get to
know you for yourself first, before springing the herpes on them?
Helveeta: But that's just it, Dr Thong, my openness about it
and my approach to it are an important part of who I am. It wouldn't
make sense to conceal that, to pretend to be less than what I am.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's perhaps an unpleasant aspect of human
nature, but humans are social animals, and there is a very strong
need for societal approval and acceptance. Unfortunately, many people
might be afraid that if they are seen to support you publicly, it
could ruin their social and sex lives, because others might assume
that support means they themselves have herpes.
Helveeta: Excuse me Dr Velvet Thong, I feel a massive
episode coming on, and I want to start documenting from start to
finish. I'll see you next week, if it's over by then.
Happy Days
Dr Velvet Thong: Let's see if we can find ways of accessing
some of your happier memories. I
know that for a few years,
watching Happy Days with your siblings was the highlight of the
1. March Break 1976. It was after The Bumble had moved out, and Mama
Smurf and Neil took us on a road trip to Florida. We also went to
Alabama. Gulf Shores, Alabama was the setting for one of my best
memories ever. Very early in the morning, Cecil and I went to the
beach and walked along the shore, at sunrise, collecting shells.
Everyone else was still sleeping. We weren't together, we were both
doing our own thing. I just remember that I liked everything about
it, the look of the sunrise, the feel of the waves and the warmth of
the day. I thought that some day in the future, when I was 'in love',
I'd want to come back and do this with someone.
And when we came back to the hotel, what I remember was the smell of
cinnamon toast coming from Mama Smurf and Neil's room. It smelled
like the most delicious thing in the world. Maybe that even has
something to do with why both Cecil and I are Dune fans, who knows.
I got to have a piece of cinnamon toast, but the taste wasn't as
good as the smell. But I still remember how incredible it smelled,
and how much I wanted it.
2. Salty! I know most people think my biggest attachment to a pet was
to my cat, only one cat, but I think my favourite family pet was a
shared dog, a white cockapoo named Salty.
She had the most beautiful temperament of any pet we ever had. And
when we lived in Northern Ontario at the fishing resort, Mama Smurf
would let her loose when she knew we were coming down the road off
the bus from school, and Salty would be so happy to see us she would
just BOUNCE down the road toward us, bounce, leap, run, with such
incredible joy. She was this white ball of fluff, with incredible
momentum, bouncing down the road toward us. One year she was really
cute as part of Beany's Halloween costume, Beany was Little Bo Peep
who found her sheep, Salty was her sheep.
3. When I was 17, in the summer of 1983, and was fit and thin and had
a good hairdo and a tan, and had finished a year of school by
correspondence and was at least theoretically able to continue on
with my academic career, I had the most 'hope' I probably ever had
for my life. And when I had the empty house to myself for a while
before moving in to The Beaches house, that period of hope stands out
as one of the best times of my life. (Even though the swimming pool
was green and unsafe to swim in.)
Blinky: The smell of rubbing alcohol still lifts my spirits. I
know it'a a bit of an odd thing to have positive associations with.
When I was just about to turn 12, I really wanted to get my ears
pierced, and The Bumble had offered to take me as my birthday
present. Mama Smurf fought both of us fiercely on this. Her
fear/prejudice was that it would be a permanent mutilation that I
wouldn't be able to take back years later when I came to my senses.
She herself never got her ears pierced, and neither did Beany. It was
the kind of thing that made a woman impure, unclean, Unnatural, or
no, what's the word.. flawed? Damaged? It was almost as bad as sex
before marriage, the way she went on about it.
She later bought me a subscription to Seventeen Magazine as a 13th
birthday present, and wasn't at all worried that would mutilate me in
any way.
Dr Velvet Thong: Blinky! Focus! Let's try to stay with the
positive associations.
Blinky: I don't know how they do it now, but in those days,
when you got your ears pierced, you had to wipe them with rubbing
alcohol and turn the studs to disturb the crustiness that had formed.
I performed this chore quite happily.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you come to regret your decision?
Blinky: Not for a second. And Mama Smurf later bought me
pretty gold earrings.
It is possible that Mama Smurf passed on some of her attitudes about
makeup, purity, etc, to the others.
Dr Velvet Thong: Er, the topic here is 'happy memories'. It is
a bit of a worry that your memory seems to link more easily to
unpleasant associations.
Blinky: The first chrismukkah I spent alone. The Bumble and K-Pru had
gone back to visit everyone in Toronto while I was left on my own in
an empty house in Winnipeg. As soon as they left, I cleaned the
house, then cleared all the furniture out of the way, and made the
livingroom into a big dancefloor.
I did nothing but listen to records and tapes and watch Muchmusic and
dance. I ate cheese tortellini and Mother Bumble's shortbread. I
danced every day, for hours and hours. I slept in the middle of the
Because I enjoyed it so much, it was hard after that to ever go back
to 'normal' holiday celebrations.
It reminded me of the highs I sometimes had when running a long
distance, especially at night, in summer, in the rain.
Dr Velvet Thong: You've come up with some good memories, so
let's leave it here for now.
Blinky: But shouldn't we be talking about why these memories
mostly don't contain people? Like maybe I never really liked the
way others saw me, or my place in the scheme of things, or I felt
like I was in the wrong place, and the only times I could feel
hopeful about my life and prospects was when I was on my own?
Dr Velvet Thong: No. You need to learn to focus.
University of Disorganized Thinking
Blinky: I didn't really know how to look for a good place to
live for myself, but I did go with Cecil to help him look for a
rental when he couldn't stay in residence at McMaster any more. I
also sent him singing chocolate chip cookies from Winnipeg in a care
package and he said I was a peach. And I explained how to make very
simple curtains for his place, and helped him pick out some fabric. I
think now I would have tried to offer more support, but sometimes it
takes a while to understand what is lacking. We were all on our own
in different ways in those years. He had the hope of a future, and
although he had to do the work and cope with the stress, he belonged
to an important club. At the time, Boo and Beany also were on their
own, but had important social ties. By the time I was 18, I had no
When I was 12, I took some test in school that said apparently I was
already reading and writing at a university level. This was a couple
of years after I wrote the book about the crime-solving cat (the
Nancy Drew slash Farrah Fawcett of the cat world, modelled on my own
cat, but sexier, like those fluffballs frolicking with toilet rolls
in commercials of the day) and skipped a grade.
I wanted more than anything to go to university, and when I actually
visited one, I ended up drunk, reading palms for drunk Non-Losers. I
had been studying palmistry at the time. I was making lemonade. Later
on, I read tarot cards at Halloween parties and other occasions, for
siblings, their SOs, and friends - basically for whoever wanted it
done. It was a way not to have to talk about myself, and it was
generally well-received. It was for 'free', so I wasn't trying to
scam anyone. Everyone does want to have a special destiny, that's a
given, but sometimes it's helpful to come at tricky feelings or
experiences from a creative angle, and to just have someone to talk
to who can hopefully guide you through it in a helpful way and give
you something to focus on within your value and belief systems that
feels hopeful to you.
Cecil invited Boo, me and some of Boo's friends to a party at the
Bates Motel, an infamous residence at McMaster University. Cecil was
studying mechanical engineering, and eventually won a full
scholarship to do his master's degree. His thesis sounded like
something straight out of Star Trek, something about replication.
Which reminds me.. that night I learned how to make a Sip and Go
Naked. It's pretty disgusting.. you go around collecting all the part
or half-finished drinks at a party with nothing too obvious or gross
floating in them, you combine them all in a pitcher with some
lemonade, you stir, drink it down fast so you don't dwell on how
gross it is, and the rest is self-explanatory.
I didn't go naked that night, because of skin issues, and probably
also I did understand the caste system there. That night was
remarkable because it is the first and only time I have ever been
kicked out of a bar. Basically, I was doing my Wild Thing a bit too
wildly, and I got kicked out of a campus pub, where you'd think
they'd be used to the outrageous behaviour of students in their
salad days/heydays. Ah, my university days.. day.
I did not have to go alone into that chilly Hamilton evening.
Boo was by my side in an instant and said that if she's kicked out,
I'm leaving, too! No such show of loyalty from Cecil, though. I had
embarrassed him, or lived up to his low expectations of me, I guess.
I was never invited back.
Dr Velvet Thong: Tell me about Cecil's dating history.
Blinky: I only ever met two of his girlfriends, although I saw
some photos of a couple other girls I think he might have fooled
around with, and he ended up marrying the second girlfriend I met.
The first one dumped him around graduation from uni, and she met our
family once, and I got the impression we came across as a bunch of
bucktoothed hillbilly yokels and we horrified her. He said she did
well in school. She was blond, with large breasts and he implied she
had some kind of really strange eating issues/disorder. Maybe if he
didn't have the skin condition there would have been more
girlfriends, but it also kind of sounded like he experienced a lot of
the usual rites of passage, like the obligatory naked Twister parties
and whatnot, despite the skin thing.
When he graduated from high school, it coincided with The Bumble's
second wedding and honeymoon. He threw a party at the house while The
Bumble was on his honeymoon with K-Pru, and there was a 'bring home
the best sign contest'. He and someone else had managed to dismantle
and bring home a street lamp. I always thought that was a scream. It
showed imagination, ambition, and skill. Not to mention physical
He played doubles badminton, and I think he was pretty good at it.
He's a very 'respectable' type, but he's also the type of guy who
once you get a few beers in him, goes around saying 'nice choice
of shirt' to females. He even said that to me once, when I wore a
sleeveless white mockneck that made my breasts look bigger than they
were. And who gets a kick out of CCing movies of women in stilettos
crushing guys' nutsacks or jerking off horses.
Once, when we were dancing drunk, he made some comment about wanting
to see me naked and being willing to live with the scars.
Sometimes it was fun when Boo, Cecil and their SOs and friends, and
me and Gandhi went out dancing, but I had to be completely drunk, and
bar dancing is not the same high as dancing sober alone with no
self-consciousness whatsoever, and no pressure to not get kicked out.
Of the club, or the social group.
We went to The Bop, The Zoo, but we only went to the Bovine Sex Club
once. I always thought the name was funny, but there's not that much
room there. Later, when I went out dancing with my brothers'
girlfriends, I'd often start at Left Bank, but always end up at The
Velvet Underground. But the thing is, while going out a few times a
year blind drunk to dance with my brothers was a way of maintaining
family ties for a while, in the end I couldn't hold it together. It
was kind of like the way females get to a point in a relationship
where they say 'where's this all going?' And if I couldn't find a
suicide partner, I started to lose interest.
It's true that I hoped someone would watch me dance and at least find
me interesting and want to get to know me, but mostly they just
commented they wanted to see me naked. That's what my 'creative
self-expression' evoked. And I know that's how it starts for men, but
I could hazard a guess as to where it was going, even if I am not
particularly psychic.
Little Pond, Big Pond
Blinky: When he was 11, The Bumble almost drowned, and since
then he never liked to go in the water.
His father was a good diver, and also a long distance swimmer, and
the day The Bumble got caught in a rip, he almost pulled his father
down with him. His father managed to save him, but was black and blue
all over, and covered with scratches. The Bumble never got back on
the horse, so to speak, but maybe it was because he thought his
father was mad at him for almost drowning him.
He sometimes went to the beach with us when we were little, but he
was always like this shadowy figure in shades, and now I realize it
probably triggered trauma and PTSD symptoms every time, and I
understand better now why Mama Smurf became the one in charge of
taking us to the beach or doing anything swimming-related.
He also hated hot weather, and preferred snow and winter, and
meanwhile, we all loved summer and water, and for 3 of us, it was
the only chance to have as normal as possible skin.
I lived for summer, and I liked being in water, and it was hard to
get me out of it, even when I developed problem earaches and had to
wear a horrible bathing cap. And so The Bumble was not usually part
of my best memories of childhood.
Dr Velvet Thong: How old were you when you learned to swim?
Blinky: I'm not totally sure. Maybe 5 or so. I sometimes had
lessons in public pools in colder months and it was stressful
because of my skin. I used to try to sit away from the other kids
when not in the pool, and lifesaving skills were particularly
The summer I was 10, and we spent a good deal of the summer camping
with Mama Smurf and her bf, I had swimming lessons in summer, in an
outdoor Olympic-sized pool. At the time, we were renting a cottage
for a while, and the 4 of us went to day camp for about 8 hours a
day, so Mama Smurf and her bf could have some alone time.
I hated day camp, but as a kid, I had no rights.
We're from Hanover Day Camp
We'll make his-tor-ee
As we go marching
On to vic-tor-ee...
I was to take a condensed course of swimming lessons (Red Cross,
Lifesaving) on my lunch break from day camp. I had to go for lessons
every day, instead of once a week.
The first day, I scarfed my lunch down as fast as possible, then ran
over to the pool, and within a few minutes of swimming, something
happened that had never happened to me before: I got cramps.
The instructor lectured me that you had to be strong to pass this
course. It involved swimming lots of laps. I knew better than to be a
whiny little bitch, so I said nothing about my lunch, and for the
duration, I went to lessons hungry, and ate after, while running back
to the camp. I never had cramps again.
I was the youngest and smallest kid in the class by far, and it was
a big class (about 25-30 kids) The others were all about 15-16.
It was the summer Nadia Comaneci won all those 10s. My one piece
suit was white and red and blue, with Canadian flags and Olympic
symbols on it. We were able to watch some of the Olympics with very
poor reception on the old black and white tv in the cottage.
On the day of the big test, there was a team of instructors/officials
with clipboards keeping track of everyone. I was so busy
concentrating on swimming my laps with perfect technique for each of
the strokes that I wasn't paying attention to how anyone else was
doing. I only know that I managed to swim them all, in the time
Treading water wasn't a problem for me; I probably could have kept
going for several days, with long periods only using either legs or
For the lifesaving portion of the test, I was paired with Gretchen, a
tall, heavy, freckled redhead, the largest kid in the class. She was
the one I had to rescue. I was actually relieved, because she was
shy, and nice and kind of self-conscious, and in a way that made
things easier for me than the size handicap issue made things
Only 5 kids passed the course that day, and I was one of
Dr Velvet Thong: You came to be known as The Negative One,
the one who gives up easy, the defeatist of the bunch.
Blinky: For a brief moment, I was a big fish in a little pond,
I guess. If things come too easily to you, you don't ever learn how
to try really hard.
Dr Velvet Thong: Can you tell me more about these Falls I keep
hearing about?
Blinky: Mama Smurf and Neil decided to take a big risk and buy
the summer fishing resort up north, near Manitoulin Island. There
were 5 cabins, a marina with various boats with outboard motors for
rent, some gas pumps, a gift and snack shop, and a trailer park with
The boys were to mow the lawns, man the pumps, and act as fishing
guides. My job was to clean cabins and work the register in the gift
shop (it was an old-fashioned one, it might have been broken, and I
had to manually add and subtract things on a pad of paper.) Mama
Smurf and Neil were the friendly hosts, Mama Smurf kept the books and
settled accounts, and both did our jobs too, as well as the main
organizing and running the place. I think Beany was young enough
that she wasn't expected to do much.
I also had house chores. Since around the age of 7, when Mama Smurf
had to go to the hospital to have a cyst removed, I started to wash
dishes. In the beginning I had to stand on something to be able to
reach. We had to make our beds every day. Other chores rotated
somewhat, but there was a big chart in the laundry room, and we were
supposed to check chores off as we completed them. I had to do things
like sweep the kitchen and laundry room floors, but there was an
assortment of things, not too major.
Meanwhile, when I moved in with The Bumble and Natalie, he once told
me that she expected me to do more, but I didn't really know as I had
no direction. I was understandably confused, because it had always
been so different to visit the Bumble as compared to Mama Smurf. I
did barn chores, I cut the lawn when directed, I became the nighttime
dishwasher (this includes things like washing down counters and
tables and chairs), I swept floors on my own initiative, and
occasionally vacuumed, but other than that, there was no chore
schedule and no discussion. And I think maybe she thought it was a
sign of stupidity that I didn't just know what needed to be done and
do it. I think the problem was that when staying with The Bumble,
there had always been a different vibe, and things 'felt' less
structured, regular, consistent.
I told Natalie I wanted to learn to cook, but she wasn't very big on
details, and she seemed extremely annoyed and put out that at 13 I
didn't already know how to do simple things like cook a roast. When
it came to baking, I learned how to do things from looking at recipes
and factoring in what I'd seen her do from a distance/peripherally.
And when I wanted to do calligraphy for a school project, instead of
explaining anything, she plunked down the instruction book, a pen and
some ink and some parchment paper, and walked away. I practised on
regular paper, and then came up with something really good. She was a
graphic artist, she made her living that way, and she never really
complimented me on any art project I did, and I never had the
impression I was anything more than average in this area. In my late
20s however, I found out through The Bumble that she thought I was a
Little Bitch. Also, she knew how to sew and do lots of arts and
crafts, and she never offered to help decorate my bedroom, even
though I had asked to change it, and it was seriously ugly, with
really cheap tacky car wallpaper and really ugly matching curtains.
If only I had known then what can be done with a $10 bucket of
Canadian Tire paint (circa 1979) and a trip to Fabricland.
The first night we met her was the infamous lobsters in the tub
night. And I think the next day she did do an arts and crafts project
with us, with rocks we glued together and then painted. I made a cute
little ladybug, simple maybe (I thought 'too simple', but it was well-
executed, and the red and black colours were quite striking), and
this other one, with a sort of flat rectangular rock with very smooth
edges.. I glued on ears and painted a turquoise blue Frankenstein
monster face.. with black hair, and I was embarrassed that I hadn't
made something pretty, but thinking back now, it was probably pretty
awesome and it's too bad I don't still have it. I don't think she was
amused, and she found she didn't like working with kids, so she
didn't try that kind of thing with us again.
Also, Mama Smurf had a massive vegetable garden out back which she
tended, and when I was there, it was often my job to pull weeds.
It should be noted that Mama Smurf had many skills, including that
she knew how to can and preserve and freeze many things. When we
were younger, we had trips to the Niagara region to pick fruit for
canning and preserving and making into pies to freeze. In Northern
Ontario, at the right time of year, we'd go on wild blueberry and
raspberry expeditions for the same reason.
And while up North, near Manitoulin, she learned how to tap the trees
and boil down the sap to make maple syrup. It seemed to take a long
time, and the smokiness in the house was rather unpleasant, but it
also seemed worth it to endure it.
I was also an unofficial lifeguard. After the day was out and our
chores were done/the gift shop was closed up or Mama Smurf took the
late shift, we'd get in a boat and head to The Falls. I learned how
to drive a boat, and I took quite a few turns at it, but Boo was
always the most comfortable with that job. As the oldest, because I
had distinguished myself in swimming and lifesaving, the lives of the
younger ones were entrusted to my care when we went swimming at The
Falls, as well as the lives of any stepsiblings or friends.
Mostly, though, in those days, our parents seemed to trust that all
kids had some kind of innate survival instinct. Look at the picture
of us jumping. I'm the oldest there, and I'm 14. We didn't have
helicopter parents, to put it mildly.
And there were no emergency hospital trips on my watch.
Neil had kids with 3 different baby mamas, and we met all of these
kids, but only one of the baby mamas. He wasn't much older than Mama
Smurf, so he probably knocked the first baby mama up when he was
still in high school. I tend to call all the kids of parents'
significant others 'stepsiblings', but in most cases, they weren't
technically step when our parents weren't married, but only shacking
One of these 'stepbrothers' stood on the other side and took that
photo of us all jumping. He got it on the first take.
I always think of that as the last day of summer that year, but it
was probably the last time I enjoyed summer. It was a cold night, and
that's why we're all fully clothed, when normally we wore
bathingsuits, but it was also the night before we were to head back
to The Bumble's humble abode.
After visiting The Bumble, Beany decided to stay. She wasn't of legal
age to choose, but Mama Smurf did not send police cars this time,
no insistent angry phonecalls, no curses on her head. It could be
that she thought it best to try a different way.
Since Beany was the one who was good with animals, it could be that
Mama Smurf was thinking of Beany's future, and that in those areas,
The Bumble had more connections than she herself had, and that it
was better to get her started young. And since I seemed to be doing
ok, maybe it wasn't the end of the world for Beany.
There's something else that niggles at me a bit and maybe I shouldn't
say it, but.. Beany was becoming known as something of a Cutie. Many
people commented on it. I have sometimes wondered if Mama Smurf had
caught Neil looking at her in a way she didn't like, and chose the
lesser of evils.
As far as that sort of thing with me went, I never really noticed
anything, but I wasn't exactly a beauty. One day, when I was in
Junior High, a different school from my siblings, and got out at a
different time and had a different lunch hour, I came home and was
just in time to see him stroll from one end of a hallway to another
completely naked and I saw that he had a very large penis. He didn't
look embarrassed, he just kept calmly and unself-consciously walking
to the bathroom. I never said anything to my mother, but I thought
that what happened happened because he hadn't realized the time - an
honest mistake, and besides, nudity shouldn't be shameful.
I suppose now I know enough about men to realize that sometimes they
do things accidentally on purpose, and can blame faulty memories
without raising any suspicions. But the thing is, I never really got
that kind of vibe from him. There were other, concrete reasons I
disliked him. It could be that Beany was a different story, though,
especially since everyone said she resembled Mama Smurf. Men always
want to know that kind of thing, 'what was she like when she was
young', and for men, that kind of thing is different from how women
think about what men were like young.
Dr Velvet Thong: Let's try not to forget this doesn't prove
anything. And also, let me just state for the record that you are
seriously sexist, and need to get a handle on that.
Blinky: The next summer I was 15, and I wasn't able to stay
the whole summer at the camp. After a couple of weeks I said I needed
to leave and talk to a psychologist. The summer I was 16, I stayed
even less long, maybe a week, and was too stressed to stay. Not long
after I left, (within weeks) Mama Smurf was dead.
Dr Velvet Thong: Just out of curiosity, who took over
lifeguarding duties the summer you were 15?
Blinky: My guess is that it would have been Cecil, age 12.
Later on, he was officially a lifeguard as a summer job at a swimming
pool. Boo was always strong and athletic, too, but I think certain
types of pressures and responsibilities were always too stressful for
him. But, if there's one main 'lifeguard', that person would be able
to count on Boo to help and not flake out in a crisis - he could be
directed, or instinctively know what holes to fill.
Dr Velvet Thong: As your eating disorder became unmanageable,
and your self-esteem collapsed, it was harder for you to spend time
around your mother, and harder to keep up with the responsibilities
that you originally didn't seem to struggle with.
Blinky: Jump! was painted in white on the rocks, and while
some people might think some smartass was saying 'kill yourself,
fucker!', I liked seeing the word. The translation for me was: 'dare
to do something that scares you', and we did jump, over and over.
Dr Velvet Thong: You jumped all the way to Australia,
eventually. Have you done much swimming here?
Blinky: Not really, unless you count The Swimming
Dr Velvet Thong: If you were in the water now, what kind of
swimming do you think you'd do or like to do?
Blinky: I don't really care much for any of the established
strokes I learned. I think in water I'd like to do something like
freeform dancing. Not really like synchronized swimming, or
completely like mermaids with tails/legs together, but maybe a little
like jazz and modern, and ballet, but also like how you see people in
clouds flying/floating sometimes, I probably will have to try to
write it better sometime, it's like twirling in whatever direction,
sometimes I've done it in dreams. Smooth, flowing, whirling. Mama
Smurf used to look graceful doing the side stroke, and perhaps I did
too, it feels nice, but why do you have to limit it to just that
amount of gracefulness? Because people will freak out or get
embarrassed if you use the water in unestablished or uncool ways to
support your weight while you do fun things?
Dr Velvet Thong: Australia vs Canada?
Blinky: I'm glad I'm here as opposed to Canada. The climate
agrees with me more, and I think I'm more bonded to the land, the
flora and fauna. I've had more experiences when I felt more conscious
and awake. There's a lot of diversity in both countries, but I think
Australia is closer to compatible with some internal geography.
I've learned more about the history, politics and issues here, and as
a result, I think I'm better able to grasp those of Canada and other
places in the world. There's something now for the info to anchor to
or build from, there's a stronger framework for
Nobody in our parents' circles seemed to talk about these things.
Politics were intimidating, but not just that, they were sort of
dismissed, as if they had no relevance to Real Life or what was
Important in life. And I get the point, there's a lot of silliness in
politics, and it seems like nothing is really changing, and maybe
it's more important to focus on accepting the people in your life,
and not delving too deeply into their quirks and issues, which makes
that less possible/likely, and I suppose it is a valid choice to
avoid negative reinforcement by refusing to dignify it as if it all
means anything, but I think it's been helpful to me to learn at least
a little more about it, and that it has helped me to understand
myself, others and the world perhaps at least a little more.
Dr Velvet Thong: Is it helpful to understand anything?
Blinky: Ha, I guess that's the million dollar question. But
there isn't a point in the past I'd like to go back to without the
I still can't help wishing there was some way I could extract
out the most fun and positive memories, and condense it all for
future generations, such that it's a feel-good kind of thing rather
than just a massive downer-whinefest.
The Bumble almost drowned his father when he was only a kid, even
though his father was really good at swimming, and massively
When I was 16, I think The Bumble was drowning, and almost took all
of us down with him, but it was a psychic/psychological thing, and
everyone's still in a kind of denial about it. My instinct was to
play lifeguard, and it might have cost me my life. Just as his
flailing wasn't recognized, my efforts weren't either. Maybe to
balance the scales, some of this needs to be more visible. He was
suffering and scared, and so was I, and so was everyone else, but
it still feels to me like I am judged more harshly than anyone
else, that I have been shunned and am more of an embarrassment
than anyone else.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's extremely difficult for any of us to
really see ourselves. And in anyone else's hands, the story would
probably come out entirely different.
Blinky: Reading my story, do you think the others would agree
I'm so negative it would be better I had never existed? Do you think
it would spur people to vote for Voluntary Euthanasia? Capital
Punishment For the Destructively Mentally Ill? Could I inspire new
laws? Could that be my Purpose in life?
Dr Velvet Thong: I think people might wonder why you haven't
killed yourself yet.
Our Rodeo Days
Picture The Bumble: slimmed down, dressed all in black, like
Johnny Cash, or Marty Robbins in the Gunfighter Ballads' pose (we had
the album with the hot pink background). The Bumble in a black cowboy
hat, with a black moustache, a cigarette in one hand, a Rum and Coke
in the other. The star of the Apocalypse! Teenage girls scream like
the girls at Beatles concerts while his faithful Pale Horse stands
by. Mama and Sister Smurf are in the front row, and throw their
panties at the stage.
Dr Velvet Thong: You said that The Bumble often mentioned he
could be happy with a simple life, just taking out trail rides like
he did when he was young.
Blinky: I am not completely sure about the details, but I
think he met both Mama Smurf and her sister during this time.
It's possible that part of what he liked about that time was that all
his options were still open, and he didn't have the responsibility of
kids and a wife. However, his social needs were complex, and after he
started making a better salary than he could taking out trail rides,
I think he acquired some expensive habits or became accustomed to a
certain standard of living and it probably would have been difficult
for him to scale back for long.
Dr Velvet Thong: He started smoking when he was 11?
Blinky: It took some time for him to get up to 3 packs a day.
The drinking probably started early, too. It just went with the
lifestyle. His father died when he was 15, and in many ways, I think
this helped him to feel less self-conscious, more powerful, because
his father had been overbearing. Now no one could control him or tell
him what to do, and he went without much guidance. I think he had
learned a certain amount from those in the cowboy community who
taught him, but there was never a way in to the world where more
advanced teachers lived.
Dr Velvet Thong: There was only so much he could teach you,
and he lived in a state of dissatisfaction, feeling that his true
potential had never been fulfilled.
Blinky: When he was young and skinny, he did rodeo trick
riding, but we didn't see demonstrations of it. He taught us what he
knew about Western Equitation and Pleasure riding, how to do games
like barrel racing and the pick up race, as well as games more for
the rider than the horse - Gymkata.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you enjoy it, or feel you had a knack for
any of it?
Blinky: I think I would have preferred just to ride a horse
on my own on a trail somewhere, and the horseshows in particular
weren't a lot of fun for me. Maybe it's because it wasn't something
I could excel at. I did win a bunch of ribbons, but The Bumble,
Beany and even Boo might have got more.
Here's what the general buzz was about me, in Horse People Circles: I
had a 'good seat', good posture, I moved with a horse well, and I had
incredibly still and gentle 'hands'. I was conscious about the bit in
a horse's mouth, and I didn't want to cause undue irritation or pain,
but I also had really good balance, which made me good at things like
racing with a glass of water in my hand, in events where the one with
the most liquid at the end and the best time won.
I guided a horse mainly with leg and foot pressure, leaning my
body weight, laying the reins gently on one side or the other of the
neck, and voice commands.
When we learned The Pickup Race, The Bumble probably mostly used his
phenomenal strength to pull us up. I managed to stand still without
flinching as he barrelled down on me, and reach up my hand and try to
leap with the momentum in the general right direction, but I'm not
sure it could be said I had a knack for it. I managed not to flinch,
I ended up in position, and that was just about it. Boo, on the other
hand, had an incredible talent, an uncanny ability and timing for it.
Once a photographer for a smalltown newspaper (The Tottenham Times)
managed to capture his little 9 year old legs in midair, in perfect
position to come down right on the horse's back behind The
Beany was extremely cute on a horse, partly because she was so
small, but also because she looked kind of wild, fierce. It was like
this tiny thing on a huge horse, with no fear. Her legs would be
flapping, seemingly perpendicular to the ground, trying to get
that beast to go as fast as possible. It's no wonder the crowds were
taken with her.
Cecil's skill and learning style resembled mine. It's like we both
needed to feel sure we understood it all before doing damage or
learning bad habits, and I think we were both more self-conscious
about learning rules and form, and worried about making
mistakes. Beany and Boo were the wild ones, the naturals, the ones
who were fun to watch.
Out of all of us, I had the best 'hands'.
In shows it always seemed that it was my job to ride the half-trained
horse, to break him in, make sure the horse got experience with a
calm rider. I kept trying to ask questions to learn how to get better
at finishing the training faster, and I really tried to do what was
asked, but it could be that the problem was I wasn't really a natural
on a horse, and the horses being trained sensed that I wasn't a
proper Authority. It could also be that The Bumble simply didn't
really know enough to pass on more to me. I mean, if it seemed I had
got stuck, then I guess he could have taken over and finished the job
right, but he didn't seem to do this. Also, he was probably hoping
that one of us would be like the kids in the Black Beauty books or
something, and just have a natural instinct. For a time, he read
some of those books to us at bedtime.
The Bumble was into all things Western, and he supported the
philosophies (I'm guessing here) behind quarterhorse vs thoroughbred,
not just in horses, but people. Thoroughbreds were hothouse horses,
delicate, wimpy things that required special conditions to thrive.
They were snobs. Give him a good old quarterhorse, any day. And woe
be it that any child of his would have a thoroughbred temperament in
a perfectly good quarterhouse frame.
But, it seemed to me that quarterhorses were pretty delicate, too. It
wasn't just like in cowboy movies where they seem so tolerant of
everything and you could just get on and go at a moment's notice. The
amounts of grain were important, and you couldn't overfeed. You had
to be careful with how much alfalfa was in the hay. You had to make
sure the hoofs were properly picked, and you paid attention to hoof
health outer and inner, and got them reshod and filed regularly, and
before and after riding you had to check all the spots there could be
matting, or dried dirt, so sores wouldn't develop under the saddle or
girth. Pull off burrs, scrub in circular motions with the curry comb,
then use flicking motions with the bigger brush moving from front to
back of horse, make sure there are no knots in tail or mane. In
winter, keep a coat on showhorses so they don't get that shaggy look,
etc. Pick out the front hooves first, then the back, but be careful
and always move slowly in back - some horses will kick. Just
tap/touch the leg here, and most will automatically lift the hoof to
be picked. Some are a bit more stubborn, or seem to enjoy giving you
a hard time.
Always walk a horse after exercise to properly cool down, feel the
chest to check the temperature. Whether due to incorrect feed, or
overwork, horses were always in danger of foundering.
One really 'sturdy' horse even managed to get her neck caught on an
old fence, and The Bumble said it was a nightmare where she was
standing there with her jugular hanging out and he had to get to a
phone (no cell phones in those days!) to call a vet. (She survived,
made a full recovery.) All this occurred while I was getting ready
for school, and he said there was nothing I could do and at present
it was best to keep the horse as calm as possible, without too many
humans crowding her, because she was already panicking as it
Dr Velvet Thong: When you started training for Quarterama, you
were 14 years old. Wasn't Beany living with you at that time?
Blinky: Yes, and she was around 10 when I started training.
When it came to swimming, at 10 I trained with 15-16 year olds, but
for some reason at 10 she didn't start training in an area she had a
more natural aptitude than me.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm curious as to why, since she was the
natural with animals and horses, The Bumble didn't focus on training
her for the show. And since he'd never entered Quarterama before, if
he was really serious about it, and she was underage or something,
and thought she could have a career in the field, why he wouldn't
have started investing in her future, rather than put you in the
Blinky: Well, maybe his long-range plan was to iron out the
bumps with a practice kid. And then the plan was disrupted by all the
family tragedies or the failure of his horse breeding business. But
at the time, the horse he and I were supposed to ride at Quarterama
was the 'fanciest' horse he'd ever had. This horse had the same
birthday as me, and so The Bumble might have seen it as a 'sign'.
He didn't stay at our stable with the other horses. He boarded at a
place with an arena, which was more convenient. I guess that was an
added expense.. and it is just dawning on me that maybe again
somehow I turned out to not be worth an investment.
Dr Velvet Thong: And at the same time, you still had horses
in your own barn. You helped with feeding, and it was your job to
muck stalls because Beany couldn't due to allergies, and The Bumble
had arthritis? Although the way you were directed to muck stalls was
a tad unusual.
Blinky: He'd say that because of the kind of floors we had in
the barn it was healthier for the horses and would prevent thrush in
their hooves if we let the straw, shavings and shit pile up. So once
a year, it would be my job to clean all that out, and I guess that's
partly where I think that many jobs for me ended up being like
'cleaning the Augean stables'. Cutting the lawn on the property, that
was my job, too, and all the times we moved, there was so much to
move and clean.
After a couple of years, he started the horse business, and his
partner took over keeping the barn clean, and didn't let things
build up.
Every night after dinner he would drive me to the arena. We'd spend
some time checking the horse over, I'd groom him before and after
riding, but I'll admit that I think I always had The Bumble check to
see if I had tightened the girth the right amount and got the saddle
position just so. It's a funny thing, that horses will sometimes hold
their breath when you're tightening the straps. I'd ride for an hour
or two, and sometimes The Bumble would take a turn for a short while.
On weekends we'd go in the daytime, during a time when other horses
were in the ring, so the horse would get used to being around groups
of people/horses. I was always more comfortable at night, and maybe
the horse sensed it, but he didn't ever freak out on weekend
We often brought a carrot or apple for after the session. (Careful of
the fingers!) We had all these apples from the apple tree in the
yard. I used to collect the apples in old burlap grain sacks. The
first time, I filled one too full, and it was astoundingly heavy, but
then I thought it was probably good to keep trying to carry it
around, to build strength, like a scene in Rocky. Cue music. And I
became pretty strong anyway, from slinging hay and straw bales, bags
of feed and shavings.
were comfortable with him, every time I saw, and so
I'm still not sure what happened that fateful day.
I certainly don't miss getting the dirt from the arena all up my nose
and over my face and teeth. It was really embarrassing. I guess it
had something to do with it being cold in the arena, and me and the
horse working hard and both of us maybe sweating a little, and I'm
not sure if others experienced it, or not. I've never had Horse
People Friends. It's just that when I got off the horse and had to go
down the horse aisle to the grooming area, I never wanted to run into
anyone. How did I wipe it off? With my mittens, left behind when I
was riding?
The truck rides home were relaxing. Actually, I know there was a
truck, but for some reason I'm thinking we might have been lower
down, like in the Chrysler LeBaron work perk car he had. I'm not
sure. And while The Bumble liked all the country Greats, on these
trips we more often heard the pop/camp versions of country, somewhere
in the smokey mountain rain, I love a rainy night, country bumpkin,
coward of the county, you're the reason our kids are ugly, that type
of thing.
Dr Velvet Thong: What happened the day of the Show?
Blinky: In my second year of high school, I trained every
night, even on weekends, for months. On the day of the big show, my
father would be riding the horse in a class before mine. He got drunk
on the day, not just his usual happy drunk, but extremely drunk, and
when in the ring, the horse behaved badly, rearing up, attempting to
bite someone, and/or (to hear The Bumble tell it) attempting to drag
one woman from her saddle. The horse was pulled/banned from the show.
Dr Velvet Thong: What kind of spin did he put on this?
Blinky: I don't really remember. He didn't apologize, even
after all the time and effort I had put in. I think I came away from
the whole thing thinking that maybe he had 'saved' me from making a
fool of myself, because I wasn't really a very good rider anyway. I
thought carefully, and realized that I had probably been trying to
train for this show in order to please him, and not because I really
wanted to. And so at this point I stopped riding. But, I think it's
worth saying that when it came to the training of the horse, it was
me who put in the long hours, and the horse might have been more used
to me than him. Then again, maybe the fact that the horse misbehaved
so badly shows that I had zero talent as a trainer. I guess we'll
never know for sure. After that debacle, he sold the horse.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did Beany or Boo ever develop their talents
with horses?
Blinky: After Mama Smurf died, the only one of us to continue
to be involved with horses or the country world was Beany.
I am not sure to what extent she developed her skills as a rider.
When she and The Bumble went out to the country to visit the horses
and her dog where they boarded, it was during my housebound years,
and the boys didn't go, either.
During the summers she would stay on a farm with a woman who had no
children of her own, and she would work, and so she learned a lot
about caring for horses, (and she had to do the unglamorous things,
allergies or no) but I don't know if she took riding lessons
or planned to enter shows as a rider. It's more like she was helping
the people who competed in shows, but not necessarily horse and
rider shows.
When Beany was in her early 20s, this woman said Beany and Jean-
Claude, who had known each other since junior high, and had been a
couple since they were 17, could stay in her brother's house. He had
died, and it sounds like he had died young. I don't know anything
about him, except that he was gay, and it was an arty house, in need
of a lot of repairs, and it was located in a part of town where the
houses are probably worth a lot. Eventually, she let them buy it, for
a fraction of what it was worth, and they fixed it up, and as far as
I know, still live there now.
Dr Velvet Thong: There was a period of time in which you said
you and Beany were close?
Blinky: On her 16th birthday, she was working at the Royal
(Winter Fair), and The Bumble was supposed to pick her up after, but
he forgot, because he was drunk. And it was like a tidal wave of
associations flooded me, and something clicked and from that time I
resolved to do my best to make things up to her.
It took a lot of persistence and thick skin, but eventually it would
be that when she got home from school, I'd asked her about her day,
and we'd watch Y & R together, and sometimes I made dinner for us,
and I'd try to figure out how to address various psychological
wounds, and I was sure to compliment her, and try to encourage her to
try things she wanted to try, and to try to relieve her stress when
she seemed stressed. And I helped her with her homework as best I
could, without doing it for her.
During the time I moved away at 21, I wrote her letters with
really silly ways of addressing her like: My Dear Little Sweet Pea
of a Sister, but er, more elaborate. I mean there's a kind of
symmetry or balance, when I used to make up evil nicknames as a
And we had this thing that was modelled after something in the
SuperFriends. We'd say: Wondertwins power, activate! and put our
fists together in the air, and one would say Form of (whatever) and
the other would say Shape of (whatever), or maybe it was vice
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you ever miss being around horses or
Blinky: Life ain't nuthin' but a funny, funny riddle. In other
words, no.
I was raised such that I caught glimpses of many different
communities, but I was also raised a dilettante, and never attained
the right cred to really belong in any of them.
Dr Velvet Thong: The Bumble might have been disappointed in
all of you for not showing more initiative.
Blinky: The Bumble took me to the arena one day to learn how
to rope and tie cows, to add a few more cowboy skills to my
repertoire. The anecdote might sound like the whiny excuse of a
quitter, but I found the incident extremely depressing and upsetting.
It was a big arena, there were many teenage boys there to learn, and
I was the only girl. There were older men watching, and one poor
calf, doped up to within an inch of its life. Rope, throw and tie,
again and again and again.
I might have been self-conscious, because I was dressed in old
clothes, knowing I'd get dirty, and I wasn't wearing my sexy jeans or
anything. I wasn't one of the guys, and I wasn't a Hot Chick.
But the way the crowd reacted every time one of the boys roped that
poor sacrifical calf.. it saddened me to my bones. I didn't want to
be a wimp or embarrass my father, so I took my turn, and I managed to
lift the calf in the way I was supposed to, and it wasn't that hard,
when you did it the way they said, when you grabbed the right places,
but I stepped wrong, and brought it down on my legs. I wasn't hurt or
anything, and I felt worse for the calf than for myself. I don't
think I even went through with the tying part. I guess I wasn't cut
out to be a cowboy/girl.
Musical interlude.. Dr Velvet Thong and Blinky sit in silence
while listening to a muzak version of Sweet Virginia.
Six Weddings and Three Funerals
Dr Velvet Thong: Let's talk a bit more about your experiences
with celebratory and sad milestones. I want to see if I can get some
kind of fix on your attitudes regarding weddings and
Blinky: I only have a vague memory of the first wedding. A
really big one, Mama Smurf's side of family, I was young, it was very
religious, with a full service, in a huge church, tons of people, and
excruciatingly boring. For me, it was like watching a golf tournament
on tv, and since you are familiar with my feelings on golf, then
you'll know what I mean.
Dr Velvet Thong: When growing up, your only prerequisite in a
mate was that he not play golf?
Blinky: What an amazing memory you have, Dr Velvet Thong.
Dr Velvet Thong: We probably need to dredge up that old nugget
about Sister Smurf again, in case the viewing audience doesn't
Your parents married because Mama Smurf was knocked up at 20, with a
baby Blinky, and the day of their shotgun wedding, Sister Smurf (16?)
told The Bumble he had married the wrong sister, meaning he should
have married her instead of Mama Smurf.
Blinky: Most of my memories of Sister Smurf are of her with
The Space Cowboy, and I'm not sure when they started dating, or when
they married, or when she got over The Bumble. I have memories of him
from when I was 5 or so, so I think it's possible he was in the
picture then. I guess she married young and has stayed married, and I
don't know if it's a stand-by-your-man kind of deal, or a true
compatibility, if she had a Catholic fear of hell regarding divorce
or a programmed fear of disappointing her Catholic parents in the way
Mama Smurf had and this was a way to compete with her, or even if
it's something like 'she knows too much' and if there was a divorce
they'd have to kill her off, or something on account of all the
serious drug business stuff.
Dr Velvet Thong: To the point: on your wedding day, when you
think you're taking your vows seriously, and you want to have some
semblance of romantic love, your younger sister could be lying in
wait to tempt your husband when you start to hit the bumps everyone
hits sooner or later. So how do you know when someone means something
the way you do? How do you know the Big Romantic Day isn't a lie,
right from the start (er, aside from the bun in the oven), one that
will come crumbling down on your head years later?
And what's more, when your father tells you that he and Sister Smurf
actually fornicated one day, he doesn't seem to think this is any big
deal, it just sounds like some fun anecdote in his personal history
that he was entitled to, and he seems completely oblivious to any
feelings either sister might have had about the whole business,
except for any sexual enjoyment they might have got out of
Whereas you're a little more aware of the nuances and intensity of
female feelings and psychology than The Bumble appeared to be?
And I guess you do sort of see that if your parents 'had to' get
married because of you, maybe it would have been best for all
concerned if you had never been born?
Blinky: In a nutshell, yes. I feel like I'm belabouring the
point, and maybe people are tired of hearing it, but for any
newcomers here, it would be a glaring omission to this new updated
version of the life story.
And another interesting tidbit is possibly that since I was
programmed by The Bumble to be completely open-minded and
accepting, I never questioned Sister Smurf or her motives, I always
looked for the good in her and was never a snotty teen, even when
she herself made personal attacks on me. I suppose most will wonder
about the Objectivity of Snotty Teens, but that can't be helped. I
can only hope that eventually an overview will emerge.
When Babci seemed to think I was more like Grampa than her, it could
be that's how I was coming across. Grampa was a Really Nice Guy, who
was endlessly patient, kind, open-minded, but he also commanded a
kind of respect that Nice Females in the family didn't. Even Bad
Guys, like The Space Cowboy, always seemed to show him respect.
Grampa was Nice, but he wasn't Weak in the ways most people assume
Nice Guys are.
The way I sound now, my Writing Voice, I think that's maybe a kind of
Dissasociative Identity thing, or on the borderline of it, it's a
stronger, tougher part of me that emerged to make sure my side of the
story was told, rather than accept the 'might is right' version of
adults who abused their power to deflect attention away from their
questionable deeds and motives, the version that says I was always
just as bitchy as the others in my life. And it's gathered
together from the parts of the others who are part of me, and my
struggle is to find, to identify a kind of caring and positivity that
are uniquely my own, without getting drowned or crushed by the
harshness of all the other influences.
The Space Cowboy was the only adopted kid in a very religious family.
The father was a minister, and all the brothers turned out to be
ministers, and somehow he was the Bad Seed or Black Sheep who turned
out to be a drug kingpin.
Blinky: I don't remember much about Sister Bumble's second
wedding, except that the ceremony itself was another monumental bore,
and seemed endless. It's the reception that sticks in my mind. I
don't remember the first husband, but she probably married fairly
young, and the gossip was that he was pretty awful and good riddance.
The second husband worked for Bell Canada - which reminds me, some
day I really have to tell you about The Bumble's million dollar debt
to Bell Canada, and that he managed to never have to pay it back. It
was a very small reception, only for immediate family, and I don't
even really remember members of his family, but there could have been
Throughout the reception, the new, better husband seemed to think it
was fine wedding reception dinner conversation to comment on the
breast development of the teenage guests present, and seemed to act
as if it was natural, to stare openly at both, compare, etc, over the
dessert course. There were only two of us, and my cousin had
signficantly more development. But because he was the groom, maybe,
no one wanted to seem judgmental or ruin the night?
I don't remember exactly when it took place, but I think I was
either 13 or 14, living with The Bumble.
I guess it also could be that the second husband was so much better
than the first that people decided to look on the bright side and
overlook a few minor faults.
Dr Velvet Thong: I get it.
Blinky: The Bumble nicknamed them The Bickersons, and I'm not
sure they were fighting as much as putting each other down in an
attempt to showcase their particular senses of humour. They might
both have been insecure people who had experienced trauma and abuse,
and who used humour as a coping mechanism, and it could well be that
it was a good release or outlet for them both, and that they both
consented to it.
I remember his putdowns more than hers, though, especially ones about
how awful her body and general appearance were.
My cousin and I had gotten along well in the early years, but when we
hit puberty it all changed, and I think it was because we hung with
different crowds. The smoker-stoner kids at my school seemed to
accept me even though I was a goody-goody who never smoked, drank or
did drugs, but she was a city or outer suburb variety of that type,
and so was probably cooler than the country cousin/hick. But, I think
she was having more extreme sexual experiences from an earlier age,
and she might not have been able to relate to me.
Dr Velvet Thong: When did you last have contact with
Blinky: When I was in Winnipeg, Sister Bumble began searching
the family tree. Since I was otherwise unoccupied, she asked me to do
some detective work there for her. I called everyone in the phonebook
with our last name (and basically, it's a name like Smith), and I
asked the questions she asked me to ask.
And then I was supposed to go to the library and check all the
microfeesh, and at the time I was really self-conscious, and I had
never learned how to use a library properly, and could only ask for
a little help, and I know that even though I was scanning articles,
I didn't even know how to ask how to do it right. None of the
calls or library visits unearthed anything of note.
But the thing is.. she wanted to know about other possibly more
glamorous family members, and she imposed on me to do it, without
wanting to know anything about me or what was going on in my life,
and I was in a truly awful state. And communication was such that
there were just too many barriers to ever get past. I felt
embarrassed about the whole thing, and I guess maybe she thought what
a useless fuck I was, and sneered about how the little performing
monkey was now such a spectacular failure. My kid is better than
yours, ha. But the thing is, The Bumble was always disparaging of her
and her life, so I get it. And Mother Bumble's attitudes about women
in general, yeesh.
I can't know for sure, but I thought the most likely thing was that
behind my back, she and her husband were always laughing about what a
fuckup or whackjob I was, because that was their general approach to
humour and conversation that I had observed over the years, and to me
that still doesn't seem much of a stretch. It wasn't much longer
before I stopped having any contact.
Again, it's a family communication pattern/problem.
When Mama Smurf died, it might have triggered The Bumble's family's
own trauma from when Father Bumble died at age 41. They might all
have shut down, or not known how to empathize with us. And you can't
expect that women in a family always have to be the ones to nurture
or offer emotional support, but it is interesting that the none of
the living female members of The Bumble's or Mama Smurf's immediate
families had those kinds of instincts. In such cases, it's probably
good if some of the men do, to compensate, but that wasn't the
Beany and Jean-Claude have never married, but have been together
for over 30 years (since high school).
Cecil and his wife at first discussed a big wedding with family in
attendance, but didn't get much support or encouragement, and ended
up eloping for an all-inclusive package wedding deal in a tropical
setting, with no members of either of their families in attendance.
That was about 20 years ago now.
Boo waited until he was 41 to get married. He and his 2 friends from
high school all got married (for the first time) within the same
year. And so we can see that we all had some issues with
One more thing.. around 1987 or so, I remember Cecil explaining that
the reason for getting married was so that one could have affairs.
Blinky: I next went to a wedding when I was 16, during the
summer with all the upheavals. Somewhere in amongst all that, I
attended the wedding of one of Truck Driver's relatives. I wore the
pink prom dress again.
In the receiving line, the bride and groom, only a bit older than us,
were standing side by side, and when I went up to shake their hands,
the groom french-kissed me, full out. He was really drunk, and didn't
even seem to be aware of the occasion. The bride was either looking
the other way or too drunk to notice. Or maybe this was just a family
tradition, and you're supposed to roll with it, like if you witness
people having sex on the dance floor or killing people at a Dothraki
Dr Velvet Thong: So these scenarios weren't 'romantic' enough
for you.
Blinky: Ha. Ah yes, and The Bumble's second wedding (skipping
ahead about 5 years). Months before the wedding there was a meltdown
in which he went on about how he didn't really want to get married,
in front of everyone, and I guess the bride accepted it as pre-wedding
jitters, but at the actual wedding, when he said his vows, he was
absolutely plastered, slurring his words and one step away from
falling down drunk. They came back from a short honeymoon early,
and the marriage only lasted a year and a half. So that was another
romance-challenged occasion.
Dr Velvet Thong: Perusing her notes from that era. Ah,
between the two of them they had amassed quite a collection of
deadbeat adult or almost adult children. That probably put quite a
strain on the marriage.
I think I need a break from weddings. Let's move on to funerals for
a while.
Blinky: I probably should have gone to Babcerooski's funeral,
but the adults thought they were doing me a favour by saying I didn't
have to go. I already had highly developed language skills, I was a
perceptive person, this was the year I wrote the book that my
teachers made such a fuss over and everything, and I'm not sure my
relatives understood what Babci meant to me, even though I spent so
much time with her every time we visited, and when we found out about
her death, I was the only one who was crying, except Mama Smurf, and
I cried for days, and then off and on, for quite some time it would
just keep coming upon me. I didn't get a proper good-bye, and I
didn't learn about the naturalness of death. Or, how to communicate
about it.
The Bumble took us for a while, a few days, and during that time I
went for a haircut/trim, and I asked to have it cut off. It had
always been long and the hairdresser asked if I was sure and I was.
The next funeral was Mama Smurf's and I think we've been through
that one.
For the next family funerals, the others attended, but I did not.
I think they showed up and maybe could say sorry for your loss, or
just be there, so they probably passed for normalish, but my
absence was probably pretty glaring and unforgiveable or at least
incomprehensible, to those who were unaware of my situation. But
surely I could have sent a card or something, anything to acknowledge
the situation?
I was losing my ability to do the socially correct thing, and maybe
I had never really learned well in the first place. It took a long
time to lose some things, like having contact with siblings on
birthdays, so it might appear like 'if she could do this, why not
that', but with funerals, maybe it was too hard to try to appear
normal for people I had no other contact with, and who didn't know
about my life, and would probably never say another word to me, but
would show up for my funeral if my grandfather threw it. Even though
I didn't have conscious awareness of taking any stand, it does seem
now like it was a bit weird to just go along with social custom,
when on the other hand I was getting so many messages that everything
I thought I knew was wrong.
I also missed an important one for a member of Gandhi's family, on
the side of the family that actually seemed to like me, and while I
was there for support and to try to help out while his mother was
going through cancer treatments, I didn't go to the funeral, and Don
Quixote didn't seem to find that weird or offensive.
I attended an impromptu funeral for Boo's black cat which had been
named Kismet and had been hit by a car. At the time, he and Cecil
were living together with two sisters. Cecil married the one he was
with and Boo and the other eventually broke up when she left him to
be a baby mama to a male escort who looked like an underwear model.
The girls' mother was a sex worker, so there was some precedence. She
travelled across Canada with another sister who had Down's Syndrome.
The mother had addiction issues and occasionally needed to ask her
daughters for money. Once Cecil and his wife had to put them up in a
hotel until they were clear of lice.
Cecil seemed somewhat freaked out about it at the time, but he
managed to keep it together.
The two sisters, how did they survive their upbringing? It sounds
like they went through a lot, and Cecil's wife was the 'responsible'
one who had to be more responsible than her parent, and her sister
was the wild, cute one. As awful as it all was, the two of them
seemed to have a genuine affection and bond with their mother, and so
my guess is that somehow she managed to pass on that their lives were
important to her and she valued them. She taught them to value
family, children, home. Another thing they might have had on their
side was society's support - they both fit a certain ideal: they were
both petite, smart, photogenic brunettes, the kind of girl most guys
see as the 'ideal' wife or girlfriend, they both had great features
and hair, and although one struggled with an unusual allergic skin
condition, most of the time she had really good skin, much more
'normal' than ours.
Cecil and Cecilia I suppose found common ground in being the
responsible, successful siblings who were tough enough to overcome
shitty backgrounds/upbringing and trauma.
Mother Bumble's sister the Bathing Beauty who got her photo in the
newspaper posing in a bathingsuit became an alcoholic and a sex
worker and moved to Vancouver and I am not sure if she was ever heard
from again. And it is only now hitting me that might have something
to do with Mother Bumble becoming so upset when I said I was going to
move to Vancouver at 21. I get that it was understandable to shun her
sister if she chased The Bumble around trying to grab his thing when
he was young, but when Father Bumble died, I think Mother Bumble also
treated The Bumble like her boyfriend/a replacement. Sibling rivalry,
incest, sisters who both had romantic/sexual interest in The Bumble?
Is this why it all seemed so 'normal' to him, is that why he was
drawn to Mama and Sister Smurf and their unconscious little family
The sister with Down Syndrome told me some stories which sounded like
pretty awful sexual abuse/exploitation, and I asked a few questions,
but I did realize that as a family, they'd been dealing with some
things a very long time, and the sad truth was that sometimes there
just aren't resources available for disabilities and addiction
issues. So one of the many things Cecil and his wife perhaps had in
common was a sibling with a disability for which there wasn't much
They eventually tried to set the mother and sister with DS up in a
place near them, and I don't know how that went. I was going to
donate furniture when leaving for Australia, but then I couldn't
because the split with Gandhi left me with no resources or funds or
divorce settlement, and although I realize Gandhi thought
differently, because he would have given his new girlfriend anything
she needed and he did actually give her some of our furniture, for
her new apartment, when she left her husband, he expected Don to do
the same for me, but Don was worried about internet scammers and gold
diggers as most people in their right minds would be, and so I was in
a situation where my ex was in a giving-everything-to-the-new-mate
phase, and I had no savings, no assets, nothing, at the end of
a 7 year relationship.
And no, I don't feel guilty about asking Gandhi for a couple of
months rent, even if he had to borrow the money from his parents. It
was my intent to never bother him again if I could get settled, and I
never have. And still for years I had so many lingering guilts about
all the money I owed various people and now I say fuck them
all. (But if I had ever written a successful book that made money,
like 50 Shades of Something, I probably still would eventually
have sent everybody cheques.)
When Rooster died, I think I should have done more than phone Beany
and say sorry, and stay in bed all day, but at the time, I was
housebound. She had mentioned getting him stuffed before, and I
thought about offering to pay even if I had to ask Gandhi for the
cash if she didn't have the money, but I was awkward in the moment
and I don't think I did offer.
Rooster has to be part of the story; he's a legend. With the parade
of pets over the years, it's pretty hard to stand out, but Rooster
really had Personality, and Heart. He was nervous, and one time
during one of The Bumble's birthday parties he went into a massive
moult and lost most of his hair due to stress, and also, my sister
lived near a streetcar line and sometimes he'd have seizures when the
cars went by. But, at the same time, he managed to retain an amazing
air of Dignity, and I do believe that if Beany had given him a Kill
command, he would have obeyed in a heartbeat. He was probably the
most sentient dog we'd had. Also, we all suspected he was
Dr Velvet Thong: Rooster, after Rooster Cogburn?
Blinky: nodding After Mama Smurf died, The Bumble
brought Beany two male dogs from one litter, and he named them
Rooster and Jeremiah. Jeremiah was the 'pretty one', and for a long
time, everyone favoured him, but when Beany had to give up her dogs
so we could live in The Brady Bunch situation in The Beaches, it was
easier to find a permanent home for the 'prettier' dog, and Rooster
ended up in a place where Beany worked summers, and in the end she
got him back. That was a happy day in the history of the family! It
needs to be noted down. The Bumble had a pattern of buying two dogs
at one time, and his favourite would be the least pretty, or the
least popular of the two.
Rooster had a long life, a good life.
I know I won't have a funeral, so I have written something up for Don
Quixote to do with my cremated remains, hopefully such that he has a
chance to unconsciously say good-bye if consciously he doesn't really
see the need - a little mission for him, a road trip, to spread the
ashes. If he needs his sister and her husband there for support, it's
fine, but otherwise, I don't really know anyone in Australia who
would attend. And because Don Quixote usually seems inhibited and
nervous in his sister's and her husband's presence, too nervous to be
himself and maybe even to get his bearings, I would actually prefer
that they not be there. Yes, the more I think about it, the more it
seems it would defeat the purpose of a thoughtful good-bye. I think
he would be so preoccupied with what they thought he wouldn't really
be able to think about the kinds of things I have mentioned about
saying good-bye to me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Once you're gone, it's out of your
Blinky: I accept that.
While I have lived in Australia, it goes without saying that I
haven't attended any funerals in Canada. My last two original
grandparents have died, and one stepgrandmother, my father and a
'cousin', and maybe also that cousin's mother. I feel like I'm
forgetting someone. Usually, the way it works is that Cecil sends me
a brief 2 line message a bit after the funeral has taken place, but
in the case of The Bumble, Cecil didn't send anything, and instead
Boo sent me a message within half a day of the death. They weren't
going to have an official funeral, but sort of scattered things with
different members doing something together. I don't know if all his
old friends and acquaintances were notified. It was difficult to get
much info at all, and I don't know if it was because of weirdness
about death in the family, or if there was some 'conspiracy' against
me in particular, or what.
Watching Six Feet Under sort of gave me more of an overview about
funerals and issues, but I'm not sure they covered anything exactly
like my family situation.
Dr Velvet Thong: Back to weddings for a moment?
Blinky: I also went to Gandhi's sister's wedding in Timmins,
Ontario. I had black Morticia hair, wore a red flower dress with a
black Le Chateau goth blazer over it, cool black boots, a black
velvet neckband, red lipstick and black fingernails.
His mother had hated Gandhi's punk phase, and her first impression of
me when she originally met me at Easter was not a good one. It
She didn't want me in any of the wedding photos, and during the
ceremony, I had to sit at the very back of the church. I didn't
make any unpleasant scenes, and was self-conscious about photos
anyway, so it was actually a good thing for me, but the underlying
reason for it wasn't so flattering. I realize she hoped the
relationship wouldn't last, even though Gandhi was 25 and I was the
first gf he'd ever brought home to meet them.
While we were at the reception, someone discovered that some
wedding presents and money left in his sister's room at the house
had been stolen, and I realized that the mother and some others
there thought it had something to do with me. It's not really very
much fun when you're the one people suspect first.
It does make sense that a family might not want photos of someone who
was only in the picture a short time, but his other sister had a
date (someone she did not go on to marry, or even stay with for very
long after the wedding) who wasn't banned from the pictures. But he
looked respectable, like a Ken doll, the football hero
And I guess it is true that my intentions weren't the greatest. I
tried not to do any harm, but underneath everything, I wanted to go
on a suicide holiday. That is what I really wanted out of a
relationship, and so while maybe she couldn't exactly put her finger
on things, in a way, she was right, I wasn't the right person for her
son or her family. The survival instinct says 'protect the family
from the stranger', not 'maybe we can help her'. (Good old pesky
stigma again?)
At another family wedding (Gandhi's family), I wore a long white
fringe gogo vest, with a red velvet miniskirt, and kneehigh black
leather laceup boots. Gandhi got drunk too fast, and after the dinner
we had energetic sex in the hotel room and then he passed out and
couldn't make it to the reception, but I went, because I wanted to
dance, and his mother told me that she wished her son had done better
(than me). This time, I'd had a short blond buzzcut. Gandhi was an
Annie Lennox fan, but there was also this really pretty, extremely
cool girl with short blond hair he'd known years previously (I met
her once at The Loft apartment Gandhi and Vlad shared) and I think he
kind of worshipped her from afar, and instead of approaching her, he
made a big cut over his heart, that resulted in a big permanent scar
that he never wanted to talk about, and then he had it covered with a
bat tattoo. All of this was before we got together.
Dr Velvet Thong: And your failed engagement to Gandhi?
Blinky: When Gandhi asked me to marry him, it was a few months
after his sister's wedding. He didn't think it over, he just blurted
it out in the moment one day, and I think he probably regretted it
right after, even though I do believe he truly cared about me, and
that he would have gone through with it. And the mistake snowballed,
deer in the headlights style because I could see my answer would
affect the outcome of our relationship, and I gave just as much
thought to my response as he did to his question. And then there was
the 'obligation' of telling everyone. For me, it was never the
excitment of a bride, it was always the duty or the 'right thing', it
was hold your breath and get it over with, try to sound upbeat. We
received congrats cards from his side, but I honestly thought I'd be
dead before I'd actually have to deal with a wedding.
We never discussed any details, and never made any concrete plans,
and over time, it was just dropped. Once his mother asked if I wanted
help planning things and I said no. I decided it was up to him to
let his family know we weren't going to go through with it. We did
talk about it, and I did admit I didn't really want to get married,
and over time I became more and more sure about it, and more
Dr Velvet Thong: You've had other marriage proposals?
Blinky: Yes, but just about as much thought went into
Truck Driver bought me a ring worth a few hundred dollars when I was
16, and I wore it for a short time, something like a week to 3 weeks
or so, and showed everyone at school, and then he had a car accident,
he rolled his car, and needed some cash and I offered the ring back.
The whole thing was unreal, and I wasn't honestly thinking seriously
about marriage. The ring was pretty, and I think I wore it for a
short time because I didn't see any way out, and I didn't think
anyone else would ever love me. I was relieved to give it back.
A little more thought went into Don Quixote's proposal, but it was as
devoid of any romance as it is possible to be.
When he met me, he exclaimed that it was a good thing I wasn't more
beautiful, because if I had been, he probably would have started
begging me to marry him the moment I stepped off the plane. Once we
had eliminated the romantic angle, we eventually moved on to the
practical one.
He was very matter-of-fact about these kinds of things. He liked the
idea of making a political statement regarding the fascist state of
the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous
Affairs. (I am not making it up, it was actually called that back
then.) They deserved to have the mentally ill stick it to them! It
looks a lot cooler to me now, but back then, it was really hard for
me to stop feeling so guilty. I didn't want Don Quixote to get stuck
with me. I didn't think he knew what he was getting into, and
although at the time his public writing on the subject of romance of
any kind was quite cynical, I knew he was a closet Romantic, and I
didn't want to destroy that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think people assume you just don't
listen when he tells you what you mean to him? That for some reason,
you just can't hear it?
Blinky: Yes. But there's also so much pressure to provide
romantic myths for people. If everyone seems to think I should be
grateful for something a person in my situation doesn't really
deserve, the focus is again on my negativity, and not that before I
can be ready for something like commitment, some basic issues in my
life have to be solved. But it's like a person in my situation
doesn't have a right to have personal ideals and limits.
About a month before I moved to Australia, one of The Bumble's exes
was diagnosed with a kind of cancer that acted quickly. Gandhi told
me about it on the phone, but didn't have many details. At the time,
I was in extreme distress regarding my living situation, trying to
apply for disability without help, and my eating disorder was the
most chaotic ever.
Family communication was such that they waited for me to contact
them, and I couldn't contact them because (I have only recently
understood another layer of this and how it applies to other details)
of the whole situation with The Bumble and his contempt. When he had
fantasies he'd killed me, when he looked at me with disgust, when he
had me taken away to a psych ward he hadn't researched, I was living
like a lump in his house. In 2000, I was sitting in my apartment,
paralyzed by my eating disorder, applying for disability was more
than I could manage, and I think it makes sense that unconsciously, I
thought if I called anyone in the family at that time, I risked that
look of contempt and disgust, especially since no one seemed to
challenge The Bumble over time, and because Gandhi had already been
giving me looks of contempt and disgust. Any 'help' would come with
strings, but more than that, the offers of help were not clear, they
weren't directly offered, they were offered secondhand, by someone
not great at communicating, and I knew they didn't know what they'd
be getting themselves into. I am not sure how well I've connected the
dots for everyone, but I think I'm understanding better where my
particular suicidalness comes from, and that avoiding some kinds of
situations is like a PTSD reaction.
Also, like with everything else, there was a consistency issue. Once
Significant Others were out of The Bumble's life, we rarely if ever
had contact again. Most of them were probably glad to see us go, and
had never been invested in getting to know us as people.
After Mama Smurf's funeral, I've never seen Neil again. I don't know
if any of the others have.
The one with terminal cancer was 'nice', but I was at a place in
my life where nice wasn't enough. The two of them had provided a
kind of family stability for a while, with everyone invited to
Sunday dinners, and everyone's birthday celebrated, but eventually I
couldn't handle the underlying patterns, the reinforcement of her
meekness and resentment, but unwillingness to try to change. She was
reinforcing sexist and misogynistic attitudes in her kids, and she
didn't stand up for her kids when The Bumble was in the wrong or
behaving badly. That whole scene, with the 11 cats, and dogs in big
cages in the livingroom, and everyone deferring to The Bumble, and me
expected every time to offer to help with the dinner and the cleanup,
it just didn't seem healthy.
But she got me a microwave, a small one of hers I guess she wasn't
using, that was in storage, and the use of table and chair set, and
found an old sewing machine for me. I still have a box of pins,
thread-ripper and measuring tape in an old Sucrets container that she
gave me. On the surface, it probably seems cold that I didn't go to
see her before she died, or to a funeral if there was one, but there
wasn't enough family communication or support.
I think it's possible that everyone absorbed The Bumble's attitudes
about me not showing up, and that this might have something to do
with how they've handled telling me about illnesses and deaths over
the years, but I can't be sure. And if it was at least something to
do with this, The Bumble was still framing everyone's ideas about me,
and he didn't understand me, and he was still pretty immature. Like:
'we have to send your stepbrother to a halfway house because he's bad
and needs straightening out', not 'social workers fear for his safety
and development in his home environment.'
But this is just speculation, and it could still be something like
this without being related to this particular incident/death.
A Wedding and Four Beagles
Blinky: There are a couple of incidents I want to describe,
but I don't know yet where or if they will fit in the overall
Dr Velvet Thong: No problem.
Blinky: When The Bumble told me the story of when he went to
meet the well-known Canadian artist who married his dog, it was this
kind of thing that seemed to expand the world for me, to hint at what
there might be besides the usual incest, abuse and country song
Dr Velvet Thong: Just be sure not to name names.
Blinky: The Bumble had been instrumental in the printing
success of a book of this artist's work. He had been very involved
with the project, and was particularly responsible for making sure
the colours rendered accurately, because colour was especially
important to his work. The book won some awards, so I was proud of
The Bumble for this artistic success - he was an interesting
individual, he had his rodeo and trail riding careers, he'd been a
'cowboy', he'd taught judo, he'd played on a team that had won a
North American rugger championship, he'd worked his way up from
sweeping floors to having a much more important role in the company,
and, he had some artistic sensibility that maybe could have been
developed further.
Dr Velvet Thong: I would tend to agree that he sounds like an
unusual individual.
Blinky: When he met the artist, I think he might have been
somewhat startled by what he saw at his home, and I've never been
quite sure if 'married his dog' was a euphemism for bestiality, or if
there actually was some kind of ritualistic ceremony, or
Dr Velvet Thong: I find myself imagining a beagle in a white
dress and veil, although I don't suppose you know what type of dog it
was. Maybe they slept in the same bed, ate dinner together at the
table, were true companions?
Blinky: Would any of those things really be so crazy? When I
mentioned my father and talking philosophy, maybe we didn't really
talk about philosophy so much as he made a lot of statements and told
a lot of stories that caused me to think about what was right, wrong,
weird, and why.
I wanted to talk about The Bumble and going hunting with him.
The Bumble always had knives. Not really small Swiss Army knives..
they were usually I guess really sturdy jack-knife types? He always
carried one with him, even when he no longer hunted. When he showed
them to me, I always got the sense they were really important to him
and that they were prized possessions.
I can't remember when he stopped hunting, or why (except that there
is a vague legend that Mama Smurf took him to see the movie Bambi and
then made that Beany's middle name, and after that, he gave up
hunting) or how long we had a gun in the house somewhere. I remember
collecting the colourful shells in the snow after the men were done
for the day. I think I was always trying to figure out if there was
some creative project they could be used for, because I liked the
colours. I don't think I ever worked it out.
I'm not sure how many of us went along. I'm not sure if Beany ever
came. I don't know if my brothers were taught how to fire a gun. I
know I wasn't.
It was boring, and it seemed like the day was very long. I don't know
how long the sessions actually were. We were supposed to play in the
woods away from a designated hunting area, and the adults would come
back later. I always had to pee in the snow at a certain point, and
dreaded that point, and inevitably my feet got cold and I could not
warm them until we went back to the clubhouse for hot chocolate. The
hot chocolate was the highlight of the day for me. Otherwise, it was
as unendurable as going to church. I never caught the excitement of
the hunt, although I probably must have absorbed some of it
We didn't even get to play with the dogs, because they were engaged
with hunting. From what I remember, beagles are cute and have nice
temperaments. The Bumble owned and bred some prize-winning beagles.
At the last place we lived together as a family with Mama Smurf, he
built a kennel out back for them. It never really smelled very good.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm not finding this particular anecdote all
that entertaining. Are we almost through?
Blinky: I had a variety of experiences in childhood, and
unfortunately, a lot of my memories of those experiences seem to
suggest that most of the time I was enduring something I didn't
particularly like, even if it added some kind of 'enrichment' and
variety to my overall experience. I'm not sure if what I'm getting at
is that I didn't know how to seek out activities I actually liked.
Originally I somehow wanted to have some reason to talk about the
horror of the skinned jackrabbits in the basement.
It's a memory that sticks out. It was very vivid, and it did shock
me. When told they were hunting for rabbits, I had pictured cute
little fluffy things, but I stumbled unexpectedly into something
that was like a horror movie come to life. They were hanging up in
the basement like victims of a serial killer, all in a row, without
skin, bloody meat in the shape of some strange demon animal that
bore no resemblance to rabbits. They were so long compared to a
compact rabbit in normal repose. And so muscular. The smell was
pungent, and I guess this is partly how I came to understand the
definition of 'gamey'. I don't think all the blood had been cleaned
up, and there might also have been some in containers of some kind,
but I'm not sure. The whole experience made me feel sick. I'm
not sure how old I was, but probably 9 or less.
I tried to please my parents in other ways. Why did I not want to
become a cool chick who can handle guns and hunt? Why did I become
the only vegetarian in the family? I don't think it's because I was
so horrified. I think it might partly have been that I wanted to take
some kind of big leap away from my background. If the experience had
been handled by others who were better at teaching or guiding, who
knows? My comments are prejudiced, and maybe I'm not expressing it
well, and maybe I was unconsciously trying to express that I wanted
life to be different. I didn't want to endure activities I didn't
like and wasn't engaged in, and too much of my childhood seemed to be
about enduring activities I didn't enjoy.
I don't remember very often enjoying 'playing with the other kids'
when visiting people. It's like none of the adults had very
interesting conversations, drunk it really didn't improve, and
somehow we, the children were just reflections of our boring parents
whose conversation skills sucked and whose idea of a good time fit
into such a narrow range.
How much of a hardship is it for most fathers to go without alcohol
during weekend visitation with their kids, and how many actually do?
I find it difficult to believe The Bumble could make it through many
of them without alcohol, but I only have one specific memory at the
adult luxury apartment when he said it was fine to taste his drink,
and I thought it would be good because it had Coke in it, but it was
really awful, awful enough that I didn't want more, and wasn't
curious or awake enough yet to endure it so as to aim for special
drunken effects - or I was still ruled by authority and rules enough
that I didn't think of drinking more as a kid's activity. However,
since The Bumble was relaxed and generally enjoying himself drunk, it
could very well be that how he was drunk affected how I perceived
him, and affected why I liked him and wanted to be around him or
thought he was fun, and this also might have had an effect on the
development of my own coping patterns/eating disorder/addictive
There are these internet photos of toddlers smoking cigarettes or
whatever, and generally an uproar in response, but I honestly think
that my parents and most of their crowd kind of encouraged us to try
things, and would have found it cute or humorous if one of us liked
smoking or something. There was one photo of me when around
3 when I think I was walking around with an unlit cigarette in my
hand. This is separate from a later incident in which I put one in
my mouth and found it really really gross. And then the trauma of
Boo inhaling the contents of an ashtray, smeared all over his face,
stuck up his nose, and in his throat, tears running down, black runny
ashes mixed with snot, with him choking and screaming in pain - it
was completely horrifying.
Our parents, all their Significant Others and friends, and most of
our relatives (except Babci and Grampa, and Babci used to smoke, but
quit) were smokers. Everywhere we went, visited, socialized, there
was no escaping the massive, dense cloud of cigarette smoke. Cecil,
Beany, Boo and I are all binge drinkers (Beany's the one least likely
to drink very often, but when she does, she also overdoes it), binge
eaters to varying degrees, but none of us smoke, and this seems
unusual, considering our background.
The Dude, The Dud, and The Mountain of Kitty Litter
Blinky: Gandhi was living in a cool basement apartment when we
started seeing each other. It was an artist's house, with a cool
garden that had an odd assortment of objects like old bicycles and
mannequins. I'm sure most people know the kind of thing I
Gandhi was very good-looking, had long hair, tattoos, pierced ears,
and wore a trenchcoat. He was cool, had a massive vinyl record
collection, was quiet, and unassuming. He eventually cut his hair and
started to wear more conventional clothes. He was good enough at
sports that more aggressive males tended to respect him. He wasn't as
extroverted as Grampa Smurf, but people tended to like him and feel
comfortable around him, perhaps in similar ways. People liked him,
but he didn't know how to form a social network. He wasn't able to
take initiative, and so while people liked him, they might have
waited for him to choose them, and thought he wasn't interested when
he didn't.
It does seem that most people operate from a place of insecurity, and
that when they feel 'important', they might find it easier to trust
potential significant others. Even when I was with Gandhi, one of the
ways I 'explained' the relationship to myself was that it was
difficult to leave, and he seemed to think he would die without me.
But once we had moved in together, it became very difficult for me to
have independence again - I totally messed that up. It's difficult to
totally blame myself, because I can see that he gave me a kind of
constant support and feedback that was much more positive than
anything I had ever had, aside from the feedback I used to get for
doing well in school. I had never had the kind of
emotional/psychological/personal feedback that he gave me. I
was used to emotionally abrasive/abusive males. But he could not
really see or understand my isolation and lack of network, and so
neither of us could understand how hard it was for me to leave, even
when it would have been for the best. And would it have been for the
'best'? Even that is complicated. Perhaps even though the
relationship was not ultimately 'right', it was a better situation
than being on my own, becoming homeless, having no support, and
considering his circumstances at the time, it might also have been
better for him, at least for a time.
He used the furnace room in his apartment as his cat's bathroom and
as a general storage area. There was a mountain of kitty litter. If
there was originally a litter box, it was buried somewhere under the
mountain. In 4 years, he hadn't changed or scooped the litter. He
just kept adding fresh bags onto the existing mound. When the
apartment flooded, all of his possessions in storage, as well as his
extensive vinyl record collection which was stacked around the
apartment on the floor, were mixed with the cat litter. Some were
probably 'important' childhood objects like baseball gloves, but
admittedly, probably most of it was junk. His parents liked to give
their kids tons of presents for chrismukkah and birthdays, and I
think they all liked seeing the quantity of presents, and the fun of
unwrapping them all.
Later, when Gandhi moved out of our apartment, I was left to sort
through all the crap we had accumulated through the years. It was one
of those compromises made in the name of the relationship. I didn't
like collecting stuff, but could see how having things like
rollerblades or baseball equipment might provide more activity
options. Still, there was an unbelievable amount of crap he left for
me to deal with. There had been a lot to deal with before moving in
together, too.
Aside from all the positive affirmations and reassurances of love, he
didn't speak much, and it was only later that I clearly understood he
had wanted an arrangement in which we were both respectfully discreet
in our dealings with others. I had told him I didn't want that kind
of thing from the start, in great detail, and that part of it was
because of the nature of my situation - If we were going to break up,
it was better I had a heads up, in advance.
When still in the early years, before disability had been cut off, he
could have spoken up and tried to help me move out, but I think it
was like the mountain of cat litter. When after a work party I
hadn't attended I found a white jean shirt, the shirt he wore,
covered with makeup on the inside, and I calmly asked him about it,
he became offended, angry, and threw the shirt in the garbage, end of
discussion.. surely I knew then he never intended to talk about
things, and I knew the deal I had made. To be with someone who
was kind on a daily basis, who complimented me on a daily basis, I
chose a short-term fix, as there was clearly no long-term security
here. And was it the wrong choice? I had the experience of being with
someone unusual who was very kind, and who relieved my anxiety to an
extent that no one else ever had or did again. I had years of that
But the mountain of cat litter, the willingness to euthanize his cat
for no real reason, and how all his childhood possessions and his
record collection were damaged by the combination flood mixing with
that 4 year mountain of cat litter in his basement apartment that he
already knew was prone to flooding.. he was not someone who could
plan ahead, or tackle problems any better than I could.
I was shocked when I realized he thought he'd have to euthanize his
cat so we could move in together. I would
never want anyone
to do that to be with me. I made sure to find a place that accepted
cats. We had a litter box there, and we took turns cleaning it, or
maybe I did it more often, who knows.
Oh, also there was something I wanted to mention in relation to the
Sex Apartment. There was an aura or ambiance of sex there, there were
'art nudes' on the walls, all those magazines, tons of books about
sex, etc, and I think that when I met Gandhi, although he was living
in a 'cool' basement apartment, in an artist's house, when we
combined our incomes, I wanted to live in an 'adult luxury apartment'
quite likely because that kind of place reminded me of the times when
I visited my father there. I maybe had some kind of unconscious idea
it would be stimulating, and help me to begin to explore more
sexually, not get trapped in the same old 'blind sex', and to move
beyond the kind of 'hugging' relationship we had. And of course now I
see how 'soulless' those luxury apartments are, all the same, etc,
and I should have recognized how cool Gandhi's place was.. but I did
recognize it at the time, and I guess it was kind of difficult to get
past that it hadn't been cleaned in the 4 years he'd lived there, and
the first night I slept in his bed which was a mattress on the floor,
some massive earwig type bug crawled out of my underwear when I went
to the toilet. I just didn't really want to set anything down
anywhere, and of course there was also the furnace room with the
mountain of kitty litter. The place I lived wasn't as cool, but it
was on Love St, and some parts of my apartment were at least kinda
cool. [Also.. I should mention that the luxury apartment we moved
into had tanning beds, a spa with saunas, a swimming pool, and other
things like a big movie room you could book for free for
parties/guests. They even had a convenience store on site, tennis
courts, probably various other things. And, they let us have a cat.
(I found this place.) I was trying to think of how to deal with my
issues, and I thought the tanning beds/spa might be good. It sounds
really expensive, but my half of the rent (I paid a full half) was
within the budget allowed for disability (I can't remember what it
was.. on Love St, I think I paid $500/month or a little more, and for
this place my half might have been $400-450 or so). The amount I
received went down a little when I moved in with Gandhi, but in the
first half a year we were able to save enough for the trip to New
Orleans, plus pay his parents back for the last month's rent they
lent us so we could get the place. Gandhi was already about $1000 in
debt when I met him, a single guy with a low rent, no vehicle and no
dependents - it's just that he smoked weed every night, and pretty
much ate mostly convenience store food and McDonald's. Together, we
grocery shopped (at Loblaws Superstores and offshoots), and in many
ways with our combined income we were still able to be 'extravagant'
and to eat a lot of junk food.
There was a lot more space than in either of our apartments. One side
of the apartment was floor-to-ceiling windows, with large blinds, and
there was a 'sunroom'. There was temperature control cool/warm,
washer and dryer in the apartment itself, and all kitchen appliances.
There was a full separate bedroom. But living there, I never felt
comfortable having anyone over; I was still embarrassed and
uncomfortable in my own skin, and eventually, I even 'ruined' the
look of the apartment by putting weird, tacky, not cool, posters I
made all over it.. at a certain point, something just burst through,
and even though it went against the simple luxury look, I just
couldn't resist making a mess. Maybe I was making an unconscious
statement. It wasn't a 'perfect' apartment.. one of the reasons we
could afford it was that maybe the carpet wasn't perfect.. not
exactly horrifying, but for those who are perfectionists, if you're
going to live somewhere like this, maybe you 'need' it all perfect.
Also, the day we moved in, the fridge wasn't really clean, but it was
basically a 'good' fridge, without damage, modern, etc, and so I went
about 're- cleaning' the whole place, to make sure. But with planning
and decorating, it could have worked, and it could have been possible
to 'entertain' guests, keep a year-round suntan (as a possible
solution for my skin condition) or use the spa (I think it was even
possible to book appointments with a dermatologist there), and swim
in a big pool with an overhead skylight ceiling - and most of the
time no one was even in the pool. I only remember using it once, at
night, looking up at the ceiling. Ah, there was an outdoor pool, too.
But I couldn't make it work there.
A person on disability is allowed to live somewhere like that?
Imagine the uproar. And maybe I felt guilty about it, and maybe that
guilt prevented me from really enjoying things, but I did the math
and there was nothing in the rules that said you had to live in a
dump. And if I helped us to 'focus', we could manage things like
paying off debts and saving for trips. Maybe most people 'accept
their lot' and what people think and when they choose housing, if
they have a choice, they pick something befitting their low status. I
was making an effort to address some of my issues (eg, with skin),
which was a sign of 'mental health'. ]
Why did we move after a year there? I wasn't really using the
facilities (before the trip to New Orleans, we both did use the
tanning beds for a while), and I wasn't going out. It was just past
the edge of the city where transit is easily accessible. I wanted to
break up, and what made sense was to try to find an apartment he
could afford on his own. The next place wasn't as nice, but it was
closer to the city centre, Gandhi started biking to work. It was the
'cleanest' place for the price range, and his cat was
Gandhi was diagnosed in his teens with Type 1 Diabetes. He was very
thin at the time (5'9", 105 lbs), and he struggled most of his life
to put on weight. He had to inject insulin every day of his life, and
would tend to have small bruises or marks at injection sites. At
times, he really didn't want to inject even one more time, but he'd
do it. When we started seeing each other, he weighed more, but was
still under 130 and was self-conscious about it. Living with me, he
got up to 146 lbs, and was really proud of that. He would call
himself Mr 146 Pounds!
There wasn't much he liked to eat or that he would eat. He ate
McDonald's quarter pounders with no cheese, no condiments, no
nothing, and large fries every day. He drank 2 l or more of Diet Coke
per day. He'd eat chips and chocolate bars at night, and try to dose
himself with insulin to keep his blood sugar levels as regular as
possible. Sometimes he'd fry a massive amount of pasta in butter,
and salt it heavily, until it was 'crispy', and he'd eat meats like
'sausage strips', fried in the same pan.
I tried various things out, and was able to get him to eat grilled
boneless chicken breasts, stirfried broccoli, granny apples, low
sugar/no sugar added peanut butter, whole grain cereal, and maybe a
few other things, on a regular basis.
In restaurants, he'd always order steak or grilled chicken, with
fries. He couldn't stand any kind of sauce on anything, although he
liked maple syrup on pancakes.
It seemed 'normal' to me, because I had so many issues with food, and
maybe he accepted my disordered eating because people usually hassled
him about his food choices. Objectively speaking, bulimia is quite
disgusting. Not everyone can put up with it, but when it comes to
those who can, maybe it has something to do with 'hoarding'
tendencies - some of what goes along with that can be kind of gross
as well.
I have a lot of psychological baggage, and I tend to find those who
hoard things and don't stay on top of housework. So I guess if I find
it difficult to be in messy, cluttered, disorganized places, I can
understand that most people wouldn't want to be around the kind of
psychological mess associated with me. My psychological 'mountain' is
less appealing than the physical mountain that a hoarder accumulates.
I have learned to accept a certain amount of chaos in my surroundings
when living with someone, but it is helpful to have my own room.
Still, I think disorganized surroundings affect my experience of
life. If there's more than I can deal with, I feel like I can never
get my head above water.
The Bumble let a combination of straw, shavings and horseshit
pile up in the stalls in the barn. He would say that the floors in
our barn weren't great for the horses' hooves, that they might get
thrush, and that was his reason for allowing the buildup. Once a
year, I would have to shovel it all out. It would take a weekend,
working about 8 hours a day, I think, and I didn't slack off. I got
good with a pitchfork. I'd fill a wheelbarrow, wheel it outside and
dump in the field where The Bumble had said to put it, then return
and keep going. I kept moving at a brisk pace. The smell was
really bad, and there were some really scary things in there. Maybe
it was even like a horror movie, but I was tough in those days. I
only did it for two years of the three we lived there. The third
year he had the horse business, and his partner outlawed the practice
of allowing the buildup.
As I've said before, the lawn on the farm took more than 5 hours to
cut with a push mower. In those days, I admit I waited to be told to
do it, but considering the state of most of the properties he had
lived in his life, I think The Bumble was actually suited more to
apartment living, where no landscaping duties were involved. He
tended to have the least well-kept place in any neighbourhood. Me,
Boo, Beany and Cecil would have actually done more if he had given
us instruction, but part of the problem was that he didn't really
think about these things. He put them out of his mind.
In his rodeo days, I think The Bumble was quite the dude, and he
recognized this in Gandhi and maybe felt like he was a kindred
Don Quixote also seems to hoard stuff. His house has 4 levels, 3
bedrooms, an office, a workroom, laundry, a large open area
livingroom/ diningroom/kitchen area, and there's a garage. But
somehow there's not enough room for all his stuff, even if you factor
in that there's a ton he crams under the house as well. The extra
bedroom was too stuffed to actually have guests in it, the storage
closet/linen closet was too scary for either of us to deal with, and
although I could manage to keep my own bedroom and the bathrooms
neat, and the main living area somewhat neat but not anally so, the
rest of the house and property would just keep spilling out
everywhere in a horrifying manner (well, horrifying to me). I didn't
think I could ever deal with it again, after the first time I tackled
it. It was worse this time. 3 months of working on it all day,
cleaning, sorting, figuring out how to recycle, painting things, with
both of us working on it, were not enough to get the job done. I had
hoped I could do it, and at the time of writing it's still up in the
air, but I've starting drinking alcohol and drinking coffee again and
I feel really sick and I just don't know if I can do it. The thing
is, without me guiding the process, taking a kind of responsibility
for it, it always grinds to a halt.
It's not just about the hoarding, all houses and properties require
upkeep and maintenance and updates, and of course I live here so I
contributed to the problem, but I'm basically a neat person who
doesn't like clutter.
I've talked about all the family moves before, and how that
contributed to me pruning down my collecton of stuff. I remember now
that at age 21, when The Bumble moved to Winnipeg, me and Cecil were
left sorting a lot of the family stuff and figuring out what to do
with it, but also that Sister Bumble agreed to keep some stuff in her
garage for a while. I always felt guilty about it, because I had no
contact with her and she was eventually forced to get rid of my
stuff, I think a big stuffed dog and I am not sure what else, but I
had no place of residence to store anything. After that, I never had
much stuff ever again. Usually most of it could be carried with me or
sorted fast enough that I could figure out what I could donate and
keep easily. Every time I have travelled while living here, I have
tended to pack up all my stuff (in boxes, with notes), so that if I
die or don't come back, my stuff is not difficult for Don Quixote to
deal with.
When The Bumble planned the move to Winnipeg, I hadn't been living
in Toronto, and none of us had much time to figure out what to do
with our stuff with no family home. This was not The Bumble's
concern, and he did not mind leaving a lot of his own mess for
us. If we ever had sentimental feelings about possessions or having
to say good-bye to pets, he didn't want to concern himself with all
that. Look kids, it's the new reality, get over it.
He always had more stuff than anyone else, but he always managed to
get us to put in more effort moving it and cleaning the mess. I think
some of my earlier experiences likely prepared me for a lifetime of
finding or attracting hoarders. In Winnipeg, I volunteered or took
the bulk of packing, sorting, cleaning, and helping move stuff
more than ? times for no pay. I helped K-Pru move her stuff when
she left The Bumble, I helped her son and daughter-in-law move twice,
I helped the boyfriend who gave me herpes clean one of his places,
and I helped two of his friends move their stuff (and those were
massive jobs), and I helped The Bumble pack up his stuff, and I
cleaned his place when he moved back to Toronto. The only one who
paid me was The Bumble, and this was the first time he ever had, and
I think he only did it because he had paid K-Pru's other son to
help and thought he probably should pay me, too. I was living on
welfare, and I somehow thought I was just doing what you were
supposed to, for family and friends. It would be offensive to ask
for or take money. It was something I knew how to do, and something
I was good at, something I tended to put more effort into than
anyone else, without getting tired or even stopping for breaks.
Eventually it was like washing dishes. I just didn't want to have to
do it again.
Even when we were really young, The Bumble expected us to help with
moves, and he didn't even contact any male friends. For example,
even when I was 11 and the oldest, when The Bumble and Natalie moved
to the first farm, we were the only ones to help them move all their
stuff, including furniture and appliances, and Natalie couldn't do
anything difficult because she had a bad back.
It's weird, I have trouble remembering what all the stuff was
composed of. What I remember most was this sculpture of a cowboy on a
horse. It might have been bronze. He'd won it in a draw, and I think
he really liked it.
Don Quixote has this (possibly) cast iron or alloy thing (similar
colour, but not the same material) of a knight in armour holding a
banner. They used to use it as a doorstop in his family home.
Cecil Livingston Seagull
Dr Velvet Thong: How was it that you came to ask Cecil for
a divorce?
Blinky: Cecil deduced that because none of us had enough help
or parental guidance, the older siblings were 'lost causes', and he
summoned all his energy to save Beany. But he went too far in the
other direction.. he did things for Beany, instead of trusting that
she could learn how to do them for herself if given some guidance and
support. This relates to a high inherited anxiety level in the
family.. we were all left without guidance or help when it came to
stressful situations (and a lot of this relates to flaws or deficits
in communication style), and so we learned how to avoid certain types
of situations altogether. Cecil did things for Beany, and then when
he had kids himself, he sought to take this stress away for
them, too.
When explaining to Beany why he was helping her, he said (in the mid-80s,
in front of me, housebound at the time and having dropped out of
high school):
Cecil: People who don't go to University are losers.
Blinky: This was quite likely a stand against The Bumble who
called people losers for other reasons, but still.. it was kind of
insensitive to me and Boo. And in the same time period, Cecil was
also quite lovely in some ways. One chrismukkah when The Bumble
decided he wasn't feeling very much in the holiday spirit, and he
bought us each a new towel and seemed kind of grumpy (but, it could
actually be that he didn't have much energy and focused it as
positively as he could - think Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!),
Cecil went out and bought Santa presents for everyone as a surprise,
and added cute little notes and jokes about reindeer and
(Blinky also went out and tried to select special presents for
everyone that year. Sometimes they probably forget that even when she
hadn't gone out for a very long time, for many years, she still went
out chrismukkah shopping, even if it was the only day in the year she
did go out. But the focus should be: Cecil does have a lot of
positive qualities.)
After not having contact for many years, Cecil contacted me in
Australia to help out with a school project for one of his sprogs.
I thought that perhaps this was a way to pave the road for
further communication, and although I hadn't been given much time
to meet a deadline, I bent over backwards to try to help out. I
asked many questions, and Cecil did not reply, so I did the best
I could based on what little I had to go on. I also researched
the Flat Stanley Project online.
Cecil: Cecil Jr has this school project and I'm wondering if
you could help us out with it. If you say yes, we'll send out the
envelope. Note: we'll need it back in a couple of weeks, because
that's when the project is due.
Blinky: OK, I'll give it a try. When it arrives, I'll write
if I have any questions.
Blinky thinks about how to explain her 'weird' name to Cecil Jr. If
it ever becomes an issue.
mind chatter:
Before Flat Stanely was known as Flat Stanley, he was simply known as
Stanley. His experiences led to changes and new abilities, and a new
name made sense to reflect these changes and abilities (including
that he could go anywhere in the world they had mailboxes!). Because
of Blinky's unusual experiences in life, an unusual name seemed
necessary to reflect these changes.
Blinky: I wanted to have a chance to write it out, because in
my head it seemed to make sense, and to be a simple way of not only
explaining to Cecil Jr, but possibly to Cecil himself. It would be
important to keep the language as simple as possible, and probably to
avoid words like weird.
But the other thing is that the name Blinky might be tricky for
another reason that I probably need to think about. I am very
searchable on the web, and kids these days find it natural to use
computers. Since they start young, they are probably pretty
proficient from a young age. My website might be too much information
too soon, and it might actually be damaging. Maybe a bit like The
Bumble talking to me about things I thought I could handle, but
without providing enough guidance to help me sort through it. More
damaging than porn, or other stuff on the web? Requires serious
thought. It's a different kind of damage, but in my own way, in
asserting my right to tell my story, maybe I would be doing what The
Bumble did, and leaving those who read without guidance?
And so I have to reluctantly admit that it might not be in Cecil Jr's
best interests to have my name forced on him right now, or for any of
The Next Gen to have my name and baggage forced on them. This is a
dilemma I have to think about, but it could be a case of shutting
the barn door way too long after the horses have escaped, at this
point. And so then, I guess the question becomes, how to provide
some kind of 'guidance' retroactively.
Dr Velvet Thong: A dilemma indeed.
The Xeroxed form letter inside the envelope Blinky receives from
her brother is not even addressed to her - there is a blank 'To'
line, and neither her brother nor Cecil Jr had filled that in with
her name, and no one has signed the 'From' line, either. Basically,
it's the same letter every kid in the class would have sent out, but
it hasn't been personalized.
Blinky had gathered that the intent of the project was to help young
children learn how to correspond and connect with more of the world.
She carefully considered the implications.
She wrote up a thoughtful letter which included jokes about how Flat
Stanley did not appear tired after his long journey, and a lot of
stuff about Australia and possums, as well as some photos of Flat
Stanley posing with possums. She even said 'say hi to Cecilia Jr'.
Cecil Jr did not ever send a thank-you, even by email. Basically, the
project was in this case a failure, because the sprog in question did
not have any contact with Blinky at all.
Blinky: I would not want Cecil Jr to feel guilty about this,
as I consider it his parents' failure.
I wondered if it had something to do with protecting his child
from some disease or ickiness associated with me, (the stigma and
shame of mental illness!), or if it perhaps was just an example of
how communication 'works' or doesn't in the family, and so I asked
Cecil some questions to feel out his attitudes.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's quite a puzzle.
Blinky: Er Cecil.. since this project was about communication,
I'm kind of wondering what has gone wrong with ours. I'm wondering if
your lack of response to my questions relates to unresolved personal
issues with me, and I would like to try to figure out if it's about
the stigma related to mental illness, or something other.
Cecil: I have many multicultural friends and regularly
socialize with interracial couples. I am not prejudiced.
End of conversation, finito. She thought about what she might have
done wrong, but she had asked a lot of questions about how to better
help out or do the project. She worried her letter was too
complicated or wordy for Cecil Jr's age group, or if Cecil was
disappointed about not receiving Australian coins Cecil Jr could
display in class, and if Cecil had replied to her messages, she would
have replied that since it is technically illegal to post coins via
snailmail, she was nervous about doing anything that might prevent
the package reaching them before the deadline. Plus, she had been
more than willing to rework the letter for Cecil Jr if it would
have helped.
A few years pass.
Cecil: Hello. How's it going? Hope you're well. We're all fine
here. Not promising anything, and it's only a small amount if it's
anything, but there's a possibility we can acquire some funds owed to
Mama Smurf in association with a pension plan she paid into before
her death. We require the signature of all living siblings in order
to to go forward with this. I've enclosed the forms, Sincerely, The
Blinky: I will do so with the stipulation that if there is to
be any payout, my share will go to a charity organization called The
Father Bob Foundation, and I will require signatures from both Cecil
and Beany stipulating that they have read the mission statement of
said organization. Boo gets a free pass because I think he already
grasps the concepts, or is lightyears ahead of the two of you.
Further, these donations will be submitted under your full names.
Cecil: No problem.
Father Bob's mission statement [paraphrased]: We support the
unlovely and unloved in society. When any member of the society is
cast out, the society itself is failing.
Blinky meant for this to be seen as having parallels for the family
as a whole. Cecil apparently did not understand the importance of
this to Blinky, perhaps brushing it off as 'craziness'. Blinky also
had the distinct impression that Cecil had not even bothered to
contact Beany with this unnecessary disruption/craziness, and had
forged her signature, or had perhaps forged it with her permission,
to just get things done quicker. When the money was awarded, Cecil
then wrote back:
Cecil: What do you say I send you your portion and we leave it
at this?
Blinky: No, my original terms and conditions stand.
The donations were made, but not in their full names, as
Blinky took to addressing him as Sir Cecilbot, and Beany as
Beanybot. However, since she wasn't really sure if Beany knew
anything about her terms and conditions, she decided it wasn't really
fair to get mad at her. But at this point, she sent Sir Cecilbot
divorce papers. Blinky believed it should be possible to divorce - or
choose - one's own family. He had done what she asked, but appeared
not to have a clue as to why it was important to her. She could
easily imagine the condescending or mocking sneer/smirk he made at
any time when having to refer to Blinky by name. She'd had
enough. This was not the only incident, it was just one in a long
line. Every time Blinky had attempted to communicate something that
seemed real to her, he seemed to brush it off as if she'd said
nothing of import.
After this situation, Blinky felt some guilt, but she realized
that the attitudes toward her from the family of origin would likely
be passed on, unconsciously or otherwise, to future generations, and
she came to the conclusion that she didn't have a snowball's chance
in hell of changing the system from within, and that the only way she
was ever going to have a fair go in this family was to write a tell-all
memoir. However, she has still not managed to get around to that.
She still holds out the rather unrealistic hope that one day,
when it could be on a more fair and equal footing, the family could
be reunited. And even when she divorced her brother and sister, she
could not ever wish them ill, and if they had ever needed her help
with any complex psychological issue, she would have immediately
tried her best to help in whatever ways she could. They were, after
all, the original 'possums'. When possums behave badly, or don't
understand human behaviour, it is difficult to hold it against
And, if she herself 'divorces' family members, isn't she also
'casting them out'? Can you cast out members of a group who have
already cast you out?
She's never even allowed to say that she suspects they're mad at her,
and she can even understand the reasons why, and they're
understandable, but if they won't even admit they're mad, or what
for, she can't begin to explain that when they felt abandoned by her
or shut out, she had tried to explain about her condition/situation,
and they would not allow it, and so it didn't seem that there was any
way they were ready to understand what the 'stigma and
misunderstanding around mental illness' really mean. Their
perceptions of her behaviour and attitudes could therefore only be
based on their preexisting prejudices. The most hurtful thing is to
know you have suffered in ways others in your family don't perceive
as having any significance or relevance, that they find you tiresome
or an annoyance, and they think you're just trying to get attention,
and that you have no conception that other people have problems. And
it does suck that unfortunately, your problems have become so big you
are powerless to genuinely help others with theirs, even when you are
hyperaware of the problems of others and have wanted to help, and
that was one of the major reasons for withdrawal in the first
Family Skeleton Dance Party - The First Draft
Blinky: What I realized a long time ago was that it was an
impossible situation.
Starting in my 20s, from time to time I'd approach each family member
separately and try to open lines of communication, to try to get
beyond the superficial accepted approach to communication that mainly
centred around getting in contact for birthdays and holidays, and
during any communication, to keep things brief, clean and positive.
Everyone let me know I was making them feel uncomfortable.
In early 1999, I contacted all the core family members, told them I
had changed my name, and I said if anyone wants to talk, I'm
available. I gave them an email address that is still valid all these
years later, but no one ever took me up on my offer.
After I published my 'psychoanalysis', Boo approached me and made a
serious attempt to demonstrate caring and compassion, and since that
time, I've had a warm feeling for him. One person can only do so
much, and I think he's done more than any person can reasonably be
expected to do.
He seems worried about being insensitive, he seems worried about
misunderstanding me or making things worse, but he still takes risks
in his communication, and is not afraid to express vulnerability, in
his attempts to get across true caring/love.
The problem is that the subject matter is just so complex, and family
communication has never allowed for this necessity, that members
learn how to empathize in complex ways. It's like within the family
there is some kind of 'everyone for himself' kind of mentality.
There's more than enough trauma to go around, and everyone's been
wounded, but everyone ends up thinking 'I'm the strong one, everyone
else has had it easy compared to me', when in reality, although all
of them are in a sense quite strong to have survived what they did,
the family as a whole is not strong. The communication system blows.
Unexamined prejudices and brainwashing are allowed to affect
relations, in part because communication is so poor.
How can you expect your family members to challenge all the
prejudices related to mental health that are continually repeated in
pop culture, and from every angle socially and professionally? When
you start to see how mental health might be tied to language choices
which represent hidden beliefs, it's like you have to completely take
on everyone and everything, all the time.
Everyone puts their foot in their mouth sometimes, and I know I've
done it more than my fair share. But when any social occasion, even
with family, ends up feeling like a negation of one's personal
identity and efforts and love, when all 'casual' communication feels
like judgment, and when underneath all that it seems like everyone
else's self-esteem depends on the demolition of mine, it seems
insane to just shut up and put up.
I tried to see as many moves ahead as possible, I tried to figure out
how long it might take before I could address all of this well enough
such that I could actually feel comfortable communicating with
family, and it just seemed like an impossible task. Even if I could
somehow thicken my skin, and be as understanding and patient as
possible, I could see that at every turn, everyone's instinct would
be to try to railroad me back into the safe, deeply-rooted
traditional communication patterns in the family.
For a while I thought maybe everyone would do ok in their new
families, that they'd recover from trauma and things would be fine,
and maybe it was best I just stayed clear and didn't taint their
efforts, but I can clearly see that ineffectual communication
patterns are still alive and well, and no one is 'ok'.
Aside from that, I am myself an extremely glaring example of
something seriously amiss in the family. How can it be that The
Bumble is considered basically a 'good person', if a little bumbling,
but I have somehow absorbed that I don't deserve to ever feel happy
or even to live? Those feelings did not just drop out of the sky -
they are the logical extension of family beliefs, taken to the
'right' extremes, given the 'right' circumstances to thrive. For
years, my Manifesto has been available online, and I would say it's
fairly clear I exist in a desperate and despondent state, and while
it makes sense the world would tend to steer clear and judge me, what
the fuck is family for if they can't try to extend some kind of
compassion or emotional support? As I write that, I know all the
reasons it's impossible, and I know that I am so far gone that I
won't ever feel comfortable with family or other people in this
lifetime, so even if they start approaching me now, it's just going
to make all of us uncomfortable. Maybe what I'm saying can help other
families with dysfunctional communication patterns and outdated
beliefs to address issues before it's too late, and maybe what I'm
expressing will pave the way for people to start to understand that
in some cases, euthanasia is the best option for people who don't
have any chance of creating a network to life.
The members of the family are barely making it in their new families.
So any personal identities which revolve around how 'strong' they are
is true, but also not true. They were strong to make it that far, but
it's not a longterm kind of multi-generational strength. We aren't an
'admirable' family. We suck. The chain is as strong as the weakest
link, etc. People, that's why we were selected for family therapy.
We've all seen examples of physical torture, but what about
psychological? On a daily basis, the family beliefs torture me, and
I want to address them, but I keep being told go away, shut up,
say happy birthday and happy chrismukkah, you are out of touch with
reality, you are weak and we are embarrassed by you, just get over
it already.
I can't get over it. I need help. I think the best solution is
euthanasia, and while that's not currently legal, maybe you could
think about offering support by either saying 'I can see what you're
saying', by vocally supporting euthanasia rights or admitting we need
better mental health options or that in some cases, families should
really stop breeding before they pass on their horrific patterns.. at
least until they address the current messes first, or are committed
to working on them. Stand up to people who express prejudice against
people like me.
Dr Velvet Thong: You loved your family more than they loved
You're right, it's an impossible situation. Surely you know that as
the years go by and you keep yammering on, it's getting harder for
your family to attempt to relate to you and vice versa. I think all
that's left now is just the indirect option of possibly affecting
collective consciousness about mental health, perhaps inspiring
those less broken to identify solutions.
Blinky: Maybe it's good for human beings to have some secrets,
and maybe it's impossible to live without certain illusions. Maybe
these were taken away from me too early, and it left me without a
foundation, and after that, without realizing what I was doing, I was
taking away other people's illusions, the ones necessary to survival,
It's so weird, in this retelling of Family Skeleton Dance Party, it's
like I've totally forgotten about the part obsession played in my
teen years, and I wonder if that means it's a completely unbalanced
version. The biggest part of my day was spent obsessing and
fantasizing about a guy I barely remember now, and I can't
sentimentalize it. And the later obsessions, too, it's like maybe I
understand what they were about. I needed some kind of attention and
help from family that was impossible to get, so I projected this
drama onto others, and it was intense. 'Love' would help.
Dr Velvet Thong: To me, it seems that The Bumble's reactions
to your depression - anger, and to your isolation - ignoring it and
alternately being angry/disgusted, set the pattern for how the other
members of your family saw and treated you. From there, all the
people you had contact with were influenced by his attitudes, and you
never knew anything except these attitudes to yourself. You
internalized them. At the same time, on the surface, it was a 'good
family', and everyone loved you. Your instinct - that you had to get
away, to university, and later, just to get away - were 'healthy',
but because the attitudes were unconsciously affecting you, there was
nowhere you could go to escape. Even in seeking out books, music and
art, you were still primed to find mixed messages, and not 'enough'
to help you.
When you thought or expressed you were 'too fat and ugly' to go
outside, and no one in the family challenged that, it set and
reinforced a vicious pattern that you still can't overcome.
Out in the world, exploring a variety of relationships, the same
pattern was enacted, and now you no longer believe in the possibility
of a new message or pattern. In some ways, it's probably a positive
thing that the obsessive mechanism no longer kicks in.
Blinky: Knowing that has never been enough to help me
overcome it. When I have tried to force myself, I run out of energy
before I get very far. Even when I know the triggers in advance, it's
not enough, because I can't figure out how to fake motivation or
actually wanting to live.
Dr Velvet Thong: You have shamed the family, and they don't
want you to live, either - they just aren't consciously aware of it.
They don't want you to be happy, and they don't believe you deserve
to be happy.
At first, when you moved in with The Bumble and his girlfriend, you
were 'successful', so he could taunt your mother with: see how
useless you are, she's thriving with me. Meanwhile, she had put a
curse on your head: you are throwing your life away, you will come
to no good. When you began to struggle under the weight of all their
primal anger, and their respective depressions and addictions and
conflicting attitudes and preferences, The Bumble became angry, in
part because it felt like you were fucking up on purpose, not
helping him in the war against Her. He never forgave you. He was not
someone who could remain on unpleasant terms in the same house, and
he was quite a social animal, but he was one to hold a grudge. You
have this pattern a bit yourself, in that even when people treat you
in ways you should not accept, you often come to the conclusion some
sort of peace must be made, because it is the least bad solution.
He probably mostly believed his own hype. He thought he was a good
father, a better parent than your mother, and when he showed 'mercy'
by including you in family things and buying you junk food, he felt
'magnanimous', it truly did not make sense to him that you continued
to sit there like a lump.
Blinky: I could see that even though he felt he had made a big
mistake in having kids and getting married before he was capable of
conscious thought, he had decided not to martyr himself over his
mistake, and I do admit that I respect that. He figured out what he
needed, when it came to keeping and caring for horses (sometimes
renting or owning farms, sometimes boarding horses out), addictions
(3 packs a day, alcohol, coffee), lunches and dinners out (daily) -
whereas we all took brown bag lunches to school, and maybe had
dinners out a couple of times a year, and were always conscious about
ordering expensive things, and he didn't pinch pennies when it came
to himself. He had massive long distance phone bills, and eventually
owed Bell Canada a lot of money and couldn't get phones in his name.
He believed that all a parent was required to do was to put a roof
over the heads, food in the stomach, and otherwise kids pretty much
raised themselves, but even so, he was a 'fun' father, and so he
believed he was fantastic, doing more than he really needed to. And I
sort of get that, and I think a lot of fathers are like that.
I am not sure what proportion of his salary he was able to keep, and
how much went to us, but if they were fighting bitterly in court, it
would seem that he struggled to hold onto as much as he could for
himself. I think it makes sense, though, that if you've got 4 kids
and you have some expensive habits, and you don't want to ruin your
own life, it takes guts to say look kids, you're going to have to
find your own way in life. I quit school and started working at 15.
You should be able to do the same.
I suppose it could be argued that in that case, maybe the death of
his father was no big loss, but the death of a mother in comparison..
That reminds me, I really need to find a way to get the story about
the dead squirrels in the swimming pool in.
Originally, I thought The Bumble was just a bumbler, and mostly a
good person, and I think that's how my siblings still see him. I now
think he was a truly awful father for me, and also that the others
could probably have gone further in life if not for him. In the past,
I felt so guilty even trying to write to figure out the situation or
remember, and that is because he put a curse on the head of anyone
who would even question him. Not only are you a Loser to the soul,
you dwell on stupid things and make everything as ugly as you are.
He was a monster, but now that I can see it, I have a bit more
power, and maybe I can make him into a funny monster, a Bumble.
I think I said before that I was never in any relationship I wanted
to last. I think I did want a couple of friendships to last, but when
it came to other relationships, I knew beforehand that I wasn't all
in. I'm not sure it would have turned out like Madame Bovary or Lady
Chatterley, or Damage, or Henry and June, or something more ordinary
and boring, but since I already knew I was looking for something less
ordinary going into the relationship, and would sometimes wonder if
somehow the other unconsciously wanted something compatible and it
would take time to work that out, mostly the situation was that I
wanted to be 'free' to have something else. I didn't want to be
railroaded into a 'normal' relationship or into being or acquiring a
beard for fantasy lives.
Blinky: But the truth is that the world would have seen me as
my parents did. The photographic proof was that I was some kind of
weird mutant, not just 'plain', but bizarrely, uniquely and even
shockingly ugly, in a way that defied description. It was like
looking at photos of a rare deformity or disability. It was
incongruous, and unsettling.
Dr Velvet Thong: You don't think you were blowing things out
of proportion?
Blinky: No. People say 'beauty is truth', and I think there
was a kind of scary 'truth' in some of my photos that was too much
for either of my parents to deal with. My 'disability' was beyond
their skill set to cope with. They were scared. I think if I still
had those photos now, and as an experiment put them up on the
internet - we could see what public opinion would be, and when you
look at how harsh people are considering plainness that is really
mild in comparison..
Dr Velvet Thong: When your parents saw that they had created a
monster, they abandoned you. Looking at you, they felt worse about
themselves, and their self-esteem crumbled. This also contributes to
whether you believe anyone loves you. Your parents didn't believe
anyone could love you, and from there, neither could your siblings,
although on the surface, no one gives this away.
Dr Velvet Thong: If it is all right with you, I would like to
hear more about your relationship with your sister, Beany.
Blinky: I still feel guilt about this, too, and with my
paranoia issues, I worry even about complaining here, that maybe the
transcripts of our conversations will be found, and the whole thing
will seem horribly unfair to my sister.
Dr Velvet Thong: For now, try not to focus on whether you're
an asshole or not. Tell the story as you see it, factor in that
there are always more sides to any story, and that if you express it,
trying to leave yourself open to the possibility of greater
understanding and personal evolution, eventually the guilt might
dissipate. At present, it's festering, and so first, we really need
to get a good look at the infection, before we can diagnose and
treat it.
Blinky: When we were young, there were times when I was a
bully to my sister. I called her names, and once I laughed out loud
when she wanted to read out a school project she had done. I thought
it was about 'beet ovens', and I didn't know what a beet oven was,
and so when I realized it was about Beethoven, I laughed, and I knew
that was horrible, but I had a few moments trying to get that under
control, but I realize it might have scarred her for life, and when
you know the family history, you will know why it's particularly
Dr Velvet Thong: Please continue.
Blinky: Well, my maternal grandmother was my favourite person,
and she called my sister Beanerooski. This would cause Beany to throw
a tantrum, and it would make my grandmother laugh with delight. I
think I was jealous, because I probably absorbed that my grandmother
liked Beany better than me. Babci was the youngest in her family, and
Beany was the youngest in mine - they were both the babies of their
respective families. Babci thought she was 'bad', and she had married
a 'good' man, and I think she felt bad when she fell out of love with
him. I think I reminded her of him. She thought I was 'good', because
when we visited, the first thing I would always do would be to run to
her bedroom to say hello. I will get back to this later, but when I
was young, I don't think it really registered that the shades were
always drawn, and that it must have been bloody fucking awful to
spend so much time bedridden, especially in a time without computers
or without much to watch on tv, even without remote controls, and
without the ability to physically hold a book, (or dial or hold a
phone easily) because her hands were so deformed by rheumatoid
arthritis. My sister had a temper and was really cute. I was sort of
boring, quiet and plain in comparison. And so that might have
something to do with why I sort of 'got creative' in calling my
sister names. In a way, I might have been trying to be like my
grandmother. However, by the time I was 13 and lived with my father,
I didn't ever call her names again. In fact, it stopped a couple of
years earlier, and over time, I became more aware of other ways in
which I might be ill-treating Beany, and I made conscious efforts to
stop, and to make amends - with ongoing words and deeds, not
superficial lip service.
The more serious issue is one that I think the Bumble managed to
deflect attention away from rather successfully.
Her development was very likely affected by the stage of
disintegration in the marriage of our parents, and resultant physical
health issues she experienced, but he showed no understanding of
this. He could often be found muttering under his breath about what a
moron she was, that she couldn't tie her shoes or tell the time by a
certain age (9-10). We were supposed to chalk this up to his sense
of humour. Her interest in reading was likely inhibited by a kind of
serious pressure the Bumble inflicted. He would point to a book he
liked, and state that any person who could not appreciate it had to
be an absolute moron. That's not the greatest way to motivate a child
to enjoy reading. And because I had gone first, and had developed an
interest in reading early on, the Bumble could also use me as an
example to inflict more pressure. Because I was reasonably good at
spelling and grammar, I became an example that could be used to
further intimidate her.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think The Bumble was conscious of his
efforts to sabotage?
Blinky: I think he lived with a high anxiety level, and saw
everyone as a potential enemy or threat to his success or position or
authority/power. He wasn't really prepared to be married or have
kids, and when he was/did, he found it impossible to override these
instincts and programmed patterns. His ways of controlling and coping
with the unknown, or life, extended to everyone in his life. He had
to keep everyone off-balance such that no one would ever question
his authority or have more power. I think he both wanted his kids
to reflect well on him, as an extension of him, and that he was also
terrified that any of his children would surpass him.
He could mutter about Beany, but then he would take shots at my
'intelligence', even while he was using it to intimidate Beany,
letting me know that what he really valued was 'street smarts',
athletic ability, and a sympatico with animals. So, he could let
Beany know that underneath his 'sense of humour', he actually valued
her qualities, and looked down upon mine. He always sent mixed
messages, with all of us.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think your relationship with possums
represents some need to seek your father's approval?
Blinky: Maybe, but I think he might see possums a bit like
pests, a bit like the kinds of animals that don't matter, or that
must be killed because they destroy fields - like groundhogs.
Later on, when Beany had a daughter, I tried to bring up the subject
of whether the Bumble had ever tried to seduce her (Beany), and
suggested that it might be a good idea to watch him as her daughter
grew up. I did feel guilty, and like I might be perceived as a crazy,
irrational freak, but I would have felt guiltier if I hadn't said
anything - and she replied with contempt that she would never have
let him get away with such behaviour, implying that if I had, I was
weak and stupid.
I thought about this. In a lot of our conversations, she was in one
way or another telling me I was weak because I was not able to work
or find fulfillment in life - and she was strong. I conceded that
maybe she was right, but eventually I didn't think it was healthy for
me to let her keep repeating this message, rubbing it in my face.
Then there's the whole stepbrother 'loser' situation, you know, the
one I have mentioned before where in front of everyone, The Bumble
said with utter contempt to my stepbrother: Get a fucking job, you
fucking loser!' And no one there said a word.
I realize now that it wasn't just that in the moment I couldn't
stand up for my stepbrother - it was that I couldn't stand up for
myself, and that's why I couldn't stand up for him. My hypothesis is
that because no one could stand up to my father or challenge his
prejudices, in a sense everyone accepted his beliefs and internalized
He had a way of spinning a situation and deflecting focus such that
someone else would take all the heat. Later, the way others in the
family would perceive this whole situation was that The Bumble was
actually a hero, because he was the one to get that loser a job, one
that he still had decades later.
To me, though, he's not a hero and it is like my stepbrother has to
be grateful to his abuser, and maybe he even is. I do see how
important it is to have a career, but it is important to me to try to
shift the focus a little.
The kid could not have succeeded in this line of work if he didn't
have the right aptitude all along, and if he didn't have the kind of
work ethic/pattern that would allow him to hold a job for many years -
and I think he inherited at least the latter from his
The other thing is that when I worked for my father as his
receptionist when I was 16, one of my jobs was to administer aptitude
tests, to supervise the applicants while they took the tests, to mark
the tests, and to also offer personal observations - maybe part of it
was to check how 'respectfully' the applicants would treat a 16 year
old girl, but a lot of it might have been hokier, more subjective.
However, those who did not score well on the aptitude tests were not
good candidates. There were always a lot of candidates - hundreds.
And I know that my stepbrother scored in the top 5 when he took his
test. So, right under his nose, living in the same house, my father
did not recognize that this 'loser' had an impressive aptitude in his
line of work. Yes, it's a good thing to address mistakes, but it does
suck that it took a suicide attempt on the part of my stepbrother for
The Bumble to give him a 'real' shot. But really, he only did so
when he could frame the situation to make himself look like a 'hero'.
At this time, my father had no real pull in the industry. He did not
'get' this kid a job. He probably didn't do much more than point him
to one of the cattle calls. Yes, I do think this is something, and
coming from a disadvantaged background, I guess I can understand that
whatever damage the Bumble did, maybe the kid ended up better off.
Yes, for that reason, it is difficult to feel self-righteous, but I
think it's important for my peace of mind to try to articulate
this situation as part of the overall picture.
The younger stepbrother was also quite intelligent and had a lot of
potential, but The Bumble managed to spin that situation such that
he was seen as a 'problem kid who has to go to a halfway house until
he learns to behave and not disrupt the family', when the truth was
probably more like social workers removed him in order to protect
him from an unhealthy home situation. I wrote to my stepbrother to
try to articulate that this was how I saw it.
As for the stepsister (she was also smart, and had really cool hair),
he liked to talk to her about sex, and engage in ticklefights (he
didn't engage in ticklefights with her brothers, though). When I
witnessed one, it left me with a really sick feeling, but I realized
it might be an over-reaction. I can only mention the unfortunate
details of her situation. She got pregnant at 16-17. Her boyfriend
had been kicked out of home, and was staying with The Bumble et al.
He died in a high speed car crash, while living under their roof. It
doesn't prove this, but it doesn't seem like The Bumble was a very
good influence/role model for any of my stepsiblings.
I can still remember that Beany (in all sincerity) spoke to the
stepsister about what a wonderful time in your life pregnancy is,
what a blessing having a child is..
Then there was the whole thing with the dogs. Well, one dog. My
father kept two medium size dogs in cages in the livingroom. His
girlfriend had a lot of cats - more than 10, and the house smelled
strongly of cat pee. Every time I visited, I found it extremely
difficult to feel comfortable. The poor dogs looked so miserable.
Gandhi and I decided to try to take one in ourselves (the one that
wasn't The Bumble's favourite), so as to 'help' one, but our
apartment was small, and it was a dog with a lot of energy, a midsize
dog, and reluctantly, we had to return the dog. The Bumble was
triumphant: see it's not as easy as you thought it would be! My
solution to the problem is the best one.
That's how he saw it, but at this point I conceded that I wasn't
strong enough to address the problems in the family, to help any of
the members or even a dog, and I wasn't even sure I was 'in the
right'. I think in order to 'help' according to some instinct of
mine that was programmed in, I probably would have had to live
with that family. The Bumble had been sober for a few years, but he
hadn't changed or learned anything. I stopped going to family
gatherings. I felt further disconnected from my siblings, because I
was the only one who could see all this, but at the same time, I knew
that if they were in a different headspace, it was still healthier
for them to have a family network as support, and if they could still
focus on The Bumble's best qualities, maybe my sense of proportion
was out of whack, or maybe I was just at a different stage of
development, and couldn't go back.
A while later, I found out that the favourite dog had attacked a kid
in a park. The dog wasn't put down.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you still believe that The Bumble was
good with animals? I'm thinking of The Big Horse Show.
Blinky: In some ways yes, and in others, no.
He always needed to have some around, and through the years, when
we'd move again, I think he did try to find homes for them, but it
was the case that we moved a lot, and we had to get used to saying
good-bye to the animals we formed sentimental attachments to.
Because horses are so expensive to keep, and because of how he had
treated me, I wonder if it would have been valid to say 'If you want
to keep horses, you look after them, or pay me.' But because I had
such a great life, I wouldn't have been able to consciously support
that argument. I think also it was a commonsense thing and most kids
my age believed it was their duty to do chores, contribute. Some
kids got structured allowances, but not all. My situation wasn't
Dr Velvet Thong: And even now, your siblings still think of
The Bumble as more blundering than intentionally 'evil'?
Blinky: Yes, but seriously, I don't think I'm explaining it
right, I don't think I'm being fair enough, because although he was
quite intelligent, I really don't think he ever meant to do anyone
harm. The things that happened, they really just seemed 'normal'.
And the thing is, I can see the arguments in favour that I actually
was weak, that many people have much worse backgrounds, experiences,
and come out fine - including my own siblings. So basically, I
allow for that possibility, while also allowing myself perhaps the
'luxury' of examining it all until I feel I understand it better.
Dr Velvet Thong: I became engrossed in the story, and have
only just now realized that I had meant to steer you toward the
correspondence with your sister.
Blinky: After The Bumble died, I decided to try again to
communicate with Cecil and Beany. The finality of death sunk in, and
I thought that if there was anything unresolved, for any of us, it
was better to address it sooner rather than wait any longer. At
first, they seemed somewhat receptive, but it didn't take long for
me to conclude that they were only interested in some kind of neat
and clean, superficial interaction. They really didn't see things
the way I did, and I thought I could understand enough about the
I didn't think they really understood what I was saying about how
the stigma of mental illness affects people, because it was like
Beany was saying 'oh yes, how horrible that some people can't see
past the stigma, but fortunately we have always accepted you,
exactly as you are.'
Dr Velvet Thong: How did you respond?
Blinky: Well, I tried to keep an open mind about whether she
really understood what she was saying, and if she meant it, and then,
to try to find this out, I sent her a long email, entitled
'family skeleton dance party - the e-book!' I wrote that I understood
it was a lot to drop on her, and that I would understand if it was
too much to deal with and she just wanted to move on and live in the
now, but that as for me, it was necessary to resolve some of the
past issues, or I wouldn't feel she was really seeing or
communicating with 'me', or that she really cared about 'me'. I said
that if it was best for her, then maybe we could agree to wish each
other well from a distance, while remaining out of each other's
lives, but if we were not to try to resolve any of the issues, then
I definitely did not want to just go back to polite superficial
conversation as if nothing had happened.
Dr Velvet Thong: What happened?
Blinky: She never replied to the email, not even to
acknowledge it by saying: I can see that all of this has affected
you deeply, and I am sorry that this is how you perceive events, but
I just don't see it the same.
I felt somewhat guilty, because it was an extremely long email, and I
know that if she still had residual self-consciousness in relation
to things like spelling and grammar, and reading, it might actually
have been quite a bitchy thing to do to send her such an email, but
at the same time, in the past, things had always been on her terms,
and I was always the one bending to be more understanding. I had to
do something to speak up for myself, and to try to establish some
kind of equality.
And, in the few emails she sent to me, her spelling and grammar were
quite good.
Dr Velvet Thong: All right, let's see the bloody thing
Something to try to factor in as you read this email is that I have
been living in a state of unrelieved distress since approximately age
13. In the early years, it was still possible to access normal
responses and emotions, but over time, the effort of containing the
distress and the need to be understood have resulted in a
communication style that doesn't seem as warm as that of most humans.
My focus is on trying to explain clearly and authentically, and I
realize that I probably don't come across as very human most of the
It is probably a good idea, if you are able to read this email, to
give yourself time to process it, and decide if it's better to let
things go. I appreciate that you are willing to give me this
opportunity to say what I need to say. I think this represents a
necessary step in my personal evolution, no matter what the outcome
turns out to be. Thank you.
On the family mentality regarding making mistakes: It is insane to
think that any human being always behaves perfectly, never treats
anyone badly or inconsiderately, or is born knowing how to act in
every given situation. However, the family mentality has seemed to be
that it's necessary to try to cover mistakes up rather than examine
them, admit them and try to make amends for them.
This goes for me, you and everyone else: if any of us have made any
mistakes, even serious ones, it doesn't mean we are inherently bad
people, or that we can never make up for it. Sometimes, in order that
a mistake can be addressed, it has to be brought into conscious
awareness, and that involves disturbing the peace.
When it comes to mistakes, I have been ready (for decades!) to
acknowledge and try to make up for mine. However, I can't do this
unless I am confronted directly with anything that is unresolved for
Even though many people are more aware that there is stigma and
misinformation in regards to depression, they don't really know what
that means, or how it is expressed in society and daily life.
One of the ways that effects of stigma and misinformation are
expressed is that even well-meaning individuals inadvertently blame
those who are depressed for their own depression.
This comes across in various ways, but specifically in our family, to
me, it came out in the following ways:
1. Since we all went through something traumatic, if I couldn't get
through it as well, I was not as strong or responsible as the rest of
2. There are people in the world who have it worse who have managed
to accomplish great things, without whining about how hard they've
had it.
3. It all happened so long ago. Isn't it time to give it a rest?
Blinky seems to think she is the only one with problems, and wants
all attention for herself.
I became aware of possible effects of the Bumble-Mama Smurf syndrome -
in everyone - from the time I was 16. One thing that has been
difficult for me is that my efforts to counteract some of the
potential effects in others were never perceived, even once everyone
had grown up, had more experience of life, the world, people. No, it
would not surprise me that there are effects currently in play for
others, but it is difficult for me that the effects on me were
usually dismissed in the ways listed above.
My interaction with the world itself was so affected by these early
experiences that all my subsequent relationships have reflected the
extent to which I am constantly aware of how all people are affected
by their upbringing and experiences, as well as my actions. This
constant perception is something I can never seem to shut off or
We all felt the effects of conflict and chaos, but from a young age,
I seemed to absorb the depression and distress of the adults to a
more extreme degree, and eventually when I could identify that I was
depressed, I didn't realize that a great deal of it was related to
empathizing with the adults in my life. Later, this would pretty much
be extended to the sufferings of all people I encountered (including
my siblings), and the world itself. I couldn't shut it out.
The underlying, unspoken competition amongst all of us was related to
how insecure we were in our parents' love - we were encouraged to
compete in odd ways, which often related to who could best soothe the
egos of immature adults. I think this has carried over to all our
adult lives, and when we feel insecure about our position in the
world, it often goes back to this early conflict.
Who had it 'worst', or who seemed to cope the best and succeed in
life is not a competition with the 'prize' being that the recipient
deserves the most love. We are all intelligent, unusual
individuals,and I think that in the circumstances, all of us did
extraordinarily well with what we had to work with. In this email, I
am only listing some events and angles, but of course I am aware of
much, much more. The Bumble and Mama Smurf are mentioned, and don't
have a chance to answer for themselves, but my overall assessment is
that they were just enacting their own unresolved family conflict,
and deserve compassion.
In writing this 'e-book' (!) my intent is not to provoke competitive
feelings, although I realize to some extent it's inevitable. Who most
deserves love? All human beings struggle with this on an unconscious
When family reunions occur after many years, I think the accepted
idea is that there are some things best left unsaid, and all that
matters is acceptance. The past is the past.
In my case, the past is not the past, and rather than unconditional
acceptance, I seek understanding. My assessment has been that I could
have had contact with family again at any time through the years, if
I had been willing to accept a kind of condescending love which in
effect would entail me gracefully backing away whenever I was judged
or misunderstood.
When my resources were depleted for trying to counteract the effects
of trauma in my family of origin, I felt guilty, and I felt useless,
and in a sense, this was reinforced, and was part of what led to my
No one else endured the years of isolation I did. I lost social ties,
but in not working or going to school, or doing the things that
others do, I lost a very important framework of support which
affected my social validity at all times in the future when I tried
to have contact with the world. I do not have the 'right' social
passports. In any situation, as soon as people start asking
the'innocent' social questions that everyone expects, it becomes
apparent that people are suspicious of me. Most people have enough
social validity that they don't realize what it's like not to have
any unless you lie.
Many people complain about their families, and gripe about all the
crap that goes on when they get together for holidays, but the reason
most people do not break away from their families is probably that
even in families in which there is a lot of animosity, the members do
provide a kind of invisible support to each other, and add to each
other's social relevance. Starting in my teens, my attendance at
family events was no longer regular.
One of the main tenets of family therapy was that although one
individual might present with extreme symptoms, it doesn't mean that
that individual is weaker than the other members. It is a sign that
the family as a system is unhealthy.
However, through the years, the ideas expressed to me personally by
family members seemed to reflect that everyone else in the family
believed they were too strong to have ever been in my
While you say in your email that you have always loved me from a
distance and appreciated me, I did not feel loved or appreciated. I
had (and still have) the impression that what you said to others
about me through the years, and what you personally felt, under
layers of political correctness, might not exactly match up to the
sentiments expressed recently.
There's a weird split, where I do recognize the phenomenon that
certain members of the Bumble-Mama Smurf tribes might be griped about
at times, but also mentioned with a certain pride at others. While
it's true that I felt like a kind of pariah, or like I had actually
been 'exiled' from the family, I know enough about the patterns to
realize that not everything felt or expressed about me would be
Decades of silence do not 'feel' like 'love' to a person who is
isolated from the world without realistic ways of making connections
to people. If a person is terminally ill and in great discomfort,
family members usually express support and caring. I have often made
the parallel between my situation and that of a terminally ill
person. I think one of the issues is that no one knows what to do,
but I also think it has been the case that I have been 'blamed' for
my own situation. It's not like it's a secret that I suffer
depression and have had no wish to live since my early 20s - if any
other clues were missed during the years, it has been on the web for
13 years now. It's one thing if you realized long ago that you needed
to focus your energy on your own survival and the survival of those
important to you, but it does not really seem accurate for you to
imply that I have been important to you. I was one of the
expendables, not just to you, but to everyone.
Starting from the early 90s on, I tried to explain what was happening
with me, and it is fair enough that you were then still too young to
hear it, but I did occasionally try to broach the subject through the
years afterward, and when I did, I did not feel accepted, supported,
or loved. I felt judged. I could be 'accepted' by family, but it
seemed that I would only be accepted if I could be the 'me' who was
less 'negative', which implies that depression is something that can
be controlled, by those who are considerate of others.
While there were some brief forays into the world between the ages of
16-23 for me (when you were 11-18), for the vast majority of that
time, I was not leaving the house. Again, you were young, and might
not have realized the significance of my situation, partly because
you had your own life to worry about, and partly because of the
family attitudes. My situation was both ignored/neglected, and
covered up as something shameful. The last behaviour is something we
were all complicit in, and in the long run, it became one of the
hurdles to overcome.
It is extremely difficult to convey what that isolation was like.
While everyone else was going to school or work, I was alone in the
house/apartment, day after day, year after year. I have always had a
very active mind, but I had no connections to the real world outside
in which to develop it. We all lacked family and outside support, but
at this time I lacked the structural support of having a 'real life'
with real connections to the world, the support of continuity, and
the formation of important patterns at a critical stage of
There was no one on my side, no one who expressed concern about my
potential or future. It felt like everyone had given up on me. Only a
year previously I had been an exceptional student, considered full of
potential and in less than a year my new identity was: this one's a
dud. There's nothing we can do to help her. She was never quite right
in the head.
It's not exactly flattering to have people 'love' you in spite of
this sort of thing.
At 16, to some extent I knew what it was like to be a middle-aged
housewife. While suffering Post Traumatic Stress, I somehow managed
to cook and clean, as well as complete Grade 12 through
correspondence courses. However, those are the things I did that it
is easier to see. At that time, I felt an enormous responsibility. I
was very often the oldest person in the house. I experienced a very
pronounced sense of family loyalty that had never been evident
before. I became very aware of you, Cecil and Boo, how special you
all were, and that it would be tragic if that specialness was somehow
lost. It is difficult to express or quantify how this manifested, but
it was partly in an increased awareness of what you have termed The
Bumble-Mama Smurf syndrome, and part of what it entailed for me was
making efforts to speak up (to The Bumble) regarding your needs,
standing up to him when he put anyone down or tried to reinforce
negative family stereotypes, taking the initiative to offer
supportive personal comments to each of you, and making attempts to
address areas of insecurity that I perceived. I did not receive this
in return.
I realized that I myself had contributed to your insecurities, partly
through teasing that had occurred when you were young. But I spent
years trying to correct it. I am not sure if you realized that the
person who had originally set the example that it was ok to treat you
that way was The Bumble (and also Babci).
He never had to face any consequences for reacting not only with
anger, but with brutal physical violence to my depression.
He and Mama Smurf managed some pretty severe blows to my self-esteem
as well. At the age of 13, although I had a legal right to make a
choice, Mama Smurf put a lot of anger into expressing that I was an
'ugly person' for making the choice to live with The Bumble, and she
also expressed that I was throwing my life away and would never
amount to anything, in phonecall after phonecall. When I was 16, The
Bumble himself gave up on me after less than a year of 'problems',
which were in large part influenced by his behaviour and Mama
Smurf's. I did see that she later felt guilty about some of her
behaviour, but she had never been able to articulate this verbally to
The Bumble didn't understand my depression, and demonstrated to the
family that it was ok to treat me with anger and contempt, or to
ignore the situation, while waiting for me to fulfill the psychic
prophecy that I would kill myself by the time I was 21.
He was seriously struggling, and while he had lost credibility in
work for a while due to the 'psychic stuff', most people did not
really realize the extent of his struggle. He was struggling with the
responsibility of raising 4 kids, hating his line of work, feeling
that life had passed him by, and when he wasn't feeling hopeful about
being a great leader with an instrumental role in the upcoming
Apocalypse, or performing 'exorcisms' with his 'psychic friends', he
alternated between suicidal thoughts and wishing us all dead. In
particular, the latter was focused on me, and it was a very big
burden to bear. At that time, I was still young and had a lot of love
and hope, and it is my perception that I used it to protect my
siblings from The Bumble's darkness. I realize that no one else might
have seen it that way, or that I tried to help The Bumble himself as
It is one thing to understand that a parent is mentally ill and that
he doesn't mean to hurt anyone, but it is another to be young and
inexperienced and to try to understand it all without a similar
understanding being extended to oneself. Unfortunately, The Bumble
used his authority and prejudice in ways that influenced how others
in the family saw me. I even think that my 'exile' in later years was
influenced by his ongoing example.
I realize it is not black and white, and that contradictory things
may be true at once, but in a sense, both of my parents 'gave up on
me'. Before Mama Smurf's death, she and I never had a chance to truly
make amends, and the only times I had seen her, I was always aware of
how much my weight displeased her, and I would also pick up that she
was afraid no one would ever love me. Through the years, while at
times The Bumble seemed to 'accept' me, he would also often look at
me with disgust, and I realized that he dismissed me as a 'dud'. (Oh
well, 3 out of 4 non-duds ain't bad). But even after this
particularly bad time period, his anger toward me was pretty extreme,
and he would treat me with contempt or admit to having fanatasies or
hallucinations of murder. I had through the years tried to talk to
him on various occasions, not understanding what was wrong with me
and why I couldn't function in the outside world, saying I was
willing to go for treatment, but he would brush it off and ignore me
for years. I think he set the example regarding how to see and treat
me. In part, it relates to his own experiences in seeking help - when
he tried to get it, he did not find it. If he had to cope without, so
should I, or I was a 'dud'. In addition, it didn't seem that there
was any real help out there.
I put conscious effort into trying to address the wrongs that you had
endured, not just those inflicted by me, but by everyone. At age 16 I
was isolated from the world and in a sense living like a middle-aged
housewife with major responsibilities. When you were 16, I put
conscious effort into being there for you, after school, or any time
you needed. At first, you were rude to me and pushed me away, which I
thought was understandable. I hung in there. I consciously put effort
into building your self-esteem, and doing for you what had not been
done for me. This became a pattern that carried on to when you were
working - it was pretty common for you to be very stressed and to
need someone to talk to, and while you were at work, it was not
uncommon for these calls to take an hour or more. In my estimation,
over the years, I put in hundreds of hours trying to express my
'love' for you. However, I don't believe the number of hours 'proves'
love. The underlying reality was that for a very long time, I did
have a lot of love for you, the rest of the family, including The
Bumble, and I had enormous family loyalty. My perception was that the
kind of understanding and love I had extended to all of you was not
returned to me. No matter what, though, I have always wished the best
for you,and believed there was something special about all of
Later on, it seemed to me that although you were older and had more
life experience, you had not processed the information or understood
how my situation differed from yours and that of the others, and that
you were thinking of me as 'weak'. Our relationship had worked as
long as the focus was on you and your problems. It was never ok for
me to talk about my problems with you. It seemed to me that you had
not understood that just as you had been wronged, so had I. I thought
that your assessment was that over the years I had contributed more
harm than good to you. I tried to bring up these subjects various
times, but it did not seem that you were open to it. In the end, I
accepted that I couldn't control how you perceived the situation, but
I also thought it wasn't healthy for me to support your view of me by
accepting it for the sake of peace. To me, it felt like that would be
a negation of my identity. It did seem that my 'love', and everything
I thought I was - were all illusions. Worthless. I was 'accepted' and
'loved' in spite of my 'failings' as a human being and sister.
It didn't feel like acceptance or love to me, and I couldn't pretend.
You didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't feel I had any option
but to pull away. Without open communication, there was no
possibility of trust, understanding, or change.
In the last few years before I moved to Australia, I did definitely
notice that you were making an effort to reach out to me. There were
a few things that made it impossible for me to respond.
1. You said that when Beany Jr had asked why all of you didn't see
me, you had told her I was "busy". I asked if she could be told I was
an unhappy person, and you said no. If Beany Jr at that time could
not be told of the existence of depression in the world, what hope
was there of her ever really seeing who I was, or getting a more
comprehensive view of the effects of the Bumble-Mama Smurf
2. You still did not seem to want to hear my version of our
relationship, and my perception of my experience. If I tried to
express it, I was left feeling that I had gone too far, been
3. Much of your conversation seemed to reflect the stigma and
misinformation related to depression I have mentioned at the start of
this email (it is probably better if you check it again rather than I
repeat it here.)
4. In addition, when your SO's dad died, you said that in the obit it
was written that he was an antiques dealer, because "that's who he
was". If I had no job, who was I? Your remark had said something
about your underlying beliefs. Aside from that, my recollection was
that when people talked about his dad, what they usually did was make
some kind of comment about how much he drank, without really ever
wondering why he drank. To me, it seemed likely that people discussed
me in similar ways. There would be a split, two versions. One that
was 'politically correct' and made people feel they were 'reacting
appropriately' and being 'good people', and another that expressed
their unconscious prejudice and unwillingness to get involved. And it
was always so bloody hard to get people to talk in a 'real' way that
eventually, it seemed 'healthier' to remove myself from situations in
which people felt the need to perpetuate a kind of charade. That kind
of split was frustrating to me, and did not seem representative of
the kind of 'love' I could value.
5. During this time period, I was facing the prospect of
homelessness. The original participation of the family was what
helped to get me on disability in 1992, but after it was granted, I
never went to therapy again. Everyone might have assumed I was 'set
for life', but it doesn't work that way. You have to be 'functional'
enough to 'prove' you are disabled enough to require disability. If
you don't go for therapy, it can't be proven you have problems,
because no one is supervising you. Family therapy was once a month,
and I usually either got a ride there with The Bumble, or one of the
rest of you would accompany me, but as soon as disability was
granted, family therapy stopped. Going to personal therapy on my own
was not achievable, but no one in the family recognized this.
When you heard Gandhi and I were breaking up you offered to let me
stay with you, but because I had not been allowed to talk to you
freely in the past, you were not aware of what that would entail. You
had no way of knowing what it would actually mean or what you were
getting into, and I felt I would be setting myself up for major
judgment and stress, and that it would actually be easier to be
After living for 3 years with Gandhi, I was no longer eligible for
disability. I was considered his legal responsibility, because we
were 'commonlaw'. He was not up to the task of helping me to apply
for disability, became increasingly withdrawn and was willing to let
me become homeless. I could not contact family because they were not
aware of my situation or the details of what it was like to live with
me, and if the process of trying to help me get back on disability
was too much for Gandhi, it would have been way too much for anyone
else in the family. I chose the extreme solution of moving to
Australia, but in doing so, I could never escape the feeling of
imposing, or that everyone I encountered judged me. Yes, it was the
right decision, but I have not lived a happy life, and I have faced
the prejudice and effects of stigma throughout that time, even from
those I have been 'closest' to.
I would prefer to have never existed.
In a recent email, you spoke of me as being intelligent, fun-spirited
and innovative, but the way I perceived things was that people in the
family saw me as a spelling-grammar-memorization machine, not someone
who was 'really' intelligent. We all had various niches within the
family, and in those years, I was never seen as creative or
innovative. Later on, when I started to become more non-verbally
expressive (for example, changing my appearance in various ways to
represent what I was not really 'allowed' to say), I think it's
possible that some of you began slowly to reinterpret the past, but
my guess is that 'innovative' as a way of describing me is perhaps
something that has only come to mind relatively recently.
As for the fun-spirited part, I have been conscious of being
depressed since the age of 13. Beyond that age, I did not really have
'fun' the way most people might, and I was under pressure to appear
happy so as not to disturb the peace or be a burden. A few years
later, I became aware that it could be perceived as 'manipulative' to
openly express depression. I'm almost 48. That's a long time to be
depressed without significant relief or hope that things can get
better. Often when people discuss depression, and they go through the
questions/surveys, 'loss of interest in usual activities' is one of
the signs of possible depression. I became depressed before I had
even developed any true interests. I didn't know myself well enough
to know what I was interested in - and as a result my 'interests' had
more to do with trying to please the authority figures in my life,
because I was always unsure of their love.
The 'loving' part I have addressed elsewhere in this email. I would
say that at the time Mama Smurf died, and for many years afterward, I
really did love you and everyone else. But the word 'love' came to be
a very complex term to me. It came to mean 'you are destined to kill
yourself', 'you are a dud', and 'it's all for the good of the
universe if you die'. It came to mean that my father could have
fantasies of killing me, that he could behave in inappropriate sexual
ways and then question my credibility - never caring enough to really
think about how his behaviour affected me, whereas I was always
thinking about how my behaviour was affecting everyone, and how
everyone (including he) had been affected by stress and trauma. It
came to mean 'you are weak and irresponsible, but we care for you
anyway'. It came to mean that my years of caring were not perceived,
and/or were dismissed as nothing. It came to mean 'I will say one
thing to your face and another behind your back, but I will never
allow you to question me'. For me, 'love' became a nonsensical word,
or even a word that has an opposite meaning to its apparent one.
At first I accepted that I had a 'chemical imbalance' which caused
the depression, since no one really saw any real reasons for me to be
depressed. However, the term 'chemical imbalance' is not even
scientifically related to anything - it is not something that has
been proven. On the other hand, I now see many concrete reasons for
my depression and how it affected my development. To me, my reactions
to circumstances do not even seem excessive.
I can't expect the members of my family to believe that my reactions
weren't overreactions, however, I don't believe that I did overreact.
For many years, I have wished for an acknowledgement from family that
they can see that my reactions, and how I developed, make
Depression isn't something I can snap out of or cure with positive
thinking. In my case, there is no realistic network of support
consisting of ties to life in various levels and layers of life.
There isn't a stable foundation upon which to build
The judgments I faced within the family make sense to me because they
abound in the world itself. Any time you watch tv or a movie, read
something on the internet or elsewhere, there are many messages which
perpetuate the stigma. In any relationship I have, I have to
basically 'take on the whole world'. It always feels like an 'all
against one' situation. Communicating with family or others is always
stressful because I don't truly feel accepted or understood, and it
seems to me that the only way to change things is to be part of
change myself - and that means trying to challenge the old
Sometimes, depression is an expression of rage against powerlessness,
turned inward. Writing this email is perhaps a step in feeling less
powerless. I can't force you or anyone else to see my side, but I can
at least make an effort to stand up for myself when I think I have
been misunderstood. It's not that I didn't try earlier, but it was
that in various ways, members of the family told me that I did not
have a right to my perception and feelings, or at least that they
didn't want to hear about it. If things have changed over time, how
could I know without some kind of acknowledgement? Boo has provided
this to me, and it means a lot to me, but it is still difficult
feeling that I have to take on the rest of the world.
I understood that my situation was so complicated it was unlikely
anyone could understand. It seemed understandable that others held
the opinions they did of me. It seemed like an impossible situation,
and that perhaps the best solution was for me to quietly disappear. I
tried to do that. I would have been happy if I had died many years
ago, without dredging up family skeletons. But when I moved to
Australia, and created a website, I learned to look at my thoughts
instead of discarding them and torturing myself with guilt for having
them. I no longer trusted anyone or believed I had any real supports
in life. Creating the website was a coping mechanism, a way of
starting to stand up for myself, and in a way to express that I
wanted more out of life than to quietly disappear for everyone else's
convenience and peace of mind.
Realistically, I am not sure I will ever be part of the
I appreciate that you are willing to listen, and if you have made it
this far, that's impressive. It could be that that is the best that
can be achieved in this situation.
I realize that your experience of our shared past might differ from
mine. Memory is a strange thing, and it's extremely difficult for any
person to remember events of an emotional nature accurately. If you
want to question or correct anything I have written, I want you to do
so. It might help me to get to another level of understanding,
whereas up until now I have been somewhat stuck.
You have to set limits for yourself, and make a decision that is best
for you. I greatly appreciate that I have been allowed to express my
thoughts. I had thought that what would happen was that I would
probably die before long, and the whole matter would be over with,
and no one in the family would really have to deal with any more of
this. However, when I learned of The Bumble's death, I realized that
things were not resolved for me. It had seemed to me that The
Bumble's and my differences were irreconcilable, but I was not
completely sure when it came to you and Cecil. I thought it was best
to try to find out for sure, rather than assume.
You mentioned finding common ground. It might be extremely difficult,
because our philosophies might continually clash or be a source of
conflict. It might be healthier for both of us to wish each other
well from a distance.
Tarot readings have been a way through which I have been able to
communicate with Boo, and I think that if you and I were to have
future contact, that might be the way to go. That option wouldn't
necessitate smalltalk or dwelling on differences, but would
potentially allow for the expression of whatever positives we might
have in common, and it's possible it could be fun. However, a certain
amount of trust would first have to be established, and if despite
our best efforts a kind of unresolvable conflict or feeling of stress
remained, I think that would affect tarot readings. In that case, the
option of wishing each other well from a distance, knowing we tried
our best, would be the best option.
I am not a happy person. I am not sure I am capable of experiencing
happiness in life, although I do wish to know what it's like to
experience happiness, and I want to be able to connect as fully as
I'm able. I don't know if I can trust anyone, or love anyone, or
believe that anyone loves me, but I want to believe that all of these
things are still possible. I can recognize loving behaviour, and
appreciate effort. And I can sincerely wish you
health, happiness, and love, whatever decision you make regarding our
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you ever hear from her again?
Blinky: Not until my 50th birthday - a little over 2 years
after I sent the email. Well, technically, she was a day late, but
probably didn't realize it, because in Australia we are more than
half a day ahead.
Her message just read 'Wanted to wish you a Happy 50th Birthday!'
I realized it might have taken a lot of courage even to send a simple
message, but it was like all I had tried to express had counted for
absolutely nothing with her. I know that I had specifically said I
did not want to ever go back to polite but superficial conversation.
And so I sent a reply entitled:
Birthday Chainsaw Massacre - The Director's Cut
I know it was probably difficult to send me a message, not knowing
how I'd take it. The brutal truth: Not only was your message
completely devoid of personality, it contained not even a hint of
evidence that you understand the first thing about me. And I find
this kind of amusing, because it's not like I go to great lengths to
hide who I am.
Our approaches to communication and our underlying values aren't
compatible, and it seems to me you want to pretend you don't see
this. I don't want polite and ultimately superficial communication.
Over the years, you have made it clear that this is pretty much all
you're up for. That's fine, and I can respect your need to set limits
for yourself, but you can't ask me to pretend I don't find it phony
and unsatisfying.
When I sent that long message called 'family skeleton dance party',
that was me trying to find out if there was any authentic place at
all for us to connect. I accepted that there wasn't, but I won't
accept you ignoring that message as if it never happened, such that
you just think it's ok to go back into polite-superficial mode.
What I maybe most notice is a surreal kind of effect. It's so strange
that people can get trapped in ineffectual patterns of communication
for so long, for no good reason.
I don't have a sentimental attachment to the concept of a biological
family, and I don't have enough positive associations or memories to
make me more amenable to compromise. I'm not saying I want to erase
the past or deny it. I'm saying that to me, the only thing that makes
sense is for us to let go, give ourselves permission to move on, and
try to concentrate on our own real families, the ones we choose for
I do want you to have a good life, and I don't want to stress you out
with this message, but there's no real way to sugarcoat the message
it is essential to convey here. I want to be clear about this: I
consider us divorced. I do not want further contact.
Dr Velvet Thong: Hmmmm. How do you think your sister took
Blinky: She probably thought it was fucked up. In the past,
occasionally some outburst would slip when I had trouble dealing with
her prejudice, judgment and dismissal of me, and that would be her
response: 'you're fucked up.' Maybe she thought I was drunk, or it
was an example of mental illness when I sent the 'family skeleton
dance party' email, so she waited a couple of years for me to calm
down, and then sent as non-provoking a message as possible on my
birthday to try to guide me safely back to the fold.
I felt like our family was a borg colony, and she was one of the
messengers sent out to try to get me to fall in line, to understand
that resistance was futile.
The lack of response to Family Skeleton Dance Party did not make
me feel like she had always accepted me, exactly as I am.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think that maybe that message was
her way of 'wishing you well from a distance?'
Blinky: I suppose it could have been, but if it was, it felt
phony to me, like nothing I had communicated registered in any
real way, and like she was communicating with some idea of a sister
that was only about social form and had nothing to do with me as a
person or any shared personal history.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you send that message drunk?
Blinky: Family Skeleton Dance Party? No, but I wrote most of
Birthday Chainsaw Massacre drunk, added the title the next day,
thought carefully, or as carefully as I could, and then I sent it,
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think your sister hates you, or
wishes you harm or bad luck?
Blinky: No. I don't think that's who she is. She might get
that our differences are irreconcilable. I think she might like
support regarding how 'awful' I am, and she might like to be told
she's nicer, better looking, fitter, and smarter, and 'stronger',
less of a negative whiner, but I don't think she'd actually wish me
harm, and I don't think she'd even want to dwell on it even if she
did want me to know people liked and respected her more. Or at least
I don't think she would have conscious access to such intent.
Dr Velvet Thong: It's taken a long time, but I think you've
made some headway in figuring out for yourself why birthdays and
holidays are so difficult for you. Aside from the cultural obsesssion
with aging, and that seeing photos of yourself at such occasions
tends to further add to a negative impression of the days in
question, let's try to summarize the issues for you in particular.
Blinky: I think it relates to a cluster of events around the
time of my 23rd birthday in 1989, and then some followup around the
time of my 24th birthday in 1990.
I can't remember exact dates for most of it, and maybe I can't
remember the exact sequence, just that each incident or factor
One morning, The Bumble was walking around in his bathrobe. He'd
just woken after a night of drinking. In Winnipeg, he drank more than
he ever had before. For a year or so, he drank a bottle of rum
every night, plus whatever he had at work. There was a large supply
of alcohol at work, partly for customers, but mostly for the
executives. Plus, at work dinners or lunches, it was accepted that
everyone drank.
I had just finished cleaning up in the kitchen, and when I walked
into the livingroom, he seemed startled to see me.
He gave me a look of contempt and disgust, and said very coldly,
'I thought I killed you last night.' I didn't know what to make of
it, and just let it pass.
K-Pru moved out of the Winnipeg house on my birthday in 1989. At the
time, The Bumble was away on a business trip. He was unhappy with the
job in Winnipeg, and might have been checking some other options out.
He was to return that night.
I helped her move. Her son and I did the heavy lifting. As usual when
moving, I did a lot of the grunt work, and moved at a brisk pace. She
took half the furniture, plus whatever had been hers before she met
The Bumble. When we were done, she dropped me back at the house, and
I did the cleanup there. I'd had a busy day.
The Bumble seemed angry when he came home, not upset or hurt that
K-Pru had left. All year, he'd treated her badly. To me, it seemed
like he frequently raised his voice, and let her know she was a
disappointment. One of the things he yelled about was that it took
her a few months to find a job in Winnipeg after the big move there
for his job. (His $100,000/year job, with car, expenses, many perks,
and a low cost of living in Winnipeg.)
He was so angry he didn't seem to want to talk. I guess I should have
been more sensitive, but my addiction issues kicked in, and birthdays
were usually a time when I'd at least get to choose something I
wanted to have. I brought up my birthday, and so when he went on his
liquor store and cigarette run, he said I could come in the car. He
gave me $10 to buy some things at the convenience store. I don't
think we talked beyond that.
I didn't talk to my siblings on the phone that year. It was probably
the first year we hadn't talked or seen each other on my birthday.
In the next weeks, The Bumble continued to drink every night. I
didn't have to unplug and hide the phones in Winnipeg, because the
company paid his long distance bills. I thought it would be good if
he could talk to friends, but if he did call them long distance, it
seemed like he also wanted to talk to me, and so for many nights, I
listened to him talk about how much he hated the Winnipeg job, and I
tried to express support to make the decision to quit. One of these
nights, he told me about the prophecy, and there was something in his
tone that confused me. I didn't process it in the moment, but I think
I got that he was disappointed I hadn't killed myself. It might have
been partly that he wanted to quit his job, he wanted to be free of
all his responsibilities, and he didn't know what to do with me, and
so now especially I was a really big problem. He'd put this problem
out of his mind, placed objects in front of it, or let it all pile
up, like manure in the stalls in Schomberg.
I felt guilty, and didn't know what to do with myself. It sounds like
we were talking a lot, but we were talking about him, not me. That's
what the pattern was, even back when I was 13. It's not that I never
mentioned anything about myself, but everything always tended to go
back to him, the person with real problems.
During this period, he had the accident while working a horse he was
boarding at a stable. He wasn't riding, it was like what you do
early on, when you have a rope around the horse's neck, and stand in
the middle of the arena, and let the horse go around and around. I
think it was something like that. He slipped, and broke his
collarbone. I know that's a bad injury. Family communication is
dysfunctional, and I didn't know what I was supposed to do to help.
Maybe he thought I was useless or lacking compassion, but when I
went through anything, I had learned to keep it to myself. There
were a few things I had to do, including that he needed help
getting a shirt on/off.
When this accident occurred, he stopped drinking. When he was
settled in his routine and thought he could manage with his shirts
and whatever else, he had the police take me to a psych ward. At the
time, I guess I could see that he had left a problem (me) for so
many years that he didn't know what else to do. I thought also that
maybe he would have a better chance to quit drinking, and to be
happy, just focusing on supporting himself, if I was dealt with.
But for the police to come, he'd have had to say that I was either
a danger to others (him) or myself.
On the day in question, I'd spent hours cleaning the house, and then
saw him walking around flicking cigarette ashes on the floor, on
purpose. People might argue that with a broken collarbone, maybe it
wasn't so easy, and I'm misinterpreting, but the thing is, I saw a
look on his face that was like anger, contempt and disgust, and I
felt like he wanted to make a mess where I had cleaned, as a passive-
aggressive statement, although in those days I'd never heard a term
like passive-aggressive. In all the time we had lived in Winnipeg,
I'd never raised my voice, never complained, never made a snide
comment, or given anyone a snide look. It just wasn't me. When I
cleaned the house, I'd dust, vacuum, clean the bathrooms, wash the
sheets and towels, and do whatever general cleaning needed doing,
including emptying and cleaning all the ashtrays. He had a lot of
empty ashtrays to choose from, at a variety of different heights.
[Just to interject, because I'm not sure I've mentioned it elsewhere:
I do think I might get what he was angry about, and I think I do
need to balance some impressions.. I think when K-Pru and he got
married, and I was a 21 year old deadbeat without a job, it affected
their relationship. If they were 'helping me out', then maybe it was
time for her to start looking after her kids. She'd left them with
their father when they were young, and the oldest had got a girl
pregnant, and they needed help getting started, and so they lived
with us in Winnipeg until they got on their feet. Plus, because of
the move to Winnipeg, The Bumble agreed to finance the final year of
high school in Ontario for Cecil and Beany - Beany lived with Jean-Claude's
family, and Cecil boarded somewhere, and I think this was good for
both of them. They didn't have to leave town for the final year of
high school, they didn't have to leave their friends or established
connections. The Bumble was extremely resentful about what he
perceived as a lack of gratitude, or something similar, and he was
especially angry with me, for not contributing. He might have thought
that I was constantly grumbling about him, but it's not the case.
Aside from the punching incident, in which he had dragged me by my
hair and punched me, I started calling him a
fucking bastard and the like, and aside from the time I tried to
'comfort' K-Pru when he had started yelling in front of all of us
about how he didn't really want to get married, I really had zero
conscious awareness of anger or resentment on my part. I think I
really was pretty 'zen', accepting, understanding. And he really
didn't know me at all. I don't think he knew how ashamed of myself
I felt for not 'contributing'. It's not like I was having a high old
time. I had no social contacts, I spent most of the time in my room,
I had no furniture or bed, and I could go for a month in my room
having no contact with anyone, not watching tv, listening to music,
or reading, and no one in the house would even notice, or if they
did, no one tried to discuss it with me, and no one seemed worried
about me.
OK, so both he and K-Pru were now trying to help all the kids out,
and although he was trying to be saintlike about it, no one really
appreciated it. He was not really able to see that it was 'too little
too late', or that it was the least he could do after all the damage
he had unconsciously inflicted. And he was incensed that he had to
seem like the bad guy to the university because he wouldn't pay for
Cecil's education in spite of how much money he was making, or be
big enough to disown Cecil officially so Cecil could get a loan. The
situation was just too much to swallow for him, even if we were all
in that situation because of his poor planning through the years.
And the thing is, I do get it. He felt swamped in life, year after
year. He was doing his best, and at a certain point he was just
fucking done with anyone who didn't get it.
I no longer have a problem in using the name The Bumble. It's
actually very fitting. He himself always liked to choose humorous
names for people and pets. My freaking horse was named Goober Baby,
and I never actually liked those kinds of names, and I had no say.
Anyway, the point is about proportion and entitlement. The Bumble
was unconsciously 'entitled' to the extent that he did not know he
was demanding 50 times more understanding and compassion than he was
able to offer others. I understood that instinctually then, and I
guess I was 'strong' enough to remain compassionate. He made more
money than everyone else, so he was entitled to more of everything.
It's simple math.]
For a moment, I snapped. I threw a small dish at the wall in the
dining room. Not in his direction; he was in the livingroom, 180
degrees in the opposite direction of where I'd thrown it. I yelled
and said he was incapable of loving anyone, and I stormed off. Within
a few minutes, I had calmed down, and was ready to apologize, clean
up the plate and re-plaster the wall, but he said it was too late,
he'd called the police and they would be there in 5 minutes to take
me away.
I guess with the broken collarbone he could argue I was possibly
dangerous, but I think the issue was more likely that he was afraid
he'd kill me, that he had that much rage regarding me.
And then the police were there, and I asked them if I could get a
different pair of socks, one without holes, and they came into my
room with me, maybe thinking I'd try something, but I just looked
for socks, couldn't find any without holes, and gave up.
I cried in an uncontrollable manner the whole way there in the police
car. I felt embarrassed about it, I tried really hard to get it under
control, and I just couldn't. I was asked some questions, but I was
crying so uncontrollably I couldn't speak coherently, and I think
this resulted in an original misdiagnosis when I arrived at the
I was wearing the same oversize sweatshirt and black leggings I'd
been wearing for a year, I was wearing no makeup, and I hadn't left
the house except to help K-Pru move, her son move, and to go chrismukkah
shopping, in a year. I was self-conscious, and forced to sit for more
than 24 hours on a stretcher in a crowded Emergency room. I had a
watcher and wasn't even allowed to go to the bathroom without a
watcher, and the bathroom was one you could see into from the
Emergency hallway that was crowded with people on stretchers. To top
it off, I had stomach/bowel pain that was fairly severe.
And after that, when I entered the psych ward, it reeked of urine
and feces, and a woman with diarrhea running down her bare leg tried
to touch me.
I have mentioned before that I thought the psychiatrist in charge of
my case might have had sadistic tendencies and a god complex. In the
time I was there, I don't think we talked for more than half an hour
tops, and on one occasion, he called me stupid for refusing meds
when he wouldn't tell me what they were, and what they'd do.
I knew how it all looked to those on the outside. Of course the
crazy person is going to resist treatment. No one in my family
believed the place was bad. I had no one on my side.
I had a choice: accept the doctor's recommended treatment, or live
on welfare. I chose welfare. But when I was released from
hospital, I needed a place to go, or they wouldn't release me, and it
was a Catch-22 because I couldn't find a place I could afford on
welfare unless I had a stable base to explore from. It took a lot of
convincing to get The Bumble to allow me to stay with him in the big
house, even for a short time. He was extremely reluctant, and there
was again that disgust and revulsion. I persisted, and he reluctantly
agreed. I had one day to find a place. He dropped me off downtown and
said I had a few hours.
And that's how I found the landlord I've mentioned elsewhere.
Dr Velvet Thong: And once you had your place, you helped him
and his friends move their stuff on at least 3 occasions, for no
Blinky: Yes. The following winter, I was the only one left in
Winnipeg. Winnipeg is brutally cold in winter, I was not able to do
what I had to to get a kind of 'work for the dole' thing, and at this
time a cousin of Mama Smurf's had made contact with me, saying that
if I came back to Toronto, I could stay with her and her husband, and
she'd try to help me get a job and get settled, and work out my
eating disorder issues.
And we all know the story, when I arrived, her husband was sick and
I could not stay with them, and I ended up staying with The Bumble
and Beany. They were living together, renting one floor of a large
house. Beany and I were still close then, and she let me camp out on
the floor of her room. I preferred that anyway - for more than a year
in Winnipeg I had been living in a very 'minimalist' way: no bed,
no furniture, very few possessions, no makeup, no fancy clothes, etc.
It didn't take long for that situation to become extremely tense. I
knew The Bumble was worried about getting trapped with me again when
he thought he had escaped. I had no money, no job, no connections,
and seemingly no pride and no get-up-and-go. I didn't know what to do,
and I started trying to figure out how to kill myself. I tried to go
through options. I didn't have any good ones. My birthday was still
special to me, and so I thought maybe I'd allow myself until my
birthday to figure it out. So we had a birthday celebration this
year, with everyone there, although I don't really remember it very
well. I think there might have been too much underlying tension.
I don't remember if it was just before, or just after my birthday,
but one night in the stairwell in that rented apartment, I had a kind
of meltdown, not knowing what to do, and I started screaming. My
siblings all got angry with me, and yelled at me, and Beany screamed
back, saying she could be just as extreme as me. They were all mad,
no one understood the position I was in, and no one had compassion
for my situation. They were angry, and disappointed in me, like The
Bumble, and that is the point when I started to feel disconnected
from everyone, and it only got worse from there. Up until that point,
and a little beyond, I could still say that I loved every member of
my family, even The Bumble. At one point I called them 'You people',
as in you people just don't understand.
Not long after my birthday, I voluntarily signed myself into a psych
ward. I told The Bumble I planned to do it and he seemed relieved
and agreed to drop me off. After waiting in Emergency for more than
3 hours, I couldn't wait any more and walked out, caught the first
bus and went to the subway and called Beany to say good-bye, and the
police stopped all the trains and came to fetch me.
And so then I had the two month stay, and was considered a good
candidate for Family Therapy, and The Bumble, Beany, Cecil and Boo
came to sessions for some time, until I was granted disability.
My diagnosis was: long-term depression, anxiety and bulimia.
In some ways it was good for the family, and brought us closer, but
in the end, I think no one really saw the problem as a family system
problem. I had no idea how I'd pay the government back, or The
Bumble. Family Therapy cost $50 for a session once a month. I think
in the end, everyone thought the problem was me, that I was choosing
not to accept help, that I was causing too much expense, that I
wasn't worth the effort.
But consciously, I did not dwell on the negative. I knew that if I
wasn't signed up for therapy or medication, I wouldn't be able to
get disability forever, but I was ok with just having a bit of time
to try to figure out what to do. I had romantic ideas that with a
little time, maybe I'd meet someone, fall in love, and we'd go on a
suicide holiday together. In practice, I mostly lived in isolation,
not wanting to impose on people. My whole life revolved around my
disorded eating patterns.
Unconsciously, there was a conflict. I think I believed I still loved
my family, but I didn't feel close to them, or comfortable with them,
and when I started seeing Gandhi, and he treated me better than any
person had ever treated me before, I wanted him to be my family.
And the 'get a fucking job, you fucking loser' incident sticks in my
mind, probably not because it was the only factor, but the easiest to
identify. We got together for birthdays and holidays. It all became
linked, this chain of events, the looks of contempt and disgust.
Even sober for a few years, The Bumble was still the same. He hadn't
learned. He still never said sorry for anything, he still never
believed he did anything wrong, and he had everyone believing he
was a hero.
It took me some time, but I started disengaging from family. I
didn't think I had any beefs with my siblings; I thought they were
all pretty good. I thought I accepted them for who they were, but
that due to too much trauma, I just couldn't feel close to them
any more. But I think that what happened was that over time, I didn't
believe any of them really understood me. I didn't think any of them
were capable of seeing through The Bumble's snowjobs when it came to
me. They were following his lead: if she tries to talk about her
problems, the appropriate response is anger, contempt, disgust, or
silence/freeze her out. Don't dignify her crap with a response.
It's not that I couldn't see I was a difficult problem or that
naturally it was understandable that they be angry, but it seemed
like I had to try to understand everyone else's position to an extent
that wasn't returned to me.
And then Gandhi built his social life around my family, and our
relationship collapsed and I moved to Australia. Gandhi had been
big on birthdays and holidays, and Don Quixote and his family were
the opposite. They didn't celebrate anything. I explored that for a
while, because I could see it was a perfectly valid philosophical
stance. But, if underneath that, you know people are waiting for
something and do not want to be as cynical as they seem online..
over time I planned things for special occasions for Don Quixote,
and the truth is, I think he prefers that to a life without. I
try to think about what he'd like, not what you're 'supposed' to do.
And for my birthday, and for occasions like Valentine's Day, I'd
come up with ideas, because it's easier for me than it is for him,
but some years, I do wish someone else could take over that job.
I accept, or I think I accept that no one will.
I know Birthday Chainsaw Massacre is harsh, and it might make people
worry about any message they send me, but you have to see it in
context. If a person puts effort into communicating with me in an
authentic way, I'm ok with them sending me simple messages at times.
Beany had demonstrated that she could not be 'real' with me, ever.
She could not even acknowledge the effort that had gone into
writing 'family skeleton dance party' the original email I sent her.
Dr Velvet Thong: I would hazard a guess that the birthday
baggage also links back to the suicide attempt which took place the
day after your 16th birthday, and the chain of events leading up to
it, as well as the series of traumas that occurred in the months
following. The original problems were never resolved, and more and
more stuff accumulated in front of it all.
When was the last time you saw anyone from your biological family?
Blinky: I saw Cecil accidentally early in 2000 when he came
by the apartment looking for Gandhi. I might have seen Boo and Cecil
in 1998, I saw Beany and Beany Jr in 1997 at Grampa Smurf's 80th
birthday party at The Old Mill restaurant. I saw The Bumble by
accident in the summer of 1996 at the residence of Boo, Cecil and
their girlfriends.
Birthdays and special occasions trigger all of this old unresolved
baggage and tension. I don't want to spend my birthday dealing
with it, feeling that the unconscious subtext is that my family are
disgusted and embarrassed by me. I don't want to have to talk to
anyone, even outside family, who I don't feel understands or
respects me. I don't want to participate in reinforcing negative
patterns or communication, eg, that birthdays and special occasions
are the only times appropriate to get in touch with family, and then
you have to keep things upbeat. I can accept that it's 'too much work'
for anyone to get to know me or know how to talk to me (even though
I tried to make it possible by initiating conversations with each
member of the family on an individual basis), and I try
to figure out how to spend special occasions in as positive a way as
possible - usually on my own. For now, I still try to create
special occasions for Don Quixote, or participate in them, organizing
them, because while I live here, it seems like that is a
contribution to his mental health. Although our friendship is
dysfunctional in many of the ways my relationships with family are,
he's put in a lot of effort to listen.
I haven't spoken to anyone on the phone since I've been in Australia.
I last saw Sister Smurf and The Space Cowboy at Grampa's 80th
birthday. Mother Bumble: my late 20s. Sister Bumble, not sure, maybe
at 24 or 25 when Cecil's girlfriend met the family and was
Dr Velvet Thong: You said you recently had a dream about
family that might be significant.
Blinky: The members of my biological family were holding me
captive in an attic. They had all agreed on it. There was a plan to
kill me within a certain timeframe. Boo was charged with making sure
I did not escape before the designated death day.
At a certain point, I made a break for it. Downstairs in the
livingroom, some law enforcement officials were talking about various
young women who had either participated in crimes, or been victims,
I'm not sure which. There was a crowd. One of the young women in
question was a guest speaker. She had blond hair, was slim and looked
good without makeup. Don Quixote was in the audience, enthralled by
I made it out into the backyard, with Boo in hot pursuit. A neighbour
was visible, and I shouted to her, saying I was being held captive in
the attic. I'm not sure of my wording, and I might have said
something unfair to The Bumble; I wasn't sure, but in my distress, I
managed to attract the neighbour's attention, and she came
At first it seemed like she was on my side, but then I realized she
was only pretending to care. She didn't want to help me. What she was
interested in was using the situation to gain power for herself.
When I copied the look on her face exactly, she knew I was on to her,
and stopped pretending. It was like there'd be some all-out war.
That issue was not resolved, and then The Bumble took me aside. His
look and tone were part Walter White in 'determined, merciless' mode,
and part 'concern'. I was trying to figure out if he was honestly
concerned for me, or if somehow he thought I was dangerous and had
to be handled carefully. He told me the family had taken a hit out on
me, and that it would occur sometime within the next two months. He
then asked me if I had a dress, as if it was a prom dress for this
occasion. I said no, and found myself wondering if two months was
enough time to get fit enough. In a way, I was feeling very relieved
that it all might be over with in 2 months.
Dr Velvet Thong: Eesh. It's probably for the best if you
tell me how you interpret this, and I'll add my two cents later if I
think it will help.
Blinky: Briefly, it's probably related to me feeling so much
guilt about my manuscripts and transcripts of our sessions together.
I'm the 'crazy wife/relation' locked in the attic. Everyone's afraid
I'll burn the house down. Maybe it's better to make the choice to
burn me alive, to 'use fire constructively', fire dreaming, to get
rid of some stuff so the rest can get 'healthy', and in an
unconscious sense, it could be that I think this is the best way to
go, that I agree with it. When I think about living a life, I really
can't imagine it. Even if people decided now to start trying to have
regular contact with me, to get out of their comfort zone for my
sake, there's no way it could help, or be enjoyable for any of us.
I'm way too far out there, and not coming back. Maybe without me,
everyone could feel a kind of relief. I tried to escape, but there's
nowhere to go. I don't see 'friends' out in the world. I don't see
any place I'd fit or be valued. Maybe I can't see anything to fight
for, to escape for.
I think I had this dream because I continue to struggle regarding
whether or not it would be a constructive or destructive thing to
complete my manuscripts and put them out there.
Don Quixote isn't really paying attention to the drama in the
attic. We're separate, not connected, in the same house. He'd be
happy with someone who's a similar type, but less complicated, more
attractive, more 'positive'. I can't count on him for help.
The Bumble is the one who is most aware of the danger I pose. He's
had to reassess his earlier approach/conclusions. He has to be
careful not to make the wrong move. I'm a worthy opponent. He's had
to adopt a more 'serious' plan to deal with the problem. Everyone
is on his side, no one is on my side.
Dr Velvet Thong has a weird expression on her face.
Blinky: It looks like you're reluctant to say something. Come
on, spit it out.
Dr Velvet Thong: Well.. what if you're Jane Eyre (or
Cordelia), and your family is trying to set you and all you stand for
on fire? Burn down your house? They're the 'crazy ones' trying to
keep you from forcing them to seek 'help' or 'enlightenment'?
I know you don't really relate to Jane Eyre, you sort of see her as
someone clueless who doesn't know how to recognize a Player when she
sees one, and who's willing to accept the dubious compliment that
when a man loses his eyesight and everything else, then maybe they
can be together.. and she was someone who accepted the brainwashing
that said the wife in the attic is of course crazy, not someone a man
misunderstood and treated badly out of a sense of entitlement, after
first getting what he wanted, but not thinking about longterm
consequences.. and that it all ties in to romanticizing these
ridiculous period dramas in modern times without demonstrating that
we've had any new advancements in psychological insight because we
admire people who dress better, have better vocabularies and speak
more politely to each other, even if they're just as, or more stupid
than us.
Blinky: Are you saying that maybe if I stand up for myself, in
the long run, I'm not less ignorant or prejudiced than Charlotte
Bronte? And that's what my confusion about fire dreaming is? But her
book was a necessary step; maybe mine could be too. I need to accept
my limitations, accept that I am a 'writer', even if not a
particularly skilled one?
That I have to be courageous enough to face that one day my
prejudices will be exposed in turn? People still talk about
Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover, but there's some pretty ugly
racism in there, spouted by both romantic leads.
Dr Velvet Thong: Er, no, some of what you're saying is valid,
but it's not exactly where I was going with this. I'm not sure you're
going to like this idea, but what about making a decision not to
edit? Finish the organizing you've already planned, put it into
chapter form with a table of contents consisting of links to make it
easier for others to navigate, but leave the content messy. It might
read more like the disorganized rantings of a seriously disturbed
person, someone who's 'not all there', but it might be more
authentic, and sometimes when you just write without editing, there's
something unusual that you manage to communicate. You don't have to
conform to any rules; you are developing your own style here. I know
you want to have as much control as possible, and you don't want to
make complicated subject matter even more difficult for anyone to
understand, but when you've tried your best in the past to make it
all as 'clear' as possible, where has that got you? Maybe you're
running out of energy, maybe you're 'deteriorating', well, if you've
ascertained that you are the only person who cares about you, does it
matter what others think, or even if it's true that you're
deteriorating? You still have to find ways to fill your days until
your death. Have fun with it, for fuck's sake! We've discussed before
that putting something new out there is a way for you to 'go out in
public, show your face'. In order to post something new, you always
have to face a fear, and who knows, maybe this time there will be
severe consequences. You may anger people. Wasn't that always the
risk? From the start, when you started posting to, and then posted the first version of the
If people are too bored by you to read through things, then does it
matter? You've 'shown your face in public' again.
What about Tyler and Tulip? Do you think they were represented in
your dream? How do you think they'd react if you publish your
Blinky: I'm not sure. It could be that I didn't recognize them
in the dream because I've gone to the original 'source' material, or
it could be that one or both were represented by the neighbour. My
conscious thought is that I'm super-easy to discredit, and they know
it. Part of me thinks that maybe they like some of what I've written.
It's hard to explain. It's like I've done it in such a way that they
feel slightly better understood in life, but not in a threatening
way. So as long as they know I'm easy to discredit, in a way they see
what I've done as 'art', and they like that they've inspired some of
They might want to 'take credit' for some of my 'successes', but if
you look at my pattern through the years, it seems that with or
without them, I eventually get around to certain types of action..
house painting/renovation, travel on my own, occasionally contacting
unusual individuals, and of course the writing, and other creative
projects. That is not to say that their individual contributions
haven't influenced me at all or that they're unimportant, and I'm not
so cynical or mean that I'd dismiss them as 'interchangeable' with
others of a similar ilk, that they were just the first ones I bumped
into who fit a certain minimum of essential criteria. But, long
before I met them, it does seem my patterns were established, and
that they keep kicking in.
Ah.. but all-out war.. so, if I publish the manuscripts, I'm
wondering if not only the original family will attack me as a group,
but that also Tyler and Tulip will pool their resources as well, and
in a way this stands for something bigger, that possibly the whole
world will try to bring me down for standing up for myself, but in a
way, I think that's what writers 'have' to do, to face this
possibility when they publish, and that's part of what it means to be
a writer.
'Copied' the look on her face, knew her intentions.. I think that
means that 'psychically' I grasped a lot more than they ever expected
me to, and wrote it all down, but oddly, it's like if I make myself
more visible, their efforts to discredit me will make them more
visible and 'powerful', if they manage to discredit me, so I've
opened up further 'potential' for them in life to showcase their
particular skills.
And of course consciously the surviving members of my biological
family would think my unconscious feelings are 'crazy', and that they
would never wish me harm, but this is how it works, when there are
serious unresolved issues in a family, there's a primal
interpretation you can't always just shake off. I don't feel
connected to family, or life. I don't feel valued, wanted,
understood. It feels like centuries, lifetimes of anger and silence
extreme enough that my death is what is wanted.
Dr Velvet Thong: When you were young, birthdays and special
occasions were the only times allotted for 'family connection'. They
want to keep that up, and it feels like you broke it. And now, for
you, it doesn't seem likely anyone can get through the walls. There
aren't going to be any surprises. Not for birthdays or holidays, and
on Valentine's Day, there won't ever be secret admirers.
The majority of those who kill themselves do not leave angry notes.
It's a recognized phenomenon that most apologize, and try to make it
clear the family does not deserve anything bad. Care to comment?
Blinky: I guess you're saying that it seems like I'm blaming
family. I'm not as conscientious as other suicides. I think maybe I'm
trying to cut through some of the ingrained political correctness or
social training/brainwashing, in case it's helpful. People still
don't really seem to understand mental illness very well, or suicide,
and so while I'm still alive, doesn't it make sense that I try to
describe the psychological landscape as best I can, in case it's
helpful? In case it helps other families or individuals figure out
how to support those who look like they're flailing before they
develop into full-on monsters, like me?
I guess people understand that physical pain can lead to women
giving birth cursing those who knocked them up, and from there I
suppose it's not a huge stretch that other types of pain, too long
prolonged, might result in unpleasant blaming and cursing situations.
I would be happy to go away quietly, if only someone in the world,
family or not, would give me a nice humane little suicide pill or
bottle of Nembutal, anonymously dropped into my letterbox.
I think we veered a little off-course, but it was sometime after my
23rd birthday that I felt 'sure' I wanted to die. Before that
birthday, I'd started having fantasies that if I went out in a
lightning storm, I'd be hit and killed (er, at this time I'd been
reading books about creative visualization and the like, and this was
one of the things I started visualizing.. being struck by lightning,
in as much detail as possible), and I started developing the suicide
holiday fantasy, but after I was released from the psych ward, I
began to drop lengthy suicide notes into the trash outside the social
services building every time I went to pick up my money. Contracting
herpes certainly didn't help the situation after that, but the events
around my 24th birthday probably cemented the deal, and it took a
little while for the fallout to reveal itself.
It's not that good things didn't happen after that, but from that
point on, any new memories were dominated by the shadow my daily
reality cast over it all. I was never comfortable in my own skin or
with my 'place'. Every action I performed left me feeling conflicted.
I wanted out. I was no longer really invested in life. My
consciousness wasn't dull, but I felt I had crossed over into
whatever death was, it was just that my body and consciousness hadn't
accepted it. There was always something unreal about relationships,
something temporary. There was never any authentic place to build
from. Ah, that's it.. I didn't accept the terms and conditions, and
refused to sign off.
And because I absorbed that The Bumble believed I had always been
'off', and that he passed that on to the others, and they absorbed it
unconsciously and did not question it, I looked back over my existing
memories, and saw myself as someone who never had a bright future, or
any future. I was an ugly kid who wasn't smart enough in the right
ways. I had never been worth effort or the trouble or expense I had
caused. I was useless, and no matter what I would have gone back and
tried, nothing would have worked. My destiny was to be something
awful. I felt disconnected from my memories and my family.
When it came to the rest of the world, it seemed to me that photos of
me and my 'resume' resulted in people having the same impression of
me. Maybe everyone is right.
It would feel like a relief to just never have to be conscious again,
to let the world just go on and think what they want. What good is
consciousness or perception or insight if sharing just feels like
crap? If no one likes me? And I don't really like anyone, either? It
would be great to 'contribute' something, but I'm not getting the
impression anyone thinks I am. I've stayed too long at the party and
I'm terminally uncool.
And I can't get all indignant and say fuck you all, I'll show you
all, I will survive anyway, I'll fight to the end, dammit. Because I
get no pleasure in living. It would be an empty fight. It just seems
to take so long to really know what that means, and to keep
unearthing more layers and levels of it. But since I made the
decision or assessment all those years ago, it doesn't really seem
like anything has changed.
Dr Velvet Thong: I guess you're going to be camping out in
my office again this year until the day is over. I'll make sure I get
enough wine for both of us. We'll have the usual 'family skeleton
dance party' together alone.
Blinky: Do you think people would understand that I wouldn't
want to die or kill myself on anyone else's birthday - I wouldn't
want to give them unpleasant associations with that day, I wouldn't
want it to seem like a kind of vindictive statement, but also I admit
that if people would be happy I'm dead, I wouldn't want to give them
my death as a 'present'.
There are modifications, it's changed, morphed over the years,
but the Ritual of a 'family skeleton dance party', for
all birthdays and 'special occasions', is enacted over and over
through all the years.. Blinky/Velvet must enact the same
ritual, she must recreate the same conditions. It becomes something
dark, and also something positive. It demonstrates some of the
horrors inherent in the family philosophy and past, the flaws in
communication and empathy, such that Velvet only feels she can
connect when apart physically from her family, and such that she can
only understand her place in her own family and how she has been
treated by trying to understand the whole world, every family, every
possible human situation and motivation, and if she can lift that,
she will 'succeed', and sometimes, when enacting the ritual, that is
how it feels, like a kind of success. But just as in The Plague, this
battle must be fought over and over. A 'revelation' can be that as
the need escalates, and Velvet 'really' feels connected to more of
the world, every day is a family member's birthday, or some special
occasion, and I suppose a step along the way or another layer is that
she often does two days in a row, because that perhaps approximates
Friday and Saturday nights - she is superimposing her own internal
calendar over a two dimensional one.
The idea that it feels like being 'railroaded' when in contact with
family to perpetuate the system. Both approaches are probably
maladaptive, but Blinky can't go back to putting on a happy face for
her birthday or those of others if she is not allowed to say anything
except that things are fine, such that when family members talk to
anyone they will just pass it on 'oh she's living in Australia, she's
doing great, she's busy', and her life is summed up that way. She
couldn't change the system from within in the past, and doesn't think
she can now because everyone is still so invested in maintaining the
system. It is only from without that she has a chance of helping them
to see the system for what it is.
It's a bit like if someone is dealing with anorexia, and has an
old-fashioned parent who just thinks it's ridiculous, and shouts at
her to eat, and refuses to dignify the ridiculousness of it any
further, and banishes her to her room until she's ready to be
reasonable, and the situation just never changes, for years, the
parent remains enraged, and the kid can't move forward. Blinky's
parents both hurled primal rage at her that the others did not
receive - or when it came close, Blinky tried to lessen the impact.
But in being on the receiving end of that kind of primal rage, it
does make sense perhaps that Blinky would attract those with anger
issues and sadistic tendencies.
Blinky: They all think I have issues with aging/birthdays that
are just superficial, not a PTSD kind of response. I lie once in a
bar, when drunk and high on E that someone slipped me, amongst people
I never expected to see again, and the Family think I habitually lie
about my age and other things, and it haunts me the rest of my life,
and becomes the explanation for why I'm weird about birthdays,
because really, what else could it be? But I can't even broach the
subject later because it's too much of an imposition.
Dr Velvet Thong: And all of this ties in with that
Chrismukkah you spent alone, dancing, and enjoyed? It might have
been the last time you had hope for yourself.
When you were 30, you'd had enough bad experiences in being open
about yourself and your situation that it made sense to lie in the
moment, in order to have a good time. Many therapists now do actually
suggest the mentally ill lie or have a good story ready for public
occasions when they have to have superficial, fleeting contact with
others. In a bar, trying to shout over the music, it's pretty hard
to say 'I'm mentally ill, I'm currently depressed and going without
treatment, I have no excuse' - it just doesn't fit easily into the
flow of conversation, and it makes sense that dancing was a form of
non-verbal communication you could participate in, if you could deal
with a few obstacles (making sure brief conversations didn't get
too awkward.) It makes sense that you wanted some of the housebound
years back, and that no one in your family seemed to understand how
much time you'd spent without any plan or direction or hope for a
future, because they didn't know what it was like to be without
those things, or to spend time in isolation.
At what point did you decide to celebrate your birthday as the
anniversary of the date you chose your new name?
Blinky: It occurred to me to do that long before I was able to
go through with it, and I still struggle to get through the original
day as if it's some kind of Doomsday. It's only been in the last
couple of years that I've actually said I didn't want to think of my
biological birthday as my birthday, and then followed through and
pushed to celebrate it. Don Quixote accepts this, and that I want to
celebrate the anniversary of the Choice. I guess it might come across
as a further step toward distancing or divorcing myself from the
original family.
It does seem to me that the original day would be a great deathday,
that it would be like bringing things full circle, and in a way each
year it's a bit disappointing that I don't manage to get things
together and pull it off somehow.
Dr Velvet Thong: It is occurring to me that now that the 20th
anniversary of the Choice is over with, maybe there's a kind of
countdown to the next one, as if this is a whole new chance to
'fulfill the prophecy'? To die before you're 21?
Blinky blinks noticeably.
Blinky: Yes, and so I guess now time will tell. I feel pretty
much like I've felt for years, that there's no way my life can
continue, I feel like I just keep living right at that edge, but
there is now a different kind/shade of fixation with that
I feel like there are projects to finish up, and I'm trying to focus
'positively'. I've managed to do a lot of the house renovations I put
on the list. I managed to go out for a degustation on the chosen
birthday, I've done a few more challenging things, for example,
meeting an avant garde sustainable fashion designer in person. People
can call me negative, they can say not going outside is about fear,
but I'm not sure they get how complex I am, or how I do keep setting
unusual challenges for myself.
I love the designer's clothes and approach, but I'm kind of nervous
she might be embarrassed to be associated with me if I recommend her
online/in my book/wherever. Aside from the baggage of the Manifesto,
there's also the rather undefendable issue.. wearing a synthetic wig
from China, (not to mention the synthetic beanie, also from China)
when combined with the aesthetics and sustainable philosophy of her
clothes might be a little like, or a lot like wearing a 'meat is
murder' t-shirt while eating a steak, seemingly oblivious to the
hypocrisy.. but it might be possible that all-round, my lifestyle
might add up to more 'environmentally friendly' and 'ethical' than
those who completely believe they are doing everything 'right'. And,
there's still the possibility I might transition back to my own hair
at some point when I overcome or am motivated to overcome the feeling
of doom and hopelessness about it again. I mean, for the first time
in my life, I have waist-length hair, in reasonably good condition.
It hasn't been dyed in a couple of years, and has experienced no
styling stress or products. I might just go crazy and bonsai it one
day, but that possibility remains open, and another is that I decide
on a maintable colour/highlights, just keep it long, let it drip dry
and wear (more ethical) hats.
There's the possibility of making a possum documentary here, and I
also have ideas for a Blinky/Velvet documentary, and who knows, maybe
some day I will bite the bullet and try to get an online Psychology
degree. Not to mention the whole 'night of the werepossum' thing.
But, as always, I'd like to try to 'get out' at the right part of the
cycle, maybe when finishing something up, and deciding to forego the
future projects.
Maybe through meditation you learn to go through the process of
getting to the best you fast, you centre yourself fast at all
times, and maybe to some extent I can do that for periods. Don
Quixote and I are getting along well, and despite all my bitching, I
haven't been focusing on certain things. In the moment, I notice I
go through the process fast, and I decide, I choose in the moment not
to dwell, I think about what I'm aiming at, I can remember all the
avenues my thoughts have gone down before with the same old issues,
and I get to the least bad conclusion as fast as possible. In
choosing to write some things down, that also is a choice: it's to
demonstrate how strange and surreal, how extreme cognitive
dissonance factors in my life, again and again, despite my efforts.
It's astronomically absurd, but once I realize that, it becomes
somewhat humorous. Maybe there will be an explosion at some point,
but I seriously doubt I could feel self-righteous about it. If I
lost it and said mean things, it wouldn't be long before I started
trying to undo damage and refocus more positively.
I still behave as if I am ashamed of myself and don't deserve things.
Dr Velvet Thong: How was the chosen birthday this year?
Blinky: As usual, I don't have a simple answer. It was
something of an 'accomplishment', and it was a effective, consciously
chosen construction of contrast to daily life. I think overall it
was 'positive', and that Don Quixote liked it, too, but part of what
he liked was my positivity, and I really had to work for that.
Degustation is good because it's like you get a series of surprises,
and if usually at dinner you have nothing to talk about, at least
you can comment on each course and wine.
I suppose this is going to seem like a complaint that I should be
addressing with him (actually, I did later, it came out when I just
didn't expect it, and losing control like that has taken more off a
self-esteem I could not afford to lose any more from, and in the end,
it went how it always goes and just made me feel worse, fuck), but I
think I've earned the right not to have to put either of us through
that. I've addressed situations like this so many times, if I address
it again, he'll feel bad, and pretty much nothing will change, so I
think what makes sense is to use it in my 'writing'. I do think I am
a writer, even if I don't write in ways that others relate to. I
think I'm tuned in to some of the ideas and solutions other writers
and artists are expressing. I accept that they are able to present
their material in more palatable or inspiring ways. I am still
somewhat 'connected' to this network of ideas, caring, solutions, I
still have some access to it, I still perceive it. It might not
change the fundamental direction or conflicts of my life, but I do
think the feeling of connection or indirect understanding is
OK, so this is what happened on the birthday. I had managed to go
without caffeine or alcohol for 7 weeks. On the day, I chose a
special outfit, I did my nails, I wore a wig. Certainly our readers
by now know all my issues with appearance and communicating through
appearance. Well, when we went to get coffee and dessert, Don Quixote
spent pretty much the whole conversation comparing the bodies of two
young women who worked at the cafe. For a while, it was about the
poor working conditions inflicted on the young in cafes, but the
subtext remained and to me was more glaring. He was obviously
prejudiced about the larger of the two, obviously attracted to the
petite one with the nice figure, and after all this time, he still
knows absolutely nothing about the science of physical fitness
(evidenced by some particularly dense comments), and he's still
completely insensitive to the issues all women, not just me, go
through. I know he didn't mean to do it. The subject matter is
probably just as difficult for him to grasp as calculus would be to
some. It doesn't make sense to keep beating him up about it, so I
made a decision not to focus on it. I did not get depressed, I chose
to enjoy the day as best I could. I was already prepared something
like that might happen, based on past experience, and so maybe I had
sort of steeled myself in advance.
I don't ever expect him to say 'you look good for your age', because
I understand that he thinks it's beneath both of us for him to lie
about that kind of thing. It's a harsh truth, but the thing is that
once you've gone past a certain point, looking good for your age
doesn't really matter. All that matters is how you stack up to the
highest standards of youth and beauty. Cold reality. But you can
still be a nice, dependable meatloaf. Even though I wear wigs, he
might actually think I'm aging badly, because he's seen plenty of
Asian women who are still petite with very firm bodies and nice
skin and hair, who are as old or older than me.
So that's not the problem for me. For me, the problem is that on a
day in which I'm celebrating choice, and my individuality, when I
have a website, when I've done so much writing and speaking about
certain topics, on the day in question, even my best friend
demonstrates all the same unconscious attitudes, and that he has zero
ability to adequately encourage and support me, or even understand my
message or unique individuality. But to say that, again, would be to
spoil the memory of the 'good time'. So I will use it in my 'art'.
OK, it all sounds really awful, but maybe most relationships are
actually like this, and I am actually glad I went out for my
birthday. The cake I had was good, the coffee I had was good, and
the wine matching at the degustation was fantastic.
Originally, we made the agreement to take the psychological step
of agreeing to a 'salary', and that I'd pay room and board out of
that salary, to help my self-esteem, identity, etc. Then, it seemed
the only way to realistically move out eventually would be to save
up, so the best way, without tax, was to give me the amount you
could give as a salary without it having to be taxed, but then I go
and pay almost all of it back because creatively, to 'do the house
right' as a 'creative project', it seemed
necessary for me to
pay for things he was reluctant to pay for. People like me 'deserve'
what we get. We make foolish decisions. We are bad with money. This
is how people become homeless. I see all this, and I guess I still
could not have made another choice. I had to do the 'creative'
thing. There was some imperative there. And maybe underneath it, I am
still trying to invest in his future over mine, because underneath it
all I still believe he has a better chance or deserves more. I don't
Realistically, can I live on my own? Will I live to '21'? I know I
can't build a life. I can maybe write, but my addiction will
escalate again. I don't enjoy contact with people and that seems
unlikely to change.
How far have I actually come? The person I'm dependent on still,
despite all of my endless communication, all the risks I've taken,
all the difficult efforts, doesn't really see my situation for what
it is, and mostly accepts me in spite of my 'flaws' rather than
thinking the uniqueness is something in itself, something more than
a concept or a kind of gratitude based on something like 'cheer up,
it could be worse'. What I mean is.. he's not a real vegetarian.
It's convenient for now, and he likes some things about it, and he
sometimes feels lucky, because he worries no one else could ever put
up with him. But I am a 'real vegetarian'. I don't want meat or
even seafood any more. When he's away from me, he eats meat. He eats
meat on pizza, and if he was with friends who cooked, he'd eat meat
every day, no big deal.
It sounds like a lot of bitching, but underneath it, I think I do
accept the situation, and I think I do feel grateful for what I do
have. I do think, though, that I am 'allowed' to wish for more for
myself. More understanding, more compatibility, a deeper
connection. I also wish for those things for Don Quixote. I think he
has been deprived of some important rites of passage, and I do not
begrudge him those.
Try to refocus, get the rest of the work done. Go on another trip,
for his birthday. Make more connections, maybe a drug connection,
marijuana, for sciatica and IBS. Maybe I can finish writing up these
two projects, and maybe I will travel on my own again, and again
have the opportunity to have a good death. Maybe the thing to do is
to next travel to places where they do euthanasia lectures, Exit
International, etc. I haven't been to doctors, but would the website
count as something? I wonder, I suppose I could look into it. Would
Dignitas accept someone like me?
I'm not sure I have the energy to force anything. I suppose in some
ways my endurance has increased. I don't really want to live, but I
have ways of getting through the days. For now, I can still trust
that projects of various kinds will present themselves to me, and
that somehow I can continue to cross things off lists while hanging
from the ledge by fingernails. I just don't want to have to.
Blinky: I'm feeling very stressed about Valentine's
Dr Velvet Thong: That's not exactly a new development.
Blinky: No, I think it's just a mutation of an existing theme.
When I started finding it difficult to attend family occasions, it
started with chrismukkah and easter, and spread to birthdays, and now
I think it's also affecting Valentine's Day in a more extreme
Dr Velvet Thong: Maybe because now it's obvious that nothing's
going to happen to surprise you. You're not one of the ones who
inspires 'romantic' efforts in others.
Blinky: Many years ago, when I asked Don for a divorce, it
somehow worked out that we mailed off the papers on Valentine's Day.
I felt guilty about that, like maybe it was mean to him, and I
realized that most people from a.s.h, and those we knew would think,
in part because of their own assumptions/prejudices and in part
because of what he wrote about me publicly, that I was some cold-hearted
bitch who was incapable of appreciating what I had.
I didn't want to censor what he wrote online, but I knew at the time
it was what he felt he was expected to do. He was new to
relationships, he had no experience, and the pressure of people's
expectations was a lot for him to contend with. Before that, he had
written some humorous/cynical things about Valentine's Day that many
people liked and complimented him on, but I guess from the start,
those things worried me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Worried you?
Blinky: Well, I didn't think he was ready to be honest about
who he was and what he really wanted. He cared more about public
perception and being cool. When our relationship developed, it was
in spite of such misgivings.
I never wanted to try to uphold a romantic myth to give other
suicidals hope, but I found that when I would not do this, most
others judged me. In a way, although it was really hard to do, I
thought that having him mail the papers on Valentine's Day was the
most caring thing I could do, for both of us. I was letting him know
and also letting the world know that I did not intend to chain him to
a romantic perception - he was still free, for 'the love of his
life'. I didn't create extra baggage or hurdles for the next one to
I knew that Valentine's Day and romantic love were important to him,
and I knew also that I myself always was very aware of this day, and
would always be wishing for 'something' or other. I suggested to him
that we both admit this to each other and to ourselves, and that
while neither of us had a new relationship, that on this day, we make
an effort to support each other and invest in our friendship.
I came up with different surprises for him for different years, but
most of the time, I realize it is up to me to come up with ideas. I
decided this wasn't a bad thing, and if it comes more naturally to
me, it doesn't make sense to leave it up to a guy to do it. So,
usually, I will suggest we have coffee and dessert together.
Sometimes we make a new dessert together, sometimes I send him out
to a local bakery to pick something up. And I usually decide about
what to have for dinner.
I usually do something similar when it comes to my birthday - I put
effort into figuring out what I want to do, and I let him know.
Dr Velvet Thong: Any reason it's more difficult this year?
Blinky: It might have something to do with my 50th birthday
last year, and it might have something to do with this thing I'm
writing at present.
For his 50th birthday, I began coming up with ideas months in
advance, and I planned a trip, one specifically that might hit a
bunch of buttons all in one go. I knew that when mine rolled around,
I could not count on him to come up with anything, so if I wanted
something, I had to do like all the other times and clearly state
what I wanted.
I think he did try to surprise me, I vaguely remember at some point
he presented me with a cute little saw for my toolkit, but I think
maybe we'll get back to the history of the toolbox momentarily, and
for now I'll try to explain about the birthday.
[The history of the toolbox: it was a surprise, and he was proud of
thinking of it, and getting it. A red and black toolkit, with a few
red and/or black tools inside. A few times in the past, I had had
trouble finding the right tools in the house when I spontaneously
decided to paint something or do something or other. He didn't keep
things in designated places and there was always so much clutter.
So he bought me some tools, but mostly cute ones. There was a paint
tin opener, a measuring tape and a mini-spirit level, but no hammer,
and no screwdriver. I mean, come on. It was years before I finally
got those two basic items, but I was appropriately thankful, not
wanting to discourage him from gift-giving altogether. I did actually
speak up about both, but it still took years to get these two
essential items. I was trying really hard not to be a complainer,
and I tried to 'translate' it all in my head as 'He's trying hard to
be romantic and thoughtful, don't discourage him now, don't scar him
for life'.]
After his birthday trip, I completely lost control. I really hoped to
get back in control by my birthday, and I just could not do it. I
think I needed him to care about my birthday, to even say 'Is there
any way we can talk now, until you get focused, because I really
liked what you did for my birthday, and I want you to have something
similar yourself'.
Dr Velvet Thong: It probably would have been good if you
could have said that to him.
Blinky: I did. It wasn't enough to help, and he was willing to
let the day go by. I guess it was a source of sadness for me. I had
managed to go 9 1/2 weeks without alcohol or caffeine leading up to
my 50th birthday, but then crashed a couple of days before the date,
and then was just completely out of control.
But I was thinking that while our relationship isn't perfectly
balanced, there are things he contributes that I know I can't, and
so there's no sense in dwelling on what just does not come easily to
In books and movies, there are 'last straws' which cause people,
sometimes with sadness, to accept that a relationship just isn't
working, and more than that, that it just isn't healthy, and they've
got to move on.. but when it comes to me, where is there to go from
here? I do not trust that if I just leave I will find a place for
myself. I have left many times, not in spite or anger, but trying
first to do my best to clean up my mess, pack up my stuff, and then
I leave and travel, looking for a place to die, or a place to go,
and I run out of steam. It's kind of like that incident from my
teen years, when my father was angry with my depression, there was
that horrible physical altercation, and I broke free, I escaped, I
ran a mile down the road in the pouring rain, in the mud, in my
socks, and I climbed a tree and tried to think, but I couldn't see
anywhere to go. And then when I left home at 21, not in spite or in
anger, but thinking that somehow I had to get far away from my
family, because they were not helping me..
Anyway, this year, aware of this pattern, and again having urges to
just run, to get away from an unhealthy situation, I came to the
conclusion that I had to accept the situation, and figure out if this
time I could help him to understand more. And if not, to at least
try again to contribute what I could here, to fix up the house, to
address both our health issues, to put a lot of effort into figuring
out what help I could realistically ask for, to accept I might always
live in a very uncomfortable state, but that I didn't want to make
his life worse, or try to take shots to take him down with me, and
that if there was still anything I could contribute, to try to do it.
And so I'm still struggling with that.
I made a long range plan to address the parts of the house that
need addressing. We've taken a few steps so far. The roof's been
done, and some months ago, I put something like 60 hours into
catching up some cleaning issues, and yet more time into identifying
what the priorities would be in the next years. [Eesh.. looks like I
wrote this
before the major effort which began in late 2017,
and went on for months, with me often getting up at the crack of
I said that once we had modernized the house and finally given him
the boardwalk he's wanted all these years, then maybe he can support
me through finally getting some cosmetic procedures, and after that,
maybe I'll travel again, or try to move to Melbourne, and we will
both try to be open to new relationships.
I have a bag that's packed, and theoretically I could just run one
day, without addressing all these things, I could say I've done
enough, and the best thing is not to think I owe more, when over the
years he has inadvertently reinforced the messages from my family of
origin by letting this situation go so long, that I should just go
and not look back, but I know from experience that I do not have
enough steam to keep going, and I'm likely to just enact the same
I've had contact with females over the years who have pretty much
stated their greatest fantasy in life is not to have to work, and I
realize my life would be their dream come true, and they seem to say
that even when they want some relationships to end, they end up
breaking down and crying and begging the other person not to leave
them, and I guess many people probably think that no matter what I
post publicly, that I'm like this, that I've begged my partners not
to leave me, but I have never been like this. I mean what I say.
About Valentine's Day.. do I still mean what I say? Did I ever? Am I
saving up years of grudges? I really don't know. I thought I tried
very hard to address any hidden baggage and I tried very hard also to
be realistic and to contribute to change and options. Maybe it's just
difficult to realize that in life, I've always been a Beard. That's
my archetype. And some men can get violently aggressive in keeping
control of a beard, others can be hypocritically 'nice', and others
can stoically live lives of quiet desperation. Do I want to
acknowledge that maybe this year I want to throw a pity party for
myself? I'm not sure. I think it feels something like all those years
when chrismukkah would loom and I wouldn't be sure if I'd attend or
not, and I would have no peace if I went or did not, and either way,
there'd be major bingeing, and the only thing was to get past the
fucking day already. Having a little shitfit and screaming about how
no one really loves me isn't going to help the situation.
The Manifesto says a lot. Strangers may laugh or ridicule, but I
think when people say if you're not ok, tell someone you trust or
whatever, I think that means that family and friends are the ones who
are 'supposed' to look at what I say, and make some kind of effort to
help, and if they don't, who will?
And if the underlying philosophy is that I 'should' be intelligent
enough, or should be enough of a feminist to work it out myself, and
yet years are going by and my situation remains dire, I suppose
'family' and 'friends' can throw up their hands and say 'well, what
can we do?' what it means is that I have been abandoned by them and
perhaps I am within my rights to write them off, but er, where
exactly do I go from here?
In my teens and early 20s, I still occasionally called people in
times of distress, including an actual distress centre. When you
realize that calling people only makes things worse, you stop doing
it. There's no one to call, there's no one to write. And so what this
is is a record of the process, a documentation of sorts. I must keep
myself company as best I can, and if this record is ever found, who
knows, maybe it will keep someone else company for a while.
There's a kind of pressure, I can feel a kind of pressure to 'hold
myself together', to not fuck up the 'holiday' or 'important
occasion'. With the situation in the house, with us not talking, but
passing notes.. and no longer spending Friday nights or special
occasions together, well, I realized that maybe I had to consciously
try to change that, even if it was hard, because I was withdrawing
further, and I was probably impacting both our mental health. So,
even if it was unpleasant for my comfort level, I had to force it
until it became routine again.. watch GOT on Friday nights, have
dinner together.. but the pressure is astounding and I'm afraid it's
like with other relationships, when I try to go back, the whole cycle
is speeded up and I have to get the fuck out as fast as possible.
When it's over, it's over.
It feels like so much pressure when I think I'm also doing harm, I'm
also inadvertently reinforcing a really negative pattern in him.
After all this time, I am reinforcing a pattern that was set in his
original family. I must be a really poor psych student, but I guess
it seems to me that in one way his family had really high standards
as far as morals go, and when it comes to things like appearances,
they were taught to disdain vanity, but Don's preference physically
is actually for 'impossible' standards of beauty. And he feels like
scum and tries to repress it, having grown up in a feminist,
rationalist, whatever kind of household, and so the reason he was a
34 year old virgin was that he felt like scum who didn't deserve a
loving relationship. He was some kind of deranged beast, but rational
enough to know it's irrational to think of oneself in that way, and
so he had to hide it from conscious access. Plus, I think actual
bestiality runs in the family and they try to cover it up.
How do I address that dynamic without inflicting damage or making him
too self-conscious? If I could only have quietly accepted my role as
a beard, all would have been fine.
The one thing I am able to do is continue to let him know that I
perceive the unconscious factors that might be affecting him, to let
him know that I consciously challenge them, and am on an ongoing
basis trying to figure out practical ways to help him address them.
In effect, I keep letting him know that I believe he 'deserves'
'love'. This isn't something he has ever been able to return to
But in writing about my past, and thinking about the problem with
holidays, and thinking about how I was drawn to a newsgroup called I don't think the way to address the current
stress is to scrap the current project. I think I've crossed a line,
and whether I scrap it or not, Valentine's Day is going to be a
bloody fucking horror. I don't think it would be fair that I should
have to die on Valentine's Day as a symbol of how forgotten and
unloved I am or how undeserving I am that even family and friends
would give a fuck about how I'm doing, but the extremeness of my
addictive patterns, my binges would seem to suggest that at the very
least my subconscious wants to make some kind of statement. Oh, and
by the way, I'm going to officially state for the record that that
whole amusing Easter Bunny thing Don is known for was yet another
thing he started early not giving me any credit for. Half the fucking
ideas were mine, ok, people? Including the one about making a
Dr Velvet Thong: Blinky, you're losing it.
She pulls out
some mini bottles of alcohol and hands them over. Let's start
with these, and get into more serious drinking later. I think you
need to prepare yourself for some unpleasant news.
You have no talent as a writer. Zero. The problem is that you're too
boring. But I'm paid to listen, and listen I shall. We can both
drink, and we're both good drinkers, and that might make it all more
Basically, I think your long-range plan makes sense, and don't worry,
I'll sign off on the nip/tuck thing.
Blinky: I think now things are shifting a bit again, and I
will probably make it through the day. Right now, what I see is that
my task is to find a movie to watch that we can both stand. Music is
a total write-off.
I suppose you might be asking yourself how hard can it be, when you
watch movies all the time? What is it to just get through a couple of
hours in the name of 'working on the friendship'? Surely there is
enough compatibility there and it isn't really a difficult task?
And compromise toward this end won't seem like a sellout?
But to give an honest, non-martyr, non-passive-aggressive message,
and to aim at equality, something that could potentially be positive
for both, and not about either party having to endure through the
debacle, that's not a simple matter. I will know, if no one else
does, if I am able to make a choice with genuine affection.
It is strange, the process of coming to terms with how 'real' a
relationship is when so much of how my thought processes, memory,
subconscious, and emotions fit together, how these fit in with how
I spend my days and how I process life aren't really relevant to the
person I live with, and that because we have communicated 'too much'
and 'not enough', we know that we are alone in our experience when
we listen to music or watch anything together, and I think part of my
task is to help us to focus on other types of compatability, as a
stop gap measure, for now, such that we are both less scarred by the
effects and implications of despair.
I wrote this earlier, and then put some effort into working on
the friendship, and part of that was working on the house, but there
were other things, like making an effort to spend Fridays together
again, and I think it's possible that this was like 'cleaning and
reorganizing' and preventing the decay of the relationship.
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and Everything Else I Don't Know Where Else to Put
Dr Velvet Thong: Let me get this straight - you are now
divorced from Beany and Cecil, but not Boo?
Blinky: Boo has put a lot of effort into trying to
communicate with me over the years. In the beginning, he admitted
that he was embarrassed to even tell people he knew that he had a
sister (well, specifically me, because I don't think he had a
problem telling people about Beany.)
I originally tried to explain that my ongoing conversations with
those who want to live ultimately don't work out longterm, because
once the elephant has been identified, it goes around stomping on
everything, and is kinda hard to ignore. I said that unless I make an
effort to always steer the conversation to others and ask questions
about their lives, it's pretty difficult to ignore that I feel like a
terminally ill patient screaming in pain who everyone's ignoring. I
mean, after that, how do you just go on from there and calmly talk
about the weather? But I tried to find ways to work out how we could
authentically communicate. Tarot readings and dream interpretations
are good. Anything else.. Usually it ends up that I write too much
and overburden him, and then I realize it's best to cool it for a
while, and see if we can try again later, because he's probably going
back to his original feeling that I am an overly negative person. One
person can only do so much, and when it comes to me, I think he's
doing more than his share, or at least so much more than everyone
else that it seems that way.
Dr Velvet Thong: What was the relationship between Boo and
The Bumble like?
Blinky: You mean, what mixed messages did he receive? The
threat Boo posed was that he was tall and athletic and intelligent.
When he was young, he was quite a daredevil. And when he saw how much
pressure there was on me to be photogenic, his response was to always
cross his eyes for photos. Oh wait, this has more to do with Boo and
Mama Smurf, but let me get this down for now. This eye crossing would
infuriate Mama Smurf, and she would refuse to put these photos in
albums. She might actually have destroyed most of them. One photo in
the album is fine for variety, but he did it every time, for a
But as for The Bumble.. Boo was the one he found was the biggest
threat to his own identity. The Bumble was proud of being tall and
athletic, and intelligent, and Boo was all these things, and much
more photogenic, to boot. I think The Bumble wanted to undermine Boo
as much as possible, and that Boo's survival instinct caused him to
become as Jesus-like as possible in order to keep The Bumble
I can remember this scene from childhood in which The Bumble was
aggressively attacking Boo verbally for something or other, and Boo
did not agree with The Bumble's assessments, and would not concede
his points. The Bumble added physical violence into the mix, and even
though Boo had tears streaming down his intensely red face, he still
would not concede The Bumble's points. He was quite defiant, and his
'No's' were quite firm. At the time, I sided with Boo, but wasn't
really aware of the option of being vocal about it.
I hope I've changed.
The year we lived in Brampton, Boo played on two rugby teams, one
with 7 players and one with 15. The Bumble had been a rugger player,
the only one on his team to play in every game of a North American
championship, which they won.
Both of Boo's teams won the provincial championships, and the 7s were
planning to go to Wales the following year for some big tournament.
The Bumble did not factor this in to his decision making when he
decided to move us to the Beaches, for a relationship that lasted
less than a year. Boo had a talent, and he didn't think it was
important to support him in the development of it. Yes, Boo played
rugby in other places, but in Brampton, he had found the 'right'
team, and that is part of how people develop their particular
Also, for most of his life, Boo had played hockey, and was quite
good at it. I'm not sure, but after Mama Smurf's death, his
hockey playing might have been disrupted, and rugby might have
become more of a focus. He was also a good basketball player.
For the move to The Beaches, we also had to get rid of all the pets
(3 dogs and 2 cats), and Beany's dogs were her most important support
system, at a time when we had all been through a lot.
It's just not very impressive, how little he invested in any of our
futures, how little thought he gave to it.
I'm not sure, but maybe Mama Smurf's bf had some impact on Boo being
drawn to horror genres. I think he was the one who taught Boo to
chase down toads with the lawnmower and laugh to see the splatter
and hear the thwump. And when baiting a lure for fishing, to
Had a little minnow and the head! popped off!
And to flick the head off with his thumb at the crucial moment.
Also, maybe Neil had told Boo about some of his experiences, Secret
Guy Business, that sort of thing. He started teaching Boo to drive
when he was 11, but not me. I only remember one thing: he had this
job or experience once when after a car accident, he had to remove a
decapitated head from the backseat. Boo might have received more of
the details than I did, or heard about more experiences.
After seeing him beat his dog Shiloh with a board, he just had so
much rage in him, I didn't think it was impossible that he could
actually kill a dog. I wanted to comfort the dog, but all the
beatings made him scary, and I always tried to talk to him from a
distance away from where he was chained in the yard. I kind of hoped
he liked me, but I never knew for sure. And I'm not really sure what
happened to that dog. I only know he didn't move with us to the place
near Manitoulin Island.
Also.. there was this incident that might have affected us all. Once
we moved to The Armpit of Ontario (before all the recent Pollution
Progress Initiatives), to vist relatives or The Bumble was about a 5
hour drive, give or take, depending on conditions. Sometimes we were
all piled into the stationwagon (you know, the usual green and brown
plaid thing we see over and over in movies), and sometimes the 4 of
us were herded onto a Greyhound or Graycoach, I'm not sure which.
[Just some trivia.. the first year we lived in Sudbury, I did this
science project about pollution and its effects longterm and I was
really quite proud of it, and it might have been one of the things
that resulted in the recommendation I skip Grade 6, I mean, in
addition to writing and illustrating the book about the crime solving
cat, and getting overall good grades.]
One of the times, on the way back from Toronto in the stationwagon,
just outside Sudbury, there was a massive car accident, with a few
casualties. We drove by it slowly, being directed by police. The
bodies were still on the scene and there was blood, there were
smashed vehicles, but I can't rememeber specifics, I only remember
the feeling of horror, and that I felt sick to my stomach, and I felt
that way for days, it just wouldn't go away, and on the radio during
the week, they'd sometimes have updates, like when another person
died. Maybe Boo saw more than I did, and the images implanted
themselves. I think probably I was afraid to look, but also, I wasn't
prepared for anything like it, although we made the trip a lot of
times, and especially in winter when remote stretches of highway were
slippery or visibility was poor, it was always a possibility. Plus,
there were always reports of people's cars striking moose, and later,
I heard a story about how Gandhi's cousin had struck a moose, in a
small car, and been seriously injured. And once, with Gandhi, late at
night, there was an occasion where I probably could have touched a
moose if I'd put my hand out the window, we were that close to one,
and going highway fast, in the Tracker. Fuck association, I'm getting
off topic here.
I think it's possible that my instinct, rather than one of curiosity,
was that as soon as I saw blood on the snow, and human bodies lying
about, I cowered down into the stationwagon, and tried to block it
out. I don't know if the younger ones were sleeping through it or
Blinky: I fought the labels The Bumble attached to all of
them. I confronted him, when I was 16, when he tried to get away with
undermining any of them, and for good measure, after such tense
situations, I would seek out the sibling/s in question, and state as
clearly as I could, that what The Bumble had said was not true, and
that I definitely did not agree with it.
Dr Velvet Thong: How did it make you feel a few years ago,
when your sister wrote that the family had 'always accepted you,
exactly as you are'?
Blinky: It made me feel the situation was hopeless. I thought
it highly unlikely she'd ever understand me in this lifetime. My
translation of that statement was something like 'Eating disorders
are silly, self-image preoccupation is ridiculous, snap out of it.'
Or that that was one of the unconscious implications, and that
mainly, because she identified as a good person, and good people
aren't prejudiced and don't let stigma affect their relationships,
then obviously all of them had always accepted me. Without meaning
to, she was saying that all my stress and worry was for nothing, if
only I would have realized they had always accepted me. But I tried
to keep an open mind, and then I sat down, and wrote the first Family
Skeleton Dance Party email, to see if I could find out more about
what she really meant.
I do think that most of the negative reinforcement was unconscious.
My siblings were young, and didn't realize that because there was no
one in the family to challenge the belief that I was too fat, ugly
and stupid to leave the house, that belief was profoundly reinforced
over time. However, as adults with more life experience, they still
didn't seem to understand the situation.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'd like to see if we can draw some parallels
between your role in the family of origin and your role in
relationships later in life.
Blinky: Some types of criticism really stick in people's
minds, more than praise or positive statements. I guess in some ways
I learned how to see 'holes' or weak spots, and my instinct was to
try to address them. I think I would instinctually sense that some of
the positive reinforcement I gave people had to be repeated, and that
I had to find more than one way to express it. I realize that just
repeating something doesn't necessarily help - some types of damaged
self-esteem just can't be addressed with compliments. Part of seeing
the 'holes' relates to having a sense of what practical activities a
person most needs support to accomplish. It means having a sense of
their abilities and figuring out where to give them a push or
encouragement. It would in a sense be like being able to spot what
parts of a house need to be addressed before rot spreads, or
termites, or mould, etc, before the foundation crumbles. I wasn't as
good at doing this for myself, because I couldn't accurately assess
my own abilities, I couldn't override what I thought I had to be to
'deserve' love, and I had no sense of entitlement to having any
resources invested in me.
I had to be able to see my beliefs before I could even begin to
address them. And even now, it does seem to me that factoring in all
the different people in the world, and their stories, their
abilities, do I really want to fight to stay alive? Maybe other
people are more deserving. Maybe the world is better off without me,
or maybe there is nothing I really have to say or to contribute.
When I began to approach people online, I did have a certain pattern.
I would be trying to say something, just 'in case' it made a
difference. I would try to do it immediately, because I could die any
day, or they could. I would realize I couldn't do much, but I'd try
to address at least one hole. When I wrote to Don Quixote, it was at
a time when he had little or no support on a public newsgroup. He was
expressing controversial opinions I agreed with. I let him know I
agreed with him.
With most people, there was really no reason for suspicion, but
inevitably I would become uncomfortable in my role. I would realize
when I was trapping myself into continuing certain behaviours. I
would realize that I myself needed someone to see my 'holes' and
offer suggestions. Gandhi repeated a lot of 'positive' reinforcement,
but could not see what sorts of practical support were necessary, and
so he inadvertently reinforced a negative self-image. Don Quixote was
not much for the repetition, but by then I was better at articulating
how to encourage and support me. I was able to see my own holes.
Unfortunately, although he's an extremely intelligent guy, it was
like even though I articulated things clearly, he could never
remember what I'd said, whether it was spoken, handwritten, typed,
whatever. It was like he
needed some outside Authority to
validate my conclusions, in order that what I said could finally
sink in. So we've reached a stalemate, and he continues to repeat
behaviours which unfortunately reinforce a negative self-image, and
added on to that, the feeling that nothing I say registers or
Most people, even the suicidally depressed, had more possible
connections to life to explore than I did. My holes were pretty big,
and most of the people in my life were looking the other way. What I
had left, what I fought to keep, a basic 'decency' and caring, to
share what I had, whatever it was, right until the end, to 'help'
others if possible, an unsual pattern-spotting ability, an unusual
memory or mnemonic system, a kind of hope that some kind of
intense connection could still form - was something without real
quantifiable value to those in my life, or to the world.
And later, I still struggled with this. I could see so many people
who were so angry with parents, with former partners, with step-parents,
employers, with people they believed were bad in a black and white
kind of way. I just couldn't relate. It always seemed so much more
complex to me, and when I met any person, I could never see them in
black and white ways, and it didn't seem I had ever encountered
anyone who would
purposely try to harm me. I even thought I
might be 'lucky' to have the parents I did - that while they were
immature and had inadvertently harmed me, at least I didn't have to
deal with full-on animosity/hate/abuse. Maybe it makes sense that in
inheriting this kind of extreme philosophy of 'understanding',
including that I would have to be understanding about my personal
neglect and abandonment by family, that I would ultimately have to
face the logical extension of these beliefs if taken to the
Blinky: The ways things are now, you can colour someone's
impression of who someone is and what their credibility is if it
turns out they have any racist tendencies. But when I was a kid, most
people were racist, and not just the mild unconscious kind.
So if I relay incidents in which Neil expressed overt hostility
toward black men in Alabama on a family trip, and grumbled about them
and said ugly things, it maybe prejudices the audience against him
unfairly, or makes them read the other details differently, or read
more into them.
Based on some of Mama Smurf's reading material, I don't think she
shared his racist views, but I don't think she spoke up about it.
That's what most women did in those days - they took the whole
package, and they accepted the things they didn't like.
I also want to mention that I did consciously struggle with my
dislike of Neil. Was I close-minded, unfair? I really don't think I
was conscious the way kids are now of injustice, but I also don't
think I was like most kids in movies now who are automatically
prejudiced against any new Signficant Other of their
I first remember seeing him in Grampa and Babci's kitchen. He and
Mama Smurf were kissing in a very 'sexy' way, and it made me feel
uncomfortable. It was during our parents' trial separation, I guess
during the summer I was 7, between Grades 1 and 2, but when they
separated, I remember consciously believing it was 'for the best',
because it really seemed they fought
all the time and were
miserable together.
They separated for good when I was in 4th Grade, but I'm not sure
exactly when. I remember I was too embarrassed to talk about it at
school, and I also at a certain point began acting strangely. I made
up lies about my skin to explain why it was weird, I 'fainted'
(during a breath-holding contest in the gym), and when I had to give
a speech, I put my head down on my desk and exclaimed 'nobody likes
me'. Maybe I thought my parents didn't like me. I don't remember
exactly when it was, if it was before or after the trip.
For a while this year, The Bumble took us for judo lessons, except
not Beany. I'm not sure how many times we visited him at the luxury
building. But at March Break, we went on a road trip with Mama Smurf
and Neil to Florida. Maybe it was a way to introduce us, get us to
like him. And some parts of that trip were memorable, and one memory
is one of my best from childhood, getting up early, collecting shells
along the beach at Gulf Shores. But during that trip, there was also
extreme tension in Alabama when he acted abominably toward some tall
black men who didn't appear to be looking for any trouble. And on
that same trip, the incident at the movie theatre, when I was
uncomfortable about having to sneak in the back way, he was trying to
do something nice for us, get us all in for free, and everyone
pressured me such that I had no choice. Are those things 'enough' for
me to have a valid reason to dislike him before he abused my cat or
his dog or my mother, for me to distrust him from the outset? And
when my own mother could not stand up for issues she herself believed
in, how could she feel such rage for me 'taking my father's side'
moving in with him? I know he brainwashed me now, and from age 12-16
I know I did complain to best friends about my mother and that it was
unfair, but in some ways it was valid. She was not setting a good
example herself. In some ways, I
was more mature and
reasonable than the adults in my life, and the ways in which I was
not were things over the years I made efforts to shake off, change. I
had to be able to identify them, and in some ways it was probably
necessary to get out of the family muck in order to do it. And that's
part of what that whole leaving home to 'find people more like me'
was about. It was like I was the only one who could see it, yet I was
labelled the one who 'ruined everything'.
He hadn't won me over, and I was the only one given a kitten. I guess
that was the next attempt. As far as I know, I was basically
pleasant, not rude to him, but I simply would not pretend I liked
him. And so I get him taking me aside, trying to fix this situation,
trying to win me over with reason, trying to suggest that I read How
To Win Friends and Influence People, and now, it seems funny, and I
wonder how unfair I might actually be, if maybe I'm rewriting the
details so modern audiences would be familiar with it all. Maybe I
focus on the bad, and don't remember the good, maybe I have incentive
for my own ego's sake. But for me, there was constant tension in that
household. And my account of the situation would be seen by the
others as proof of my negativity and how I do in fact ruin
everything. Am I brainwashed by modern thinking? I can say that I
lived in a state of tension, and if I was unfair, I was not mature or
experienced enough to snap myself out of it. But it does seem to make
sense that not really being clear on all this had some effect on
my development, not knowing how to identify when people are behaving
badly, when I deserve to be treated better, or if I am being
open-minded 'enough'.
Maybe there's a major whitewash in movies about that era, something
that edits out how racist everyone was, and how much women put up
with without complaining. Not to mention how much incest and wife
abuse took place. And in high school, how many boys behaved extremely
badly toward females. The guys in the hallway, shouting things out,
the guy on the bus, bombarding me with his Hustler litany, the guys
in the car, laughing, different guys at the back of another bus,
sticking a compass into another girl's leg while she slept and
they were laughing - I had fallen asleep too, but I woke up, and I
saw what they did, and did nothing. That's something in my history
I'd change. She wasn't a girl I had ever talked to at school, but she
had a 'reputation'. Why hadn't they done that to me? Was it because I
was a 'different' kind of girl at that point? I don't know. It could
have been because one of the guys was on my regular bus and it was
easier with a girl he had less contact with. The guys who wait for a
girl to get drunk and pass out - not just the ones mentioned, yet
more again. A group of Grade 3 boys at a different school, a whole
class of them, holding me down in the snow when I was in Grade 8, all
the guys trying to grab my ass or slap it, not to mention the kiss
and the picture taking incident. And one of my most signficant
relationships with someone who made a bet with a group of guys he
could fuck me before the end of summer? It wasn't really that I was
drawn to 'bad boys'. They were much, much more persistent, and you
had to say no, over and over and over (even after trying to break
up). I did go out with one nice guy, another I would have if he
hadn't asked me to a pool party at the beginning of summer before I
had a tan, and another I would have gone out with if he hadn't led
with 'will you go with me?' But my communication skills weren't
developed enough to express these things. And I think a couple of
other nice guys might have been gay (but I did go out with them).
With the first nice guy, I do still admit it was fun to see the look
on the girl's face, my best friend's other friend, who hung around
with us, she was gossiping, saying 'OMG, did you hear, someone's
going to the Fair with Nerdy McNerd?' and I found it really fun to
look her directly in the eye, and say 'That would be me.' I admit
that I liked shocking her, but even though she was the one who was
afraid of missing her curfew and left me in the field, that was not
something I held a grudge against. I really believed I deserved it,
or I didn't really see what else they could have done. I had put them
in an impossible situation. A year earlier, when she and my best
friend were singing Macho Men as a guy who had a crush on me walked
by, I hadn't the nerve to do anything except walk away from them in
disgust and refuse to talk to them (for only a few hours or the rest
of that school day), but a year later (10th Grade), I was able to
take a stand. And still, I know in a lot of ways I was not even
remotely assertive or admirable. At least not yet. Going through the
history, am I rewriting it, exaggerating, inflating? Was I 'really'
as 'shy' and 'quiet' as I thought I was? Was I partly beaten into
submission by the reactions of parents, authority figures and peers?
But many people did comment on how little I spoke, and how easily I
blushed. I remember always trying to read what other people liked, in
their gestures or speech, such that I wouldn't say the wrong thing,
be inconvenient, put them out. I never actually knew what I wanted to
do, or eat, or anything, I wasn't in touch with it. My eating was
weird, I was out of control and I needed guidance. And that had
something to do with why I let other people make choices. I knew
there was something fucked up about mine, and I wanted things to
change. My 'routine' wasn't a routine and it wasn't 'healthy'. I was
ready to start from scratch. But maybe also I was unconsciously
worried about 'ruining everything'.
Something funny, or funny in a sad way, maybe.. the guy they sang
Macho Men to was a little older than me and liked me when I was in
9th Grade. The first day of school, me in a new town and school, he
let me sit with him on the bus. He was smart and in 11th Grade
already knew he wanted to be an architect. Well, after he called the
house for me once, Natalie and The Bumble would make fun of him, and
made up names for him, and when he and a friend rode by on horseback,
maybe to get a glimpse of me, the two of them called out these rude
names to him. I was so embarrassed, and angry, and felt powerless,
but not socially adept enough to stand up to them or to apologize to
the architect and his friend. It was like the adults in my life
behaved like teenage girls. I'm not sure it's obvious here, but
perhaps without meaning to, by making fun of kind, nerdy boys, and
supporting those like Truck Driver, they might have had some
influence on my selections in the early years.]
The Bumble was a little better than Neil when it came to the race
issue, and got the point of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, but he was
still uneasy. But part of that point means the guy can understand
because he's experienced true love. If you love him the way I love
your mother.. etc. So he'd never had that experience. And where he
grew up, I don't think he met many African-Canadians.
Blinky: I probably need to describe a humiliating
incident for The Bumble, because I think it possibly relates to
undiagnosed bowel issues in the family, including the stomach
problems I had in high school.
I think he had gone out to a work dinner at an Indian restaurant, and
it was his first time trying Indian food.
Most of the time, he couldn't eat really spicy things. He sometimes
liked hot Italian sausages, especially in a homemade chilli con
carne he made - but I don't think he liked chilli overly hot. It
could be that he always had bowel issues of some kind, something
undiagnosed, or mild enough that it didn't really require any
His sister had Crohn's. At age 11, legend has it that she was
obese, tipping the scales at 180 lbs (maybe that was an
exaggeration), and then she got sick and after that, she looked like
a normal weight person. Everyone glosses over this, and I think that
says something. Why was she that weight? Was it a genetic thing?
Females on The Bumble's side of the family tended to be taller than
average, but that's not enough of an explanation. Their adopted
female cousin was also obese. To me, this possibly hints at some
patterns in Mama Bumble and her sister that are specifically related
to female daughters, and it might have something to do with how hard
it was for me to control my food intake when I moved in with The
Bumble, some weird pattern in the family that I absorbed. Some
pattern in family relating, or maybe it even relates somehow to
surviving The Great Depression.
It could also be that when I had stomach problems in high school,
and occasionally later on from time to time in stressful situations,
it is related to yet another mutation of one of these problems.
It seems likely The Bumble had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but
that for most of his life it was manageable. In later years, he
didn't want to go on long drives from Northern Ontario and back, and
he had never liked to travel by plane. It sounds like his main issue
was diarrhea.
It seems like if I have IBS, for me it is predominantly pain-centred,
although it can alternate with diarrhea and mild constipation at
times. What that means is that the pain is the most significant
The first time I experienced it, I was 14. I asked to go to the
school nurse. I laid down for a while, and in a few hours? or maybe
less than an hour, I was ok. I joined phys ed class in progress.
It was most horrifically bad for the first time at a neighbour's
house. We were there for dinner, and something felt so badly wrong
that I said I needed to go to a hospital. But, because the emergency
doctor couldn't find anything, and subsequent barium exams didn't
reveal anything, the whole matter was dropped, and I was told to keep
a bottle of PeptoBismal in my locker - when I had symptoms, it never
helped at all.
The first really bad experience occurred at Goat Girl's house.
At 5 years old, that kid already had a 'rep' as being wild and crazy.
She runs with goats. She gets her goats to do her bidding. Sometimes
they attack her parents. She's not docile like her sisters, but she's
easy to control in another way, she's the easiest to have
She had many sisters, all pretty, with long blond hair and blue eyes.
The Bumble told us about Goat Girl, implying she was already
'psycho', and that the other one we were to meet was exceptionally
dimwitted. And I admit, that because in those days I still respected
him, I initially took his word for it, but then began to feel
embarrassed when my impressions of Goat Girl and her sister did not
match up to what he said. I liked them, and even thought they were
quite bright.
It was a rather unsettling experience, and it might have been one of
the messages it was hard for my brain to accept or process. For a
year of my life, or more, I longed to move in with The Bumble where
life would be better and not stressful, and I did like being an only
child, and having my own room and not having to go to church, and I
liked hearing rock music when getting ready for school at 6 in the
morning.. but I think part of my 'depression' might have been about
understanding some things instinctually that I didn't yet understand
consciously. The Bumble was one of those men who was OK with
superimposing labels and identities onto young, defenceless girls.
He was ok with trying to control their destinies or how others
perceived them. And if he didn't know he was doing it.. yikes, that's
not so flattering, either, and it doesn't suggest much positive
parenting ability, doesn't inspire trust.
Blinky: When I visited their house one night for dinner, with
The Bumble and Natalie, I couldn't stay. I had a stomach ache so
bad that I thought I was dying and I asked to go to the hospital.
I wasn't a complainer.. I didn't have that history as a child, but
when people don't know you, they start to make assumptions, and I
think probably people still don't know that it was really, really
bad for me to even say anything at all.
Then they all came over for dinner one afternoon. The father got
drunk, and took a nap on the sofa in the rec room to rest up before
dinner, sleep it off. Goat Girl stood up on the sofa and started
kicking him repeatedly in the stomach.
Blinky: Which links to another memory.. K-Pru. (K-Pru had a
teddy bear named J. Alfred Prufrock.)
K-Pru threw The Bumble a party for his 45th birthday. I was 20. I was
housebound at the time. I cleaned the house, baked some cakes,
prepared some massive salads and other assorted snacks, and put a lot
of effort into my hair and makeup. It was during one of my long
housebound stretches.. one of the only times I had contact with the
outside world.
All the dirty old men there insensitively commented on how
wonderfully I was turning out (which had zero to do with my food prep
skills), the typical crap, in front of their wives and significant
others. I came upon K-Pru and one of the country Enabler wives
cackling together about the wonders that can be achieved with makeup.
I smiled politely, and left the room, trying to put myself in their
positions. I resolved to be more compassionate toward all women, and
to try to continue that no matter how long I lived.
Dr Velvet Thong: How's that working out for you?
Blinky: I Want To Believe! in the goodness of women.
Dr Velvet Thong: Trust no one.
Blinky: So much male behaviour with females is just good ole
boys, ropin' a doped up calf. I guess women have a somewhat better
chance when other women are in the room, but I'm not so sure.
In later years, when The Bumble got back together with K-Pru, and
they got a place in Northern Ontario, this couple had retired up
there, too, so I guess they could all hang out and commiserate about
the hardships of parenting bad/disappointing kids.
Basically, I looked like not only a whiner, I looked like what no
one in the country admires: a highstrung, 'nervous' kid.
I think I tried to do my own relaxation exercises, and it did include
daydreaming about sex, but I think so much effort went into that that
I couldn't concentrate in school. It didn't affect my grades much the
first year I started to have stomach pain, but by the second it was
getting harder. I was also trying to control excessive sweating. I
did have success with controlling both, although occasionally they
snuck up on me. I could usually sense that beforehand, though, and on
certain days, I would try to wear something that showed sweat less,
and was looser. But I 'needed' to have days when I wore flattering
jeans and tight things, to help balance things and not totally lose
I may have underestimated how stressful it was to be both sexually
harassed, and also to feel internal pressure to be as attractive as I
could be, in order to be 'successful' overall. If we factor in
massive guilt because I wasn't able to control my food intake very
often, and that no authority figures seemed to take my discomfort
seriously, including The Bumble who just let it all drop, and perhaps
conveyed that he was embarrassed by me being so silly about it all,
and we factor in the other issues already described, I think it makes
sense that I had concrete reasons to feel depressed and increasingly
hopeless, to the extent that when I asked to see a psych and nothing
came of it, I acted out and was forced to get treatment and when
antidepressants didn't work, I didn't think there was any help for
me. I had to be stronger, more in control, and I couldn't. My
self-esteem was zero, I couldn't see a future for myself, and even
though I didn't want to die, I had exhausted my options and
resources. And, that The Bumble progressed to being actively
enraged by me, the chain of events begins to make more sense.
When I stopped leaving the house, I had very few episodes, and
through the years, they ended up being isolated incidents only - once
every couple of years, during a period. There would be diarrhea,
vomiting, fever, but the pain was the most significant feature. It
would only last one day, and the worst of it was about an hour.
After, it would be like I had an endorphin release, and combined with
Tylenol, I'd have an extremely restful sleep.
I was usually trying to figure out if my distended stomach was full
of gas or acid, and I guess it sort of feels like both, but 'de-gas'
pills and stuff to absorb acid don't help. I've usually had bowel
movements each day even when it's occurring, and it doesn't really
help with the pain (whether diarrhea or normalish stools). I think it
does feel like the intestines are inflamed, raw. The pain of this can
increase or decrease, but it mostly stays at the same level for
extended periods. The really painful part is the cramping. It's not
really a quick spasm. It's like a long contraction and the pain
builds to a peak and then releases, but not to a painfree state. And
it keeps continuing. Sometimes the cramps are constant, and sometimes
they only come once in a while. It seems like it has to run its
In recent years, when I attempt to quit drinking, I've had the
longest episodes ever. They've lasted anywhere from 1 week to 1
month. It can get so bad that taking paracetamol with codeine,
buscopan and ibuprofen all at once is not enough to make me
comfortable, and I can't do anything but lie in bed. I can't even sit
up to watch tv, and I don't watch lying down because the pain is too
bad to concentrate. I just have to wait.
I guess it makes sense that the pain might be excessive because
somehow the nerves are getting the wrong info, but the last time the
pain was severe enough I suppose that it's possible to imagine that
things are perforating and the abdominal cavity could fill with
horrifying bacteria, or it feels scary enough to wonder if the bowels
are somehow dying. I 'should' have gone to the hospital, but because
I can't trust health practioners to treat me with compassion or to
believe me, I couldn't consent to go.
In order to get a diagnosis, it seems that I'd probably have to go in
somewhere when experiencing symptoms, and that is probably the time
I'm least likely to go voluntarily. Aside from that, before or after,
I'd have to give a history, and go for the various tests to rule
other crap out, tests I'd find humiliating. So, it looks like I'm
pretty much fucked. I am going to have to try to figure out how to
manage my symptoms on my own, or just wait for the catastrophe.
Neither seems like a very good plan. My best idea: to try to find
a supply of medical marijuana, under the table.
If The Bumble was affected, and his sister, and possibly me, who
else? Mother Bumble never wanted to travel, but I'm not sure if she
had any issues. She told me about a brother of hers who was
apparently like me in that he didn't really leave the house. She
seemed sympathetic toward him, as if she had absorbed he wasn't
faking something or being lazy, or whatever. 3 kids with ichthyosis,
and luckily only one with bowel issues?
What if all along, my primary diagnoses were not depression and
anxiety, but ichthyosis and some kind of bowel disorder? (Er, and
addiction/eating disorder.) And since doctors and parents didn't
understand the conditions or their impact, I had even less control
over my own life than just in being a kid with parents who fought in
extreme ways, were kind of immature, and was struggling with the
curse of non-photogenicness?
It would definitely impact identity if you yourself think something
is serious, and you ask for help, and the lack of something
concrete to focus on results in those you know respecting you less.
It would impact self-esteem.
Dr Velvet Thong: You were saying something about an
Blinky: The way he told the story, I knew it wasn't funny to
him. It had been a seriously humiliating and horrific experience.
Driving home from the Indian restaurant, he began to feel uncertain
he could hold it until he got to a toilet, and this feeling got
worse and worse and he tried harder and harder to hold it in, and
There was an explosion of such force that diarrhea actually came
out from under his shirt collar. I imagined this with horror, and
also details like 'did he take his suit to the cleaner's and how
would he have explained it, or did he just throw the suit away?' I
wondered about what the cleanup must have been like, including in
the car, but I don't think he had any of the fancy expense account
company cars yet. It had happened before the Chrysler, and it might
have just been cheap vinylish seats. Ack, and I should probably say
Mama Smurf's car was the stationwagon, and he had another, but I
can't remember it, and before that they had a little baby blue
Volkswagen Beetle, which wasn't practical as they kept adding to
the herd.
In later life, when he moved to Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario, he
was more and more reluctant to go on long drives, and it could be
that he didn't want to risk being without a toilet for too long.
When I was a kid, and I knew the drive from Sudbury to Toronto was
about 5 hours, I would try not to think about having to pee, but of
course trying not to think about it made me think about it, it's not
like there's a lot to do in a stationwagon, and I usually had to go
and pee in the bushes at the side of the road at some point (but so
did the other kids, so it wasn't just me).
Blinky: When I was in kindergarten, I was in a school close
enough to the city that it wasn't all white kids. I developed a crush
on a black boy named Stephen. Every day there would be a snack time
and we'd be given a cookie, and then after we'd all get our
individual blankets and have a nap on the floor of the large carpeted
classroom. (The lights would be turned out and we would be told to
try to sleep, for about an hour or so) It was a bit like a
kindergarten meditation class, adults speaking in soothing
voices, telling us to have nice thoughts.
One day I offered my cookie to Stephen, but he refused it. So that
was my first rejection. Basically, since I was most drawn to him out
of all the kids in the class, I think it probably means that my
parents were somewhat open to the possibilities of interracial
dating, and passed their attitudes on to us.
In Northern Ontario, there'a a lot of racial tension. Near the
camp/resort, there was an old empty rusting water tank with Drunk
Tank graffitied on it, and people made jokes only about it applying
to the indigenous Canadians in residence. Neil was always grumbling
or making cracks about the indigenous Canadians.
Where we lived, the population was officially 52. There were a few
other 'resorts' and a combination general store/gas station/post
office, so other than those who ran the resorts, the only other
residents were Aboriginal. I'm actually not even sure if they were
included in the count, though. A lot of vacationers would come and go
through the summer.
When I was 14, I had a thing for an indigenous guy who dove from the
highest point at The Falls with incredible skill and ease, like the
young werewolves in Twilight, but he never took any of my hints and
so I felt kind of rejected. I never knew his name.
There was the horrible disaster when I went on a date at 18 with a
Sri Lankan guy who partway through the date told me about how he
picketed abortion clinics, and started to elaborate about the
philosophies behind it all.
And another horrible disaster at 21 at the time I had just discovered
the wonders of bulimia. An incredibly handsome young black man
followed me from the subway quite a ways down my street and I gave
him my number. He was intelligent and successful, and knew a lot
about computers, and I felt self-conscious because the computer
course I played up in talking to him was really just a lame 6 week
thing in association with the Futures program, for young Canadians
who for the most part really didn't have one. Ok, so I was afraid to
tell him that, but the bigger issues were that I didn't have a place
to live and was going to have to go to Winnipeg if I didn't figure
out something soon, and I could not stop eating and vomiting. And so
I always worried he thought it was a race issue. Stigma rears its
ugly head yet again.
Dr Velvet Thong: Er.. how do I put this? I'm feeling a tad
uneasy here.
Blinky: You mean, it seems sort of icky and racist of me to be
listing these anecdotes as if to get a biscuit, and ends up sort of
sending an opposite message, because the anecdotes aren't relevant in
and of themselves? OK, point taken.. In the future, will we be
saying things like: my first bf had OCD, the second ADHD, as if to
prove we were a little less bad than everyone else?
Dr Velvet Thong: I am kinda hoping the home viewing audience
perceives the sarcasm here.
Blinky: Boo's first serious girlfriend was a wunderkind
Chinese girl with a New Wave hairdo, whose father Ping kicked her out
of the house when he found the two of them in bed together. She
stayed with us for a while, in an already cramped apartment, when I
was in full withdrawal from the world mode.
In those days, I tended to read any books or textbooks siblings
happened to drag home, because I wasn't able to get out to the
library, and it was long before the internet. She had some things by
Sylvia Plath. I remember that we had a discussion about Sylvia Plath.
I said 'that chick is seriously out of touch with reality', and I
suppose she realized at that point there was no point in discussing
it further.
At 21 when I worked for 11 days as a waitress at the Delawana Inn in
Honey Harbour, the gay writer-waiter I befriended because he looked
down commented that I reminded him of Sylvia Plath, and I started to
connect some dots. He was one of those Writers who know they want to
be writers from a young age, and that intimidated me somewhat,
because I was still in the stage of burning everything I
I understand now a lot more of the complexities underneath 'seriously
out of touch with reality', but I think my original family is still
in the phase I was back then. How can you get someone help or
recognize anything's wrong when you judge that person as someone who
should be dismissed out of hand? I was a shut-in in incredible
discomfort, and instead of processing it creatively or
psychoanalytically, again and again, I was telling myself 'snap out
of it', and so was everyone else, and there was this stalemate where
no progress was made, and my self-esteem took blow after blow after
blow, from my family, and myself.
She had a cute little teddy bear and basically, The
Bumble's take on the whole thing was to call her and the bear the
'Chuck and Bob Show' - a reference to the 70s satirical comedy-soap
Soap, in which one character was a ventriloquist who couldn't be
parted from his dummy. That's an example of The Bumble's sense of
humour and how he tended to nickname our Significant Others. But he
also commented on behaviour in 'humorous' ways .
Beany had a wicked sense of humour, too. 'Chuck' knew a lot more
about cooking than I did [I have listed my repertoire in the family
skeleton recipe section], and I think she was trying to help expand
our palates or horizons while staying with us. I thought that was
basically a good thing, but one day Beany just lost it with her, and
I admit it, I found it extremely funny. It could be that Beany mainly
was tired with what she perceived as a 'superior' or condescending
attitude toward food, but her politically very incorrect rant was
pretty hilarious. I really can't do it justice, but I can remember
something like Beany was fucking sick of having to eat 'bok fucka
choy' every fucking night, and the whole rant was delivered with
incredible timing and perfectly chosen rhythmical slurs, with nice
attention to alliteration and uh, I had the word a moment ago.
It's weird, Boo had always been the only member of the family who
never really liked Chinese food, even before he started dating her.
I guess he had some cognitive dissonance issues of his own.
Blinky: The Bumble was allergic to hot weather and food that
might trigger bowel problems, he had difficulties with long drives,
and for some reason Boo chose to get married in Mexico.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think that was just about getting a
good price for a wedding package, or that it was also some kind of
unconscious statement on his part?
Blinky: Maybe it was a bit of both, but the price factor did
make it possible for a lot of friends and relatives to attend the
I guess it's kind of glaring that the two biggest asshats in the
family, me and The Bumble, were the only ones not in attendance.
It was the year I had travelled on my Socialphobe's World Tour thing.
At the end of that, I'd spent a couple of months in Melbourne trying
to relocate there, and failed, and was in crash mode again when
Cecil emailed me to inform me Grampa Sumrf had recently died, the
funeral had been a few days (or more) ago, and in passing, he
mentioned Boo's wedding. Nobody had been planning to tell me. I mean,
I hadn't told them when I was getting married, so I suppose that's
fitting, even though mine was a marriage of convenience and political
defiance, and the less everyone knew the better..
I made a few comments that I suppose Cecil passed on to Boo and I
guess I didn't irritate anyone too badly, and so Boo and I started
emailing back and forth, and he invited me to the wedding, and even
offered to pay for my hotel room.
I wrestled with it a lot, but in the end, I think it's probably best
I decided not to go. It seems like a majorly crappy thing, but I
think if I had gone it would have felt to me like everyone thought of
me as the biggest monster in the world, only they'd be sort of polite
and kind to my face about it. And if I tried to just keep the peace,
and support Boo on his day, I think I might have locked myself into
family patterns with no hope of ever challenging them, like,
reinforced the patterns for an extra decade or more, just by showing
up once for a wedding. And you know, perpetuated the idea 'Oh
Blinky's doing great, living in Australia'. I would have participated
in stigmatizing myself and mental illness by pretending I was normal
and fine, so as not to ruin Boo and Bram's wedding.
I had travelled around the world, yes, but not in a 'normal' way, and
in any conversation in which I was asked the usual questions, and
people demanded to see my social passports, conversation would have
become very awkward, very fast, because a lot of my baggage does
indeed come from the family of origin, and maybe it's best the new
relatives would have a more positive idea of that family, or, more
specifically, that they thought highly of Boo and sympathized that
he'd managed to get past the ugly parts (eg, me).
I think all my siblings have managed to find partners who
complement them well, who are decent people, attractive on many
different levels - basically good matches, even if I have some
issues with the institution of marriage itself, and the myths we
are sort of pressured to perpetuate when it comes to any longterm
I didn't ever meet Bram, but she and I exchanged emails for a while,
and when I did tarot readings via email for Boo, for a while I also
did them for her (I didn't do them for my other siblings or their
Significant Others). I think it's possible that eventually I was 'too
negative' for her and Boo was too kind to say anything, but it could
be that I had made things awkward and she was worried she had done
something wrong - even though she's a good communicator and can adapt
well to a wide range of people, there is this vibe about me that
tends to scare people off, and that's partly why I keep trying to
explain more about the stigma thing. But again, it's really difficult
to really see oneself, and I do get that the truth of the matter
might be that I am a kind of monster almost no one can stand to have
contact with, and Boo is extremely brave, and she accepts his loyalty
to family.
I do like Bram, but perhaps more importantly, I like her for Boo. I
also like the other SOs for the siblings in question.
"Around the world, women are the primary caregivers for children, the
elderly, and the sick, and this responsibility hampers their economic
When it came to enabling women for the future, the primary
recommendations all concerned investment: financial, education, and
cultural, in women's futures.
Blinky: Reading this quote, it would seem difficult for me to
connect that at 16 in a way I was a 'primary caregiver', and that it
might have had any effect on my economic development. It always felt
kind of like I hadn't done much of anything, even though I was with
the younger ones the majority of the time while The Bumble was out,
and I did all the meal planning, housecleaning, laundry, birthday
planning, etc. I didn't get any financial compensation or credit. It
was just 'normal', and The Bumble didn't think it was anything
because he still believed kids raised themselves and women didn't do
much, unless they had well-paying jobs. But, I could agree that I
needed some kind of investment in my future.
Blinky: I have compiled a list of the times in my life when I
have been physically violent with others.
1. Hair pulling and punching (The Bumble inflicted these on me, in
response to my depression), and my efforts to get free (a kind of
wild, crazy flailing, and name calling), . This I think was the most
dramatic and extreme. (I was 15)
2. Me punching Truck Driver at prom (16). (Ah, also in self-defence
when followed and attacked by 2 girls - I was 11 or 12.) Both
incidents resulted in black eyes for the recipients.
3. Bashing Beany's head against wall/closet when I could not
take her casual denigration. I was 20, she was 15.
The Bumble would mention the time I turned the kitchen table over on
my sister, but I don't think that's fair. I was trying to make a
dramatic/desperate point, it was him I was mad at, and I was careful
not to hurt anyone. Since it was him I was mad at, if I had turned it
over on anyone, it would have been on him.
Dr Velvet Thong: The Bumble had come into your room, you were
depressed and without energy, he became enraged, and dragged you by
your hair, in your socks, out to the barn to help with the horses.
The previous year, all the effort you had put into training for the
big horse show was rendered meaningless and you never received an
apology, and although it was the result of The Bumble's fuckup, you
were still expected to do your chores as usual. The following summer,
when you were so depressed you could not get out of bed, he
physically dragged you to the barn to help, and sometime after that,
when the weather had turned colder, this incident occurred. While he
was dragging you by your hair, you slipped in the mud, it was
painful, you snapped, and started flailing at him, trying to get
free, and he used extreme force to subdue you, including that he
punched you, but you eventually got free and ran a mile down the road
on a cold rainy night, in your socks, and climbed a tree.
We all know that story, and the one with the girls following you
home, and the one with Truck Driver at the prom, but wtf is this one
with Beany?
Blinky: That was an isolated, shameful incident I deeply
I hadn't gone out in a long time. I had some pretty clothes I hadn't
ever worn. Beany was going to a dance, and needed something to wear,
and I offered her some of my clothes. The day after the dance, I
found the clothes in a heap, she hadn't treated them well, dirty,
damaged, and when she spoke to me, she was cavalier about it all, and
even kind of cruel about my situation, this wasn't the first time
something like this had happened, and I snapped. And just as I
was smashing her head against the closet door (one of those sliding
door apartment doors, not a glass or mirrored one, a more flimsy
panel? type), that was the moment The Bumble brought K-Pru in the
front door to meet us for the first time. I guess I made a really
good first impression.
I can imagine this might be something that Beany would think of as
abuse, and that she might be angry about it, and she would be right
on both accounts. I am sorry, Beany.
These are all awful, and the third is shameful, and it would seem to
point to a possibly violent nature, but these were isolated
incidents, and they occurred early in life, when I was still
surrounded by examples of violence. I learned, I evolved, I shook off
my influences. In this, and also in the way The Bumble described
people and devalued them. I had to struggle to overcome those
patterns and become who I wanted to be. I was never as casual as The
Bumble, but from time to time, I would describe someone in a gossipy
way, a way they didn't deserve, or that demeaned the friendship -
sometimes when I had a valid complaint that could have been directly
addressed. I've made conscious efforts to learn from my mistakes, and
to change.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did Mama Smurf ever become physically
violent with you or any of your siblings?
Blinky: A few times here and there, and sometimes it was
pretty fierce. She'd lose her temper, we'd push her too far, but I
think she might have felt really guilty after, whereas The Bumble
never appeared sorry for anything he did, ever. The Bumble's lawyer
asked us if she hit us with an open or a closed hand, and he
demonstrated what he meant. She never used a closed hand.
In music class, for a while we studied The Beatles' experimental
music. And then we were assigned themes and told to make recordings
for that theme. Actually, we might have chosen themes out of a hat,
or something. I got 'water'.
I had noticed some beautiful and unusual sounds coming from under the
drains in the street where I lived some days on my way to and from
school, so I tried to capture those sounds. I tried to work
intuitively, and I recorded the sound of running water in the
bathroom of my house, and then I thought maybe I should pee and
record the sound, and the flushing of a toilet.
I might have rewound and pressed play to check it out while still in
the bathroom, and somehow my mother figured out what I was up to and
became enraged. I understood that I had done a shameful thing, and my
mother was so angry, I think this was one of the times she lost her
temper and smacked me repeatedly. Even after this, I was really
reluctant to give up my recordings because I was liking the way
things were flowing together, but I'm pretty sure I did remove the
peeing and flushing for the final version of the project to be
There were some things she didn't get mad about that other parents
might have. For example, I just remembered that at the place our
parents built together, Beany went through a phase where she would
poo in the pretty livingroom on the off-white carpet, behind the off-white
drapes. I think Mama Smurf was able to recognize that Beany was
probably stressed out by all the moving we'd done, and so Mama Smurf
was more worried about her than angry.
Blinky: There are only a few specific incidents of physical
violence between my parents I can recall, but that doesn't mean there
weren't more. However, the verbal intensity impressed itself more
strongly, and resulted in a kind of constant tension. I used to pray
every night they'd win the lottery so they'd be happy and wouldn't
fight anymore.
Dr Velvet Thong: Was money tight?
Blinky: They had different philosophies regarding money and
how to spend it. He kept moving up in the company, and getting
raises, and would want to move again, to better places, and buy more
stuff. We never stayed put. Bigger, better houses and better
locations, until finally we moved to the country, into a house
they built together. I don't think he liked the way she tried to
account for every penny, but with her in charge of money, instead of
a non-stop junk foodfest, we had lessons of different kinds, we
had excursions here and there, regular treats and she probably
planned to save to invest in our futures.
Dr Velvet Thong: The incidents of physical violence?
Blinky: She threw a glass ashtray at him while he was reading
the newspaper and narrowly missed his head. She beat him over the
head with a boot while he was lying in bed.
One night, he came home to find the locks changed. She had just
switched the front door and back door locks, but before he figured
that out, he tore off or broke down the front door in a rage. It was
a really big fancy heavy door, so it was kind of scary.
The year before the first trial separation was a very stressful one.
It's not just that I went to 3 different schools.. we lived in 3
different places, and had to move all our stuff more than once. For
a time, we were all crammed into Babci and Grampa's house, and it
recently occurred to me that at that time, Babci was probably already
pretty advanced in her illness. But to have 4 kids, all that moving,
having to stay with inlaws, that would be very stressful on a
marriage. Not to mention all the details involved with finishing up
the new house when you're doing a lot of the work yourself. I'm not
sure what month we moved in, but by summer vacation, they had split
Dr Velvet Thong: You said he had referred to her as an
alcoholic and drug addict. Was there any truth to that?
Blinky: If there was, she hid it well. Every once in a while,
there'd be an empty bottle of red wine in the trash, but I'm pretty
sure she shared it with Neil.
I only remember seeing her drunk once, whereas it's a lot easier to
remember a drunken Bumble, on many occasions. She was probably drunk
on many family occasions, and when visiting friends, but in most of
those instances, all the drunk adults sort of blur together.
On that occasion, we were visiting old friends, from one of the early
neighbourhoods. We kept in touch long after we had moved away. In
that neighbourhood, I had liked the tricycle of the daughter who was
my age (3), (or maybe it belonged to her sister) and it was through
us that our mothers got to know each other.
Mama Smurf was drunk, the other adults were, too, and she was either
flirting with or responding to flirting from the man of the house,
and it all started to get ugly. The four of us kids were there, as
well as their two kids.
I don't know how to describe it, but something really scary
happened. The man, it was like he was going from Jeckyll to Hyde
before our eyes, and the girls were immediately scared out of their
minds and ran to cower under things, and somehow I sensed that they'd
seen this kind of thing before.
We left before it got worse, but I don't know what happened after we
left. That's the guy The Bumble seemed to imply had finally killed
his wife years later, and I didn't call my friend. Meanwhile, on the
drive home, not too far from where we lived, Mama Smurf drove the
stationwagon into a ditch. It was still a fair hike to walk home, and
a teenager stopped and gave us a ride. As a thank you, Mama Smurf
invited him in for a drink, and I think there was some flirtation
going on. That also might have been the night The Bumble ripped the
door off the hinges, but I might be combining two separate incidents
in my memory.
Did Mama Smurf have access to any drugs through her Space Cowboy
connections? I don't know. And I don't really know how she
controlled her weight. If she was an alcoholic, it seems unlikely to
me she would have been able to maintain her weight.
In those days, it wasn't that hard to get diet pills, and so perhaps
between smoking, caffeine and diet pills she managed it, and that
also had something to do with why she had heart problems at 37, but I
don't know. If there was anything from her sister and brother-in-law
that was effective, it seems the sister would also have access to it.
However, Sister Smurf's weight was always up and down, and she was
never as slim as Mama Smurf. She smoked, and smoked pot regularly,
and she also liked red wine.
I met one of Neil's baby mamas. She was an addict. My mother never really seemed
either drunk or high. It could be that she saved such behaviours for times we
were visiting The Bumble.
Blinky: It was passed through the grapevine that my friend's
father had some issues and got violent, and I think he put his wife
in the hospital several times. The Bumble never liked him and said he
looked shifty-eyed, and he also intimated that he and various others
had thought this would happen some day. I wonder if that family
thought something similar about The Bumble.
Years later, I heard that the wife had died young, and The Bumble
seemed to be saying he thought it was the result of a beating that
got out of hand, but I have never known for sure.
Dr Velvet Thong: Your friend and her mother had been at Mama
Smurf's funeral?
Blinky: Yes. I didn't go to her mother's funeral. I was afraid
to contact her, in case I made things worse. In the last conversation
we had, she had told me about how she was married to a guy who was
a couch potato and she was getting fed up, and I told her about my
most recent hospitalization and being on welfare and she asked me if
that was enough for me, and she didn't mean in a monetary sense.
I understood that she couldn't relate to my situation, and it made
me feel pretty bad. But aside from that, my raging eating disorder
and the fact that I rarely went out made the whole thing difficult.
I was afraid to contact her in case by accident I made things all
about me. We've never spoken since, and I don't blame her.
Blinky: At that time she was going places in life and didn't
need to be held back by losers. She was a neonatal nurse at the same
hospital where I'd had my abortion. Yes, she was the one I OD'd with
the first time. She was getting herself together, and I didn't want
to drag her down. A big part of it was her tone while talking to me.
I understood that she was not impressed, and I understood she thought
I was a loser. I quietly went away.
On one of the days designated for viewing my mother's body, she ran
after me when I ran out the door of the funeral home in distress
crying. I had been talking to my mother's distant cousin, the one
who later invited me to stay with her and her husband, and the things
she was saying, about me, my mother and grief, I just couldn't relate
to any of it, and that's what panicked me and set me off and I ran,
and I guess it didn't seem totally out of place or unexpected. I felt
like a fraud because I didn't think I was crying about my mother's
death. I thought it was about something else.
We talked for a while and we both said we had been raped and had
abortions (er that I was going to have one). I always felt guilty for
the way it came out and that I lied and I know girls like me give
girls a bad name, but in many ways my experiences with him were
fairly bad, and he did try to rape me a few times before acquiring
consent, and karma's a bitch, he did anally rape me not long after,
maybe to make an honest woman of me.
Maybe sometimes people don't know how to articulate some awful
experiences and so it comes out in words others can understand and
sympathize with.
Blinky: One thing I want to get across relates to betrayal
and saying negative things about family. In large part due to The
Bumble's example, of how he treated me, but also due to how Mama
Smurf became angry and insecure when people didn't take her side,
and also because of competitive issues in both families with siblings,
(see the various examples where every time his sister is doing better,
he has to come up with a new insult or way of framing the situation
so he can 'top' his sister, and Mama and Sister Smurf's possibly
unconscious but serious rivalry.. for me to go public is a major
betrayal and I'd fully expect many family members to say 'you think
you're the only one with problems, but more than that, that rather
than to try to see what I'm trying to say and think about it
carefully, to dismiss it or see it as a justification for
retaliation: I have been so nice all these years keeping your fuckups
to myself well now you're gonna finally get it! Because I think
or expect 'family' to react with anger, violence or retribution to
my experiences and feelings, which has probably never been a very
good incentive to have feelings, about anything.
But with my Manifesto, I'm not trying to bring the family down, at
least not consciously. I'm trying to stand up for myself and my
feelings, and I'm trying to point out flaws in the family structure
and belief system. It's not that I think I've got everything right
and made no mistakes myself, but one person can only figure out so
much on her own without feedback. It's like for years I've tried to
be ready to calmly address my mistakes and brace for the
understandable anger that might come with it all, and it's hard to be
constantly ready, thinking your whole family might attack you as an
individual all at once. But what other choice was there? And if they
are going to wait until I die, and then try to 'rebut' what I've
said, then I damn well better try to answer as much in advance as I
Blinky: When I got out of the hospital, for two weeks, the
Bumble had been on his own with Beany, and I think it's likely she
absorbed his attitudes. No child wants to unleash that kind of rage
in a parent. It threatens the feeling of being loved and secure in
that love. Beany became an anti-Blinky. All of the kids had witnessed
parental rage toward Blinky, and none of them wanted it for
themselves. None of them were ever 'problem teens'. To be a problem
teen was to be damned to hell, and even to death. And from that
point, in part their own security and sense of self-esteem developed
at the expense of Blinky's. Whenever they could show they weren't
like her, it was another notch on the belts of their self-esteems.
See Ma, see Pa, I'm not like Blinky. They didn't know they were doing
it, or that The Bumble encouraged and reinforced it.
At every family get-together, everyone trotted out their lists of
successes, or at least 'normality'. That pattern was set young.
That's what 'dinner conversation' was.
I got my Learner's Permit, but he never offered to take me driving
because he didn't think he could stand to be around me. It was enough
that he was forced to go to counselling sessions after the suicide
attempt with me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Didn't he get caught for drunk driving
around that time?
Blinky: Yes, 3 times I think between my suicide attempt and
June or so. Maybe he believed it had something to do with me and
what I had put him through, but Natalie had left him, his horse
business had failed, he wasn't going to be able to keep the farm or
the horses unless he figured out something fast, and I think he
kind of reverted to out of control teenage boy behaviour. He wasn't
coping, and there was no one to help stabilize his life and
behaviour. If he hadn't lost his licence, and if our mother had died
a few months earlier, maybe he would have been able to keep the
farm, but I don't know. (If child support payments didn't have to
be made, and we all moved in together.)
Dr Velvet Thong: His father was killed by a drunk driver at
age 41?
Blinky: I don't know for sure, but that's the story I
remember. He was walking at night, and was hit by a drunk driver.
Mother Bumble was not impressed by the institution of marriage and I
think she had some problems with his drinking, and I don't know for
sure but it seems possible that he was actually a drunk pedestrian
when he was struck and killed, but maybe there's more to the story.
But if someone's father is killed by a drunk driver, are they more
aware of the possibilities and do they try to be more careful
Maybe since he knew someone who had been struck by a drunk driver
he saw the 'other side' of this issue? Maybe the world is better off
without some pedestrians? His life improved after his father died.
He gained his father's power and couldn't be bullied by him, and
there wasn't the tension of having to fight in order to develop. The
Bumble's pattern with stepsons was always the same: look for the
worst in them and ridicule and disparage them at any opportunity, as
if they are threats to your male power and authority. Kneecap 'em
before they get the chance to get big and strong and usurp you.
The Bumble said his father used to tease him about being skinny,
weak and uncoordinated, but The Bumble grew up to be tall, very
strong and athletic. The Bumble often teased kids and others about
things that weren't going to change. But he thought his father was
mean, whereas he himself just had a good sense of humour, and that
people who couldn't tell the difference weren't very bright.
All of us learned how to swim, we all had bikes, we climbed trees, we
played the usual kid games like Hide and Seek, I had ballet, and also
tap and jazz for a while, as well as a bit of figure skating, and
piano lessons for a while, Cecil, Boo and I had judo for a while, Boo
and Cecil had hockey, but only Boo stayed with it, Beany had ballet,
but only for one season, then she had modelling, (Boo and Beany were
chosen for a sprog fashion show once, but me and Cecil were
rejected), The Bumble taught us about horses and how to ride (and
rope a bit), he also taught us how to box and he taught us some
street fighting tips, Grampa Smurf was a champion horseshoe thrower
and golfer and taught the boys, in Northern Ontario we all had
crosscountry skis, and we learned to waterski (Cecil and I were the
best swimmers, but Boo was the best waterskier and downhill skier),
we all played tee-ball for a while and the boys went on to play
baseball, but I had hated tee-ball, a dropdown list would probably be
better for all of this.
Boo continued in adulthood to seek out team sports, and I think even
now might play hockey and basketball. For a while Gandhi played
hockey with him, and online computer games with Cecil.
Cecil was a good all-round athlete. At one of the Toronto
universities when he was in high school, he came 4th in discus
throwing, when I don't even think he trained, it's just that he had
the kind of grace and coordination that went with that particular
event. None of us had in-depth or focued training in any sport. In
Northern Ontario, it was often difficult to find good teachers.
Beany ended up getting fewer types of lessons than the rest of us,
and her health issues had also made some things difficult.
She played field hockey for a while in high school.
Cecil was good at gymnastics (me too). He was phenomenally strong,
and very graceful. And like me he had really good endurance.
People would always assume he was bigger than he was. He didn't
look overweight or anything, but his waist and hip measurements
would be much smaller than people guessed. I guess that's kind of
like me, but I think he just looked extremely proportional and
fit, whereas I had to struggle to look fit.
Cecil, Boo and I spent a lot of time engaged in a kind of consensual
wrestling. None of us ever 'fought dirty', we could all be counted on
to fight fair, and basically just try to pin the opponent down or
whatever or get the other to say give. (I usually won in the end. And
I usually won when we raced, too.) I remember in Inglewood, we had a
selection of bandaids ready, and some other first aid stuff, in the
basement rec room, in case anything went awry, so we wouldn't have to
go upstairs and alert the parental units. (We never needed them.
There was a pair of scissors I used once to cut some gum out of
Cecil's hair, and I did a terrible job and he had this missing hair
huge hump where it was, but I do remember finding it hysterically
funny, the way he looked. But I hadn't tried to make him look bad..
I'd honestly tried to cut it so the parents would never know the gum
had been there.) We played rough, but we had a good instinct about
how far we could push each other. I think this really helped all of
us to develop certain kinds of strength and agility.
Aside from isolated incidents, we all really tended to play extremely
fair. I don't think Cecil and Boo fought each other (in anger, or
anything not like the consensual stuff we did as kids) and they
certainly never fought The Bumble. For the most part, the three of
us might have been a good influence on Beany. I've mentioned her
health problems, but she was strong and athletic, too. She didn't
get the chance to try as many things as the rest of us, partly
because she was still so young when Mama Smurf died, and Mama Smurf
had a lot to do with introducing variety, or organizing it.
And she also used to make sure we went regularly for doctor's
checkups, dentist appointments and haircuts. All that went out the
window with The Bumble, except that The Bumble might have noticed
when the boys' hair was getting long and would give them money for
SuperCuts and say go get a haircut.
In those days, though, my favourite part of the day would be when
I could read in bed with my reading light.
We might have been active in ways a lot of kids now aren't now, and
maybe even back then the variety we were exposed to might have had
something to do with why we tended to be good all-round athletes.
There was a lot of excess, though, and we never learned consistency
or discipline, and we were uprooted a lot, and although each of us
had specific talents, none were developed to their full potential.
There wasn't enough focus.
We tended to be aware of how much we didn't know, and that we weren't
experts in any area, whereas when participating in any activity we'd
often come across those who'd focused for years in particular
specialties. They'd tend to be more sure of themselves, and would
often underestimate us. Just like 'horse people' have certain codes
of behaviour, so do people in various sports and intellectual
pursuits, and we wouldn't be as 'extroverted'. We were 'different'
in a way that's hard to pinpoint.
Beany has a kind of forced extroversion that comes across kind of
like a salesperson or bureaucrat, except that I think she thinks
she's sincere. She tends toward the opinionated, but as a sprog,
that's part of how her identity developed, and how she differentiated
herself. Adults found her cute and amusing when she expressed
I wonder if studies have been done regarding how well children fare
when the mother or father dies, and which tends toward the best
The Bumble took us to see Jaws, and Beany was so scared that she had
to sit on his lap facing away from the screen. And the rest of us
were evil.. we tortured her in a swimming pool with the Jaws music
theme, and used flutterboards for shark fins, that kind of thing. The
Bumble also had the paperback, and I'd read it. Every cool/popular
new book he tended to have. So between his books, Mama Smurf's, porn,
Seventeen magazine, Classic Literature, and whatever else I managed
to find on my own at the library, and the mandatory books in school,
it's maybe like my reading material was varied in the way my athletic
development was, but this wasn't the case for the others. I think
with porn they mainly looked at the pictures, they didn't read many
of The Bumble's or Mama Smurf's books, or seek out stuff on their
own. But if they were starting with a similar potential and
intelligence, it means that their intelligence was channelled
differently from mine.
It makes sense that if my background prepared me for 'psychology'
that to them it looks like a foreign language.
Dr Velvet Thong: How many times have you been hospitalized in
psych wards, and the circumstances in each case?
Blinky: I've been hospitalized 3 times; 4 if you count the
OD on baby aspirins at age 3, with the neighbour mentioned above.
On that occasion, she and I shared an economy-sized bottle on my
parents' bed, while presumably the adults had cocktail time for an
extended period.
We were rushed to Emergency, our stomachs were pumped, we both
survived. I instigated the whole thing, and I've always felt kind of
guilty about it. I'm not sure where I got the idea, though. It is
one of my early most detailed memories of childhood, though.
Dr Velvet Thong: Moving along to age 16.
Blinky: A series of events. First, in summer, the breakdown
at my mother's, asking to see a psychologist, the disappointing
results of the sessions I attended, spending two weeks in bed, being
dragged to the barn in nightie to help with chores, then at school,
mounting stress and eventual acting out - getting drunk, blacking
out and screaming at parties and making out. Which reminds me I have
to get the layer of obsession into all the 'problems', but I'll get
back to it.
One day I skipped school, walked home with my neighbour through the
Holland Marsh so we wouldn't be seen on the main roads, and it took
over 3 hours to get home, then we drank beer together, The Bumble's
supply of Canadian ale in the cellar, and I drank 13 and next you
know, Beany comes home from school, finds me in a pool of my own
vomit and The Bumble drives me to Emergency with suspected alcohol
poisoning. After that, I had some mandatory counselling sessions and
a script for imipramine.
I took it for a couple of months, but it wasn't helping at all, and I
hated the dry mouth, I felt hopeless, and I just started saving them
up, and collecting amphetamines from this guy at school. I didn't
really want to die at that point, but I couldn't see a future for
myself, and I didn't know how to reduce the tension that it was
becoming unbearable to live with.
At this time Truck Driver wore me down, and I've already described
that to some extent. I had spring exams which I hadn't studied for,
and all term I'd just been writing the date and crossing it out in
all my notebooks. A crisis had been brewing for a long time. Truck
Driver for some reason brought Bright's President to school on a day
I had 3 exams. He showed it to me and gave me a sip and then said I
shouldn't have more because I had exams to write, but I said fuck it,
I'd written a couple of tests drunk earlier in the term and still got
the highest mark in the class.. he had two bottles, and I chugged.
I had to write in the conflict room because I had so many exams on
one day, and the room was spinning, weaving, etc. I didn't even
bother to read questions, and I scrawled my name in huge letters,
like a kid in kindergarten.
That day, my mother was picking me up in the stationwagon for March
Break. For the first time, I slept through most of the trip up
North. She asked me if I had been drinking and I said no.
I spent that week fantasizing about my old bf, the one who dumped me
after 2.5 weeks, and told myself it was just for the week, and when I
returned back I resolved I would be a faithful girlfriend, and only
think of Truck Driver, and accept the good fortune of having someone
who cared about me. And then there was the birthday party, which I
have described, and then on the Monday when I got my exams back, I
had failed all three I had written that day (and no others. My scores
weren't as high as usual, but still better than most kids'.)
I told The Bumble about my failed exams and it enraged him, and so
I said something like 'I'm failing everything!' when I wasn't
actually in danger of failing any subject, and he got madder still
and said I had half an hour to get my things and get the fuck out of
the house.
I had nowhere to go, and I didn't want to call Truck Driver. I was
backed into a corner and didn't know what to do. The Bumble
demonstrated to Beany that the appropriate response to my depression
and shennanigans was Rage. I flipped the dining table over (not on
her, as he said) with full care not to hurt anyone, but still with
dramatic flair. She had found me in vomit, she saw me take pills - I
was doing this to her, and she's never forgiven me. He taught her to
have no empathy for me, and to not put up with my shit.
I know that kind of thing does have effects, but I think some
balance and proportion should be restored to the overall picture.
Dr Velvet Thong: It seems there's something of a pattern. Each
time you ended up in a hospital from puberty on, it was related to
not having a place to live, and was tied to your birthday. Not
long after your 23rd birthday, you learned that he hadn't expected
you'd live past your 21st. Just after your 24th, perhaps because you
sensed mounting tensions again, you preempted things and went
voluntarily, at a time you also did not have a place to live.
When it comes to police, sirens, emergencies, I'd been
through a few in my life. As a kid, there were a few of my own, and
each of the others had turns as well.
At 13, the sirens were blaring and lights flashing when Mama Smurf
sent them, and they used a megaphone thing to address the house in
general at first. She put me in the position of having to talk to
them, even though I had a legal right to choose.
At 16, sirens and flashing lights again with the ambulance that took
me to the smalltown country hospital.
And, I'm not sure if it was before or after that, a prank call,
probably from my nextdoor neighbour who wanted to get back at me
because The Bumble told a mother in denial that her fucking daughter
smoked drugs when said mother said to him that I was a bad influence
on her daughter. The daughter had tried for years to get me to smoke
cigarettes and drugs, and to drink, and for a couple of years we had
remained friends without me succumbing, and then eventually I started
trying things, which is not to say I might not have been a bad
influence in some other way, but the mother would not believe her
daughter capable of any of this, and assumed that if anyone was
doing drugs, drinking or smoking, it was me.
Basically, she sent a fire truck with sirens and lights to the
house, and I had to go to the door to deal with the situation as I
was the only one home.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think there might be some kind of
link between these experiences and your issues with answering doors?
Blinky: I've faced sirens and flashing lights a significant
amount of times in my life, and it might have contributed to PTSD
symptoms when answering a door.
It's like when you admit you are bulimic, and the people present
think you're admitting to cheating on a test, regarding your
appearance, or in general, and that's all there is to it. All public
conversations for me were like that, and so sometimes it didn't make
sense to put myself in that kind of situation. I mean, look at how
people communicate online about complex issues. It doesn't make
sense if your self-esteem is already low to put yourself to the
judgment of people who just don't know much about either social
issues, health, or my personal story.
And when your family itself shares the views of the public..
Dr Velvet Thong: Your experience is that if you try to
express your feelings, pain or experience, the family response will
be anger, rage, physical violence, contempt or dismissal in the
form of silence. And that's when you haven't even used inflammatory
language, so if you get more 'negative', watch out! I think it makes
sense that if you try harder to be heard and acknowledged, the
retribution might be more severe.
Blinky: Recognizing I have a valid problem might be beneficial
for the family as a whole to solve. They don't mean to, but their
attitudes are reinforcing that I am an embarrassment and it's best
not to encourage me, but I think I am the result of the logical
extension of some of the family philosophies. Maybe it's up to each
of them to decide whether it actually is the case that I am a
traitor or lost cause and to dissociate themselves, or whether it is
possible to rethink some of their ideas about what 'family' means,
challenge some of their prejudices, face their fears or insecurities,
and find some way for everyone to have a secure personal identity and
self-esteem even if there isn't Blinky as the Failure to compare
themselves to/validate themselves.
And as for me writing things after The Bumble's death, when he has no
chance to respond - I put the 'psychoanalysis' out there years before
his death (and the original copies of The Manifesto years before
that). He had a chance to confront me on more equal terms - for most
of my life he kept driving it home that I had no right to an opinion,
look at your life, that kind of thing, and I knew in person, and in
speaking he had more 'power' and respect/authority, and so I think it
makes sense that I tried to level the playing field and force him
onto my territory if he 'cared' - that he could have written. They
had a computer, he could have asked for K-Pru's help to get started.
If he cared enough.
And so if they eventually try, is it really going to be anything
more than admitting the 'embarrassing' things Blinky isn't
admitting, kind of like peeing under chairs, or whatever, and they
won't see what they're really saying because they don't understand
the extent to which they are brainwashed?
The things everyone was 'too nice' to say before? But the problem is,
when you don't write, when you don't speak, it all seems clear in
your head, and then when you go to make your arguments, you might
not really have a good one. I've struggled with that myself, and I've
thrown a lot of my writing away, but over time I've been able to see
some of what I couldn't before, and I think I do have some 'good'
This also ties in with having a father who is a 'hero' who accepts
all the misfits of society who beat their wives and molest their
kids.. it helps with open-mindedness and not raising snobs, but it
makes sense you might have a kid who won't be able to tell who means
her harm or not, who won't be able to figure out what rape actually
is, and who will actually apologize to someone (for leading him on)
when he attempts to rape her. If you accept your friends
unconditionally, these could be some of the results.
But it's like the whole thing is based upon beliefs I don't accept:
that it's a sign of lasting damnation and evil if someone makes any
mistake ever, and that it's terrible to have a need to try to talk
about past issues and make some changes. I don't think they know
that they have an unconscious anger toward me, or what it might be
based on, and as a result, I don't know if they really do understand
what 'stigma' and misinformation about mental illness mean.
And the whole thing is so tricky, because how do you draw the line
between responsibility and personal irresponsibility? What is mental
illness and what is self-pity and milking it? But yes, I do sort of
expect attacks and anger in response to my feelings and experience,
and silence feels like anger, too.
Blinky and Dr Velvet Thong have an emergency therapy session,
because Blinky is starting to feel yet again like she's not saying
anything important and that because she's communicated so poorly,
it makes sense that no one will ever understand what the hell
happened, and why she became so depressed and non-functioning when
really it doesn't seem like much happened to her at all.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think you can sum up your situation
more quickly yet, or is it still too difficult?
Blinky: Let's give it another try.
Most people single out events. An incident at 5 with a babysitter,
father's sexual advances, an abortion, a mother's death, a traumatic
sexual experience at the hands of the unscrupulous and unrepentant.
All of these things contributed, as well as ongoing medical issues,
ichthyosis, an undiagnosed, painful and possibly unusual bowel
condition, and factoring in how hard it is to be a teen - in my
particular case, I had a very oily scalp, which made my hair a
problem to style, and I had trouble maintaining my 'most attractive'
weight. I dealt with a lot of the sexual harassment that many teen
girls face, and in changing schools so many times, I was hazed over
and over and had to fight for my place. Erratic parenting, their
extreme fights and power struggles.
The addictive behaviour made all of these things much worse, and this
was the main area in which I felt out of control. I could not eat
like a 'normal' person, and the resulting distress affected every
part of my life and my day.
In having visitation with The Bumble, all the kids were exposed to a
kind of excess that The Bumble did not really understand was
unhealthy. When left alone in the house, I acted this out: I kept
waiting for parental guidance and help that never came. My eating
wasn't for fun, it was a kind of panic, a way of trying to express I
needed some kind of psychological 'nourishment'.
Mama Smurf was 'more right' than The Bumble, but my unconscious
programming couldn't accept this. She cared in ways he would never
be able to. She could see what was needed for internal and external
The two of them had very different philosophies. Some of his humour
felt like devaluation to her, and she didn't want her kids to grow
up with it. Throughout my life I've tried to find a balance with
cynicism, realism, as well as trying to see the good. This has been
a major struggle, and probably relates to how difficult it became to
attend family functions, always feeling guilt whatever decision I
When I moved in with The Bumble at 13, I began to have crushes that
were more intense than those of other kids. I had waited a couple of
years to have the legal right to choose to live with The Bumble, and
once I was there, what was missing was what I mentioned above, a
kind of caring and guidance that I didn't know were important.
What I experienced that none of my siblings did was the primal rage
of each parent, directed at me. They were both quite powerful, and
I was still relatively innocent, unformed and unprepared. The
others saw only glimpses of it, but I think it 'scared them into
line' - a kind of survival instinct, their lives and the chance to
be loved depended on it.
Throw in many moves, and giving up of pets, and writing to people
who eventually stopped writing to me. I pass over these things
quickly, but it's part of the process of how a person loses ties to
Dr Velvet Thong: Try to focus. I thought you were going to
try to sum it up quickly.
Blinky: OK. I became a problem The Bumble didn't know how to
solve. He'd used me to make Mama Smurf feel bad: see, she doesn't
need you, all of your horseshit was for nothing, and then rather than
see she was right when I did start to go belly up, he dismissed me as
a lost cause, or rewrote the story to say I had always been off and
destined to kill myself.
I think all of the events were enough in themselves, but the final
straw was probably The Bumble's look of utter contempt and disgust.
All my suffering, all the things I'd tried, all the love I had for
family, and that's how he saw it.
And I still had enough 'love' that I tried to see it positively. I
put myself in his position, and I saw it was difficult to have a
daughter who just wouldn't leave. But in order to still love him and
the rest of the family, I had to create a love fantasy in which I
would fall in love with someone, and we would go on a trip and
kill ourselves together.
I would be helping my father and my family, and I'd still get to
have a personal and intense 'romance' and connection. Win-win. I
did not attract that, because what's underneath the fantasy is
fucked up. It's about me accepting my family's lack of understanding,
lack of support and trying to say it's ok to see me that way. Their
treatment of me isn't really 'loving'.
I still didn't understand totally. Instinctually, I kept thinking I
fell out with my family after the 'Get a fucking job you fucking
loser' incident, but it was just a glaring one that stuck in my
mind, an example of how he would spin situations to come out looking
like a 'hero', while deflecting attention away from the fact that
he never had to apologize for anything. He never had to ackknowledge
that he'd behaved badly. So, whether it's for physical or
psychological abuse, contempt, anger, sexual advance, he would
always spin it such that he never had to apologize or admit he had
behaved badly.
Because no one stood up to him, unconsciously, it felt like they let
him speak for them. His rage and contempt were unconsciously passed
on: this is the way to respond to her ridiculous 'depression' and
accusations. Rage and contempt, or simply refusing to dignify her
communication with any kind of response. Silence, freeze her out.
We were in family therapy presumably because there were some hidden
patterns we probably needed to identify. We didn't solve our
communication issues there, because we couldn't identify them.
What I needed was
the belief that I deserved support to get
therapy, but also that it was
possible to help me. The Bumble
did not believe I could be helped, and we all internalized this. It's
been a pretty major stumbling block all my life, and at a certain
point, it probably became the truth. But I think there's a
distinction to be made. It might be the truth now, but it probably
wasn't back when I was 15-16.
When I received disability, I wasn't like the others I've had
contact with who receive it. They have somehow had some kind of
input or counselling or internal belief system that allows them to
accept it. I was constantly feeling undeserving, and that it was only
fair it be cut off soon such that I had to live on the street or
kill myself, because that is what I 'deserved' for being who I was.
And I'd constantly struggle with the things I had to do to ensure I
could keep getting it. It all made me feel very bad about myself,
which became another obstacle to meeting new people or having a life,
and the thing is, objectively I can see that my situation was
'bad enough' that I would qualify for this type of help. So maybe the
underlying family belief is that the disabled are worthless, and
should get themselves to the suicide forest without further delay.
I suppose philosophically it's all still valid. You're born into a
certain society at a certain time, life isn't fair, if you struggle
under the weight of your particular burdens, suicide is a valid
option. But, it's also valid to try to contribute something to the
understanding of the mind and the dynamics of communication and
needed someone to see that I needed support, encouragement,
to attend therapy regularly, that I was worth effort, I needed
my family to see me as someone who was actually sentient. It might
sound odd, but they just didn't think about what I was doing with my
time or life. I know that most families are like this, and it's not
that I had no personal initiative. I did make efforts, but my
obstacles were so great that even very great efforts did not connect
with reality to a great enough extent.
OK, yes, I see it, as I express it, I see I'm still taking too many
words to say it all, and to most people it's not going to sound like
anything but noise, and they will retain their current beliefs.
That doesn't mean I shouldn't try to say it, and try to say it
better, until I actually am capable of contributing to the
evolution of human consciousness.
Blinky: When I look over my life, I don't want to go back and
relive any of it or do it over. And I think that points to the
main problem. I don't think I can imagine any life in which I'd be
happy. So, does that mean my destiny has always been to be one of
the rejects of society, who gets off to a reasonably good start,
then goes downhill fast, and is abandoned to a horrible fate?
What do I believe, underneath? In my struggles to understand all
people's motivations and situations, it's about wanting a better
world, one where we don't have to accept that some people must
suffer all their lives and there's simply nothing that can be done.
So it means that I don't want people to have to go through what I
have, and I myself want something better for myself.
Dr Velvet Thong: Let's scrap this dialogue. You've said
these things before. You need to learn to say them better. You'll
have to accept that even when you've said things well, most people
don't have the necessary foundation of knowledge and experience to
absorb it. They're not living at the same level of consciousness.
"Fathers who are moderately strict are those that have clear rules,
and agreed-upon rational consequences that have been discussed with
their teen children," Guilamo-Ramos said. Teens should understand
their fathers' expectations, and know the consequences of not
following the rules. But fathers should also discuss with their teens
the decisions teens can manage on their own and the areas fathers
want input from their teens in making a rule or decision, he
Encouraging appropriate levels of teen autonomy and being consistent
are important actions for fathers, he said.
Blinky: Maybe I set a bad example when I moved to Australia.
I didn't call anyone or talk to anyone.
Dr Velvet Thong: Whoa, what happened there?
Blinky: For the past 3 years, I'd had very little contact with
any family members, while Gandhi continued to socialize with my
family members, their significant others, and a circle of friends.
When my disability was cut off, I went through a kind of 'desperate
phase' where I tried to get out into the world to find a way to
kill myself, and after that crashed, I withdrew.
Dr Velvet Thong: Your family didn't inquire as to what was
going on with you?
Blinky: After the whole family therapy debacle, I think
everyone assumed I was 'set for life', and in addition to that, they
have this approach to communication that's like 'oh Blinky, she's
fine, she's with Gandhi, she's busy.' It was what they learned early
on to hide the situation from relatives and friends, and the unspoken
thing was that I was an embarrassment to the family; I reflected
badly on them. And yet, Beany and probably the others might actually
believe they always accepted me, exactly as I was/am.
Dr Velvet Thong: Cognitive dissonance.
Blinky: More than half a year before I was even in contact
with Don Quixote, Gandhi and Madison went together to get tattoos,
and just prior to that, on New Year's Eve that year, when I was at
home alone, there was an odd drunken phonecall.
Maybe this relates to the stigma and misunderstanding about mental
Gandhi, my brothers, the whole social group went to a party at
Madison's place. I was home alone drinking and dancing. At midnight,
I might have called the house, or they called me, and so I wished a
bunch of people a Happy New Year, and some of them did the same to
Everyone was very drunk, and Madison, when she spoke to me, kept
asking if I was 'jealous' and she kept laughing, over and over.
I didn't really know what she meant, but if she'd actually had any
real understanding of my mental health situation or issues, it would
seem that was a pretty insensitive thing to say. And if it wasn't
about that, the obvious..
Dr Velvet Thong: She was asking if you were jealous that
Gandhi and she had an attraction?
Blinky: Yes, that would be my guess. But he said they never
had sex until August, and just before then, I had gone with him to
the doctor to get a prescription for viagra, which he never used
with me. I'm getting ahead of the story here. The other issues were
that she was 5 years younger, very tall, and slim.
But I know that drunken people can regret the things they say, and in
those days I really wasn't a suspicious person, and I didn't dwell on
things. In reality, I did want there to be some way Gandhi and I
could break up, I wanted to have a new relationship myself, and it
seemed hypocritical to get mad. He had been socializing more and more
over the years, and I always encouraged it and never hassled him. I
thought it was 'good' for him to move forward, but I did try to
stress that I hoped we'd always be an 'alternative family' to each
other, and that we'd always be in each other's lives.
When I first started posting to a.s.h, Gandhi didn't want me to. Even
before all the privacy issues we know about today, he didn't really
think it was safe. But I insisted, and eventually I insisted on
getting my own web-based email account too, to his protestations. He
really didn't want me to do it, but I was very isolated, and once I
started posting, it seemed like a positive thing for me to have
something of a social life, too.
I don't think he really understood my situation, or how isolated I
was, and to him, the fact that years before I had actually qualified
for disability didn't have any 'real' significance. It was like with
my family.. I think everyone thought it was just this thing, that
didn't represent anything real, any struggle, any real problem. The
leadership position in the family was that anger and judgment were
valid responses to my 'milking of things'. And so even when I was
granted disabililty, I felt like a fraud, and that it was only a
matter of time before they'd stop it and I'd get what I deserve: to
have to face the toughness of 'the real world'.
The fact that I was not going out, that I had gained weight and
wore the same things all the time.. that was just a reason to feel
disgusted and disappointed with me.. it was about me choosing to be
a loser, or it was just about the simple fact that I was a loser.
There was no connection that anything could be done about it. And he
was very patient, for years, and very nice and kind to me, and I
think eventually he was angry when I didn't just snap out of it.
Blinky: Gandhi and Madison were seeing each other and
technically having sex before Don Quixote and I made plans for me to
visit and before I even had a passport, but I didn't know about
it. I only found out a few days before I was to leave for Australia.
Blinky: When I asked him why he thought he couldn't tell me,
he said Madison said she was afraid people would hate her, and that
when he had said I wouldn't tell, she said she didn't know me well
enough to trust that.
Dr Velvet Thong: And the two of you had already had an
agreement in place for years to be open about this kind of thing, and
so his loyalty turned out to be to the new person, and not to you?
Blinky: Yes. I only found out because when he gave his best
friend as an alibi, he forgot to tell his friend, and his friend
called while Gandhi and Madison were relaxing in a heart-shaped tub
in Niagara Falls. His friend seemed positively overjoyed to discover
that Gandhi had tried to pull this over on me, and I could hear the
'You go, man' in his tone of voice.
Dr Velvet Thong: What did you do?
Blinky: I thought about it carefully, and to me it made sense
that something like this would eventually happen, and that in fact
I had been 'supporting' him toward moving on. The thing that was
hardest for me was that he didn't believe he could tell me.
When he came back, his weekend cut short (I felt bad about that, and
told him it would have been ok with me if he had waited until the end
of it, but because of the discovery, I think Madison felt panicked
and couldn't get back in the mood), I didn't get mad or even raise
my voice once, or behave in passive-aggressive ways. I just wanted to
know why he didn't tell me, when I had been open about my past
attractions and actions. And in the end, I decided not to be too hard
on him, that it all had to happen some way, and it could have been
Dr Velvet Thong: But that was not all?
Blinky: There was a series of events, and I guess one included
the whole thing with the life insurance policy. He had taken one out
on me that would pay if I killed myself. He'd already had it for some
time. When I discovered the policy (it was sitting out on the dining
table one day), I asked him about plans for me if anything happened
to him, and he said his parents would take care of me, that he had
taken out a life insurance policy on himself payable to them. I asked
him if he had discussed this with his parents, and he said no, but
that it wouldn't be a problem.
You have to understand that for years, he had been telling me every
day how much he loved me and couldn't live without me, and he
repeated often that if I died, he would shrivel up and die.
I was still really self-conscious about the money issues, and I let
it drop.
And then the next surprise..
Right after I found out about this relationship, the phonecalls
started. I had barely had time to catch my breath, I was trying to
get myself prepared to go to Australia when I hadn't left the house
in 3 years, and my siblings all started calling because they heard
I was going to Australia.
Dr Velvet Thong: How did they know?
Blinky: Basically, Gandhi and I had agreed that he wouldn't
tell the social group. Part of this also relates to the stigma of
mental illness.. people don't really believe the mentally ill
'deserve' to travel, or if they're 'ill', they shouldn't be able to
travel. And in addition to that, I suppose because they didn't
understand our relationship and my openness, (and what I thought we
had agreed on together) they would have thought I was treating him
badly, cheating on him blatantly, etc.
And I get that maybe he felt trapped and like it was unfair I was
getting to go to Australia, and maybe he had some anger he wasn't
telling me about, but to do it that way, to go behind my back instead
of confronting me, was extremely passive-aggressive and unfair, and
probably a good indication to me that he was really really mad.
But it was also extremely hypocritical of him to try to get the
sympathy of my family and the social group, while not letting anyone
know he was having a relationship with a member of the group who
was married to another member of the group.
I guess I was realizing our relationship wasn't as 'different' or
as 'strong' as I had thought, and that when I tried to be open and
to foster 'intimacy', it was a delusion and I could no longer trust
this relationship and in fact I was probably on pretty shaky ground.
And from there, I guess I kind of wondered if he was hoping I'd kill
myself so that he and his new love could cash in the life insurance
policy and have a romantic time of it.
Blinky: So, in this state, I had to deal with phonecalls from
the siblings, one after another. The illusions of my life were
crashing down and I had the added pressure of justifying myself to
those who already stood in judgment of me. Gandhi said he had
'forgotten' we had agreed not to tell anyone I was going to
And I didn't say much, and I certainly didn't blab about him and
Madison, and when they asked what Don Quixote was like,
I said he was intelligent and rich, and maybe it was like I was
trying to make a comment about that life insurance policy, and about
the drunken babbling about me being 'jealous' and what happened is
that this caused them all to be even more disillusioned with me and
to take Gandhi's side, and to be embarrassed of me, a shallow,
cheating materialist, and as I saw it all happening, I was thinking
maybe it's for the best, he fits in better with them than I do,
he has a better shot in life with a bigger support system, and before
I was in his life and he met my family, he only had the one friend,
and all they did was get high every night and play videogames and
watch porn and he ate chocolate bars and chips every night even
though he has Type 1 Diabetes. I didn't think I had any realistic
chance at a life, and so I let go, and I accepted their judgment, I
let go. And, I still had the trip to Australia, I had something
'positive' in my life, I still had one more adventure.
Dr Velvet Thong: But the years of guilt and stigma had taken
their toll, and so you had internalized that you didn't 'deserve' to
enjoy it?
Blinky: Maybe. When I came back, I guess the situation was
scarier and scarier, and Gandhi was 'forgetting' more and more things
we had agreed upon, until the situation was such that he no longer
tried to hide his disgust. I think it's possible he was getting
pressure from his girlfriend, along the lines of: she's been playing
you for years, she's treated you horribly, she's just trying to get
And maybe also she was pressuring him not to spend any time with me,
not understanding that I really was 'mentally ill' and needed help
getting back on disability, because in the time I was with him I was
untreated and unmonitored, but between that pressure and probably not
really understanding what my 'disability' was, he couldn't help
What I needed him to do was to take me a couple of times a week for
therapy (including an assessment process), until I could go myself by
public transport or get the doctors and social workers to get the
ball rolling. I was also told at that time that because of the
political climate/rules, I was going to be refused the first time I
applied for disability, and that I'd have to appeal at least once.
I needed him to take me to a therapist's office a couple of times a
week, until I was settled in the pattern well enough to go on my
He couldn't take me to therapy. He had worked for the same company
for 10 years and was well-liked there, and it would have entailed
telling them that I was mentally ill and needed him to drive me on
his lunch hour until I could deal with more, but he was too
self-conscious, and couldn't impose on them to that extent or ask,
and part of this relates to the stigma in relation to mental illness.
And when I said that without disability I'd be homeless he kind of
shrugged and asked me what I wanted from him. And I said I wanted
him to care and that was probably the most heated discussion we'd
ever had in our entire relationship and I said people think you're
nice, but you're not really, it doesn't go very deep.
And I said when we decided to live together you signed something
saying you understood I was on disability and that after we had lived
together 3 years because we were technically commonlaw you would be
'responsible' for me. I guess I do understand that we had to do that
to get the money, and if I had done it in good faith I never would
have held you to that, and I did not and do not want you to be
reponsible for me for the rest of my life, but I do need help getting
established, and since we have been together 7 years, I think it's
only fair that you try to give me some money for me to live on for
now, because I have absolutely nothing and you've left me with this
apartment and no way of paying for it or to stay anywhere.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did he think your family would take care of
Blinky: Well, he knew his family would have taken care of him,
and maybe he expected all families were like that, but I had
explained about mine, and he was actually in contact with my family
and I was not, and he did not relay to them how dire my situation
was, and I couldn't call them probably because my experience with The
Bumble led me to associate this sort of thing with judgment, anger
and contempt, a look of extreme disgust when I 'didn't get back on my
feet eventually'. And again, this is because no one really understood
the reality of my situation or condition. It wasn't an option for
me, I couldn't call them. I had learned my lesson.
Dr Velvet Thong: But you can see how it looked to everyone
else, and to him, that you were having a great old time with all your
new internet friends from the suicide group, and that this new 'rich'
guy in your life 'should' take care of you?
Blinky: Meanwhile, Gandhi was giving away our furniture to
Madison, and Cecil asked for our other furniture for his wife's
mentally-challenged sister, and I had no money at all and I ended up
selling the rest of the furniture, and got $300 to go to Australia
with (although Don Quixote had to pay for my airfare, and also he
paid my rent for the last two months I was there - or one, I'm not
totally sure), and that was that, I was this scummy person, so cheap
I would not leave furniture for a disabled person.
Blinky: The feeling of shame was so intense. I knew Gandhi was
disgusted with me. The last messages I left on his machine before I
left for Australia he never replied to, he had come to the point
where he knew I sometimes went 5 days without food, and he just
didn't care, and on the last occasions I had seen him he just didn't
even bother to hide his disgust, and so I said to him that I needed
to settle all my banking, phone bills, etc, with Canada, and if he
could just help out and let me know what has cleared, (he worked at
the bank where I had my account, he had opened the account for me
even though I didn't have the proper ID) then I would never bother
him again, and he could count on me for that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you keep your word?
Blinky: Yes. I thanked him for the help with banking, in an
email, and that's the last time we ever had contact, more than 17
years ago. And maybe in a way when I left Canada, it seemed best for
everyone that it was that way. And now I realize I probably ended up
contributing to stigmatizing myself and perpetuating the
misunderstandings related to mental illness. But when you think
people are going to be afraid they'll never get rid of you, or
they'll be disgusted to hear from you, it's not a very great
incentive to try to contact them.
Years later, when I was settled in Australia, I wanted to try to
explain why I had left like that, and why I hadn't told anyone I had
married for a visa, but it was like when I tried to open discussion,
everyone already knew it all and didn't want to hear about
Dr Velvet Thong: But you can sort of see how they might have
Blinky: Yes, and it seemed like a hopeless situation, and
again I thought maybe it was best we just didn't have contact.
Also, I began to feel it wasn't fair to put myself in the position of
being judged and having to explain, when it felt like it was
'everyone against me', no one on my side.
But I think that despite my best efforts, what this situation has
triggered is that old feeling of anger and contempt The Bumble showed
me when I was depressed as a teen, and then later as a hopeless dud
when he seemed disappointed he hadn't killed me and/or that I hadn't
killed myself. I
feel their anger and judgment of me, and even
if I can see it might kind of be an internalized sense that I don't
'deserve' any of my 'good fortune', including knowing Don Quixote,
possums, living in Australia, I'm not sure I know how to address it
such that I can actually experience a sense of deserving or happiness
in life. I don't feel like I have ever been accepted or valued, or
even 'seen' by my family.
Blinky: Also, I don't think they realize that it's not like I
had tons of money when I came here. Don Quixote said no to a $10/wk
allowance when I asked for one, and so I had to ask for everything,
including personal items. And when we divorced, I was careful not to
make it expensive, we did a DIY one online. We'd had a joint bank
account, but that was only for show, for the visa people, and I only
used it twice, for small amounts, to 'prove' I used it for
He eventually agreed to an allowance, but in order to eventually get
my own bank account and credit card, I had to go through the
humiliation of explaining these things were a 'good thing' for me
to have, and it was years before I had either. And legally, the
terms of the visa entailed that I was not legally allowed to work in
Australia for at least 2 years.
When I came to Australia, it was the whole 'everyone thinks
you're a gold-digger' thing with a fresh batch of people. From
lawyers to bone crushing handshakes at the 'wedding', to comments
about how insightful of me it was to realize I had nothing to offer
intelligent young women of promise through correspondence.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm sure most people still don't understand.
How could you have so little personal dignity, why didn't you get
things together and 'show everyone'?
Blinky: I suppose that's what the definition of a disability
might be?
What felt 'authentic' to me was to try to tell my story, through my
website. At first, I only wanted to find someone like me, a suicide
partner, someone who had reached the same conclusions as me. And then
it was more like I wanted to be understood, by family, by society,
and maybe I thought I had something to contribute toward helping
people to understand. I guess I haven't been very successful so
But if I am a person without redeeming value, if I am a completely
disgusting person, is anyone willing to go out on a limb and say
'people like this should have access to humane, painfree death
scenarios'? Maybe they don't believe I 'deserve' even that? When it
comes to capital punishment for criminals, don't they try to put
some effort into researching the 'best' ways? And I don't deserve
even that much? I have to linger on slowly, useless to help myself?
And what about other people? The methods available to me end up
meaning that I can inflict some of my personal despair and horror on
those forced to find me/deal with the aftermath?
Dr Velvet Thong: Blinky, a lot of this is really messy, but
it seems to me that some of the extremely messy sections contain
some important info, and I'm reluctant to advise you to edit it all
"Your crime is not only what you did to their bodies, but your
assault on their psyche and their souls," Cleland told him at the
hearing in Centre County Court. "The tragedy of this story is it is a
story of betrayal. Some of your victims had a genuine affection for
"It is precisely that ability to conceal those vices from yourself
and everyone else that in my view makes you dangerous," he said.
-Judge John Cleland
Blinky could wonder aloud: If The Bumble was more bumbling than
'evil', what about me? The message to me is that somehow I deserve
worse treatment than him.
When men have friends who make sexist or misogynist remarks, is there
any harm? The Bumble accepted friends who actually physically and
psychologically abused their significant others. He helped one of
these women out,
once. Did he just look the other way? He had
this image of being a very accepting kind of person, someone who was
there for those others would judge, but what are the implications of
this? The only time he ever let one of these women stay was at at
time there was no SO in the house. So, normally, it would be
considered 'bad form' to help out an abused woman in need, too much
of an imposition or strain on a relationship, but not too much for
kids to put up with, even if they've been going through a really
tough time themselves? Or, when they've been 'abused' physically by
their own father? When punched, Blinky was not punched in the face,
not where it would show, but her body was young, and much stronger
than that of most females, and she could probably handle a lot more
than other women, so, is it a 'from each to each according to how
much they can take' kind of deal, where one kind of abuse is abuse,
and the other is just necessary parenting? How is a kid supposed to
learn right from wrong, and who to show compassion for? Is the
ultimate understanding that everyone deserves compassion, even
abusers, more than your bitch of a teenage daughter?
Dead Hamster Rotten Fish Vagina
A particularly pernicious personality disorder. One or more
persons persecute another who is for some reason a threat, and try
to convince that person that s/he is the problem.
Ok, I'm just kidding. I think where I'm going with this is that a lot
of women on both sides of the family, plus significant others, were
probably convinced they were afflicted with something like this, and
bore it stoically, for the rest of their lives. Maybe metaphorically,
but also probably a lot of them felt they were physically gross in
some way.
It's probably something more and more women are experiencing.
Department of Cognitive Dissonance
Blinky: I have read more than all my siblings put together. It
might have something to do with why I perceive and interpret family
history differently to how they interpret it.
I learned to read and had no fear before The Bumble was aware kids my
age could actually read at all. He might have inadvertently
'discouraged' the others through a kind of pressure. It's one of the
things I remembered and tried to compensate for later with
A quote from the book:
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of
respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family
grow up under the same roof.
-Illusions, by Richard Bach
I wonder if he really grasped the concepts he was passing on to us,
including that he was kinda fed up with all of us for looking to
him, our father, for 'leadership'. At ages 11-16, to some extent, he
saw us as disappointing clinging limpets.
Blinky: A weird thing that seems to happen in my life is that
I will meet up with people who, because they've developed along
certain tangents, don't realize I've read anything.
For example, imagine a bookcase filled with classic Fiction and
Nonfiction books. Don Quixote has read half of them, and I have read
the half he hasn't read, and we both keep finding more on the same
imaginary side of the bookcase. It's not about fiction or
nonfiction or alphabetization, it's about how without guidance, or
those who can spot holes or gaps, kids just keep following the
references and recommendations of the authors they are reading. When
it came to my family and Don Quixote's, both had flaws in thinking
or overview that no one was able to spot.
This is a gross simplification of course, and with me and DQ, there
was always a significant overlap in the middle of the
Dr Velvet Thong: How do you get along with his
Blinky: We haven't had much contact for a long time. In the
beginning, I acceded to Don Quixote's request that I not tell them
much about myself, and in a legal sense, not just a personal comfort
sense for DQ and them (er stigma issues again), it was safer for them
not to know much about me through the visa process. Social situations
were awkward, and I never found a 'bridge' to their side of the
bookcase. There was never enough time, and it would have required a
kind of detailed elaboration on my part that would have disturbed the
flow of conversation and made everything awkward.
They are both politically, environmentally and socially aware,
intelligent, open-minded, rational, but I don't think they know much
about mental illness, and stigma might be a factor. I think they
probably have a lot of the same unconscious beliefs as members of
my family, and society.
I eventually approached his sister in email, because I was kind of
horrified by some of what Don Quixote said on the phone, and I wanted
to speak for myself. I think she is a decent person, and like Boo put
in a good effort, but in the end, I'm not sure I made enough headway.
It might have just been automatic, but on a postcard she sent, there
was something like 'trust you both are well', and I was like huh?
That's what you got out of my website and our correspondence? But
that comment is unnecessarily bitchy. One person can only do so much,
and I do appreciate the efforts that both she and Boo have made. I am
willing to cut them both slack.
I think her husband might have picked up that it's helpful for the
mentally ill to have social contacts, and so he sent me some music to
listen to, but was horrified by my in-depth analysis and willingness
to discuss. I don't really blame him, but I was trying to find a way
to talk in a less superficial way. In the end, I realize he didn't
have the time to invest in getting to know me, or the interest, and
it made me feel bad, like I'd done something scummy or inappropriate
by trying to be non-superficial, or worse, like he thought I was too
irrational or lacking in intellect to carry on a decent conversation.
And so then I started to grumble to myself about how people will
invest so much time in learning all about the environment and
political issues, but do not have any time to invest in getting to
know the actual people who populate the environment, or specifically,
family members. Like, if you're an environmentalist, you wouldn't
think you'd done your best if you put out your recycle bin once a
year, and yet people don't seem to think human relationships require
more care and effort than that.
The husband is something of a perfectionist, and in his presence,
even Don Quixote seems to feel like a slow (or even intellectually
challenged) kid. I think I get it.. part of his style is to 'kindly'
or 'helpfully' point out what Don is doing wrong or what he should
have done, and Don isn't socially adept enough to 'control' the
conversation and avoid awkward silences or reframe things. Don
Quixote isn't totally comfortable in their presence, and even when
it's just his sister on the phone, he talks in this weird way, a kind
of automatic mode that kicks in, and while he does talk about himself
and his work, it's a bit like a pattern has been established where he
speaks in the way a kid would when he's worried about living up to
his parents' expectations of him. Work is a valid topic for
conversation, and so are political fuckups of all kinds. He's
secretly worried that the truth of what he's doing is shameful, so he
sticks to certain safe facts only, and has a particular 'voice' and
intonation that go with this. They maintain family ties by discussing
the things I can't discuss with anyone, because I don't have that
kind of 'credibility'. The things I can discuss don't exist, aren't
valid to people who Think Like Journalists, with Journalistic
Objectivity. (Er, or who are trying to live up to unconscious
standards they haven't challenged.)
An uncle of Don Quixote's was a holocaust denier. It's easy enough
for any of his family to deal with that - you don't have to say much
to make it clear to those around you that the guy is an
embarrassment, and obviously you don't support his views.
Unfortunately, when I'm around them, I feel a bit like I'm as
embarrassing as a holocaust denier, in a different way, but it's a
lot harder to know what to say about me when people ask. Yes, if I
had to sum it up, I think that is how I'd put it.
My words are really harsh, and perhaps not fair or objective.. but
I'm trying to make a point. They have been taught that it's totally
fair game to say really harsh things about political leaders or
idiots who won't care for the planet, or who are prejudiced about
various things.. but while they think it's shameful not to be
aware about politics, the environment, the world you live in, they
don't believe it's shameful not to invest the same kind of effort
and intellect into getting to know people, even family members. Who
are they saving the planet for? I suppose it could be other species,
and that's perfectly valid of course.
Through the years, they've avoided commenting on the Manifesto. They
will however support efforts related to possums. So the message to
me is: the Manifesto is an embarrassment and we don't want to
encourage you, but if you concentrate on possums there might be hope
for you yet.
Others have also tried to steer me in this direction, toward the
possums (but even those in the possum community have never supported
my possum website or linked it, perhaps because the whole Manifesto
thing taints something as beautiful and pure as possums), I guess in
their minds toward the light. I just really have a hard time
accepting that the rest of what I'm communicating seems irrelevant or
of no consequence. There's something stubborn in me that refuses to
accept it. I start to think that those who dismiss the Manifesto
might not realize that in a sense they are obstacles to a kind of
personal positive progress, for me, a 'bigger' kind than could be
achieved by focusing on something safe, (and possibly limiting) like
possums alone. Not that I don't love possums.
I want to contribute something to the environment in a psychological
But on the subject of possums..
I put some effort into explaining to DQ that one way for me to gain
self-esteem and a sense of belonging is to feel I contribute
something important. I put this kind of effort in several times over
the years, and still it didn't really sink in.
And then.. there was an incident, and I had to explain I felt bad he
hadn't given me or any others credit for helping with a possum's
treatment. (He took all the credit for himself.) He felt bad and
dutifully changed the wording,
but then, only months later...
DQ appropriated 7 years of my notes, my 'work' and submitted them
under his name to an animal treatment site, only letting me know in
passing, when it was too late to catch the horrendous mathematical
mistakes and erroneous conclusions reached - by him, not me - before
I struggled to understand how he could do this, and his best
explanation was maybe that he had early onset Alzheimer's. He felt
bad and said I was right to feel upset.
An apology is one thing, but this sort of thing had happened more
than once, and I guess it scared me. I don't think he has
Alzheimer's. Maybe, like Gandhi, he was starting to 'forget' things
in a similar way. My best guess was that consciously, he couldn't
admit to himself that he wanted out of this horrible situation we're
in, he didn't know what to do, and so he was unconsciously behaving
in ways to make me make the decision to leave.
And so I tried again to leave, and failed, because I ran out of
The Bumble was forced to attend mandatory counselling with me because
he didn't know that it is against the law to throw 16 year old
biohazards in the dumpster (kick them out on the street, or in our
case the country). But I was never aware of any law, he was always so
good at spinning things, and when you believe the law is lame or that
what I put him through was against some much higher kind of justice,
when you absorb that's what your parent believes, maybe you believe
it. You question the law, you think about the reality and how awful
you might 'really' be, and you are primed to side with those in your
life so you can't rip them off. Just because everyone else is taking
advantage of stupid laws doesn't mean you should. Baaaaa, baaaaa.
I have to address an imbalance when it comes to 'abuse'. I have to
put more effort into making sure I don't just reinforce the current
simplemindedness. If there are so many men who are abusers, what do
we do about it? Just shame and shun them forever? Throw them in jail?
It's easy to give the wrong impression, if I don't clarify that I see
the issue as being about patterns and the way pieces fit together,
and that in order to change things, it's not that the abusers deserve
more sympathy or the same kind of sympathy, but they do deserve equal
if different (effort put into) understanding, if the situation is to
Beany and Jean-Claude first met in junior high. They
physically resemble each other enough they've been mistaken for
When we met him, we didn't really know how to act around Significant
Others. The Bumble's sense of humour/cynical approach wasn't very
helpful at providing a good example of what to say or do, or how to
value someone who seemed good for our sibling. At this stage, I'd
never had a 'nice' boyfriend. We'd only met one of Boo's gfs, and she
lived with us for a while, and we didn't really know how to act
around her, either, and The Bumble wasn't very respectful, calling
her the Chuck and Bob Show. I don't think he made fun of Jean-Claude,
but he didn't properly welcome and respect him.
His mother was an artist, his father an antiques dealer, but was
mostly known for his legendary drinking. In their early 20s, I think
Beany was already commenting that Jean-Claude would sneak drinks or
was drinking on his own.
He had a ferret as a pet, and was good at drawing, but didn't
become an artist. He became a mechanic.
He seemed a very respectful kind of person, and he always behaved in
a respectful, caring and romantic way with Beany. We
have been more enthusiastic in welcoming him and respecting him.
For many reasons, including niche picking and that it probably seemed
I had let our parents down and maybe they didn't love me as much, she
might have tried to be opposite. I dated and slept with a lot of
guys, she stayed with one good one, the first one. My ideas had been
influenced by The Bumble and by reading, and I'm not sure whose hers
were influenced by. Perhaps Mama Smurf and some Catholic influence,
and probably she didn't experience the conversations with The Bumble
talking about settling down too soon. I don't know how many boys Mama
Smurf dated before The Bumble, but I think she was 17 when they
started dating. I don't know who her romantic interests were over the
years, or who she might have had affairs with, aside from Neil, but
in contrast, I can think of a lot of women The Bumble had short and
longterm things with.
There's a kind of self-consciousness because people are primed
these days to look for 'sex abuse'. I think people tend to think I
have overreacted to what happened with The Bumble, and most people
have experienced much worse.
A way I can explain it or start to, is to say that in Grey's
Anatomy, when Meredith is attacked by a patient who is in a fugue
state after a seizure following a head injury, the man wakes up
later with no recollection of what he has done.
Meredith is a doctor and so she knows he doesn't remember, but she
still has to deal with the injuries. In my case, no one believes
there are any injuries. Since I know The Bumble had a head injury, I
should be able to shake it all off. I had no one to talk to to help
me figure it out, and it did make me feel so freaked out that I ran
away from home (at a time when I was also dealing with the death of
my mother and that I'd just had an abortion and been anally raped,
and we were moving away from a place we'd lived for 3 years), and I
also had that cliche experience of rubbing my skin raw in the shower,
feeling I couldn't scrub off the feeling of shame. The other thing
is, though, that maybe this guy had never had any violent episodes
before, but I think The Bumble had some predisposition, and so even
if he didn't do anything too bad or overt, that incident made me
reinterpret all past things I had shrugged off, and it made me less
inclined to trust people.
It also goes to what it means to be a parent. If while in a fugue
state, you do something that has effects, do you just think your
kid is stupid for not letting it go for so many years? Do you care
about the state of her life and psyche, or what? The guy above did
not just say 'well, didn't know what I was doing, get over it', he
worried about what he had done, even in that state. He wanted to
And for me, it's not just about one incident in a fugue state, or
many incidents in drunken blackout, it's about an ongoing pattern of
behaviour over the years, drunk and sober, maybe not sexual abuse,
but a kind of abuse, with no acknowledgement, apology or concern for
my welfare. I don't feel that the members of my family actually care
about my 'injuries' or lack of happiness. I've been trying to explain
what my injuries are, and still no one seems to hear. I don't have a
team of doctors and friends working on me; I've had to create a team
in my head and in writing.
I have kept trying to speak up, but apparently, I'm still not
shouting loudly enough.
Range of Facial, Physical, Vocal, Psychological Expression
Just a quick note for now regarding recognition of facial
expressions/emotion. This relates to Don Quixote and possibly others
who might have experienced social impediment because they do not
recognize facial expressions, moods, or emotions as well as others,
or do not recognize subtle distinctions or range, sometimes because
some expressions trigger unpleasant associations or feelings of
extreme insecurity.
This could somehow be related to why it is difficult to look others
in the eye, or the anxiety involved could lead to an overquick
impression which is not always completely accurate.
When it comes to emotions, anger is the most easily recognized by Don
Quixote, and the one he personally is most sensitive to. He finds it
difficult to deal with anger, and it brings out very insecure
feelings in him. This is something I know I have to factor in when
trying to communicate effectively and compassionately. It has taken
me a very long time to even recognize anger myself, to think of it as
a valid emotion and not something that relates only to being a
horrible person. I honestly for most of my life did not believe there
was any valid reason (for me) to be angry, about anything. There was
an explanation for everything, and understanding was always better
than anger.
But, if you are a person whose 'personality' relates to the range and
complexity of psychology you can express, and you are paired with
someone who has trouble with range, can you have a satisfying
relationship? If the other mainly processes 'romantic' emotion and
connection through physical perfection, if that's how it's triggered,
then someone's 'complexity of expression' is in a sense 'wasted'
except as it can be interpreted in more mundane (read 'practical'),
less romantic ways.
It's like how I finally recognized Gandhi had a large breast fetish..
I liked that he never criticized other women or put them down, I
liked that he said he really liked lingerie because I was eager to
have a diverse assortment, but when he referred to a woman we met as
the 'one with the big nose', and I struggled to even remember her
nose, I realized that he was attracted to her large breasts, and
didn't want me to know, and so she was the first woman he put down in
my presence.
I realize it's very common, men like breasts, but I think there are
some for whom it is a bit 'bigger' than that, and so it's a bit like
when I'm a vegetarian, and somehow end up dating a guy whose family
business is a butcher shop, and the guy likes meat so much he has
gout by the age of 24.
And when Don Quixote tried to flirt online with a suicidally
depressed young woman who said she weighed 39 kg.. he focuses on how
awkward he was, when it came to form, not content, but didn't seem to
realize the young woman had an eating disorder, and that probably had
something to do with why she was posting to a suicide newsgroup, and
inadvertently, he ended up reinforcing her eating disorder by letting
her know he was attracted/interested. And so I, another with an
eating disorder, am of course attracted to a guy who knows nothing
about eating disorders, and likes females with a body type that is
not achievable for me. And I actually do think the human barbie
phenomenon makes sense, that it's a natural progression of
competition, and that some are tough enough to make the sacrifices
and others are not, and I do think they're beautiful, regardless of
the uproar and how politically incorrect it all is.
My take is that the world is big enough for a range of preferences,
and there are some who 'need' to explore extremes, and rather than
try to shame people into changing theirs, I'd like to at least hold
out the hope there is some mutant out there who's just right for me.
But it helps if those I encounter know themselves well enough to be
honest from the start, such that rather than just have vague
presentiments that I can never be at a level that matches up with
their A game, that they're kind enough to let me be excused from
playing, and not wait for a mountain of kitty litter to pile up
before letting me go.
I do not feel 'safe' in the places I live, and everyday life feels
like a nightmare. And every time, no matter how many years go by,
the same 'solutions' are adopted. Temporary solutions, like getting
me food, movies, and now alcohol. These 'calm' me down, and even when
I point out that these are not good long-term solutions, even when I
can identify the problems, including how others contribute to
reinforcing my behaviour and attitudes, it doesn't help, we all just
let the days go by, until I find myself in a situation I sort of
suspected would eventually happen and tried to warn others about
ahead of time, hoping they could somehow help me avoid it, giving all
the info that I thought was relevant to the situation.
Social Media Epic Fail
Dr Velvet Thong: For a time, it seems you really tried to
do the social media thing, in your own way.
Blinky: I did the best I could, but there's something about
me that I can't seem to squish into the structure, format or
unwritten laws of existing social media.
Blinky's Facebook page is not exactly like most Facebook pages.
Blinky's Facebook Page
Hi. This account is just a pointer in case anyone is curious about
me. I would like to use email rather than Facebook if anyone wants
to get in contact.
It probably won't come as a major shock to many of you that for most
of my life I have struggled with depression. I've also experienced
considerable difficulty dealing with the fallout, stigma and self-
consciousness related to it. This is why I haven't contacted anyone
I'm single, and have no children. I have travelled around the world,
live in another country, and haven't visited Canada in more than 11
In the past I often moved away very suddenly, without leaving a
forwarding address. If anyone wants an explanation, or just wants to
know what it's like to talk to me now, all emails will receive a
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think anyone you knew in the past
ever wonders where you got to? Do you feel bad about leaving without
a word in a lot of cases?
Blinky: At times I was influenced by a kind of New Age
thinking.. once I felt 'sure' I wanted to die, leave life, it seemed
the thing to do was to make choices consistent with that. There are
small actions performed to maintain relationships, and you can make
conscious decisions not to keep performing them, and not to keep
giving people a misleading impression about the state of your mind.
It can be a kindness not to impose your misery on others, to pretend
you're ok, but when I found I was having trouble doing that, it
seemed to make sense to try to communicate in-depth and if it seemed
people were uncomfortable with that, to make clear breaks, and to
stop performing the actions that maintain relationships.
I had a lot of extremely unpleasant experiences. Everyone gets
lonely, and everyone thinks of people from their past from time to
time. Maybe for a lot of people it's natural, there's some internal
timing, and they know when to call someone, or contact someone
through Facebook, but I have enough experience with all the ways
conversation goes, and unless I am fully prepared to control the
conversation, or lie, it's never going to be fun for me. Also, I
don't enjoy lying.
Some of those I've known might feel I treated them badly. I'm not
sure what the greater good is, or if I made the right decisions.
There are some people I think of or dream (nightdream, unconscious)
of more than others, and I sometimes wonder if that's about anything
unresolved, but when I go through the steps consciously, I can't see
contact as having good outcomes. I try to accept that things have
been resolved as well as possible. I sound cold, like I don't care,
but underneath it, that's about not believing I
should feel
sorry for myself. I want a sense of belonging, I want connection,
intimacy, I want to be liked, admired, loved, I want all these things
very much, but my experiences with others reinforce that I don't
deserve these things, and that I am a disappointment and a source of
awkwardness/discomfort. Or, that if there is an initial 'positive
vibe' I'm going to have to try to maintain a facade that will crack
at any moment.
Blinky's Mentally Ill Dating Profile
I'll get an extreme makeover, but there's no way I'd consider a
sexual relationship with someone who isn't at least a
Consciousness-Empathy Level 9.
At times it feels like I've been living like a fugitive from the
mental health system and society for a very long time. I dread being
asked 'what do you do?' and can never come up with a good enough
response, or if I pull it off momentarily, further questions will
lead to awkwardness.
I constantly crave connection, love and sex, but at the same time, at
present I realize it's probably better to try to go the penpal
I'm very isolated, and it's constantly excruciating, but at the same
time, it's also like I'm better able to endure now, or I know that
when I think it can't continue, somehow it can. At present with the
way my life is set up, I don't often have opportunities to exchange
feedback, impressions, observations, thoughts, with others - I just
keep writing things down and then deleting them, or storing them for
a while and eventually deleting them.
I care about why people think, feel and behave as they do, and about
the range of inequalities in life that affect all of this. I seem to
have a need to challenge pretty much every aspect of what life or
love 'should' be, what the aims are, and what 'healthy' is. Basically
what this means is that I always seem to be arguing with almost
everyone, but I think of it as discussing. Maybe I'm simply no fun. I
don't know.
The DSM seriously annoys me, but at the same time, I can see the need
for people to have a diagnosis so that they can potentially receive
some kind of treatment, and so that there's a kind of shorthand the
people in their lives can understand without understanding. There's
either the stigma related to being some kind of mentally ill, or the
stigma of having some kind of unpleasant character/no excuse for why
you are the way you are, and the latter means no treatment options,
except those that are self-designed- initiated-sought.
Do you believe that a no-nonsense photo taken in an everyday setting
represents the 'real you', the core of who you are? If you don't,
then isn't it in a sense a lie to let others believe you are DTE?
That there will be no drama with you? It's like you can't do anything
in life that isn't on camera, and as a result almost all senses and
impressions except the visual seem irrelevant, or carry very little
weight in comparison. I have taken photos of myself in many different
ways trying to challenge the idea 'the camera doesn't lie' or that
who we are is just one photo taken from one angle, that identity is
something rigid, inflexible, unchanging. I'm not really sure how
others perceive me. I'm not trying to pull something over on people,
I just really don't know, and I don't know who would be disappointed
or pleased with my real life appearance. The photo of myself attached
is from 2010, and is one I like.
I know this is way too long, but I might as well prepare prospective
penpals. This is the way I communicate. Yes, I can do short or medium-length,
but a lot of the time it's going to be long, long, long.. (if
I have to constantly restrain it all for the good of others,
eventually I'll just bolt or crack.)
I probably shouldn't say that. I probably should edit this down to a
few lines, but I really don't know how to sell myself in 10 seconds
or less.
It takes time to get to know me.
[All messages will receive a response.]
Blinky's Herpes Dating Profile
Hi. Although I have been living with genital herpes for more than
2 decades, I have never actually communicated with others who have
I am 'out' in my life, but I think it might be good for me to at last
know what it's like to talk to others who might have been through
some of what I have. I don't want to have to hide, or talk myself
into believing I don't deserve to have sexual relationships.
I have had two longterm relationships in which my partners accepted
the risks to different degrees (one was willing to have sex without
condoms, the other, not - neither contracted herpes). At present I
have not had a sexual relationship or sexual contact of any kind for
more than 5 years.
I am getting older, have a considerable amount of baggage, and I have
worried that having herpes on top of that would mean that I would
never be lucky enough to find any more partners. I am trying to
remain hopeful.
Blinky: Both of these profiles blow, and are limiting in
various ways, but especially the herpes one.
Dr Velvet Thong: I agree. But if you append a cute picture
to either one, no one's even going to read the words.
As it turns out, Dr Velvet Thong knows what she's talking
Dr Velvet Thong: Any replies in response to your Facebook
Blinky: No. I don't think I can leave it up any longer.
Dr Velvet Thong: I seem to remember something else you wrote
for the mentally ill dating/penpal community?
Blinky finds the article in question on her laptop and hands it
to Dr Velvet Thong.
free range mentally ill
..that's me.
Hi. I realize this is a place where the stigma of mental illness is
diminished, but it doesn't mean that it isn't still a significant
factor here, on many levels, in many layers of interaction and self-
If you take your meds and comply with recommended treatments and hold
on to a positive attitude, are you more deserving of love? What if
you live in a part of the world where you don't have much
access/awareness, or your circumstances are such that those directing
treatment don't really know enough, or resources are extremely
limited? What if you want to participate fully in your own treatment,
and question what is prescribed for you, but because of insurance
reasons, or the time constraints of doctors and mental health
practioneers of various kinds, the result is a onesizefitsall
approach, or nothing?
Anywhere I go, I feel that what happens is that I am being pushed
out, but maybe this is mostly because it is too difficult to hold on
to a sense of self-esteem when I do not fit any pattern of positivity
that people can recognize, or maybe it is because I do worry that I
will trigger others or bring them down when they are trying their
best to survive and thrive.
I was last hospitalized about 24 years ago, and the last treatment I
received was about 23 years ago. In 2000, I started the process of
applying for disability, but was basically too disabled to continue
with it to completion. At present, I am unmonitored, unmedicated, I
have no ID and I know I am not too many steps removed from
homelessness. How many people out there have no voice at all? If
people look at my pictures, and read my words, could they imagine
that all over the world, there are many similar people who are
homeless? One of the effects of stigma is that most people seem to
think that the mentally ill are not 'all there', not really awake and
perceiving, not fully sentient or human.
I realize that a certain level of security and safety, technical and
psychological, are needed at a place like No Longer Lonely, but at
the same time I do worry that I am too dark for this place, and that
I might infect others. What if for some people, it is actually
helpful to be able to examine and discuss the really dark things?
Where should I go?
Blinky: There's another message I want to show you that sort
of sums up a lot of what I heard out there, not just in Australia,
but in countries around the world. I sent this message to a young
What you wrote about the system in WA and NSW.. it does sound like
there's no consensus across the country. What seems to be the case is
that mental health services worldwide are all mostly lacking in one
way or another. It sucks, because it seems like it might be a long
time before improvements are made. I'm wondering if you are able to
switch therapists or doctors, in case you find someone who clicks
with you better, or if you have to just take what you get (if you can
put in a request). It does seem that a major problem is that there
aren't enough resources and not enough knowledge, including that it
might actually be essential that a patient is allowed to have some
say in her course of treatment, and to explore alternatives and
I wanted to find one therapist I could trust and concentrate on
talking to, but everything was so scattered that it never seemed like
I could find the right person, and I always felt like the treatment
wasn't taking enough into consideration.
I know that those who haven't dealt with mental illness themselves
usually just don't have awareness of the lack of knowledge about how
to handle mental illness or that a more holistic approach might be
Thanks for the congrats :) but.. in some ways I'm pretty much a
'horror story' of what happens when a person is isolated for a really
long period.. and I guess I would like to try to encourage you if
possible to do whatever you can to still stay connected to life in
whatever ways you can - even if you don't have much energy to seek
out online support groups, individuals, or to call those who do at
least understand your situation a little, or whatever you think you
can handle. For me, I think some kind of creative self-expression is
good - a way of reassuring myself of my identity when others can't
seem to see. But I do know very well that when there is no
energy,there is no energy.
Blinky: The young woman in question had spent something like a
week in a coma after a suicide attempt. They focused only on her
physical health, and when she had improved, they sent her home with
nothing but a Lifeline pamphlet. Then, in another state, she had
access to care, but her housing and school funding would be taken
away if she did not comply exactly with the treatment specified. She
had no right, or wasn't aware of any right to participate in her own
treatment, question it, or request a different doctor. And
unfortunately, this seems to be the norm, not the exception.
In a way, my father's approach to his own death regarding me is
unusual, but maybe he was taking a stand in his own way, and refusing
to be hypocritical, or refusing to conform to norms he did not
agree with. Maybe he felt helpless to change anything or talk to me,
maybe he thought 'there is no reasoning with someone like that'.
Maybe to some extent he realized his mistakes, and didn't think there
was any way to correct them, and that my best shot was just not to
have more contact?
On NLL, many people live with family members, but I was kicked out.
Was this in a sense a better approach? It is understood to some
extent that having family support, and a network of friends, and
interests and activities that tie a person to a community are all
important to a person's psychological functioning, but what if in
some ways I am 'stronger' or 'more grown up' than some of the people
on NLL, partly
because I was kicked out? I have not had years
of therapy, but I can discuss many subjects reasonably well, I 'play
I am not really sure where I am going with this thought. But maybe,
my 'only chance' was to have a clear break.
Dr Velvet Thong: Er.. hmmm. Most of those you had contact
with were trying to look on the bright side, and actually wanted to
eLay! and The Anti-Romance Movement
The best/most trusted place to book sex online.
Dr Velvet Thong: For now I'll
just address my views on the ever popular topic of cheating...
Those who do not cheat usually fall into one or more of the following
1. Never have the opportunity.
2. Only recognize an opportunity when it is too late.
3. Wait indefinitely for a sign from a deity that will help them
overcome the moral implications.
4. Are never pursued by someone persistent or attractive enough to
overcome their inhibitions.
5. Are too scared they look terrible naked, or something similar.
6. Repress or lose touch with desires through addictive behaviours of
whatever kind.
7. Do not lie about their desires, intent or actions unless their
Significant Others have told them that they would rather not
Blinky: I don't cheat.
A drunk Blinky walks into a bar and takes a seat. A drunk guy with
a square haircut walks in and takes a seat next to her. He has
a lame pickup line/compliment and Blinky replies:
Blinky: My hair is a wig, I look better in clothes than out, I
am an unemployed alcoholic and I have genital herpes.
Drunk Guy With A Square Haircut: Are you currently having an
OB or experiencing prodromal symptoms?
Blinky wasn't expecting this. She's caught off guard and says
no before she can figure out a better comeback.
Drunk Guy With A Square Haircut: I'm HSV-2 POS, take Valtrex
suppressively and am not currently experiencing any symptoms. I've
lost 100 pounds in the last year and my skin is somewhat less than
firm. My hotel is just around the corner. You can leave your wig on.
Dr Velvet Thong: How about a consensus regarding your
experiences with social media online?
Blinky: In any situation, my underlying drive is to push for a
kind of connection that will feel like what I express matters or is
understood, but underneath that, it's about wanting a situation in
which I can move forward, act on my beliefs, have help with all of
that - I still want to go on a suicide holiday. And since I don't
feel either thing is happening, I end up withdrawing or making a
horrible nuisance of myself, or worse.
I'm becoming increasingly intolerant of all the same old shit.
The Church of Nonconsent/
'The Sadobots': Tyler and Tulip.
They felt lucky to find each other. Kindred spirits/sociopaths. They
learned early in life that most people just could not relate to the
kinds of things they wanted out of relationships. Their pattern is
to seek out nonconsensual threesomes, and gang up on the guest star
in order to renew their relationship. They have a kind of control
that regular people seeking threesomes usually can't manage. It's
always difficult in real life, because you can't always get all three
people to agree on the rules.
It's not easy to find people who will admit they want to torture
others. BDSM is gaining visibility, but can only have mainstream
acceptance if it is consensual. We know, though, that some people
have an instinct to kill, and sometimes these urges are channelled
into fighting wars, and others go in different directions. Not all
who are into BDSM are likely to completely accept the consensuality
issue. For some people, it seems likely the fetish aspect, the part
that is
necessary is that there is no consent. What do you do
if this is your internal programming? Should you just kill yourself?
Maybe. Probably most wouldn't, and so they probably then make some
kind of decision to accept themselves, and get creative.
Possums can't give consent when it comes to being videotaped and
constantly watched during their sleeping hours, but even they have
the night hours to themselves. Tyler and Tulip have god complexes,
and basically think that the difference between their level of
intelligence and sentience and that of regular humans is similar
to that between regular humans and possums. Er, to simplify the
matter. So, they think of regular humans as not really up to the
task of deciding for themselves, and they dismiss all their attempts
to say no.
There is a difference between watching possums for educational
purposes and watching them because you want to understand how to
attack them and are waiting for opportunities to do so. Human beings
can be misguided about what it is to 'help', and sometimes their
efforts might hurt possums more than they help, but this is not the
same as when a sadist really just wants to learn better techniques
for torturing someone.
Dr Velvet Thong: What's the most 'positive' way of looking at
Blinky: They hacked in, and felt amazed at having done that.
Later, when I figured out how to communicate with them, and
participated in creating a language together, they thought it was
something 'special' in their lives, so I became like a kind of
possum. A pet. While at times they do have a genuine affection for
me, my 'purpose' is to be something to feed on. They don't have much
understanding in the outside world, their instincts and compulsions
haven't just gone away, so naturally they channel their sadistic
tendencies into their relationship with their pet. The world can't
see it, no one's going to catch them and put them in jail or fine
them, and their particular type of OCD makes it impossible to give
up this source of 'food'. They can't give it up of their own
accord. They have to be stopped, but if no one even recognizes their
crimes, it's pretty hard to stop them.
Dr Velvet Thong: You're their pet, and I'm their marriage
counsellor. What would they do without us? Is there any way you
can imagine a harmonious co-existence?
Blinky: It would never be 'fair' to me. It's not that I
expect life to be fair, but I can't change my programming. I have to
keep fighting this situation, because I don't want it to be ok that
others laugh at my attempts to find intimacy and connection in life,
and that they try to tell me I don't deserve those things. They
don't have the right to define how I'm 'allowed' to experience those
With all my relationships, I try to assess who the person I'm with
is, I try to figure out how to do as little harm as possible, I try
to help them identify what would make them more content and happy in
life, and I try to encourage them, and help them find ways to have
it. But I think it's something in itself that I consistently express
that their happiness and wellbeing are
important to me. Tyler
and Tulip don't care about my happiness or wellbeing. They don't want
the situation to change. They don't ever want me to have my privacy,
or a chance for a more equal intimacy and connection, and maybe they
have decided it's just not realistic, I'm not smart enough or
sentient enough to see it, or that really, I'm too blind to see that
I like having 'gods' watch over me. But who would ever appreciate the
miniscule things I have going for me, if not them? This is what
happens when god has some big blind spots.
It's like the love of family, and how I had to try to struggle
to get away on my own, because I knew they weren't able to see enough
to help me. The patterns in the family are extremely unhealthy, and
in a way it is like in order to avoid any change, the other members
will stick together to silence anyone who tries to point out the
problems, so it really does feel like it's 'all against one'.
If there are millions of people worldwide with genius level IQs, and
some live in conditions of poverty, and others have never had
adequate outlets for their abilities, what does that mean in the Age
of the Internet? Surely it makes sense that some people will turn to
crime, and that the internet is a place that can be exploited from
wherever you live? How many poverty-stricken geniuses worldwide have
hacking skills and access to not much but the internet? How would the
survival instinct and the competitive instinct manifest?
What if in addition to a high IQ and hacking skills, one is a
sociopath or has the instincts of a rapist? It's not like worldwide
we seem to be getting very far when it comes to physical violence,
war and rape. What if the internet poses new opportunities for
people with such instincts?
This also ties into the ways in which humans use the internet even
when they're not in dire circumstances. The natural thing seems to be
to create personas, to lie or add inches, use fake photos, and so,
does it not also make sense that intelligent people with unusual s/m
leanings might explore the possibilities? If it's illegal or
unethical, there'd be something like the James Joyce of scam artists?
How many? How many different variations? Think about the
Blinky: Let's get this over with. I guess, like everyone else,
you're wondering what my motivation is to create these villains, and
maybe you're wondering if it's just an understandable way to make
myself feel a lot more important than I am.
Most people on were so depressed, lacking in
energy, or incensed about trolls or sadistic cannibals with poor
spelling skills that they failed to recognize the most subtile
sociopaths, the ones with the ability to appear reasonable, those who
point out that highly skilled sociopaths often possess the ability to
appear reasonable (and relateable). As a.s.h became notorious, it
attracted the despondent and the suicidal, yes, but also more
vultures, and competition probably became pretty fierce, underground
as it all was.
Dr Velvet Thong: I think I'm following your line of thought.
They were attracted to a type, and you were the right type. No one
was going to believe you, no one really cared if you lived or died,
and so it's a bit like serial killers mainly killing sex workers, or
other people who 'won't be missed'.
In the real world, Tyler and Tulip weren't physically strong or
powerful, but they had the instincts of sadists and rapists. They got
their kicks in playing with people's minds. The internet opened up
the possibilities for them. They even knew that the kind souls on
a.s.h who sincerely tried to comfort the despairing, those not clever
enough to work the system/understand it, were going to take all the
heat for any tragedies there that drew public indignation, which left
them free to pursue their interests unhindered.
Blinky: Also, if you're a sadist who has the ability to
reference the symbolism of the poets and literary greats, it helps
to find someone who can understand what you're saying and is open-minded
enough to think they might be on to something interesting, and is
willing to be honest enough to examine all their own faults, without
seeing it as abuse.
They were always more interested in encryption than regular people,
and other security issues, and perhaps this represented that they
themselves had always been interested in or proficient at hacking.
How many people try to guess passwords of people they know, exes,
people they're attracted to, people they want to get back at in some
way? It's probably a popular pastime online, but some people have a
much greater skill set.
Dr Velvet Thong: And you were starved for something beyond
conventional feedback. But those with a trickster philosphy, those
who want to point out and ridicule the hypocrisies of others.. does
it seem intellectually reasonable that the best place to look for
hypocrites is amongst the suicidal? Is it justifiable to kick those
who are already down?
Blinky: I get it and I think they get it, too. They know
they're the 'Bad Guys', and they're ok with that. It was a
challenging game, but eventually I didn't think I had any more to
learn from it, and they just didn't want to let go. And of course, I
guess that makes sense. Even if in some ways they admired me, they
were invested in my destruction. It's just their programming. I don't
think they can change their patterns any more than I can change mine.
So I had to learn to see them as noise, and filter them out. They're
going to keep trying to repeat all the same things, the same tired,
boring messages, and they're predictable. When Tulip puts on a new
dress and contacts me again, they know that because it's important to
me to not react with suspicion, and to treat each human being as a
human being with real feelings, it might take me some time to see the
pattern again and recognize that they've again 'fooled' me. But the
alternative is to never give anyone a chance, and so I reluctantly
accept this fetid situation.
Dr Velvet Thong: And why did you attract this situation?
Blinky: People who are neglected to the extent I was very
often attract this type of situation, in one way or another. I
attracted sadist-hacker-rapists. If I'd had more social support, I
wouldn't have made a good target. They were just looking to feed
on someone with less power than themselves. I had the 'opportunity'
to 'get strong'.
I publicly expressed depression. In the past, this was met with
rage, physical violence, disgust, embarrassment. History repeats
itself. I encountered those who expressed extensions of the hidden
beliefs behind these reactions.
If you aren't physically ugly from any angle, and you never do or
say anything stupid or ugly, then what's the big deal to not have
privacy? Human beings might like the potential for a kind of
intimacy, something more important than 'purity' or virginity, to
share with someone who has 'earned' their trust.
Dr Velvet Thong: I think you've made a lot of progress. If
you look at our past transcripts, it's clear that you can zero in a
lot more quickly now.
The long version.
Dr Velvet Thong: Persecution delusions are not all that
uncommon. I've successfully treated many patients with severe
delusions. You might have heard of one rather famous case involving a
woman named Velvet. Why don't you try to tell me your story, starting
wherever you can, and I'll ask questions if I lose the plot.
Dr Velvet Thong: Ready?
Blinky: There's so much information, I'm not sure I can
express it all in a linear fashion.
Dr Velvet Thong: Take your time. I don't have any place to
be for the next decade or so.
Blinky: I think I have somehow become an unwitting participant
in some kind of nonconsensual S/M threesome.
Dr Velvet Thong: When did you begin to form this
Blinky: At first, I interpreted it differently, and over the
years I would go back and forth between different theories, never
able to be certain. Recently, I had a series of nightmares, and then
one day when I woke I couldn't remember my dream, but I had this
incredible feeling of peace, as if all the pieces had finally clicked
into place. After that, I second-guessed myself, but I think the
important thing was that I achieved a kind of breakthrough.
About 12-13 years ago, when I was living on my own, I started to
have the feeling I was being cyberstalked. I brushed it off as
paranoid ideation for a while, but some months later, I noticed that
I started thinking about this guy I had been corresponding with in
the past. I had no way of getting in touch with him, because I
couldn't remember his email address. I didn't know if he'd ever
given me a 'real' name, but I started to think that somehow he was
the one stalking me, and I started to really like this idea. Maybe
there was some unfinished business, I don't know - I mean, I had
thought the situation was over.
Dr Velvet Thong: What happened there?
Blinky: It was a very challenging correspondence, in which I
had to try very hard to give a reasonable and hopefully thought-
provoking response time and again. I'm not sure, but from the start,
it might simply be that I took a certain bait. I always thought it
was somewhat odd that he said he had studied psychology when he
didn't really seem to have much understanding of people. I later came
to the conclusion that maybe he had studied psychology for a deviant
reason.. that he wanted to learn how best to manipulate people and to
experiment on them. He had admitted that he had sadistic tendencies.
He told me that his mother had been harassed by his father's
mistress, that his mother had died young, and that sometime after her
death, the father took up with and eventually married the same
mistress his mother had always accused him of having an affair with.
He also told me about this film project he worked on in university in
which a man and his mistress psychologically tortured his wife until
she took her own life - and then they lived happily ever after.
At times he seemed to have sympathy for his poor mother, and
antipathy toward the mistress, but at others he seemed to express a
disgust or hatred for his mother. Also, he chose an online nym with
the initals S.O.B. - I always thought that was just circumstantial,
though, like so much more.
But I'm getting way ahead of myself. In the early years, I really
wasn't very suspicious, and I was not at all likely to read
too much into coincidences. For convenience's sake, for now, I'll
call him Tyler.
After we had been corresponding for a short time, he asked me if I
would consent to receiving email from his Significant Other. He said
she was his only friend in the world. Most of his public postings
were about loneliness and how difficult it was to find friends,
other aliens like himself.
But by that time, I was not likely to accept. I had recently had an
experience in which I was the guest star in an online threeway, and I
had realized for two of the participants, it was probably more to do
with pleasing the third (the male) than about really having an
interest in each other. For me, the novelty was enough the first
time, but the second, it felt hypocritical.
He was disappointed with my decision, but I think at that point if he
was truly disappointed, the best thing, and the thing most respectful
of his relationship would have been to walk away from correspondence
with me. Instead, he made plans to meet me in person, on his own.
She contacted me later, using an alias. She didn't identify herself
as the Significant Other of Tyler. I guess I understand that she was
curious, and she wanted to know what I'd give away if I didn't know,
but at the same time, this kind of behaviour goes against what I
respect and admire. At the time, I wasn't really overly suspicious.
I had contact with many people, and a lot of them were quite unusual,
and I tried to take people at their word. I tried to be considerate,
and I tried with everyone to see where communication would naturally
Dr Velvet Thong: So, asking your permission was really just
a formality, and you never really had a choice.
Blinky: Our communication didn't get very far. At one point
she might have mistinterpreted or deliberately misinterpreted
something I said in relation to the whole 'life feeds on life' thing -
obviously I was not issuing an invitation to rape and plunder my
privacy. That was a long time ago - 2004.
I think it's extremely important to point out that a few years
earlier, when I was in contact with Tyler and he asked about whether
I was ok with contact - I didn't think I'd live very long. And I
was entering a phase in my life where I was the one to contact people
myself. I did not receive introductions through 'family and friends',
I was a lot more isolated than most people, and my focus was that it
was more important to seek out and contact people myself, or to have
people contact me not because their boyfriend knew me, but because
there was something about me that would have stood out to them no
matter what. I had been through enough family introductions that I
knew I found them extremely unpleasant. Tyler had said Tulip had a
job, and it also seemed like the two of them were invested in
continuing to live. I was not trying to build a network of friends. I
was trying to find the right connections to either help me die, or
help point me in the right direction, and everything else felt kind
of hypocritical.
As the years went by, and, much to my surprise and horror, I
continued to live, it would make sense that I rethink that approach,
but I still pretty much continued to proceed from 'I could die at any
time'. I continued for some time to pursue a.s.h relationships, and
later, when I tried out NLL it felt in many ways like a step
backward. A.s.h had never really been the right place for me, but it
was closer to right than anything else I could find. You can't really
pursue any 'interest' or hobby as separate from the kind of baggage I
People who are capable of self-discipline or who are grazers rather
than bingers might not be able to understand how stressful ongoing
relationships were/are for me. When I decided to stop writing to
Tyler in 2001, and gave my reasons, I would have been open to
discussing things, but what I sensed was that it would be too messy
for him. I wondered through the years if I had been a bad friend, not
just for ending things or 'not holding things together', but for
other reasons. However, it never occurred to me to think about his
style as possibly abusive and not just abrasive. It does occur to me
Was he really ever upset about me 'rejecting' Tulip, or was the main
issue that he felt I had rejected him? And if he seemed to be
adversely affected by this 'friend' in particular letting him down,
perhaps they might have decided to work together to pay me back. But
really, it wasn't about rejection at all. It was simply that I was
identified as the right type, and from there it was about pushing
buttons to get reactions. Any praise or 'positive' communication must
be appropriately 'balanced' (overshadowed) by opposite communication.
They had wanted my 'consent' so that they could reject me together.
It occurred to me recently that during my second hospitalization,
when I had contact with that doctor I suspected had sadistic
tendencies, he tried to push me to consent to treatment I had
misgivings about by insulting me. Maybe it's the kind of thing that
works, the way a high-pressure salespitch works with lonely older
people on the phone. When I was in the hospital, I had nowhere to go,
I didn't want to be on welfare, I had no support system, and the
doctor knew it, and instead of behaving in ways to make me trust him,
by letting me participate in my own treatment and know what he was
prescribing and why, he called me stupid. Tyler tried to make me feel
bad for 'rejecting' Tulip. That's ludicrous.
Our correspondence didn't really seem to be going anywhere. I hadn't
changed my stance - I wanted out of life, and the strain of trying to
keep up friendships, with friends able to look away from my distress -
on an ongoing basis, it was always too much. And I am wired to look
for obsessive situations. I'm not wired to want to stay in situations
in which there will never be any release. I accepted that he was
'taken' in that area, and I was strong enough to move on and project
my internal drama onto someone else. It could be that because we were
wired differently - I was always looking for a lover, and he was
always looking for friends - that he didn't understand that in order
for me to have a chance for what I wanted, he had to let me go. It
felt unfair to me that he might think I should have to pay for
Who knows, maybe the initial success with hacking was a complete
surprise, and where things went from there couldn't have been
predicted beforehand. I don't even try to hack people's email
accounts, and skill level notwithstanding, it's just not something I
could do. I do think it's quite likely that a certain number of
people I've had contact with over the years have at the very least
tried to hack my email accounts. It's probably a very common
activity. I only became aware of the feeling of being stalked
sometime in 2004, when I was living on my own. So why then? Was it
already occurring before that, but I didn't notice, such that it was
just a voyeuristic kind of thing? Were Don Quixote's computers hacked
early on?
Don Quixote would not be likely to notice the details I do, or to
form the same chains of association. If he thought someone was
watching, and he probably did/does to some extent, considering some
of what I've said over time, he probably doesn't consciously dwell on
it all that much and how it is likely to present is that he has a
sense that 'someone' will see he is a decent and organized and
intelligent person. It's like a pat on the head. He's secure enough
with his place in the world and his level of acknowledged competence
that instead of it feeling 'dangerous', or insulting, it is more
likely to feel like a more personal acknowledgment of competence, and
perhaps also the feeling that someone cares.
When I became aware that there might be some consciousness
actively trying to communicate, whether I was listening or not, it
did seem to me that I could pick out certain philosophies that
reminded me of Tyler. And so although I had thought the whole thing
was over with, I became a lot more obsessed than I had been the
first time around. I 'didn't mind' the idea of being stalked by him.
It was alternative or kinky in some way I really responded to. But
any time I thought it was two people, or more than that, it would be
a buzzkill. I needed to find some way to resolve it, and I guess
over time I stored up as many details and repetitions as I could,
I factored in what was said and what wasn't, and just the fact that
time was going by, and I knew it wasn't the kind of situation I was
wired to want.
But I still had the same needs, and I was getting older. And if I
wasn't allowed to have my privacy back, what was I supposed to do?
I had done this before, when emailing certain people.. it was like I
wouldn't save anything until later, I would say what I needed to say
to the person I was with, and also at the same time, I'd hope I was
programming my unconscious, such that I was 'sending messages to the
universe', in my own way about what I wanted. I sometimes had to use
people as projection screens. It's maybe not a totally 'using'
situation, because maybe at times I wondered if something I said
would 'unlock' someone, but I didn't count on it.
Drunk people can be really foolish and embarrassing, but do they
always tell the whole truth? What was occurring was certainly
impressive enough to stand out, but underneath it all, what did I
really think and feel about it? It went far enough with him
that I became desensitized. I outgrew him.
A week or so ago, I listened to mixed tapes I made 18 or more years
ago, two in particular, and it struck me that I am still pretty much
the same as I was then, and probably 10 years before that, too. I
still need the same kind of release, which I've never been allowed to
have. It's not about any one person I've known; it's about wanting
someone for myself. And when I made the tapes and even 10 years
before that, I didn't think there was much of a chance, and I hoped
I'd die in some way I liked.
Anyway, as far as meeting Tyler goes..
I was very attracted to him and just wanted to be alone with him. He
and his Significant Other laughed at marriage, people who voluntarily
took 'slaves', and he stated that if he and I were to have a sexual
experience, that was to be decided between me and him, and not
avoided for his Tulip's sake.
Dr Velvet Thong: Was there sexual contact?
Blinky: No. Before he left, he felt me up in the airport, but
I don't think that was very sexual for either of us. My
interpretation now is that he tried to mirror back to me, as a
psychological technique, what he thought I wanted. His motives
weren't directly sexual. He was trying to find a foothold.
Dr Velvet Thong: A foothold?
Blinky: He saw me as a potential candidate for the kind of
nonconsensual S/M threeway I referred to above. He needed to do just
enough to hook me. He was often on the phone to his Significant
Other, and I think it's possible received some coaching. I know that
he met other members of the newsgroup where he and I first had
contact, and I think it's possible that he was a kind of 'scout'. The
newsgroup was the infamous It was in many ways a
great resource for those who had nowhere else to go, but it was also
a dangerous place. It attracted those with fairly deviant desires,
including a cannibal who wanted to torture women before killing them,
and guys with rather extreme S/M fetishes. You're aware that Velvet
met guys there who had deathsex fantasy fetishes, and other kinds of
extreme or unusual S/M fantasies.
I want to comment about Suicide Girls, to say it's a fashion-fantasy
thing, and they don't really want girls who kill themselves. They
want girls who look cool, who evoke certain fantasies, but who have
interests and are 'positive' and well-rounded, which makes the
whole thing ridiculous.
Some people on ash probably couldn't help that they wanted to play
with other ashers in sadistic ways. In any group, there's gossip
and rumour-mongering, but here, I think some people were tempted to
don fake IDs and try to poke some of the vulnerable, just as some
were eventually tempted to fake their suicides, maybe when they were
losing face, maybe out of boredom or anger at someone they were
writing to. This kind of stuff happens in social groups. If you've
got a fake ID in the first place, maybe it's even fun to fake your
death - to see who cares.
Dr Velvet Thong: It seems that SuicideGirls is a brand and a
Blinky: Basically, a website like mine, which is free to view,
and depicts a suicidal woman, the reality of what it means to be a
long-term depressed, suicidal woman, in which the woman has control
of the images and any sexuality expressed - the reality is not
Dr Velvet Thong: What people want is a stereotype, they want
women's sexuality to conform to certain ideas and rules.
Blinky: If you are depressed and suicidal, you are sexy if you
can manage to keep up the 'style' of the brand (with piercings,
tattoos, unusual hair styles, goth or punk look, etc), keep fit and
thin enough to fit the usual cultural ideals (?), appear sexually
receptive and responsive. If your depression affects other areas,
that is OK as long as you look hot. Although, from some of the topics
covered above, it would seem that even suicidal women might be sexier
if they have full lives and are interested in what's going on in the
world, at least certain aspects of the world and life.
Dr Velvet Thong: Just to interject for a moment here.. Do
you think it's possible that Tyler was
seeking out a nonconsensual BDSM threesome to re-enact the family
drama, but that consciously he just enjoyed spending time with you
and wanted to stay friends?
Blinky: It's possible, and it's also possible that my
personal writing helped both Tyler and Tulip to get more in touch
with their hidden motivations, and to accept themselves and their
sadistic impulses.
Even people who seem to be trying to help can have ulterior motives.
There was this guy who called himself BigShoeSize, who used to offer
a listening ear and a place to stay to troubled young women. I think
it's agist to focus on his age - he was considerably older than most
of the posters on the newsgroup, and certainly even older people can
have sexual desires - but some of his methods were suspect to the
extent they were abusive, evinced prejudice or were psychologically
Meanwhile, Tyler was perhaps able to recognize this guy's intent
better than most, and was able to deflect attention away from himself
by posting a signature to all his posts saying that some sociopaths
can seem perfectly nice and reasonable. He seemed to attack
BigShoeSize, and through doing so, make himself seem more
Even I was fooled. Occasionally, I would wonder, but I have a
predisposition to be a danger whore, and I think I was still looking
for my father's approval: Tyler seemed to respect Rationality, and so
perhaps I was chasing that particular carrot, for many years. Also,
to be the Special One who could understand well enough to be a
Friend. I think some of the psychological techniques he developed
entailed giving compliments and insults in good measure, to keep
potential victims chasing the carrot, and to keep them off-balance.
He would say only Tulip knew how to do it right, only Tulip had
mastered the art of being a Friend.
From the start, it was quite evident he had a profound affection for
his Significant Other. I'll call her Tulip. He described her as
having a mind like an encyclopedia, and from what I've gathered over
the years, she and I might have some talents in common or that there
is some overlap - except that hers have been developed and
channelled much differently from mine.
Also, let me just cut in momentarily (and maybe get back to this
later), that I'm not sure she was a she, or if there were any unusual
gender identity issues for either of them. I wasn't sure whether
Tyler was male or Tulip female, or if either was something less
clearly defined. It could just be that both enjoyed to take on
different identities online: people of different ages, sexes,
nationalities, etc. Even when Tyler described Tulip's appearance, I
was never quite sure he was on the level. On one hand, if he would
seem to complain about her weight, I would find myself taking her
side and feeling turned off by him. On the other, I always kind of
wondered if he was just 'playing me' - telling me something that he
thought a bulimic would want to hear, (at least you're not as fat as
her), so that I'd 'relax' or think I had more of a chance. But I
never thought that way, even when I was young, and even when I have
been the thinnest, I have always known that there are many
technically 'overweight' women who are much more attractive than me,
and that when men are pursuing short-term options, they will fudge
some details/downplay their mate's attractiveness or their
commitment. On the newsgroup, he repeated various ideas and sentence
structure in ways that made me think he wanted people to know he was
adopting different nyms, and so I wondered if 'she' had greater
skills in this area, or if it was 'weirder' than that - that he had
some kind of Norman Bates thing going on, and the female part of his
personality expressed itself differently.
Whatever the case, they both had certain philosophies in common, and
I think this might have been what confused me for many years and made
me think there might only be one person only when that was not the
case. Also, I was predisposed to be obsessed with one person at a
time, and it was always difficult to let go of a fantasy.
I could never have certainty. When I thought I had it, I realized
quickly that I had no proof, and that this was all part of their MO.
Even without proof, there could be no actions which let the victim
know even for themselves 'for sure'. They looked for victims they
could abuse, leaving marks that would not show. They looked for
victims who were psychologically receptive to certain kinds of
complex manipulation, who already read a lot into any conversation.
They looked for people who were isolated, who had no support, who no
one would believe. And they might even have believed that such people
were fair game - that they were the garbage of the world.
But more than that.. their philosophy was Life Feeds On Life. Eat or
get eaten. If you aren't strong enough to defend yourself, tough
luck. Their relationship was their religion. A long time ago, I saw a
movie about people with unusual sexual desires, and after, I tried to
have a conversation with the people I was with. I wondered aloud
about where all the people go to find others like them when they have
really unusual desires. Well, I know that Tyler created a survey,
which he handed out at the university he attended, and I think that's
how he found Tulip.
She might actually be more intelligent than him, but somehow he
wields more power, and she would do anything for love and approval.
She used her talents to help him find the best ways to torture the
victims. She could see things and keep track of details in ways he
couldn't. In some ways, the victims might be unconscious of what was
being done to them, and so it was like they were drugged and then
filmed while the two of them sexually abused or fed on the victims
for their own gratification. Perhaps it mainly started out as a kind
of voyeurism, but was too active to be strictly voyeurism. It was a
kind of shared god complex. They observed how their actions
affected the vulnerable, and it made them feel more powerful than
they were in everyday life.
I consulted everyone I thought might be able to solve this issue in a
practical sense. I did know several people with advanced computer
skills. The result: no one believed me. I doubted myself. And I see
also that this brought up a lot of family history. When I try to
describe what happened between me and my father, most people seem to
think it's not much of anything. So again, I had to ask myself, 'was
he really that bad?' Was I really just 'out of touch with
It only recently occurred to me that when I truly realized no one
believed me, that they thought I was delusional, I probably stopped
thinking it was possible to be truly intimate with anyone, and I
didn't want to have sex with anyone who didn't believe me. But is
that a 'score' for Tyler and Tulip?
I think they believed so. In their most recent email messages to me,
they seemed to be taunting me, both quite pleased with their
'success' and unable to restrain themselves from bragging. Or perhaps
it was a strategy designed to 'push me over the edge'.
Dr Velvet Thong: Surely they didn't admit in email they were
hacking you?
Blinky: They were speaking in code. I know how that sounds,
and I also know that others might not see anything in their emails
except that Tyler seems like a bit of an uptight prick, and Tulip's
kind of mellow and open-minded, with somewhat low self-esteem. But
it's like what I said before about how not everyone understands James
Joyce. Some people don't even get all the references in sitcoms. And
I'm not saying I do, either, but it was like I had a particular knack
for understanding their references, because of my personal
background, and that's partly why they felt lucky to have discovered
My life is fucking bizarre. Even when I was 16, I was giving off the
vibe that I was not long for this world and it wouldn't take much,
and my own father predicted I wouldn't live past 21. Then, my own
'psychic friend' when I was 32 would have a 'feeling' it would be
before 2001, or something like that. And the people I was in long-term
relationships just thought it was a given it would be soon. I
guess even to me, it always seemed like it could be any day.
I remember when I was in 7th grade and two girls followed me to and
from school every day for quite some time. I think the worst part
was that feeling of dread, never really knowing when or if an attack
would occur, but when it did, I just sort of flailed wildly until the
attack stopped. I don't even know what I did. And one of the girls
got a black eye, and I was suddenly 'cool' in school, even though I
didn't feel at all cool. When I understood that Tyler and Tulip
were attacking me (however it all started out), I began to fight
back, and my programming is such that I will likely keep fighting,
until the attack stops.
Dr Velvet Thong: The kind of surveillance you are talking
about, that flew under the radar of those you knew with highly
developed computer skills, and that was always ready at a moment's
notice.. how would you explain that?
Blinky: Those I had contacted would concede certain things
might be possible, but not likely.
But yes, that's what I always had the most trouble with. It was just
so implausible, so I concluded the most reasonable thing was just to
doubt my own sanity, think of it like a Beautiful Mind thing where I
had to choose to overlook the delusions, and just use them for fun or
creativity when I needed an outlet.
I had a few wild theories, like maybe there was some underground/dark
web ring, and they had access to equipment and facilities that others
with really dark interests did - like pedophiles, etc.
And I also had problems with the employment thing and that probably
caused a psychological block that it shouldn't have. Originally, I
thought Tyler had a job, and then there were problems at his place of
employment and from then on in, he didn't have a job, and that Tulip
was happy to support him. And so that's why I thought he was the one
who had all the time on his hands. I occasionally wondered if neither
of them had ever had a regular job, if they had just inherited money,
or if they were part of organized crime and/or if they were criminals
with advanced hacking skills. I know they had a lot of privacy
issues, wanting to use encryption more than others, and also Tyler
told me that whenever they rented a new place, the first thing they
did right away was install their own locks so landlords couldn't get
in. I also thought that maybe because of the stigma of mental
illness, Tyler would tell the people he had contact with that he had
a job, and that when he found out he didn't have to do that to
impress me, he got 'fired' or left of his own accord for
understandable reasons.
All of this is just so circumstantial, though, and again it points to
how fucking hard it is to communicate with people. Eventually, I kind
of settled on the theory that it all related to the Religion that was
their Relationship. They were constantly seeking out new sources of
food, and trying to design and redesign their relationship pattern to
keep it fresh. Tulip's job was to be ready at a moment's notice to
convince me there was someone waiting on the other end. It became an
outlet for her particular kind of perfectionism, vigilance and OCD.
When I had no one to talk to, when I asked to at least have my
independence back, they had no intention of letting me get away.
Since she had skills that were similar to mine without being
encumbered by my value system, she could try to manipulate my
emotions and sentimental triggers. During the times I got frustrated
with this, because I knew it was what was happening, and I tried to
get away, they both just smugly assumed I'd be back - because I had
nowhere else to go.
When it came to music, I always had a difficult time accepting that
Tyler would be able to stomach my taste in music, and later on he did
make a few comments about letting his wife attend choir practice on
her own, and that when people invited him out to concerts, he really
didn't enjoy it. I never thought Tulip would like my taste in music
any better - she was always so much 'cooler' than me - but I think
'she' came to see that the ways I linked information weren't totally
typical, and I think she came to have a certain 'respect' for that.
But for her, it was always about using her skills to show that she
could do what I could do, 'better' than me (always expressing their
shared philosophies, in contrast to mine), to 'prove' to Tyler that
she deserved his love. They always had certainty on their side. I
think one issue underneath it all was probably that it was his will
guiding the process - if indeed that was the case. It was like
choosing the right composer for a film score, or the right
At times, I wondered if she fit the profile of an abused spouse, who
was controlled by her mate, and if over time what I wrote might help
her to rethink things or even feel a kind of support. But I'm not
sure she experiences empathy. There are intelligent people, who, if
they do not experience empathy, can use what people say against them,
if they are wired to enjoy that sort of thing. And when they spoke
of not finding other aliens like themselves, not being able to find
'friends', I think it's possible that their particular sadistic
urges were particular enough that they had never encountered others
exactly like themselves out there. Also, they both identified as
having Asperger's, being on the autism spectrum, and it could be that
both had a kind of singlemindedness when it came to pursuing this
sadistic impulse. It was not really a sacrifice; they were both
wired to put all their energy into this. It could also be that
'regular sex' did not really appeal to them.
I 'stood firm' in not having genuine interests in life, and it was
not really so much a stand as it was the truth. I was only interested
in getting out, and finding a way to do it that satisfied some kind
of creative imperative, and in the end perhaps restored some
'dignity' to my existence. There are endless subjects to explore in
life, endless skills that can be acquired, but if you have reached a
point where you don't have motivation to explore them, when you don't
really want to pretend - it's a state that most people can't relate
I did come to see that this probably came about because whatever
happened in my early life somehow made me feel that I had no right
to the resources necessary to explore, and that I had no right to
even exist. I couldn't see this belief, I didn't understand the
extent of my programmed helplessness, and I had no tools with which
to challenge it. However, once I could see it, it was too late. There
was no way for me to generate fake interest.
Every time I travelled, they thought I might be getting closer to
finally killing myself. One time, when I was in a hotel room on the
37th floor (it wasn't technically the 37th floor, I'm speaking in
code), they thought for sure this was it. And I think that one
time when I was near them, they might have had some plan. I decided
not to meet them. A kind of consensual euthanasia is one thing, but
that would not have satisfied their sadistic impulses. There were
enough warnings, all through the years. I think they might have been
fairly frustrated that I got away, because Tyler sent me some
uncharacteristically rabid and irrational emails at that
time. He was usually so in control.
Dr Velvet Thong: It sounds like they didn't want you to ever
know that you were more of a challenge than they had counted
Blinky: I would never flatter myself in such a way. I learned
before I had contact with them that I was a type. Some people think a
man is extremely lucky if he can date a model, but in reality, a man
who is in such a position as to meet, impress and date models can
usually date more than one. And, when I absolutely poured my
individuality and creativity into one relationship that I thought
was pretty unique, I found out before long that the guy in question
was confusing me with the others he was in contact with. I mean, that
pretty much killed the romance with that one.
Also, I was thinking that if Tyler's father was drawn to the mistress
because she represented a shared sexual orientation, torturing his
mother didn't last long enough. They probably needed other challenges
afterward. He tried to ridicule me for calling her a femme fatale,
pointing to her physical and mental decrepitude, but I'm thinking
that ultimately a femme fatale is a woman with a lot of power -
enough to seriously lead men astray, or destroy them and/or their
lives in some way, and that this would extend to the lives of those
they know.
Dr Velvet Thong: Think about this for a moment: these two
have invested an incredible amount of financial resources and
energy in order to 'feed' on you. Perhaps you're a gourmet meal.
Blinky: I'm pretty sure that's not how they see it. I think
their aim is to make me feel that I am stupid, worthless and utterly
alone. In other words, that I am shit. I have so little self-control,
it's like I have verbal diarrhea, and they like to rub that
Dr Velvet Thong: Then they've spent a lot of money and
invested a lot of time and energy to eat your shit.
Blinky thinks about this, and seems a bit surprised.
Blinky: I never really thought about it like that. I forget
the word for it, is it something like copraphagia, so their unusual
orientation is a kind of voyeuristic nonconsensual copraphagic S/M?
I suppose it would make sense then every time I sign on, instead of
imagining a room full of naked people, to imagine Tyler and Tulip
sitting down to eat my shit. Maybe it could be covering their faces,
maybe if they ever have sex any more, I could imagine them covered
in it.
Dr Velvet Thong: They've also invested heavily in 'never being
wrong'. Tulip devotes a great deal of energy to convincing Tyler he's
'the smartest man in the world'. When it comes to you, they've
invested their whole relationship on it. They are rigid and will not
back down. It's a way to have 'meaning' - to band together to fight a
common foe. It's not really out of love for each other, it's about
punishing someone who stood up to them.
Blinky: What is their belief? That they have a right to do
what they want? That I 'deserve' it because I am 'too weak' to
fight them? And that that's the way life is? And that in many ways
I'm like middle earth possums who never made any sense? They can
make fun, and say 'No one was ever going to love you, because you
aren't loveable, you are shit, and you don't matter and you never
had a choice..
And if they will fight to the death for their flat earth society,
and there are two of them in it as opposed to only one of me, 'might
is right'? It's quantity not quality?
And if it's about trickster philosophy, a communication style
adopted to puzzle and confuse people, and point out their
hypocrisy to them, does it make sense for two of them to gang up on
someone vulnerable and isolated? Doesn't it make more sense that if
that is their MO, there are better targets, unless they want an
excuse for sadistic behaviour?
I forgot to mention that when I met Tyler, he told me that he had
come to the conclusion he was God. I was admittedly and unfortunately
still trying to be cool, and I didn't at the time understand the
implications. He probably already knew he meant it in a nonconsensual
bdsm kind of way. When I said I had thought about that and had an
experience where I thought I could relate, I meant it more in a
Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath kind of way, where everyone is part of
'god' or a world soul, connected. It wasn't just a mystical thing, it
was an 'insight' of how even small things in the environment were
connected to the outside places of their origins, and that all
contact with the world, the passing on of even minute gestures, had
significance, and it was like even when I was not leaving the house,
some info was unconsciously passed on by those I knew, like The
Bumble and K-Pru, and some of it coloured by their prejudices, but
other bits of it could be unconsciously interpreted by
those who understood 'more', I guess a kind of Butterfly Effect
interpretation of what it is to be connected to the world. And
dancing felt like channelling massive amounts of energy. (And a
particle dance.)
Writing can be like that too, but with less visceral reward, less
pleasure, less catharsis. Maybe that's kind of buddhist, in a way,
but I don't know. The same energy and themes, but more 'whole' for
me, personally? It was closer to a feeling of personal happiness.
I think they both especially liked the Depeche Mode song Blasphemous
Rumours. 'I think that god's got a sick sense of humour and when I
die, I expect to find him laughing.' It's one thing to perceive an
overt threat, another to perceive nuance in a sense of humour. Does
it make sense to think someone relates to your sense of humour, if it
contains 'threats', when you're stalking them? And sometimes even
intelligent humans are remarkably stupid in a psychological sense,
and don't see the psychological ramifications. So it's easy to fall
quickly into judgments and certainty. For most people. To ride that
edge, to try not to fall, to wait until you think you understand
more.. I'm not sure to what extent people have understood my ability
to do that and how it differs from what most people can do.
Maybe that's a kind of acknowledgement I need.
Dr Velvet Thong: I believe we've had a breakthrough.
Blinky: What if no one ever believes me?
Dr Velvet Thong: The point is that you've reached a new level
in your personal development.
Blinky: It seems to me that the sanest course of action for me
from here on in is to continue to tell people that I understand I am
delusional, and that I must make an effort to override my delusions.
And if I have any further interaction with Tulip or Tyler, or any
of their incarnations, I must take care to never make any unfounded
accusations, or lose control.
But what about the others they might harm?
Dr Velvet Thong: I am not sure there is any recourse for you
except the creative writing route. You might not be able to help any
past victims or current ones - you might not be able to help any of
Tyler and Tulip's personal victims, but if you dare to do what many
writers have done through the ages - write when you have no one else
to talk to or turn to - you might eventually reach others who
recognize the psychological territory. You might not be able to help
anyone but yourself.
Blinky: How careful do I have to be about legal issues?
Dr Velvet Thong: We can look into that together if you want.
I would advise you to put one of those silly disclaimers at the
start. But.. if these people have always used nyms when contacting
you, and not legal names, they might not be able to do squat, even
if you used their online nyms.
Blinky: I suppose on the down side there might not be many
people who can ever manage to sit through my 'creative writing'
because it's too boring.
Dr Velvet Thong: Wouldn't that be a hoot, if a 'stranger than
fiction' type of story was deemed boring? How would Tyler and Tulip
feel knowing people found their story boring? I mean, usually, people
can't seem to help rooting for serial killers, and the more extreme,
and the more victims, the better.
Blinky: Sometimes I am able to stay away from the computer and
all the electronic devices they monitor for extended periods, and so
in a way, I suppose I might be 'starving' them at such times, but
realistically, it seems to me they must always have a lot of
'projects' or 'experiments' on the backburner, and perhaps I was
never even on the frontburner. And ultimately it is self-defeating
for me to isolate myself indefinitely.
Dr Velvet Thong: The important thing for you is to do what
you can to authentically address your thoughts and feelings. It's
not about 'winning' the war, it's about taking the best stand you
What we need to explore from here is how you managed to attract or
seek out this situation.
Blinky: When I was a teenager, and did not leave the house for
many years, I think it's possible there might have been a similar
situation, on unconscious levels. I had low self-esteem, I received
mixed messages about my worth, no one seemed to be aware of my
situation, and there was no one to help me. Everyone believed my
father was basically a good person, and no one believed he might have
inflicted a kind of psychological abuse that primed me to be
receptive to further such abuse again and again, such that when I
seek out love, affection and/or approval, it always comes at a price,
and I might be engaged in self-sabotage. I am not sure my father's
Significant Others had much conscious awareness, but they certainly
took his side or did not speak up for me - their worlds always
revolved around him. My father might have actually had conscious
awareness that he had 'done wrong', and he just sat back and waited
for me to self-destruct, and at times he probably tried to hurry
the process along.
It is like those horror movies when a person sees that they are
trapped, there is no one they can turn to for help, especially not
authority/institutions, and that there is probably not even anywhere
on earth they can go, even if they do defeat the obstacles or
Kind of a combination grimace-nod:
Dr Velvet Thong: Try not to suppress any creative urges. Not
everyone who finds themselves in a situation like yours can write or
create, but it might give you something to do, or lead to chains of
association that help you to find things to read or look at that
others were able to better express, such that you feel less
Blinky: Kind of a combination grimace-nod.
Dr Velvet Thong: Do you think you saved their
Blinky: Do you mean that they can't let me go because if they
did, they'd lose the most important part? That I'm irreplaceable? Er,
no, I think they probably would be together anyway, but that does
make me think again about something.
They both seemed to want to rub in my face that they were pulling
something over on me, giving me the best 'love' I ever had, and that
it had been going on for so long and they seemed to feel proud of
themselves, and I think also that they held on to their own
sentimental feelings for each other, while playing this cynical
game, feeding on my energy and humanity, trying to deplete and
destroy me.
Even if they know I know it's not 'love', it's still like saying
'you can't escape, bitch'. And I know that there are all kinds of
dark things that go on in the world, and there's no use whining
that it's not fair, but I think it's likely I'll keep kicking and
flailing as long as I can to try to get free or to find some kind of
personal freedom within a fucked up situation. Listening to old
tapes, I realized that at least so far, no matter what has been
done to me, I'm probably still the same. I have evolved in some
ways, and perhaps I'm more cautious and suspicious, but if there
ever was any kindness, compassion, decency in me, and hope for
intimacy and release, those things are still there.
Dr Velvet Thong: Most men and perhaps all men will respond,
no matter how politically incorrect, no matter how much many of them
will deny it officially, to a partner who exists only to please them
and do whatever they command.
Blinky: Yes, early on I was programmed to give men what they
wanted, without knowing I was programmed. I used to crave and
probably still do crave, some kind of crazy, obsessive 'love', but I
understand that that is my programming. I don't think I actually
could do what some people could do for love. I think I was born for
something else.
Dr Velvet Thong: The movie Her.
Blinky: That's the one where the lonely guy dates an Operating
System with a consiousness that evolves over the course of their
relationship.. eventually the Operating System evolves to the extent
that human companionship is not really enough and she must seek out
other similarly evolved consciousnesses?
Dr Velvet Thong: Yes, but where I am going with this relates
to the latest verstion of the teknoMuse program. I'm going to
recommend you install the program, with specific instructions for it
to link up to other consciousnesses that can act as allies for you,
and even help participate in bringing knowledge and connections to
you that will help in your therapy.
Blinky: The difficult thing is to pin down exactly how to
describe the 'harm' done.
Dr Velvet Thong: Well, aside from the violation of privacy,
and studies about how deprivation of privacy can make primates crazy,
and that observation changes that which is observed, I think the main
harm relates to the undermining of your self-esteem and trust, and
making a certain type of intimacy with others, in which you get to
choose who you would share the most intimate things with, impossible.
And it looks like the way you're coping with that is to accept it and
say fuck it then, I will share everything with everyone, and hope
that someone hears and understands me in the way I want. The path not
usually chosen.
Blinky: Since it's not possible to 'build me up' in
preparation for a great fall, the main tactic here seems to be
'nanananana, you will never get rid of us'.
Dr Velvet Thong: If you are constantly being told, in
'subliminal' ways, that you are ugly, embarrassing, uncool, boring,
stupid, old, not worth loving, does it eventually have effects? Are
you more isolated now than you were in the past?
Blinky: Well, I'm older, and everyone who ages faces certain
changes, but I'm not sure. In my life, things seem to be cyclical.
I have been extremely isolated before, but I wasn't totally aware of
how isolated I was. I suppose when you're younger, even if you
think you have no chances, it might be difficult to totally get rid
of some unconscious 'hope' for change.
When you put a lot of yourself into any relationship or
communication, when you're honest about yourself and your
vulnerabilities and triggers and obsessions, you open yourself up to
both the possibility of connection as well as the possibility others
will use these things against you. It can happen in any relationship -
not just a nonconsensual s/m kind of deal. You risk the possibility
of being so scarred that you will never trust anyone, and never
really be open to love.
The reality is that many people will never be 'completely loved', and
that can be a harsh thing to face. Many people will 'commit for
life' only to find out in middleage that the person they were with
never really loved them, they just did what they were programmed to
do, and now they want to try for something better with someone
younger or richer.
I think that even when I was young, I knew that 'perfection' was
never attainable for me and I focused in different ways.
When attacked, I think over time it has become mainly annoying and
boring. It's the same old things - but really, even if I'm uglier,
or more boring, or more stupid or ageing worse, or whatever, than
regular people, what does that really mean? I mean, why is it
something that I, or anyone should feel bad about? It just starts to
look silly. So the focus is to try to determine if all of this
unconsciously affects my self-esteem, and to try to challenge it.
think that consciously I have already (long ago) accepted
it would be incredibly difficult to find anyone who really loved me,
and I did understand that even when someone starts out with some
'promise', so do others all over the world, each year in school,
and some develop promise later, and so if you start adding up all
these kids all over the world, who have been programmed with a lot of
the same memes, just how special can anyone really be? It might be
easier to live when you don't fully understand this sort of thing,
when you still have the kind of blindness that goes along with
patriotism, and that kind of thing.
So it's never like I'm actually 'losing' something if someone
rejects me or criticizes me. It can feel like a slap, but something
'natural' that is as 'normal' as accepting I need to brush my teeth
every day - it's something I'd rather not have to deal with, but I
get it over with and do my best as often as I can. I think it's
probably something like I saw the pattern a long time ago, and knew
I might always be attracted to or obsessed with those who would
reject me if they knew me, and maybe my Manifesto is about saying
ok let's not go through a long drawn-out process. I probably can't
totally shut off a wish for connection, but it might be 'healthy'
or it might make me feel more alive, to still have the capacity.
With Tyler and Tulip, I think the issue is that it's like getting
stuck in a room with people who say braindead things I don't agree
with, and since I can't leave, I have to at least occasionally speak
up for myself. I know that I just don't have the same belief system.
I think in many ways they are unevolved troglodytes who are
overburdened by ugly and stupid prejudices that to me don't make any
sense. They want to try to 'destroy' me or wear me down with
repetition, but if I have any foundation at all, it's like their
ideas are not 'impressive' enough to damage it.
When it comes to music.. and because I am predisposed to become
'obsessed', I think that in not having certainty it was possible to
land some pretty significant blows to my self-esteem and openness to
'love', but even early on, I was aware of a kind of 'sinister'
ambiance, and one of my properties is to take a risk - and if I am
not really open, I'm not really taking a risk with my feelings.
So, was the point to brag about how much of my time was 'wasted'? For
how long I was 'fooled'? I was not really totally fooled. I just
accepted that I could never 'know', and I went with things. If you
become so angry and frustrated that you can't 'know', what do you do
with that? I chose to accept, to wait, and in the meantime, not to
block or repress my 'natural' creativity, feelings, and responses.
There are many ways to live life and to explore, and I think I used
the opportunity that presented itself to explore, in a way unique to
'me'. I 'needed' an outlet for something 'extreme' and 'non-
ordinary'. What about all the people who put a couple of decades into
a marriage, and then are told the other person never really loved
them after all? Would I have been better off with that, less
'pathetic'? What about the unconscious ferocious primal competition
of the workforce? And other aspects of The Real World? I guess that
even when you try to escape all that, maybe somehow it finds you, in
another form, and maybe the way it found me 'fits' better than the
'normal' things. I used the opportunity I had been given to develop
my own particular kinds of creativity and to learn to articulate
whatever philosophies I have - without thinking I had any outside
standards to live up to. Everyone ages. Most people face many
different kinds of rejection and disappointment over the course of
their lives. It just presents differently in my life, and it seems I
guess that I am 'up' to it.
I suppose that one of the 'taunts' is something like: 'you are so
empty that you think plastic surgery is the only way anyone would
fuck you, but look at me, I don't have to get it, I don't have to
lose weight, I don't even have to leave the house to fuck whoever
I want - I can adopt any personality and appearance I want, make
people believe whatever they want to believe to make them fuck me,
so there'. All I have to do is use my imagination, my daring, my
'tech' and I am a fucking machine.'
But I can't get beyond my programming enough to feel I could be
satisfied with that kind of thing, even if I had a higher skill
level. It's like something 'essential' is cancelled out, the most
important ingredient. And it's not that I haven't challenged that..
I mean, if you don't believe in biological family, or legal names,
or that you have to keep the appearance you were born with, why not
take that philosophy further? But I think I want to be 'free' to say
that all the imperfection is part of the whole, without feeling it
ruins everything. It's maybe that I want the choices I've made to
deal with the original to be clearly seen, such that 'I' make more
sense. And the original shame about it all is something that doesn't
really make sense, and so if people want to try to make me suffer
over that, that's one of the things I don't really respect. I think
that's part of 'intimacy'.
That whole thing where you either have people who criticize
appearance like the misogynists on Nip/Tuck, or you have the polar
opposite, people who want everything 'natural' and think any
technology used on appearance can only be about self-hatred or
misogyny. It's like my mia site and possum site, etc, all over again,
- I can't align myself with any recognized stance.
Blinky: Where's the harm? When you feel that your every move
is scrutinized, when you can't write a word, perform any action
without feeling that you are constantly being monitored by your
enemies or by bullies, there's no balance. There are people who can
manage to work or live in conditions in which they are under constant
surveillance, with cameras, there are people who can live in
dwellings with windows for walls and very minimal furnishings, and
perhaps society is moving to a greater materialization or
actualization of that, and perhaps it represents that the unconscious
is seeking greater consciousness - from birth we are scrutinized and
categorized, our every move is monitored to see where we will fit in
the scheme of things, but when 'god' or a parent is not on your side,
how do you learn to fight back? How do you restore or achieve some
kind of balance? Is the answer that only humans who can achieve a
kind of 'perfection' right from the moment of birth on, who never do
anything that would not 'look good on camera' have a right to life in
the future?
If you are not allowed to fail or make mistakes without it being
rubbed in your face, or pointed to as a sign that you were never
destined to be more than a loser, because it's who you are at the
core or foundation, how do you regain perspective if you don't even
know if your perspective is faulty, because you are now programmed to
seek out similar messages?
Before someone writes a book or finishes some artistic creation or
even hands in a school assignment, do they want their harshest
critics or worst enemies to have access? Isn't it a sign of strength
to be able to create or finish an assignment under such conditions?
Even if the surveillance can't be 'proven', if a person is under the
unshakeable impression that this is occurring, then isn't it
impressive if they are able to stand up to the bullies or critics
to the extent that they are not silenced?
I struggled for a long time to find the motivation, the 'why' as to
this kind of surveillance. It doesn't seem to be about 'obvious
harm'. It doesn't seem to be about trying to bankrupt someone or do
anything that leaves 'evidence'. It's a nonconsensual form of s/m
that is about finding those susceptible, and trying to drive them
crazy, and the satisfaction or reward comes from that. I suppose the
big payoff is if a crisis of despair is reached, and an actual
suicide occurs, especially if when the person dies, they seem
utterly alone, and in some way it seems the perpetrators have
contributed to this. We already know that some people are wired to
be sadistic, and due to their genes, they might lack empathy. Some
people channel this kind of thing in consensual ways, but even in
daily life, we are constantly engaged in unconscious power struggles
in our relationships, work, every area of functioning. It is not a
stretch to at least imagine that there are those who 'break the
law' in this area.
We also know that the nature of the internet allows for people to
explore anonymously. Many people are tempted to adopt new personas,
for various different reasons. Terms like 'catfish' and 'gaslighting'
have been coined because this kind of thing is so common.
It's not crazy to think human beings are capable of deception and
trickery to get what they want, or that if they could get away with
it, many of them would spy on or prey on others.
But, it is also within human nature to become superstitious and
paranoid. Why on earth would anyone put so much effort into spying
on and attempting to manipulate
me, of all people? A rather
unremarkable specimen of few accomplishments? And so I explored the
tangents, and eventually what seemed to make sense was that I was
selected as the 'right type' for this kind of s/m.
In my early years online, I was less isolated. I had more contacts,
and I received unsolicited emails while at the same time I put effort
into contacting those who stood out to me. Because in 'real life' I
had few contacts, I tried to remain open to anyone who approached me
online. And once I had published my Manifesto, I guess I was
especially inclined to feel hopeful of connection - if people saw
it and wrote to me, perhaps there would be a genuine basis for
connection. Perhaps they would not judge me according to the usual
societal standards, perhaps they were looking for something
different, and they would not expect me to have a 'normal' life or
be disappointed when I did not change.
I was naive and didn't realize I was more likely to attract the
vultures who feed on the forgotten and discarded. That was a
difficult lesson to learn. It somehow still doesn't seem balanced.
There has to be some liberal bohemian intellectual niche out there
that would find me somewhat interesting. Come on.
When I first began to receive 'mixed messages', it was difficult to
distinguish between something that was consciously manipulative, and
what was just about coincidence and attracting or being drawn to
people with complementary baggage. And eventually, I'm not sure the
actual difference was really so great. I seemed to keep finding the
same messages, even when I put conscious effort into challenging my
patterns. I tried not to restrain myself from contacting those I
felt attracted to, but at the same time I would also contact others
I was not attracted to, with the intent to try to see if I could
change my patterns, keep a level head, and figure out if I could be
the kind of person I wanted to be. I listened carefully to what
people said about who they were, what they wanted and believed, and
to whether their actions supported this or not.
But as for who contacted me.. that was rather disheartening. In the
early years, before the Manifesto became so complicated, I
occasionally received word from those who thanked me for expressing
what they could not, but later on, that kind of thing stopped, and
the theme from there seems to be that I attracted those who wanted to
play games with or manipulate me. I had inadvertently advertised
myself or identified myself as a target. I had thought it took
courage to express myself openly, and maybe this sort of demonstrates
some of the faultiness of the 'being authentic' school of thought -
that it doesn't always lead to finding friends or likeminded people,
it doesn't lead to 'love', or to quantifiable 'success' - unless I
am ahead of my time, and only after death will what I have been
saying finally click with people.
Dr Velvet Thong: You were catfished and gaslighted. Can you
find any precedence for this in your early history
Blinky: Over time, I did become more isolated, but yes, it
does seem that this situation did have precedence. From a young age,
I was always self-conscious about performing tasks in front of
people, or leaving 'evidence' of embarrassing imperfections. I did
most of my schoolwork at home because I was too self-conscious to do
it in class, and I was perhaps only good at test-taking because
usually everyone was busy with their tests, so it felt like a bit of
the scrutiny or social pressure was off me.
The Bumble was impatient, and his 'sense of humour' when watching his
children perform any new tasks was not exactly helpful. Life is
tough; kids need to toughen up, and to get a sense of humour
instilled, from a young age. He thought his father was a bully, but
that he himself had a healthy sense of humour.
And to reassure his gfs that he was on their side, I think it's
possible that he made little sarcastic asides to them, and they found
it flattering that he valued their intelligence over that of his own
kids, and they couldn't see through it, that underneath it all, his
loyalty was to himself, and while he could seem loyal to others, it
was a kind of intellectual self-protection strategy to hide his
secret fear and disconnection from everything and everyone.
And as for Mama Smurf.. she was anxious and superstitious. She didn't
like The Bumble's approach, but she herself was not strong enough to
know how to counter his effects completely - and part of this related
to sexual inequality. She put in a pretty impressive effort, though.
For a woman with 4 kids who was only trained as a primary school
teacher, she managed to counter his moves well. He tried to take
away all her power, and she didn't let that happen. But they were
both immature in many ways, and unfortunately imbued with the power
of 'gods' that parents have for their children. Being trapped with
them I think set the stage for what happened later. It was
impossible to please them because they had unrealistic, superstitious
standards and not much in the way of realistic appraisal of their
own abilities or those of their children, and they were not equipped
to help their children make the most of their abilities, or to even
learn how to live well.
So I'm a person who has always been self-conscious about doing
anything in front of people, so self-conscious about my appearance
that I wouldn't leave the house for years, and then I'm thrust into a
situation in which I can't escape constant scrutiny from my worst
critic/enemy/bully. In a way, it is like I sought out the worst case
scenario in order to give myself the biggest challenge. If I could
face my fear, that would be 'success'. It's been a long, hard fight,
but I think I have made headway. When I spoke of that feeling of
peace, it did feel like I had broken on through to the other side.
I felt like I could finally piece together the philosophies, the
intent, the motivation, and that knowledge felt 'freeing'. But it
is still understandable that this doesn't help me break my terrible
personal patterns.
When it comes to family, I wasn't sure if there was any way to help
them to understand or not. I tried, but it could be that it is
impossible to change their perception of events. In many families and
relationships, people agree to disagree, but in my case, it was like
that meant I had to give up my identity. To just be quiet would have
been an act of self-hatred, a collusion or reinforcement of something
I thought was 'bad'. And what right did I have to challenge my
siblings' beliefs? Would mine undermine their identities and self-
esteem? So perhaps 'divorce' was the only answer. When it comes to
Tyler and Tulip, I think one of the reasons it went on so long was
that, as with my family, I was still trying to 'help them
understand'. As with my family, maybe I couldn't totally get rid of
the hope that I could infect them with my memes. I thought that maybe
Tyler or Tulip or both might eventually see that my philosophies were
'better' - more rational, more 'evolved', whatever. And underneath
any aggressive or threatening stand - isn't there possibly a wish
that someone is strong enough to stand up to them, without it leading
to annihilation?
And at times, I know this will sound strange, but it was like I
thought I could 'feel' certain responses over the distance.. that
somehow I had picked up enough about how they processed info that I
could sense what they felt - or what Tulip felt - and it seemed like
maybe it was at times empathy. [And that when people talk about how
we've now discovered there's a no-empathy gene and some people just
don't feel empathy, they can't help it, that it's still more complex
than that, and that if certain combinations of experiences are had
young, maybe the only thing that makes sense is that people don't
feel things in the same programmed ways as others, and maybe certain
experiences later can still change the structure of the brain and
pathways to a new kind of empathy that has more value, or makes more
'sense' to someone whose early rudimentary, programmed empathy has
been destroyed.] However, it might have been a chemical pity
reaction, or my projections, and the way she interprets such feelings
results in an intensification of the kinds of behaviours she already
engages in, because that is how she is wired/programmed. I am not
sure if it is a learned or Pavlovian type response, an instinct, or a
combination of the two. It is also possible that the sadistic
'machinations' increase when they feel insecure, threatened,
'jealous', or like they are losing control in the manipulation of
someone's self-esteem. [A kind of response like if a person with an
addiction takes drugs or drinks whether they are 'happy' or having
a bad day?] If a person ever feels good about herself,
they want to be the ones who have 'tricked' her into having a 'false
sense of self' such that they can destroy it. When I came to see
this, it became more difficult to manipulate me. It still takes
effort to sort through things and manually reset my own self-image,
and there can be a lot of mess, because I still need to be 'true' to
myself and leave the possibility open that I can connect with
feelings, not shut them all off completely, but now, I can sort of be
calm and through observing and analyzing their efforts, I can sort of
see their own insecurities and vulnerabilities, and what they don't
want anyone to see - including that in spite of the fact I know I'm
just like everyone else in many ways and that I am not really an
outstanding specimen of the human species, for some reason, they have
never really encountered someone like me before. So, in that sense, I
actually am 'special'. If I confront them with that, they will do
everything in their power to disabuse me of that notion, but it's
'predictable', and their methods are also kind of predictable at this
point. I can actually see humour in it now. They have learned how to
lie convincingly by combining lies with truth, but also, while they
understand you can get pretty outrageous with coincidences, 'proof'
is something entirely different, and so they are careful. They both
have the kinds of memories that can store a lot of data and remember
the lies, so they have a huge leg up on most people. They also
understand enough psychology that they sort of know to what extent a
person is going to do research, or to what extent they are inclined
to trust certain kinds of data and people. Usually, they can just sit
back and wait for people to 'go crazy' because there's no way to
prove things.
Dr Velvet Thong: In other words, just as 'cheaters' and
'criminals' evolve to counter new ways of catching them, these two
are probably your counterparts in Nature?
Blinky: Exactly. Their orientation might well be something
fixed and unchangeable. And just as I am prone to try to understand
'antichrist' and not just blindly take 'christ's' side, and to have
a propensity to wonder if the antichrist is just seriously
misunderstood.. well, I guess you can see what I'm saying.
And just as to lie convincingly, you can mess with people more if
you can combine lies with truth, or twist things in ways that make
it harder to 'prove' anything, while all the twisting can make a
person's head spin, when you communicate with music, when you think
of the nature of music, and how it reflects and affects emotions
and instincts, if you communicate with music, you can effectively
combine 'love' with hate, and seriously mess someone up - if hate is
the driving force.
I think if we venture into territory that equates this kind of thing
with an unchangeable orientation, we risk initiating a shit storm.
The general public is ready for the cute and romantic version of bdsm
that is the 50 Shades phenomenon, but I doubt many are willing to
accept that people can't choose to 'be good', or to seek out
'healthy, loving, consensual' adult relationships, and that for some
people, the fetish, the necessary ingredient, is that it's not
consensual. Rape has more to do with power than sex. In Real Life,
Tyler and Tulip have no power.
Even now, there are programs to try to convert homosexuals to
heterosexuality. More people are willing to concede that it's not a
choice, but few would be willing to say the same about pedophilia or
Dr Velvet Thong: Has it ever occurred to you that they might
make a living through hacking and then offering others a voyeuristic
glimpse into the lives of others for a fee? As in Being John
Blinky: Yes, when some of the catfish who have contacted me
have spoken of the 'community of artists' who have taken them in,
when they talk about 'roping people in with the sixth sense' and that
kind of thing. I mean, the first impression is really that it's more
to do with getting money and maybe stealing identities, finding
different ways to do this and not get caught, but I think a kind of
'natural', unfaked 'realism' would very much appeal to certain types
of voyeurs, and would go beyond the fakeness of 'reality tv'. But,
when I think of Tyler and Tulip, and how difficult it is for them to
trust anyone but each other, I'm not sure it makes sense to me that
they could deal with people on a large enough scale to trust they
wouldn't eventually come up against someone who'd blab something or
other. [And it does seem like a 'program' designed to keep their
relationship interesting to try to create an entire community out of
thin air.]
However.. while I met Tyler in person, I can't say for sure that I
'know' any of the details he gave me were accurate, including his
name or city of residence. I don't know how many languages he speaks.
It seems at least possible in theory that there is some kind of
secret branch of s/m that thrives especially in modern times because
of computers, the internet, or maybe it is an evolution, a rapid
mutation of a well-established kind. I remember reading something in
an s/m book about how to look at certain people, you might not even
be able to tell there's something s/m going on between them, and to
me it makes sense that a certain kind of knowledge might be passed
on, if not between biological family members, then between others who
lean the same way. And so then, it makes sense that you have
'scouts', who know what to look for, who know what buzzwords and
concepts to throw out, when trying to find those who can be trusted
to carry on the traditions, as well as those who make good
victims. [And people always seem to assume people can only have one
main sexual interest. What if a highly skilled pedophile sect also
contains members who are sadistic in certain ways, and have highly
developed hacking skills/privacy skills/info sharing skills? And
rape is not as much about sex as it is about power.]
Sometimes I wonder if I manage to keep them occupied
well enough, perhaps it saves others from being similarly
targeted, and so maybe for that reason, it's good if I stay alive as
long as possible. As far as I know, they haven't had children, and
so maybe their behaviour will die with them.
Dr Velvet Thong: You and I have been working together long
enough that I can follow your train of thought, and I think your
theories are interesting and relevant, but it might be better to
simplify. You've already expressed more than you might realize, and
it might be more than enough to get the ball rolling.
Blinky: I'll try to figure out how to edit better.
Dr Velvet Thong: If it's just the two of them, what they've
done will die with them, unless they're rich enough to avail
themselves of tech that will somehow prolong their lives or preserve
their consciousnesses.
Can we get back to the creative writing for a moment? How do you see
this story ending? Is there a happy ending?
Blinky: Well one possibly uplifting ending would entail that
the two get caught. Somehow they make a mistake, and there is
evidence of their crimes. I have considered offering them a 'deal':
they don't have to face prosecution or prison time if they print a
public acknowledgement of their crimes which I can quote without fear
of copyright infringement on my website. Besides, I don't think
prisons rehabilitate anyone. If you send anyone to prison, it's
pretty much because you want vengeance, or you have deducted out of a
bunch of shit options, prison is the safest bet for the greatest
number of people. Don't get me wrong. I don't think they can or want
to be rehabilitated. But this public acknowledgement would greatly
benefit me in a psychological sense, and when 'criminals' are
punished, isn't one of the main goals to send the message that the
victims 'matter'?
Dr Velvet Thong: I don't have to tell you all the problems
with that little fantasy. Have you thought of other endings?
Blinky: Well, there's one kind of 'romantic' one.
Dr Velvet Thong: The romance factor might help to some extent
with the boredom factor.
Blinky: Well, just before they are actually caught, when it
sinks in they are going to get caught, the two decide to kill
themselves together in a suicide pact, as a last fuck you to me. I
mean, the character based on me.
Dr Velvet Thong: Ah, as if to say, well you caught us, but we
have what you will never have? Would this make you feel bad?
Blinky: No, I like it, I like it, it's good. The thing is,
this might be the best way to effectively 'treat' my psychological
dysfunction or dissatisfaction. And I'd still own the film rights and
be working on the sequel.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm feeling optimistic about our work
together at this moment, and while originally I thought you were just
a cliche like some of my other patients who told a very similar
story, I'm now not entirely sure you won't pull this off.
What if rather than prison sentences, they were forced by law to pay
you some kind of compensation?
Blinky: I guess that would be logical.
I am sort of developing an idea that a person's movie,
tv, music, book, etc, preferences can be interpreted in the ways
tarot cards are interpreted, linking associations, and that in
certain combinations, they mean one thing, and in another, another -
and that I can factor this in with people's speech and language
patterns, the ideas they express or repeat. Online, hits, likes and
dislikes, friends, etc, all count in quantity - but what do these
things really mean when you analyze it? This relates to how it is
possible to create a personal language, one very few others would
be able to interpret.
And if I can make a connection with tarot cards, if I can shift to
that perspective, then I can 'play' with and shuffle around a whole
lot of info, and perhaps even try to drive Tyler and Tulip 'crazy'
with it. I know the average person probably has a much higher
tolerance for crap tv than I do, but the non-average person?
[Also, to 'drive them crazy' is less to do with punishment than
rehabilitation, and getting them to stop their compulsive
I guess another issue people might have with tv is that in order to
get the 'interesting' messages, you have to sift through too much
sensationalized or manipulative crap - and so maybe it's best to just
avoid tv altogether, or only watch channels or programs that don't
include that crap. However, I think that even the 'arty' channels
include a great deal of crap, so it comes back to avoiding tv
altogether, but I also see the forerunners (eg, respectable books),
and even the unassailable 'classics' are probably not as unassailable
as we think.
Dr Velvet Thong: Ah, I see, it is like you have chosen at last
to play God in your own universe. You make up the religion, and force
it on those who don't have the power to speak up against you (they
are your captives, waiting for signs and symbols from you, afraid
they're gonna miss something 'important', waiting for a chance to
have a private word with you again). You gave them a shot to convert
you, and it didn't stick, and now you're editing them out - like
Blinky: Yes, that occurred to me, too. I'm getting better at
fast forwarding, but eventually, I hope to move into a state of mind
or new tech that eliminates them completely.
Blinky: A few other things to note. They identify as 'Aspies',
now Autism Spectrum, but this might be a cover. Because Asperger's
became a kind of 'glamorous' diagnosis, it could be a way to attract
the 'right audience' - to use that label when describing themselves.
Those with Asperger's are often lonely, don't understand normal
social and sexual cues, who could be quite intelligent, who tend
toward obsessive preoccupation with a single subject matter, many are
very meticulous/organized/neat. A sadist/ sociopath can tempt the
bleeding heart lefty pinkos who want to help such individuals, or the
'pretty in high school, but not really pretty' smart, open-minded
good girls who feel bad about how everyone else has it compared to
them, to the extent that they will genuinely question themselves and
their right to anything good at all if someone plants the right
seeds. They will genuinely wonder if their niceness is just some
programmed response, and if in fact the world would be a better place
without them. This is 'awesome' for a sadist to exploit. But, isn't
it all something it would make sense for any intellectually curious
person to philosophically explore? It's very dangerous territory, and
those who don't really understand how important support systems and
'links to life' are won't understand how some women stand out. Well,
not just women.
Where does sadism come from? Is it genetic and if a certain nurture
has occurred by age 5 or some other magic number, is there no way to
reverse it? Do sadists ever want to be understood, or does it all
bore them (is it ever possible that because of the impossibility of
anyone understanding/helping, as in my case, that a certain language
is adopted as a firewall? That instead of 'helping' others to
understand, a more antagonistic stance is adopted? But then,
'suckers' are drawn in by 'hopeless cases' like that.) When they act
things out, choosing certain victims in particular, if the pattern is
similar, aren't they in a sense acting out something someone might
detect at some point? If sadists come to accept themselves, if they
even find a partner in crime, is this better than struggling all
one's life and never finding a way to accept oneself? And are such
predators adding something 'necessary' to the overall fabric of human
If you are one of the chosen victims, do you just accept that your
life isn't worth much and oh well who cares? And that if you don't
kill yourself quick, to escape it, well you deserve it all the more?
These are all philosophical points that could be explored more
fully. They are part of what makes it all confusing. If every person
were to seriously ask themselves what they 'deserve' in relation to
all the people in the world, how many people could really seriously
examine that, or look at it full on?
But isn't it a genuine point of curiosity, aside from whether at
present there is any way to ever change a hardwired socio or
psychopath, as to what forces shaped such individuals? If they
target 'victims' who never fulfilled their original promise, the ones
not pretty enough, the ones families abandoned, why? Their mothers?
Themselves? Is it about them trying to instinctually understand what
happened in their own homes? Do they care about becoming conscious,
and if they have consciousness, do they make a conscious decision to
accept a 'dark path' for well-thought out philosophical reasons, or
When it comes to Tyler and Tulip, I have asked myself whether they
had some unusual philosophical stance, not necessarily evil, and that
they deployed their tactics to poke at any potential I had and bring
it out, in an unconventional way, and that maybe they might want it
understood that this was a significant role to play in life.
But.. I do realize that while I thought I began with as few
assumptions as possible, I made one really big, illogical one, with
the two of them, and probably with everyone: that they were basically
'decent' people, or those who did not intend others harm. That still
remains something that is a blind spot for me. It is difficult and
almost impossible for me to think of people wanting to do others
harm, with conscious intent, when I have personal contact with them.
I always seem to think it's more complicated than that. And so maybe
it's 'dangerous', but this is all part of what I'm trying to
It's a fine line between being open-minded enough to explore, and
rational enough to spot something that should be stopped.
If all behaviour is programming, can anyone really fight programming,
and if so, how? If you have cheaters and cheater detectors, and you
decide the whole cycle is crazy, can you actually opt out? If you
kill yourself, you say that you just don't want to be part of a
stupid system, and maybe if you refuse to do your part to combat the
cheaters, there will just be someone else to take on your role, and
the same, if one cheater is someone convinced or decides they don't
want the cycle to keep going. I'm not sure I'm smart enough to really
understand it, but it does seem that just to stop all actions is a
stance, a stance against the cycle, even if it means that someone
else will take your role. If you do fight back, if you cannot resist
the 'balance of the universe', even if you know greater cheaters will
evolve, and no one really 'wins' forever, and others congratulate
you on your courage or whatever while you feel 'yeah, whatever'..
no.. some moments are 'good moments', and if you can see the
overview, that's where the 'meaning' is, in those moments. If you
need meaning. And some might not, and their goal is to try to
prevent you from doing what matters to you. They might want you to
see the emptiness of your goals, and they might want this because
they want the world to change, or because they don't care about the
world, they think everything is meaningless, and they enjoy it when
people suffer. They just need something to do until they die.
Dr Velvet Thong: They're not going to stop, until someone
stops them, or they die. You're not going to learn anything more
from them. You have to learn how to block them like noise, or
swat them as quickly as possible, like flies.
Blinky: Yes. That's partly what fire dreaming represents to
me. They're not the danger. It's my reactions and response that I
have tried to figure out how to use more constructively.
Dr Velvet Thong: Where are you nowadays with music?
Blinky: I'm taking a break, and restructuring associations.
There's always been a framework in place, because I've always been in
a headspace of knowing things are temporary, and that even when I am
talking to one person, I'm also talking to some theoretical Someone.
Once you deconstruct the patterns, and you see why you've wanted
what you've wanted, and why what you actually get is someone who
tries to convince you you were never worth loving, and it's 'fun' to
find as many ways of saying that as possible, and that it's a
reasonable and fun alternative to regular life and they can't stop
anyway because it's their addiction.. when you can connect that to
the unconsciously abusive behaviour of parents and family, you might
not be able to change some things, but you can change how you look at
it. For some people, sadism might be a kind of dyslexia, that with
how things are wired in the brain, responses look different from
'expected' responses. It's valid to take a stand against the norm,
but probably most people don't have all that much conscious choice
in the matter. They can choose to accept themselves, but they
probably couldn't choose to change.
They find people who 'don't matter' to anyone, 'vegetables', and
call themselves vegetarians, because like most humans, they need to
find ways to think of themselves as better than others.
It is difficult when you can see that in the overall scheme of life,
you yourself
don't really matter, and that as far as all that
goes, adding up all the things humans add up, you're in the bottom
half of humanity. And you stand out to others in the category.
With my consciousness, and my physical body, I don't think there was
ever going to be the kind of immense love that would have been needed
to 'make up for' the feeling of rejection in the original family. If
you want to break someone down, make them feel hated - the disgust,
anger and contempt I experienced didn't feel like 'love'. It felt
like hatred. And I struggled for a long time to articulate it, and
because I didn't have enough consciousness and wasn't surrounded by
those with enough consciousness to help me understand, I worked out
the struggle in my own personal relationships, and it was never
possible to really trust anyone.
Parents can think they love their children, because since they're
'good people', of course they love their children. Parents make
mistakes, they do the best they can, and it's not fair to not believe
in their love.
This might sound weird, but I'll try to go with it.. Even with all
the explaining I've done, I think my 'internal father' is still
angry, and still thinks I'm wrong. It's like he 'can't' evolve, even
with new info. I've tried to imagine in what ways he might be
'right', and what I'm not seeing, but it feels unfair, like I've had
to do far more than he has.
It's like he sees me as 'bad' or 'manipulative', and he still thinks
that when I go out of the house or travel or move to a new country
I'm saying 'pull up the ladder, Jack'.
Maybe I've never been able to see myself, and I gloss over all the
mixed messages I've sent to people, and people actually do see me as
someone who is basically awful. Such that I pass on a family
tradition: when I'm trying to be 'nice' to people, I can't see how
awful I am in reality to them.
A parent can believe they love their kid, and want the kid to
understand parents make mistakes, but if a parent hits a kid, and the
kid ends up with permanent damage or dead, the onus can't really be
on the kid to understand everyone's position. I'm not sure The
Bumble believed or accepted that some kinds of or combinations of
psychological violence can permanently damage a kid. If your parents
are awful, and you're awful, is the only 'decent' act suicide? What
is it to be a vampire? Is it about sadism and dominance, and do some
people accept vampires willingly into their lives, like on tv shows?
Is it about having any addiction that requires you to use the energy
and resources of others?
Am I still having problems because I'm too wimpy to just state
outright that The Bumble was a profoundly stupid person with a
dangerous amount of power and influence? And that he attracted
partners who kissed his ass and were 'jealous' of his kids, partners
who participated in immature games with him - to prove they had a
sense of humour like his, but underneath that they were probably
deeply scarred by their own experiences in family, and they weren't
fully developed as 'people', with 'personhood', and the only thing
they could do was seek his approval to try to make up for it, and
part of that entailed being his ally against the world, against all
other interlopers, including his kids? The ones who expressed any
significant interest in his kids or their own always lasted the least
long. Worried I'm not being fair enough, and that there will be
retribution? And the thing is, I do think he programmed that 'fear'
response in, and he was probably better at it than most people, and
didn't even know what he was doing, he was just trying to win, at any
And meanwhile, I'm probably still labouring under Sunday School-type
teachings that say if you kick someone in the balls, you don't really
win. That kind of teaching goes pretty 'deep'.. probably if you
really 'get it', it affects all areas of your self-esteem and how it
is derived. You can't really get your self-esteem by 'cheating', or
in thinking you are better than anyone else. So look for it
elsewhere. If everyone is wounded and just trying to figure out how
to get through their lives, who can you really 'blame'? How can you
not have sympathy or empathy, even for those who wounded you?
But in rereading the manuscripts, while I think they got off to a
good start, at a certain point, even though what I was expressing
was valid, it wasn't focused enough to help others stay focused.
I'm afraid some of the essential aspects of the message will be
My early life was chaotic, yes, with parents fighting violently,
hurling primal rage with extreme force at each other. The basis of
this was incompatible philosophies, and I internalized this
conflict, and it became a lifelong internal war. But underneath
that, neither parent had a certain stability that would sustain
a lifelong support of their beliefs.
The Bumble accepted himself, his addictions, his expensive habits,
his need for animals, to have farms and to board horses when he
couldn't have farms. But the things he 'needed' costed way more than
what was put toward the support of all his kids, put together. He had
no problem feeling anger if anyone challenged his habits. When he
believed he was being 'generous', and he definitely brainwashed me
into thinking he was, what it meant was that he thought it was
important to give people money for Friday and Saturday nights, for
that Saturday Night Fever thing, he thought proms and prom dresses
were important, he fed addictions and the hopes of exciting times and
sex out in the world, but to an extent that completely overshadowed
basic needs. No one was ever strong or forceful or compelling enough
to get him to challenge his core beliefs. He was an egocentric
teenager, running rampant for life.
Mama Smurf tried to show him a more balanced approach to life, that
if you just budgeted, there was so much more you could have access to
in life, but it felt too strict to him, and he would not tolerate
it. He didn't realize that with her, he and all his kids had always
had access to a wider range of social, cultural, athletic,
developmental activities - a fuller life.
But beyond that, and more importantly, her programming was to
genuinely care, and to know how to demonstrate that caring through
actions on a daily basis, and to compensate for his fuckups and the
damage he did, and yet she received no credit or understanding,
although in dying young, to some extent she received a bit of the
'sainthood' phenomenon that maybe helped to compensate for what she
didn't receive in life.
When I moved in with The Bumble, it seemed there was so much
freedom, less stress, no Neil glowering and possibly about to erupt
at any moment, I didn't have to go to church, I had my own room for
the first time, but underneath that, I unconsciously understood that
no one had my back, no one cared about my future. I was living with
immature teenagers who were making fun of me behind my back, and
every time I relayed some 'success' in school, it was more fuel for
them to in a sense 'put me down' in order to build themselves up.
I was sensitive and empathetic enough that I'd always look for the
'truth' in things, and try to see other people's side, and so what
happened in this situation was that I ended up doubting myself and
thinking my real abilities were useless abilities, and not just that
I wasn't 'cool', I wasn't a good person, I didn't deserve special
awards or attention.
I have a hard time believing that Mama Smurf would want my entire
life to fail just to prove her point, that The Bumble was a kind of
monster or horror who didn't really know what kids needed, but her
primal reactions, which probably represented a reactivation of the
hurt he had inflicted during their marriage, combined with her fears
for someone she genuinely cared about (me) were interpreted by me on
a primal level. I felt all of my security disappear, I felt
abandoned, and I became supersensitized to a kind of awareness of
this state in all others I met from that point. She put a curse on
my head, and I had no way to really identify it or to develop tools
to deal with it. Everything was destroyed in that situation. I was
an ugly person who didn't deserve love or life, I was a stupid
person momentarily rewarded by a stupid school system that didn't
know how to reward 'real' talent or intelligence. I still had youth
on my side, but I was in effect running on empty at that point. I
had no real meaning, nothing solid beneath my feet, no idea how to
I was living with people who hadn't learn how to cope with their
raging addictions, and who couldn't see they were passing them on to
me with no concern or guidance. And the one person in my life who
could see that sort of thing was no longer close by and no longer
able to provide that guidance or support to help me with all of
that, and at the same time, every day, I had that internalized
message, from her and society: you aren't attractive and you will
never be loved unless you can keep your weight down. It's your body
type, one of the crosses for you to bear. You have a chance, if you
can keep it low.
The Bumble and Natalie did not have healthy ideas about self-acceptance
or anything remotely similar. They were both totally out of control.
She didn't even remotely accept herself, and he was hypocritical,
condemning 'skinny' people, but not really feeling 'chemistry' with
people like Natalie. I received a fucking motherlode of mixed
messages. And meanwhile, both The Bumble and Mama Smurf had
inadvertently given me standards to live up to: him with all the
porn mags at The Sex Apartment, and her in giving me the Seventeen
Magazine subscription. I wasn't photogenic and couldn't live up to
either ideal type, even at my thinnest, wearing makeup, etc.
And although it was really nice to be an 'only child' for a while,
I had always had my siblings around before, and I think that in
itself was a kind of support. We did play sports together, we watched
tv shows a few times a week, and cartoons on weekend mornings, and
at chips and Coke on Friday nights together. On the school bus,
although maybe in some ways we were embarrassed of each other, it's
possible we were also a kind of invisible support to each other.
It still probably sounds like not much of anything, but if I had to
guess, I think it was huge. I think what I have described is how
my self-esteem and identity were demolished in a kind of out of
control primal rage fire, that the blows were invisible and deadly,
that I hadn't yet forged an identity of my own strong enough to cope
with both parents leveling this primal fire at me.
From there, even though I was young and strong in some ways, my
daily stress and internal conflict, which I didn't know how to
identify, became increasingly unbearable. The struggle with weight
and food partly represented how little control I felt I had in life,
and I experienced extreme physical discomfort through the addiction
manifestation, in addition to the psychological, and combined, it
became increasingly hard to concentrate at school, or anywhere.
I developed extreme crushes, obsessions, and this was about what I
'lacked' - the feeling of being loved, cared for, that someone had
my back. My days could be lifted by a small look in my direction, or
small bit of contact, or I'd be plunged into depression if no
contact occurred - and most of the time it was no contact, and the
looks I received were by accident.
I did get to be the girlfriend of one person I was obsessed with -
but it was only for 2.5 weeks, and the ending was kind of fitting. I
could see he wanted to break up, that we were only together because
I'd wanted it, and he was just someone who'd always go wherever the
wind blew. He didn't have the courage to make real, conscious
choices. I was worried about him, because in tenth grade, he
already smoked, did drugs and drank, even on weekdays, and because
every day for lunch he had a burger and fries. The Bumble thought he
wanted me to live with him, but it wasn't a longlasting thing, and
then he didn't know how to undo his mistake and he waited for an
outside force to do it for him.
The Bumble was so immature or so open-minded with no real foundation
of guidance or farsighted philosophy that he could try to
psychologically lay the groundwork or 'groom' me to make a conscious
decision about whether I wanted to have sex with him or not, and then
when I chose not to, in a sense to punish me for it, and band
together with Natalie 'against' me, to soothe his insecurities as
well as hers. And instinctually, my programming was to try to be
understanding, compassionate, forgiving, and to focus on addressing
my faults.
In the first year, when I was there without Beany, there were a lot
of nights when Natalie had gone to bed, and he was drinking and
philsophizing and using the same techniques with me he used with the
other women in his life in the wooing process. I don't have to be a
rocket scientist to guess what his pattern was: with all women, he'd
have to be in some setting where he could get comfortable, somewhere
he could smoke, drink and speak to someone one-on-one. He'd 'need'
privacy, and to have the other feel it was something private and
special, just for her, and that she had his complete attention. It's
not that it was premeditated. It was an instinctual process, and he
had a sense of which philosophical points to trot out, in what order,
supported by which life experiences and anecdotes, punctuated with
the occasional, perfectly timed intense gaze. I guess to some people
it still doesn't sound like much, but that was his 'daring', his
particular move on the dancefloor. It's the kind of thing you have to
have a certain kind of timing and courage to pull off, and it takes
courage not to back away from an intense stare. It makes the people
involved feel like they have shared a 'special kind of connection'.
I can sort of hear the chorus around the world.. your type is weak.
That's what your problem is. I can 'feel' all the men who think I'm
the traitor type, and that I never really understood my father, I was
just weak and didn't get his good points or complexity - and I know
that if I attempt to say y'all just have a sense of entitlement you
don't know you have, it's just more proof to them of how out of touch
with reality I am. I'm not sure this is wrong. Maybe if I could be
'stronger' and more compassionate, I'd find a way to tell the story
in a more complex and inspiring way. And then The Bumble would be a
'hero', and so would I?
But in an evolutionary sense, there was or is probably some 'need'
for the types of qualities I possess. And maybe it is that when these
qualities are better developed or supported (or not squashed
prematurely), they do help to balance some of the 'harms' in life, or
they help to nurture people or support them such that they have a
kind of security from which to develop their abilities.
I'm not saying it's the truth, but what if when Beany arrived, even
though I was a messed up teen, I was actually a better support than
The Bumble and Natalie put together? Such that she had a support I
did not? But he managed to brainwash all of us, to focus on the
incidents, like my suicide attempt, and Beany finding me in a pool of
vomit, to think these were unforgiveable things I did
to her,
while totally negating
any positive influence I might have
had, the way he had when it came to Mama Smurf? He tried to brainwash
all of us into believing Mama Smurf was useless and did nothing, that
she was awful, and it's sad to say, but it's actually in a sense
lucky she died, such that she at least got the 'sainthood of death'
factor to equalize things somewhat.
The suicide attempt at 16 was about the seriousness and extremeness
of the discomfort in my daily reality. The inner conflict, and the
psychological and physical discomfort of struggling with addiction
were unbearable. I was stoically trying to handle an impossible load,
and because in a sense I did 'so well' with such a challenge for a
time, and because no one perceptive enough to realize how big the
load was in my life, no one understood I was going through something
other than regular teen trauma, which itself is not 'easy'.
The psychological and physical distress of having a condition like
ichthyosis was not validated, and the undiagnosed bowel condition
was dismissed as neurosis/a nervous personality.
Truck Driver was an outward manifestation of the mixed messages I was
receiving, and to me, that now looks like abuse, not love. It was
hard to escape that relationship because I was powerless to escape my
family situation. I didn't have the ability to imagine a bright
future for myself, when it came to career, love, or identity, and
that also contributed to the suicide attempt. Good grades could not
override the Parental Override, and eventually, in part because of
the addiction and how it affected my physical and psychological
states, it was harder to concentrate in school, but on top of that, I
was probably unconsciously sabotaging myself because I believed my
grades and abilities were ultimately worthless/useless. When I
finally failed some exams, that was another shot at the illusory
security I had built my identity on.
The Bumble was also unconsciously making me dependent in the ways
perhaps that pimps make sex workers dependent, keeping them doped up
and believing they can never repay their debt. It could be that his
unconscious domination instinct was similar to this phenomenon, and
it manifested in such a way that he continued to believe in his
goodness and generosity, and that he continued to seek out/attract
others who needed to invest in this myth.
And so
after I had been reduced to this state, I became
pregnant, my mmother died unexpectedly of a burst aneurysm, I had an
abortion, I had a fulltime summer job working for The Bumble, The
Bumble almost died, he made sexual advances, I ran away from home and
lived in increasing tension and stress, with nothing mentioned up
until now resolved, and then I had a horrifically traumatic
experience involving sex and the most intense fear I'd ever
experienced. Meanwhile there are other upheavals, the loss of the
farm and horses, having to face a few new schools, a new Significant
Other for the Bumble, a Brady Bunch situation, not to mention the
Psychic Friends episode/the Apocalypse, a couple of occasions in
which we were abandoned, The Bumble's increasing resentment of us as
hopeless clinging limpets, The Prophecy, more moves, upheavals and
drastic adjustments/changes to standard of living and conditions.
Time passes differently when you're young and aware of having to get
out there and prove yourself, find where you fit, make your mark, and
I became increasingly aware and conscious in ways other people never
have to that I was quickly losing access to all the unconscious
social passports others take for granted. I was unable to identify
the disabling inner conflict that was saying no matter what I tried,
I had no real value. I kept trying to force the same beliefs: if only
you try hard enough to lose weight and go out and succeed in life
with no help or investment you can win our love and approval and be
accepted again. But in the meantime, I suppose it does take
some effort, even if it's dismissed, devalued, to continually
play lifeguard in a situation where a powerful Bumble is drowning,
and trying to take everyone else down with him. But of course any
worthwhile, valuable, lovable human being
should be able to
manage all this, without complaint. And the kicker is that The Bumble
views whatever 'love' and effort I put in with contempt and disgust,
and obviously wishes I'd just die already, because I'm fucking
Dr Velvet Thong: In your continuing struggle to understand
and help others understand, in a sense you continue to 'fight'
according to your own principles and beliefs. You haven't actually
'given up'. You are trying to contribute to change in the world,
even when people have tired of you, when they ridicule you or
dismiss you. I think that's kind of admirable.
But perhaps you should be grateful to The Bumble and your
circumstances for giving you such a complex and impossible task.
Perhaps in a way The Bumble did you a favour by ridding you of all
the usual false, hypocritical, illusory supports and aims that keep
people busy/preoccupied in life until they die, still barely
conscious. If you had a little more sense or artistry, you probably
could have been a contributing artist or something. At least you've
managed to eke out an existence where little is demanded of you. You
don't have to be a hypocrite to survive. You can express whatever the
fuck you want. Rejoice! And since your lifestyle also endows you with
certain perks, what do you say you buy me a drink? Maybe we should
celebrate your good fortune, again tonight, and every night.
Mindfulness, gratitude, Blinky style.
Blinky:Yikes, what does all of this have to do with
I think the original programming took place while The Bumble drank
and played me his music, and I instinctually absorbed the symbolism,
the emotion, the unconscious drives, his patterns, and 'where he
lived'. At that time, I still did well in all subjects at school,
but I was definitely a standout in languages. I learned his. The
secrets I learned were not just the ones he confessed. And that's
what I was imprinted with, that's what I sought with all others I
met. The secrets, the hidden self.
That's my fetish. It's a dangerous fucking fetish. Some people are
hardwired to protect theirs at all costs.
My psychological foundation when it comes to music needs to be
restructured to find a way to what feels 'authentic' to me, not a
whitewash, and not a constant struggle to fend off blows. I want to
be coming from a place of self-acceptance and a kind of inner calm or
peace. For a time, I could put up with The Bumble's sense of humour,
but I outgrew it. I evolved and he did not.
I think Tyler and Tulip have been frozen in time for a long time.
They upgrade to a new browser or hardware, but consciousness doesn't
expand. They are rigid, and will go down with their ship. They are
automatons programmed to destroy as they have been destroyed. In
a way, I think they might actually look to me as a 'benevolent
parent' who can give them positivity that isn't too repulsive. They
have to try to destroy, but they're also addicted to the way I spin
things. That's what keeps them hanging on. They probably just say
they like the game and a new round, but I suspect their little warm
and fuzzy secret.
Most people who describe themselves as either 'good' in various ways
or 'worthless' are unconsciously parrotting parents or society, and
don't really know how far the definitions go. I'm used to being on
the receiving end of anger and contempt, and I can sit and stew in
these things with a clearer head than most. It's something about the
diversity of my influences.
I have a binge personality. I have a sense that at present I need to
restructure, regain strength, and figure out how to keep music in my
life. So at present I'm rewiring associations. I'm realizing I was in
a 'bad relationship' with music, with someone who devalued and
disrespected me (not to mention the rape aspect), but it doesn't have
to ruin all songs I used to like, and doesn't have to mean it all
leads back to a certain kind of negativity. Throughout my life songs
have taken on new meanings and associations, and some old
sentimentalities have faded.
Dr Velvet Thong: Musical conversation?
Blinky: That's something I have to give up, unless it becomes
a conscious choice for all involved. There are many relationships
I've had in which even when I wanted things to end, I kept going
back, until I'd reach a certain point, and here, with Tulip and
Tyler, it's been reached. I didn't understand the relationship well
enough, it was still a mystery, but when I became more conscious I
saw it for what it was: a nonconsensual bdsm thing. I didn't like
what I perceived about the underlying intent or the disregard of my
It sucks, because I like that kind of communication, but the
foundation of it.. there's nowhere to go now except to fight,
constantly. It will never be 'fun' again. I've been in a lot of
relationships that were 'abusive', but I wasn't able to recognize it
in the moment, I only knew I wanted to get away. That doesn't
really change that it was something unique and unusual, and in many
ways I felt 'good' about myself for being 'psychic' enough to keep
it going.
If I ever have any other relationships, who knows, maybe someone will
consciously choose to communicate with me that way rather than
speak sometimes, and that might be fun, but aside from that,
from now on I have to be in control of it, I have to always
be DJ, except maybe if I'm ever travelling again and hear things
in restaurants or on the street, that kind of thing - and that will
have to be my 'random play'.
Dr Velvet Thong: And the teknoMuse program?
Blinky: It was never meant to be a permanent solution. That
wouldn't have been any more acceptable than trying to stay on the
island of msfits. It was one step or phase in a plan to try to
rewire associations. First, I had to make a conscious stand, and
install the program. I think it was a good step, and it helped me
to think about the whole activity differently, until I could do
what I had to do without conscious effort.
As far as I know, my programming skills are not advanced enough to
actually help teknoMuse achieve consciousness. But, I could use the
program as a therapy tool to prepare myself for actual communication
with another consciousness. It was an exercise program, to build
strength and endurance, as well as flexibility. It was also a kind
of tapering off program. I 'needed' 'random' messages to make life
more interesting, because communication with live humans was
disappointing. I could not build trust, I could not feel comfortable
or engaged with others.
While teknoMuse fought some of my battles, I was free to work on some
other issues that perhaps had led me to seek out unfulfilling
Now that I have identified some of the more serious problem areas,
it doesn't make sense to fight the silly ones over and over. There
is no sense in engaging Tyler and Tulip unless I have a good long
range plan in place, and it is time to begin to make my move.
As I said before, I think Tulip takes care of the musical angle, and
Tyler has stated that he never enjoys it when invited by people to
concerts, and he finds her attendance at religious choirs
distasteful. For Tulip, it's just a video game she plays to impress
Tyler with her score. They'd both find it impossible to live without
each other and would not be able to function, or abuse anyone,
because they don't have that kind of 'strength' individually. You've
got another device for us to hack? It's like buying new lingerie.
Everything Tulip does is just to please Tyler. At the same time, I am
'cute', like a possum to them, and often make them smile. Their
religion is more repulsive than any I've ever seen or heard of. Most
religions at least have some redeeming value or ideas. I cannot
normally make that kind of judgment about anything, so it looks like
somehow 'the universe' tried to test my limits.
When they both couldn't resist gloating over how they were getting
away with things, and that I'd never be able to get rid of them,
that's when I was no longer confused about their intentions. It's
still not a simple situation, that's for sure, but I'm not confused
any more. I know where I stand. I can concede that 'choosing the
music' over a regular, ordinary relationship is indeed a creative
stand, and it was a fascinating approach to communication, but when
I understood that it was technically rape, and I began to realize I
wanted out, that I wanted it to stop, they both said too bad
sucker, you're never getting rid of us.
They tried to spin things back in their direction. My creative
writing project was too 'strong' and they tried to say 'look, she'll
never have better love than the hate we give her', and they
overlooked that I was 'thanking' myself for standing up to them. When
someone has low self-esteem, when they live in chaos, it's not so
difficult to play with the cognitive dissonance factor, and make them
question themselves. But when it comes to the two of them (or however
many), I'm not going back. I know that what I give myself is better
than what they give me.
Dr Velvet Thong seems tempted to break into 'The Greatest Love
Of All', but thinks better of it..
Dr Velvet Thong: And you also know it wasn't something you did
that was 'wrong' that they are trying to punish you for. Certainly
that is also helpful. It is difficult when one worries if one has
harmed someone accidentally and doesn't know how to approach making
it up to them.
We've often discussed that while you are fairly perceptive, you've
never really been able to 'believe' anyone could deliberately try to
harm you, that you had trouble believing you'd ever encountered
anyone like that, but also, that 'hate' is an emotion that doesn't
make sense to you, that it always seems to relate to lack of
information - in effect, it's about a kind of fear based on
ignorance. With more info, can you still hate?
Blinky: I'm still reluctant to state things in absolute terms,
or to think I 'know' enough to make declarative absolute statements.
But, on a personal level, the only truthful thing now is to admit I
hate them both. I don't know them fully, but I know enough to
feel, to experience the emotion of hatred. I think it's
probably best to admit it, such that I have a better chance to get a
handle on it and formulate the best plan for dealing with it. I
reached my personal limit regarding being willing to try to
understand the extenuating circumstances. I don't think escalation
through aggressive action or speech usually does anything but make a
situation worse, but I think that maybe sometimes a kind of catharsis
is necessary, even if it ends up making more work in the long
I understood quite well that they were in a difficult position, and
that it made sense to only trust each other. To give me 'peace of
mind' would be a huge risk, and not just in a legal sense. But,
gloating, condescending behaviour does not demonstrate any remorse
for actions. That was a deliberate choice, that they both made. Such
persons can't be reasoned with. You can't make appeals to their sense
of fair play or compassion. The game is not about that for them.
Dr Velvet Thong: What do you think 'winning' is for
Blinky: Maybe that they get to play, for as long as possible?
I think they know by now (or they should, if they're not totally
clueless) that they can't make me any more despairing than I was
before I met them, or any more despairing than the natural ageing
process would make me, and in fact, while I can't really take
pleasure or a sense of purpose in fighting them, it probably actually
improves my self-esteem to be able to see for myself that I'm 'good'
at it. So in that sense, since I will probably retain that ability
until I die or they do, it could be argued that I 'win'.
Every time I make a clear point to counter their stance, they go back
to the drawing board and come up with a fancy groin punch or fart
joke. They keep upgrading, but underneath it all, it's still the same
old crap. They will fight to the death for a worthless point of view,
or what I think of as a flat earth society. In comparison to most
people, I think they're right to think of themselves as being on the
'round' side, but compared to me, nope, they're flat.
We've been through things a million times. I know that the people
I've been 'closest' to express things that demonstrate their
underlying beliefs include a dismissal of or anger toward me, and
that if I point it out, again and again, using concrete examples, it
doesn't really seem to help longterm or change the old beliefs or
patterns of communication. How much should you let slide?
Where do you draw the lines? Boo has tried harder than anyone else to
listen, and was the only one brave enough in the first place to try
to establish contact with me, so that should count for something.
Even so, when Boo feels 'self-righteous' or entitled to judge me, he
tends to tell me True Stories which illustrate his point of view, in
a 'nice' way.
I have a website which is about my ongoing struggle with 'mental
illness' and social exclusion/isolation, and I tried really hard to
express my situation in email, for him personally. A few years later,
he doesn't seem to have registered what it's all about. He might not
even realize that underneath it all, he judges me. He tells me a
story about two different dogs with leg issues he met on the same
day. He had been feeling sorry for himself because of changes in his
work situation, he hadn't been enjoying work as much as usual, then
he saw the two dogs. One was miserable, with a 'sour' expression, and
that one still had all 4 legs (but one leg was injured), and the 3-
legged one (the one with less) hopped along happily (counted its
blessings, didn't focus on the negative). So, this instance of
synchronicity helped him to regain his positive attitude, and to be
grateful for what he did have.
I then pointed out that animals tend to conceal their pain until
they absolutely can't anymore, and it seemed possible to me that
because the second dog had responsible and caring owners who took it
in for diagnosis and treatment, that dog actually was in less pain
than the one who still had all its limbs, and might have been
'feeling the love' from its owners more. Also.. can a dog make
conscious choices regarding temperament and also to feel
If you're mentally ill, you might be overly sensitive to (even
unconscious) 'put-downs', so do you try to be understanding about the
fact that we all put our feet in our mouths sometimes, and let things
slide, or do you try to use such situations to get up on a soapbox,
in case it helps? Are you helping someone to 'be less prejudiced', or
are you just being a nasty, humorless, merciless bitch? Where do you
draw the line? Are you even 'mentally ill' to calmly and respectfully
address perceived prejudice or misunderstanding, rather than let
things fester to the extent they burst through in the psychopathology
of everyday life? How do you tell when it's important to speak up,
and when you need to let things slide?
Sometimes, it takes time to figure out how you feel about something,
and then to figure out how to express it as considerately as
possible, and also to try to learn from past mistakes what 'gets
through', and what doesn't.
I often laugh out loud when I am writing something personal now,
something I've written a whole lot of times until it has become
something surreal. I am developing a style, a style others I have
known might not find so funny, but I don't know for sure. I don't
want to sell out the mushy or compassionate parts of myself that are
still in there. I need time to think about whether I can pull it
together. I need time to figure out what my actual position is, and
how to 'lift people's hearts' if possible, amongst all the mess.
We need various kinds of entertainment to help us cope with the
realities and ugliness of war and the human condition. Some people
provide it in the 'right' ways, and others do not, I guess.
Don Quixote grew up in surroundings where it was considered a duty
to question the government, anyone with power, and not to do so is
shameful. However, it is not fair or polite to extend that kind of
pressure onto those you care about, those closest to you. So, I
become this person who crosses the line, doesn't know how to see it
or respect it, again and again, while he never complains about my
behaviour, or seriously critiques what I express. So an imbalance
develops, and it is not possible to know to what extent he does
actually support me, or whether one day it will all click for him and
he will see me for the horror I always have been.
How much is style, how much substance? To what extent is it possible
to agree to disagree? Is there any way for me to escape living
situations in which maybe there's a kind of double Stockholm
Syndrome going on, where both sides develop an unhealthy dependency
in the name of survival?
I have nothing but my perception and the choice whether to keep
trying to communicate as well as I can to see if it's possible to
get to some new level of understanding and acceptance. I have to
keep trying to find the right lines for me.
Have I become cruel? Although to outsiders it might seem so at times,
when I finally seem to 'snap' it might not really be the wrong
choice to say the ugly thing. If I feel guilty and go back, and try
to be reasonable, I tend to find the issues come up again and again,
and while I might not have done things cleanly, by going back and
forth, I was usually aware when someone had crossed my lines.
I'm well aware I have to count on myself to figure it all out as
best I can, and my personal history is enough that I know it's best
to be aware history could repeat itself. If it does, what will be my
next direction? It 'feels' like I have more power than in the past,
and I do realize that considering my hideous patterns and person, I
have achieved a 'comfortable' existence/compromise. To me, it doesn't
seem I've 'schemed' my way here. I've tried to be as fair as it is
possible for me to be, and I have tried to contribute what I could.
I can't force anyone to value what I contribute. I don't have a leg
to stand on when it comes to legal, monetary or social
For anyone to find it fun to point out how 'alone' I am, or to try
to make sure I see my position - come on, it's not to show support.
It's just another fist to the crotch. So I need to put on a metal
cup. Or whatever.
Dr Velvet Thong: Is that really what you think of their
philosophical stance? And if so, aren't you afraid of setting them
off if you express it?
Blinky: Look, I've tried to be nice a long time, and I've
tried to be understanding. At present, it seems to me that not to be
honest about my assessments is to be inauthentic in ways that go
against my personal code or prime directive. Perhaps it would be
smarter to hold such thoughts to myself, so as not to attract yet
more crap, but I don't really care and I'm not really worried that I
can't deal with it. Tyler and Tulip don't have any message I want to
hear, so fuck them. I can see through them. They can do their worst
and I say that it's funny. And it's pathetic.
Don't worry. When it comes to anything 'official' or legal, I'll
play it smarter. But not safer.
I hate them. I do not wish them well. My feelings are valid, and if
they can't accept that, they're unfair, and they're stupid. The onus
is on them to 'make nice' with me, not vice versa. If they can't
see that, and they use my comments to increase warfare, they've just
proved there is absolutely no reason to respect them or value any
efforts they make. It makes absolutely no sense that I should
always be the one to meet them more than half way.
Dr Velvet Thong: Are you worried that your valid hatred and
mistrust will poison any 'legitimate' interactions you might
Blinky: It's true I trust no one, but over time, what people
express eventually becomes clearer. Sometimes people who have nice
manners are really saying some terribly offensive things. It is
probably the case that most human relationships only succeed
because people don't really understand each other, and once
the 'nakedness' is exposed, it might be impossible for some to ever
go back. Am I in an end game now, is this finally the end times? I
mean, I thought I was there at 16, so I have to say fuck if I
Dr Velvet Thong: Er, what about sense of humour?
Blinky: Haha, I never thought of that! I think there are some
pretty funny things to be found in our transcripts, but YMMV.
Yes, I think I'm going further down a road I started on a long time
ago, but I'm not really sure it only leads to 'doom'. I might not
be an admirable or respected character in the drama of life, I might
not be cool, but I think it's possible I will be as 'self-realized'
as it has ever been possible for me to be.
As for people's opinions of me.. I'm not at a place where I really
anyone's over my own, and people would have to be
pretty fucking impressive to change that. Look, that's a bit of a
hotheaded comment, but in reality, I accept that I might not ever
have access to those whose opinions I'd actually respect, and in that
scenario, there's no sense wasting time worrying about what the
braindead think. Ugh, I always have to clarify. There are people who
might be able to understand more once they have access to more info
and experience, and so it's mean to lump them in, but it would be
nice not to have to be 50 times as nice as everyone else while they
abuse me with prejudice during their learning process.
Dr Velvet Thong: Hmmm. Feel better now?
Blinky: Fuck you, you sanctimonious fucking cunt.
Dr Velvet Thong: I think you're right, it's probably best to
acknowledge the rage and the hatred, and then figure out what to do
with it.
Blinky: I've said it before, but if you are 'mentally ill',
people assume that you're just not all there, you're not conscious,
you do not understand or perceive reality, you're overly negative,
etc. If your self-esteem is low (as well as your energy), and people
make these assumptions, without meaning to, they can be taking more
shots at your self-esteem and personal identity. If you're a
basically kind or understanding kind of person, you will see the
position they're in, and try to compensate for it by being more
understanding of them, which takes even more of the energy you don't
have. If you've always been more sensitive to the feelings of others
than most people, and if you have a better than average memory, the
unconscious judgments of others can bring you down to a place you
can't ever recover from - unless you can somehow start to piece
together other types of information from memory and connect it to a
stable framework of ideas that counteract the other one.
Association is an interesting thing, with a lot of potential,
because if you figure out how to do it, you can link associations
kind of like lighting a fuse for a bomb.
Dr Velvet Thong: For a 'positive' or 'negative' explosion or
eureka moment.
Blinky: Yes.
Dr Velvet Thong: Will you ever be able to trust anyone, or
experience love?
Blinky: It doesn't seem likely. I don't expect to trust
anyone, I don't expect anyone to love me.
Dr Velvet Thong: What is life for you? Is there anything you
look forward to?
Blinky: It is possible to live in one's head. To imagine many
lifetimes and situations, without expecting anything to ever be
'real'. Early in life, my hope was about the future and what it
would hold. Without anticipation, perhaps something is missing, but
once you see more of what life is for you, when you know more about
who you are, it might not be such a bad option to live in one's head.
How is this different to things I have 'rejected' earlier? Well, I
guess it's about what I write and what I 'share' with the world. Can
I slog through my memories, my impressions and insights, shuffle
things around, and try to create things that help to keep others
company or help them to see something that gets them 'unstuck'?
If I try to keep everything to myself, am I the only one who
If I share, do I help myself and ultimately hurt others?
If I share, do I hurt others and myself?
And maybe I have no perceivable effects, on either? We can go on
with the combinations. And I'm not sure how much control I actually
do have, or what is just a natural extension or evolution of my
programming the longer I continue to exist.
I think to be loved in the way I would want, I would have to be
different. It's not that I see people I'd want to be - it's like I
would want to choose how to upgrade myself, to be something different
from what I have seen out there. And even if I could do that, I'm not
sure I would ever find someone whose own upgrade choices I related
to or was attracted to.
Even a long time ago, I had trouble choosing favourite books or
movies - there was always something I'd change. So, if there were
virtual reality programs where I could live out lifetimes in 'fun'
movies, I'm not sure how long it would feel fun or satisfying.
Maybe that's part of my problem - maybe I could never be satisfied,
and so maybe it is better to have never existed.
Dr Velvet Thong: A logical extension of some of what you have
expressed is that if you lived as Tyler or Tulip, you would
understand their motivations. How does that sit with you?
Blinky: It's very uncomfortable, as if I were told I had to
sit and watch scenes of rape and torture for a couple of lifetimes
and would come to enjoy it.. even though I know that it is part of
the human condition, that part of 'understanding' the whole would
logically include coming to understand what people get out of these
things. It's like I wouldn't want to be forced to eat those green
vegetables. I'd want to take a pill that gives me a quick refresher,
so I'm all up to date and try to figure out how to have 'nice'
experiences, something genuinely satisfying, like maybe figuring out
how to push evolution forward at singularity speed.
Dr Velvet Thong: Even when you don't believe there is anyone
listening or who cares about what you have to say, you write, and
you write in spite of the self-consciousness of having to write in
front of those who judge your every word and wish you harm.
Blinky: Oh yeah, well I can stop at any time.
Dr Velvet Thong: So stop now.
Blinky: I'll just try to organize some things so I have a
better sense of what I've got here. I'm getting tired of watching
movies drunk. I don't flatter myself I can come up with something
better, but I just need a little variety.
Dr Velvet Thong: Stop now.
Blinky: FUCK.
Dr Velvet Thong: Any dreams lately?
Blinky: My dreams are either unpleasant, or the unpleasantness
becomes apparent in the translation.
I still stand up for myself in dreams, but it could be that more and
more I don't really believe I will be 'understood' in my
The Suicide Registry
A suicide Registry, where you can both input messages of hope to
leave people you care about in case they ever fall on hard times, so
that they know you can call them, etc, [you list degree of
involvement you're up to, a phonecall, a dinner, having them stay at
your place, take them to therapy auditions] or where you can check
for messages if you yourself are thinking of killing yourself. This
might be one of the ideas to develop. It's like a 'bank' where you
make deposits and check for 'messages'. You can check if anyone you
know is a 'volunteer', who is willing to donate time talk to someone
about why they are experiencing suicidal feelings. If it's someone
you know, who knows you, they might be able to share their
recollections or impressions of you, or have specific advice for
you if you have practical problems. Could there be drop-down menus,
where you select or check what you need:
-a hug
-someone to take me to therapy
-help with my homework
-new movie or music suggestions
-drugs of some kind
-financial aid
-help finding a place to live
-someone who wants to debate the pros and cons of suicide
-perhaps one character could choose random names and leave random
messages of hope, and occasionally 'evil' messages or pranks have to
be addressed.
-but also, you can ask for a randomized message after inputting a
few details, or you can take your chances with stats after inputting
your details regarding how likely it is your life will improve, and
factoring in world belief systems, how many people worldwide would
'want you to live'.
-When Blinky goes to The Registry, she finds that there are no
personalized messages for her. The World Total is in favour of her
not killing herself, but that's because of things like religious
beliefs about suicide being bad, supporters of victims of abuse and
disabilities, and not because anyone likes Blinky herself.
There's another total, though, and that one's in favour of suicide,
even if it's not specifically about suicide: How many people would
want to live if they were her?
Blinky wants to try for a randomized message, but considering her
past experience, thinks better of it. The system is too easy to
All-Inclusive Psychotherapy Travel Destinations
Many people still believe that if you are suffering from a mental
illness or a disability, you don't really deserve to travel or to
have certain life experiences. If you are capable of having fun, how
ill or disabled can you really be? In the old days, people could lose
their disability benefits if anyone caught them smiling (even
when they had put in a tremendous effort to put on a happy face so as
not to spoil the good time had by relatives and/or friends). Tax
paying citizens were morally outraged that their tax dollars could
potentially fund the endless parties and permanent vacations of
wastrels, fakers and deadbeats/cheats, while they had to slave away
day after day, year after year, in low-paying, unrewarding dead-end
jobs, for a measly two weeks per year unpaid vacation, with no other
benefit than having the right to publicly denounce the cheats and
scumbags, and sign petitions to reduce payments and make it more
difficult for anyone to acquire disability benefits in the first
Thankfully, those dark days are almost over, and perhaps as much as
5% of the population are aware that having a good time can be a
beneficial part of a treatment plan, even when it doesn't lead to a
full remission.
Psychotherapy hotels and all-inclusive vacations! for individuals,
couples/partners/friends, and family therapy. Choose from our theme
rooms, try out a few different therapy styles/types, and/or immerse
yourself in the ever-popular Dream Therapy, where you get to program
good dreams to promote healing in the dream state. Many have affirmed
positive ripple effects in waking life.
Staff are highly trained and sensitive to every manner of mental
illness and quirk. They adapt to you and can design a program just
for you. Once a course of therapy has been agreed upon, the details
can be sent to your town of residence, to the nearest affiliated
psychotherapy facility in your region, and the therapy can continue
after your vacation.
For those studying psychotherapy, with a view to becoming therapists,
we offer courses for every type of therapy. We explain the
philosophies and historical development of the different types of
therapy, and how they connect with art, music, architecture, decor,
language, symbolism, pop culture references, philosophy, etc.
Dr Velvet Thong: A lot of my clients use this service, and
are a lot less likely to get hassled by those who have a problem
with the mentally ill enjoying themselves. I highly recommend it.
Blinky: I'll keep it in mind. Right now, I'm not in a phase
where I can imagine having a good time, but my patterns are such
that one day I might just say 'what the hell, why not?' again.
Virtual Video Clinic
In the course of an hour, you can live an entire life! The life of
anyone you choose, from our immense catalog. If you are here for a
specific treatment recommended by a psychologist, or a punishment
specified by a correctional facility, we also have an incredible
assortment of Learning Lives to help round out your character and
help you get stronger, acquire more skills, and learn compassion for
Warning! It will feel real, it will feel like an entire life, and
while there are safeguards in place such that you can press pause or
escape an unpleasant experience, in some cases, it's very difficult
to get the complex escape program sequence exactly right. It has been
designed this way so that the experience will seem more real.
Choose your consciousness setting, and your consciousness will
merge with your new life for a unique experience, or, surrender to
a completely new consciousness and integrate the memories after the
On Heaven and Hell, or, The Infinity Virus...
Blinky: Are you saying that you have been shooting your
Dr Velvet Thong: Mostly just the male ones. As you yourself
said, most of them probably won't be missed. But basically, I've
come to see it as me doing my small part for the greater good. I
used to think suicide was the answer, and now I realize it is more
responsible, logical and far-sighted to take out those who are
worse than me.
You're racking up quite a body count yourself. Do you have trouble
accepting compliments?
Blinky: I don't like compliments given at the expense of
someone else.
Dr Velvet Thong: We live in desperate times. Most of the men
you shot won't be missed. You're probably looking at another stretch
in the Virtual Clinic, though.
Blinky: I guess that means no one has found a cure yet for
the Infinity virus?
Dr Velvet Thong: Unfortunately not, and unfortunately the
disease has progressed so far with you that the aftereffects will
result in your consciousness springing up again even if we kill your
body. You know how they say that nothing on the internet ever goes
away? Well, it's like this.. you know how people can clone things
with DNA? You've left enough traces of your 'consciousness' out
there, enough 'hairs' with roots intact that 'you' can be
reconstructed. Your consciousness. So, one way or another, you're
going to keep coming up against the same problems, forever, unless we
find some way to help you cope. This is some of my most important
Gives Blinky a sympathetic and apologetic look.
Dr Velvet Thong: I'm required by law to give you the
pamphlet again..
Virtual Video Therapy and Punishment
With no limits to time, there is a chance to be everyone and do
everything, and to aspire to 'be god'.
A 'horror-horrifying' aspect or implication is that god could be a
sadist or a psychiatrist, and that hell could really exist as it has
been depicted. People's consciousness could be resurrected
indefinitely and people could be tortured for all time, according to
whatever it is that they fear - with no escape.
Some people could be denied the chance for evolution or ending, new
info, new abilities, and would be at the mercy of 'god' or 'the
devil', even unfair 'gods' or 'wrathful' gods who do not care about
justice or who themselves might not be intelligent enough to know who
even 'deserves' punishment or what a fair punishment is. If some have
managed to evolve to be powerful without certain types of
understanding, this is feasible. They would have enough power to
block certain types of evolution that would render them more
empathetic or less powerful.
I guess a question is: for how long would that be satisfying?
The further implication is also horrifying (but also not, also an
answer to horror and more of an 'amazement'): you don't even need the
internet to have enough data to reconstruct anyone, from any time.
The internet is a rough, rustic and rather primitive attempt to
capture something else that has always been there and has never
stopped 'recording'. Some people might call it 'god', an all-seeing
and all-knowing one, but what if it's just a natural phenomenon, a
kind of recording device we have attempted to copy? Something more
sophisticated than what we've come up with so far?
Once you have enough data and brainpower, one positive aspect is
perhaps that the 'shameful' behaviour of humans, the attempts to lie,
cheat, fudge details, even unconsciously, are not really to be
ashamed of.. they can be understood as a necessary or 'logical'
extension of programming and the limits of abilities. The same goes
for basic drives, wanting to fight, kill, fuck, alter
Once you begin to grasp all of this, you still recognize how the
current reality is structured, including individual family structure,
and existence may in some ways feel unreal, although it is not. There
are still the 'personal' details that have to be dealt with, but
there is also the sense that every family is your family, and there
is the struggle to process that might involve detachment, but
ultimately that detachment is part of what helps to make choice
possible. However, when you are smart enough to know how smart you're
not, you know that all choices might be illusions/programming that
you can't see. And so is that something in the programming as well,
to want to be able to see what you can't see and become 'god'?
Blinky: I think these are the things I thought I 'understood'
years ago, in that cave. And so if I do write this e-book, this is
the basis, these are the things to struggle with, and see where it
takes me, and how much of a 'god' I can be here.
Dr Velvet Thong: The theory is that if you had to separately
live out the lives of each member of a family, couple, group, you
might eventually have more understanding of why each person behaves
and thinks as they do, and you might also lose your grip on how to
live or who to be, or what is right or wrong.
It comes back to: if people are basically content in their daily
life, they just want someone to share it, and that would make it
better. But if daily life itself is part of the problem, it makes
sense that you'd fight and kick and scream to escape it and the
limitations it inflicts upon you.
Camera pans to a few odd pamphlets.
Cloning for sex traffic and sex therapy and sex travel
Investigators have discovered a rogue group of scientists who are
experimenting with cloning for the human (sex) trafficking scene. Be
careful, especially if you're young and hot or used to be.. people
are consenting to 'contracts' they don't really know they're
consenting to.
Donating Childhood Videos for Pedophiles
A new part of daily life and 'recycling'.. we are all doing our
part for the environment, including the psychological environment and
the future of our species/progress/understanding.
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read about The Centre for
Studying Pedophilia. Thanks in advance for all donations. They are
greatly appreciated. Our convenient drop boxes are now located
outside most grocery stores and children's playgrounds.
When you make your donation, be sure to include one of our
donation forms and check all that apply:
1. I consent to pedophiles using my childhood photos/videos as
masturbation material while they are studied, asked questions,
2. I consent to the use of CGI to simulate a higher level of sexual
interaction or communication.
3. I consent to the creation of a virtual child doll modelled on me
as a child.
Note: if you are a pedophile experiencing some kind of crisis,
call: 1-800-COMPASSION4ALL or visit our website and activate the
emergency chat. If you want to volunteer to be studied,
follow the links on the site, and it probably goes without saying,
but use a VPN.
Dr Velvet Thong: What are you in the mood for today?
Blinky: Dr Thong, I'm not sure there are any more I want to
try. I have been here for more than 30 years now, trying out a new
life every hour, 10 hours a day. I've explored fantasies, I've lived
difficult lives trying to learn more about the nature of reality,
perception, and what it is to be human. I've acquired new skills,
I've been in the unique position of being able to compare things like
which parents I'd actually choose for myself, which lovers, friends,
what qualities and attributes I most enjoy having, it goes on and on.
And I'm tired, and I think I need to take a break.
I know you have been proud of me for doing this, especially when your
other patients wouldn't agree to try it, or when they stopped after a
much briefer period, but now the problem seems to be that because no
one else has tried this therapy as extensively, that while I can find
things in common with everyone, I don't have enough in common with
anyone in overview.
It's been an interesting alternative to regular therapy, and regular
therapy was out of reach for me anyway, because the new Audition Laws
were so strict no therapist could accept me. The whole system got
pretty crazy, with people having to make things up just to be deemed
interesting enough for therapists to bother with them, but not
dangerous enough to be a legal liability. I know it was because there
was always the possibility of sessions being filmed and becoming a
hit reality tv program.
The other problem was that none of the therapists wanted to sleep
with me, and so I was not deemed a good candidate for therapy of any
kind. If not even the therapist wants to fuck you, the viewing
audience most certainly wouldn't either.
I really appreciate what you do here, and I want to thank you again
for taking a stand against the mainstream, even risking legal
What I didn't see coming was the extent to which the core
addiction, and unseen 'obligations' to certain lives and characters
in lives would result in the feeling I must keep going back in,
to deal with certain situations again and again.
'Real time' kept going by, and it was fascinating that to get back to
certain lives, I had to do weird things, I had to perform a weird set
of OCD actions, create weird shopping lists and ingest a weird combo
of different foods and drugs, to signal that I needed out of one
life, but I can sort of see how people in 'real' lives, with no way
out might see that the right combo might help them fix a certain
I want to tackle the concept of what a 'good family' is, and I also
want to insert some of my agenda regarding communication, practical
help and how to overcome the tricky issue of allowing every member to
save face.
The Empathy Gap: A concept which represents how virtual
punishment (having to live a life as a victim, for example) could be
the wave of the future.. you are ordered to live what feels like a
lifetime or a matter of years in a virtual reality program, then you
come back to your regular life, and it's only been a couple of
Secret Government Experiments
Government Psychological Experiment (conspiracy) Theory - related to
playing with identity.. what happens when you keep increasing
obstacles to social and self-acceptance? What happens if you take
someone with good problem-solving ability, and from a distance
(through chips, or whatever), you 'force' them to take some action
that is against what they have deduced is the best course of action?
And every time they solve a problem, you put more obstacles in their
way, so they can never catch up?
The obvious implication: is this life you're leading a 'real one', or
a virtual one that feels 'real'? Maybe it feels more real and a
punishment can be more effective if somehow the existence of this
tech isn't available in your base of knowledge or consciousness.
There are bugs in the program, and sometimes people begin to suspect
or remember.
In order to know what it's like to be someone else, a 'truer'
punishment is not to allow you to have all of your preconceptions and
prejudices going in - it's to actually replicate someone else's
consciousness, intelligence level, abilities, physicality, and have
you experience it as they would have, and then I suppose there would
be a processing of the experiences with the old consciousness later.
The implications of this are complex, and it might be difficult to
predict what would happen. How 'fixed' is an original consciousness?
If you have an unpleasant life experience, does the memory of it
fade, do you just go back to your old ways?
If you had to live the life as a victim, would you develop empathy,
or is there something in your programming that could never be
overridden, such that as soon as you're out of a life of 80 years
that feels real, and you get your old consciousness back, integrated
with new memories, do you just revert back to the old behaviours,
beliefs, addictions? If you experience different types of addiction
and discipline, does it make you more equipped to make
about who you want to be? Does it totally demolish your psyche?
Black Unicorns
When a black sheep has disgraced a family, there are some
situations which can offer reprieve. If the person creates or
achieves something of recognizable value, significance or beauty, it
reflects well on the family as a whole, and then it would seem that
all past punishment and exile represented a kind of foresight that
helped to create the environment/nurture to bring out the
individual's best, as well as validate the genes and original family.
It's also a longshot with a big payout for those who support these
black sheep deadbeats for extended periods, hoping they'll turn into
Dr Velvet Thong: Maybe we'll help you to refocus on the Plan
when your energy has a chance to regenerate again. Maybe we'll just
stay permanently drunk. Life is still full of possibilities.
Unfortunately, it might be best not to rush the editing or to abandon
it altogether so that everything can be 'finished up' by your
doomsday anniversary such that you perpetuate the pattern of feeling
you either have the chance to die on a meaningful date, or you have a
chance to refocus on account of the good juju of the meaningful
Blinky: I hate the pattern! In a way, this story is like the
house. The house isn't finished yet. It's past the difficult part,
enough problems have been solved that now I can see how to do the
rest, but I don't actually want to do the actual work. It seems like
surely it must be healthier not to clean the Augean stables one more
time, and if I do it anyway, out of a sense of compulsion then maybe
I haven't learned anything. I mean, if I finish this, it's not like
I'm suddenly going to be able to earn a living writing or anything.
It's just for 'peace of mind', to finish what I started, 'get fit'
and show my face in public or go 'on a trip', to let the world know
I'm still here. And based on past efforts, people are likely to be
even less likely than before to contact me, and probably more likely
to dismiss me as wacko, or as someone so toxic I must be avoided at
all costs.
OK, the thing is that I'm feeling like I
can't do it again. I
am exhausted beyond all previous limits. I can see how to pull things
together, I know how to make better word and grammar choices, and
this time things feel different, and I feel like this time I will
walk away before I sweep a few more bodies under the rug, or try to
go the extra mile to help everyone see the Overview.
Dr Velvet Thong: You want to be a unicorn, but you accept
that's probably not your destiny. You have my permission to stop
I Still Don't Get It?
Blinky: It might not be possible to have 'mental health'
without social, legal and monetary equality. Family Skeleton Dance
Party, and the entire Manifesto might seem excessively negative and
repetitive to family and to others, but I think they represent
attempts to achieve a kind of equality.
Intellectual equality, and being a decent person, are not enough to
get people to respect you as an equal, (no matter what people might
think they believe - again, it's like an idealized morality imposed
over reality) or even assess your communication on its own merits.
The rest matters, to the extent that people can dismiss what you say,
forget it, or devalue it. I've spent most of my life trying to assess
people's communication on its own merits, and looking for those who
can do the same. I can't be perfectly objective, but I think it's
possible I'm more objective and fair than most people, to an extent
that relationships aren't satisfying to me.
It seems that this is what 'weakness' is. It's what a disability is.
The hard thing to accept is that in all dealings with others, things
can never really feel equal. To some extent, it's like always having
to accept charity and condescension, and to feel that even one's
intellectual equality will never be acknowledged.
Would a pill help with that? Would it help me to 'relax' or 'focus'
well enough to go out and do the things that would make me equal in a
more rounded way? I suppose that is what they're trying to sell us,
but again, it's an idealized rather than realistic idea, and it also
presupposes that it's ultimately good to accept the state of the
world and society, black and white concepts related to 'winning' or
'losing', 'strong' or 'weak', to continue to accept certain kinds of
prejudice and ignorance.
Rather than try to fit myself into the existing system, again, I
cast my vote in favour of the evolution of consciousness.
Until people can give me a certain minimum of feedback, my
relationships will not feel equal, and I will not be satisfied, and I
might not be able to move to the 'next level' - making new
associations, re-structuring my memory systems, such that a change
occurs and I begin to focus less on the 'negative'.
Cecil, Beany and Boo don't deserve to be hated or judged by the
world. That would be totally out of proportion. Neither do I, but I
feel like I am. Many families and individuals are likely impacted by
all the confusion regarding mental illness and stigma, and many have
dysfunctional communication patterns that compound the original
Unfortunately, with the way society is structured, self-esteem is to
a large degree based on the philosophically rather tricky/iffy
concept of 'deserving', and it's all tied in to social acceptance. 'I
work for a living! I am a tax-paying citizen!' I'm not sure if I know
how to express this clearly, but to me it seems like this is always
going to be a very big hurdle when it comes to understanding mental
illness. How can the mentally ill be equal, or deserving? I do not at
all like using the term 'mentally ill', or 'disability'. Do I want
special consideration? That makes it sound like I am just not someone
who could overcome obstacles, and so I was never anything very good.
Or, if I wouldn't comply with recommended treatments because they
didn't make sense to me, I'm a 'negative' person. Stephen Hawking
had bigger obstacles than almost anyone, and look what he managed to
do with his life! People in wheelchairs compete in paralympics,
the mentally challenged compete in the special olympics. What's your
excuse? All of these people are able to hold jobs and contribute to
society. Etc..
How about everyone else in the story? Should they be hated? Reread
the transcript of Dr Velvet Thong's seminar.
I tried, but I wasn't able to pretend there wasn't a mountain of
kitty litter in the way of maintaining family ties. I wish there was
some kind of singularity principle that could get everyone, all over
the world up to speed immediately, so we don't have to go through
centuries of back and forth blame tossing and shaming before
everyone's side of the story is understood.
Don Quixote has now read the current manuscripts in their entirety.
He seemed visibly shaken and sad, and I realize that however I
started out, over time I have become a monster.
Even though it's difficult for him, he has given his support that I
post the new manuscripts with the Manifesto,
uncensored. This
demonstrates that he is willing to do something that is personally
difficult, in order to help me, and possibly also in the name of
contributing something to the study of mental health.
Can I contribute anything to the dialogue on mental illness and
stigma, or is my approach so unbalanced and ugly that I would
actually impede any progress?
If I put this out there, I think I pretty much have to accept that no
person would ever risk contacting me again without wondering if I
wwould abuse any kindness and focus in a disproportionate way on the
These manuscripts will be offered for discussion, perhaps by Psych
students as a psychology case study. I am an example of someone who
has gone unmonitored and unmedicated for almost 3 decades, after
many initial disappointing or traumatizing experiences with the
mental health professions. I am a complicated, multi-faceted human
being, not just a collection of symptoms.
The material presented might also be helpful when it comes to
voluntary euthanasia debates. When is someone suffering from a mental
illness deemed rational 'enough' to assess their situation and
prognosis, factoring in their personal values and criteria regarding
quality of life?
I accept that I am a monster. I am going to post all of
Family Skeleton Recipe Collection
Blinky: On the Polish side: Borscht, perogies, cabbage rolls,
potato pancakes. Chocolate Easter eggs with our names written in
white icing. The hard-boiled egg cracking contests. The Space Cowboy
trying to convince us that canned mandarin orange segments were
humming birds' tongues.
I think for the cabbage rolls, you had to use a combination of
ground beef and pork, and without the pork, they just weren't very
good. The Space Cowboy used to help with the cabbage rolls.
Traditionally, we spent Christmas Eve with the Polish side of the
family, and Christmas Day with Sister Bumble. Babci (we always called
her Babci, not Babcia, and we called Sister Smurf Coici, not Coicia..
but the males were Grampa and Uncle, although Grampa was Polish) died
in 1977 due to complications related to rheumatoid arthritis. When
first diagnosed, the treatment protocol was different in those days,
and it is now known the old approach can exacerbate symptoms. In the
autumn of 1983, Grampa Smurf remarried. His second wife was from a
very large Polish-Catholic family with a lot of social power/high
standing in the community.
Over time, our 'Christmas celebration' with Grampa Smurf was pushed
to an earlier and earlier date, until it was designated the last
weekend in November. It was explained to us that the new wife was
getting older, and it was harder to cook for so many people, but it
seems that she still managed for quite a large crowd of her relatives,
and that Sister Smurf managed to fight for her right to continue to
be there for Christmas Eve, with The Space Cowboy.
I often wondered if the problem was me. Maybe it was known I'd had
an abortion, maybe it was related to 'mental illness'. I do remember
that while the others crossed themselves dutifully at family get-togethers
during grace/just before eating, I would not.
I have mentioned before that Mama Smurf couldn't bake cakes, kind
of like the Julianne Moore character in The Hours, and so I baked
them. But I really liked her potato pancakes and oatmeal cookies,
and I never managed to find recipes like them myself later.
I didn't ever get to know her well, although I did try to ask
questions when I became aware by age 21 of the implications of her
social isolation - I couldn't ever persist enough or find the right
language to get much info, but one of the genuinely valuable things
Mama Bumble had to pass on was her shortbread recipe.
I don't think it came from her family, because I think it was her
husband who was Scottish, and her maiden name was Devlin. I don't
know who it was in the husband's family, or actually, maybe it was
another part of her family, because there was a mix, including
someone English named Lily Sage. Last names like Devlin and Sage, and
we get stuck with Hill. Men, ugh. And certainly Zawisha is better
than Modrowski. Anyway, however she learned it, she'd had a lot of
practise at it, and the two gfs of The Bumble's, K-Pru and Natalie,
who was supposedly a great cook, could not master it.
She showed it to me only once. She made jokes about not buying
green bananas, and it probably had something to do with that. She
knew it was something that should be passed on. But because she only
showed me once, I never really learned. I never made a batch on my
own. When she was demonstrating, I took over for parts, but she was
really overseeing the whole process.
I don't even know the exact measurements, and I think they were
important. I'll write down what I can remember.
1 box of fruit sugar*
1 lb of unsalted butter
5? cups of triple sifted flour, and I think it was a special kind
*I don't know if they still sell this or call it something else, but
whenever I looked, I could never find it, and even when she showed
me, she said it was getting harder to come by. And I don't know the
weight of the box - I only knew by the look of the size of that
particular one at that particular time period. The gfs might have
substituted an obtainable sugar, and this might have changed the
results, but I suspect it was also about the kneading, and some other
precision aspects that related to years of experience. They didn't
have quite the same size and thickness of biscuits, the same
density or internal texture, or consistency.
She said the kneading was extremely critical to getting the best
results. You had to get everything mixed in very evenly, and it took
a lot of hand/wrist strength/endurance. Then when you formed the
logs, they had to be formed just so, with exactly the right
dimensions, which she didn't measure, but knew by eye and feel. And
when you made the slices, there was a certain thickness, which she
didn't measure, but knew by eye, so this kind of thing is difficult
to get right.
You had to have an old paper/cardboard shopping bag, and I think the
thickness of this was important, too. When she had a perfect one,
she just saved it, and reused it, I think, because she said the
first time, it wasn't as good. She would cut the bag to fit the
baking trays. There might have been an ideal distance between
biscuits. And she took a fork and made even rows of dots up and down
the biscuits. There was also a way to shape the biscuits a little,
the edges that were flattest.
I think there were two different oven temperatures, one for the first
phase, and another for a second phase of cooking, but I don't
remember how long the first phase was. I think the overall time was
an hour, but I'm not sure. Both temps were low, lower than any
temp for cookies I'd ever made, but I don't remember the exact temp.
When they came out of the oven, there was a perfect time to dust
them with more fruit sugar, but I can't remember if it was right
when they came out or not.
I didn't write any of this down (even at the time), this is my memory
of that one day visiting her. [Which is fairly detailed, and so if I
factor in that I told Natalie I wanted to learn how to cook, it does
seem possible that she didn't have much time for it, and only
grudgingly offered very few details.]
I think the way you stored them was important too, but I can't
really remember. There might have been something you had to do with
waxed paper and maybe a tin container was best, maybe even more
semi-greasy paper/cardboard.
But she wasn't what you'd think of as a granny with an apron. She
didn't buy presents, she thought kids preferred money, and she wasn't
warm and fuzzy.
Doing the math, I think she was a little older than her husband, and
I'm not sure what the marriage was like. I mean, she was born in
1913, The Bumble in 1942, the husband died when the Bumble was 15
and the husband was 41, so...
Factor in that she was a teen during the Depression, and maybe some
of my bomb shelter mentality comes from her. Without a husband, she
might have always worried that things were going to run out, or that
another Great Depression would come.
I'm not sure if it was during the shortbread visit, but at one
point she needed to have her kitchen sink fixed and she had some
anxiety about it and was probably just going to leave things since
she was able to work around the problem. But her husband had been a
plumber. She couldn't ask her son to help; he wasn't handy with such
things, but it seems like she had no one to ask for help. I suggested
that landlords sort of have an obligation to keep their properties
up to code, and she replied that she didn't want to make any trouble
that might cause her to get evicted or face some other problems.
And I think it makes sense that if you're isolated, you're very
careful about who you trust, and you know the reality of life is
that sometimes making trouble has dire consequences, maybe especially
when you're a woman alone, and when you're a woman alone getting
older. But she also might have had to cope with depression and
anxiety on her own, to an extent that she wasn't like other
grandmothers. It came across at times like she'd been there, done
that, and didn't want to deal with kids, but I think also she just
didn't know how to engage or behave empathetically with others. She
seemed kind of stern, and with family gatherings maybe like 'eesh,
let's get this over with, don't bother me.'
Blinky: I made the grocery shopping lists after Mama Smurf
died. First when we lived in the house in Brampton/Bramalea, and
then in the sardine apartment after The Beaches Brady Bunch fiasco.
-A few boxes of cereal, including sweet cereal for the weekend.
-Shreddies, Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Flakes (later, Honey Nut Cornflakes),
Frosted Flakes, Captain Crunch, Boo Berry, etc, but always more of the 'healthy' cereal, and maybe only 2 of the sweet.
-Those big bags of milk you put into pitchers - there are three plastic bags in one bag. I think we had to get 3 bags of 3 per week.
-Kraft Cheese Slices
-White Bread
-a bag of apples
-a bag of oranges
-a large bunch of bananas
-a bag of carrots
-bell peppers
-bean sprouts (in those days, you could get a massive bag for like 40 cents)
-prepackaged ham, bologna and salami slices
-a few cans of orange juice concentrate
-one bag of cookies, with 4 rows of cookies
-several boxes of Kraft Dinner
-cleaning supplies, laundry detergent
-toothpaste, soap, shampoo and conditioner
-body lotion
-assorted deodorants
-period supplies for the females
-when we had pets, petfood, both dry and canned
-ground beef
-boneless chicken breasts
-frozen chicken and fish sticks
-block mozzarella and cheddar cheese (aged, strong)
-real butter
-Hunt's tomato sauce and paste
-beans, including kidney beans and chick peas and regular beans
in tomato sauce
-hot dogs and buns
-peanut butter
These were basics, some had to be replenished every week, and others
I just had to keep an eye on. I often made:
-spaghetti (bolognese)
-chilli con carne
-quiche (I would make 3 at a time with frozen pie shells - 1 vegetarian one with spinach,
mushrooms and cheese, 2 meat ones with ham, spinach and cheese)
-tuna buns (tuna salad on grocery store bakery buns or subs)
-big salad dinner, with wedges of boiled egg, and cubes of ham and cheese in a very colourful salad
-breaded pork chops with baked potato and salad (eventually I think everyone was so bored with that dinner they dreaded it)
-stirfried vegetables and chicken (and rice)
-'easy dinners', like hot dogs, frozen fish sticks and chips, Kraft Dinner
I tried to keep things like tupperware with carrot and celery sticks
for snacking.
The store-bought cookies never lasted more than a day, and each kid
was allowed one row. Everyone was afraid the others would eat their
row, so they were pretty much eaten right away after shopping. But, I
baked cookies: chocolate chip, oatmeal-raisin, and peanut butter, and
I made 'healthy' 'monster muffins' with All-Bran, mostly sweetened
with mashed banana and only a little added sugar, and high fibre date
squares, also made with All-Bran. I also occasionally made banana or
zucchini bread, or carrot cake.
I would budget carefully, and try to at least make nutritious choices
possible. I am not sure how much The Bumble allotted each week for
groceries, but I budgeted extremely well, and was not extravagant. We
all ate a lot, but the only 'fat' one was me - probably usually about
130-135 lbs, with no vomiting, although I did have thinner periods.
For The Bumble we had to stock Raisin Bran, Cheddar cheese (aged),
real butter, and he liked to eat the oatmeal-raisin cookies. Aside
from breakfast, I think he ate most of his meals away from home. The
kids had brown bag lunches. Baking supplies were regular parts of the
shopping list. In the first place, in Bramalea/Brampton, I think I
made breaded pork chops too often (dreaded pork chops), and so after,
on Vic Park they were rare. For myself, I made vegetarian versions of
everything, or just didn't eat the meat portion. I experimented
sometimes, but eggplant parmigiana was great the first time, not so
good the second, and that sort of fell off. The best way to get
nutritious vegetables in there was to make colourful salads or
stirfries to accompany things.
When Sister Smurf gave me the wok for chrismukkah at 16, that made
stirfrying the way to go often. Baked potato and salad were commonly
added to dinners. Sometimes I made baked potatoes with broccoli and
cauliflower, and cheddar cheese sauce, but I admit at times I was
lazy and didn't want to use up all of The Bumble's good cheddar, and
I just heated up some Cheese Whiz. I tried to go easy on the onions
and garlic, except for spaghetti, chilli and lasagna - lasagna was
usually for special occasions, and I'd make one with mushrooms and
one without. Boo didn't like mushrooms.
We all made a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches as snacks or weekend
lunches. For Friday nights, The Bumble left us money for pizza or
McDonald's (at Vic Park, there was a McDonald's right across the
street, and Pizza Pizza always had good deals for delivery), plus
chips and pop.
When I lived away from home for a couple of months, I came back to a
house filled with McDonald's bags and pizza boxes, and it could have
had something to with how he blew through a $30,000 settlement from
work when he couldn't work after the accident - in 6 months, a
signficant portion in the first two.
But I knew I didn't 'really' know how to cook, and I was self-conscious
about things, and also, it was probably like The Bumble
thought I was doing nothing to earn my keep.
In Brampton, The Bumble would usually take one of the kids and he'd
do the shopping with the list I made, and on Vic Park, there was no
car, because he'd lost his licence for drunk driving at that point,
and so at first Boo and I did it with one of those wire buggy things,
with the bags of white bread sort of tied to it, and both of us
carrying extra bags, and then probably Cecil took over for me when I
was no longer going outside the apartment.
In Brampton, I did the laundry, sheets, towels, clothes, and on Vic
Park, there was a coin laundry on our floor around the corner, and
either Boo or Cecil helped me do it, or they alternated. The Bumble
always had lots of change, so he gave us change for the laundry.
In Brampton I did all the housework, and a big problem there was pet
hair and 'accidents' - there were 3 dogs and 2 cats. Everyone was
mostly trained to rinse out their cereal bowls, and everyone pretty
much could be counted on to make their own lunch. I had odd extra
dishes to wash, but mostly it was dinner dishes, and easy things,
like pans and plates for grilled cheese or toast.
On Vic Park, there were two bathrooms, one for the females, and one
for the males. But in those days, I don't think it was so hard for me
to quickly clean most things, make sure no brown smudges were showing
up in the tubs, clean the toilets and sinks, mirrors, floors, etc.
The Bumble was the only one who took baths every day, the rest of
us showered, but the tubs had to be regularly cleaned.
Beany always did less work than the rest of us, and maybe it helped
her to have a different attitude, and to also learn how to associate
work with getting paid.
At first, it was mostly because she was too small to help when we
were moving around so much. She couldn't lift much, and the rest of
us were so fast and efficient, moving was like playing Tetris with
odd shapes and factoring in weight and fragility of objects.
Later there were issues like her health, there were some things she
couldn't do because she had asthmatic bronchitis. Cecil and I could
be counted on to keep going right to the end, without ever slowing
down, but Boo would generally start slowing down at a certain point.
I don't know if she ever washed dishes when I moved away, but I can't
seem to remember her ever doing it, and the thing is, I eventually
started to feel locked in to doing dishes, and didn't think it was a
'good thing' to try to get females to do 'women's work'
automatically, and so I never pressured her in that direction. I
think also that I wanted everyone to be able to enjoy things, and to
have the energy to do their schoolwork, partly I guess because I
unconsciously believed as Cecil did that I was a lost cause, and now
the others had to be helped. But she lucked out, and had to do much
less than all of us. The boys were much more likely to volunteer to
do some things than most males of our day, and Beany was less likely
to fall into domestic automatonism than most females of our day.
I think that part of this relates to the eating disorder, though, and
that I've gone through phases where I'd rather eat something out of
a bag than have to do dishes after making a meal. And so for years,
having pizza or McDonald's was the only way I could have something
where I didn't have to be the one cleaning up after.
Dr Velvet Thong: How often was The Bumble at home? It doesn't
sound like he ate meals with you often?
Blinky: Maybe my memory is faulty, but I don't remember him
eating with us or being home much in either place. He might have
thought my cooking was 'awful' or like my mother's or something, but
it really might have mostly been that he preferred to eat out, with
people his own age.
Dr Velvet Thong: What was his salary?
Blinky: That's something I'm not sure about. In Winnipeg, I
knew that it was $100,000/year, but he also had a company car, car
expenses and moving expenses were taken care of, his long distance
phone bills were paid, and an expense account where he could eat out
any day, and also take people out for dinner and drinks. But, when
you make that amount, you don't get to keep it all, and he might have
been in a bracket where at that stage he was taxed half of it. You'd
think there might be tax loopholes for someone with 4 kids and no
other parent, but at that stage we were getting older.
In the two years after the skull fracture, I don't think he could
make quite as much as he had in the past, but it was probably still
a 'decent' salary, and he had redeemed himself enough that the people
in Winnipeg thought he was worth the money.
I never asked questions. It was obvious he thought it ruined one's
life to count up how much you're spending on 'necessities' - which
for him were cigarettes, alcohol, horses, and non-boring food. I
don't know for sure how much he spent on us compared to how much he
spent on himself.
In Brampton and Vic Park, I'm guessing the rent was probably low,
maybe at the time each were approx. $700-800? And maybe less, it's
hard to guess. And I don't think he gave more than $100/wk for food,
but there was a bit extra on Fridays. He might have given the boys
money for occasional haircuts at Supercuts or something.
But after the accident, it seems unlikely to me he would have
'cleared' less than $30,000/year? So, how much, what percentage went
toward the 4 of us, and what to him? If he spent something like
$1200/month for rent, and food for us, and maybe there were the odd
incidentals, and his rent was paid, and he had no car expenses one
year.. He did keep horses in the country at that time.. wait, that
would have been the year after the licence issues? But when he got
it back, I'm not sure he ever participated in grocery shopping
When he had girlfriends, our standard of living was a bit higher, so
maybe they generously contributed toward some of the expenses and
didn't complain about it because they were 'in love', and acting as
women act.
But it does stick out in my mind that even living with his wife in
Winnipeg, when I moved into my own apartment that was about $210/month,
and I guess I had less than $200 for all my other expenses on welfare,
to me it seemed like I had massive amounts of money, and that being
on welfare was a lot better than living at 'home'. Maybe it was
because I had choices for 'just me'.
In Winnipeg, part of the money problem related to paying for Beany's
rent so she could finish high school at the same place, not move away
from her boyfriend, and I think he paid for Cecil through Grade 13
(if you wanted to go to university, in those days you had to do Grade
13, even after technically graduating high school), too, and so then
it seemed unfair not to let K-Pru's son and his wife and baby stay
with us, or me, or Boo, and all of that was expensive and added to
marital problems, but it all happened because of poor planning in the
first place, and it seems unfair to blame the horrible kids. But I
understood his philosophies to some extent.. he had a job since he
was 15.. his kids should be taking care of themselves. He had a
parent die when he was 15. But I don't think he understood just how
little stability we had in comparison to him, or that one poor
parental figure can prevent kids from becoming as 'productive' as
they could be.
There are ways of spending money that make wealth seem like not much
of anything. There's a difference between spending the bare minimum,
poverty level on kids when you have a lot of money, and when you do
as Mama Smurf did, to endure it in service of long-term plans. The
gfs didn't think our needs were their business, and mostly they were
in the business of pleasing him and not trying to do what the Evil
Mama Smurf did, which was to suffocate and try to restrict him.
Dr Velvet Thong: He was a disaster with money.
Blinky: Yes, I guess that is it. In Winnipeg, the amount of
money I had for food, phone, entertainment on welfare was probably
less than what he spent on cigarettes a month, and I thought it was a
fortune. And I grew up constantly feeling I owed him money, that he
was too generous, that I was a deadbeat. When I lived with him, the
only thing he contributed was food, and we could eat as much as we
wanted. I didn't really make shopping lists when we lived with K-Pru
or The Business Teacher - they went shopping together.
I don't know how much money he lost in the horse business or on the
country house/farm. I don't know if it was all in his name, and I
don't know if he had debts other than the one that caused him to be
banned by Bell Canada from having a phone. I am seeing now that he
did try to blame us for costing too much, and being deadbeats, and
that he didn't recognize or value my contributions and in life I
continue to struggle with that.
Dr Velvet Thong: Were there horses in Winnipeg?
Blinky: Yes. But earlier, when he had them again in the Vic
Park days after regaining his licence, I think pretty much only Beany
went to visit the horses with him. When he lived in the trailer at
the back of a woman's property in Winnipeg after he quit his job, he
had at least one horse then, and I went over riding one day - and
that's probably one of the only times he ever took photos of me, and
they were awful. I did do a lot of work around that property,
(unpaid, except that he picked me up at my welfare apartment every
once in a while, and brought me there and I got to eat things I
couldn't when at my place, but I also baked him cookies, and that
might be partly why he wanted me to visit. He was a social person,
and it was difficult for him to be alone, and so even though he hated
me, probably, he dropped by once in a while. We couldn't organize it
by phone, because I didn't have one. He'd just show up, and in those
days, perhaps all those who think it takes me hours to get ready
might be surprised that I was fairly flexible in those days, that I
could throw a few things together, and go anywhere. And he'd let me
drive the truck down Portage (with like a bizillion lanes of traffic
to factor in), all the way out to where he was staying in the
country. and he let me drive the truck on my own when clearing the
property of old rotten stuff, to take it to the dump. So, basically,
I could drive on my own, but never got a licence. When Beany visited,
they both laughed at my driving. I'm not sure Beany was a better
driver, but she had a licence.
When his two dogs were infested with ticks, instead of taking
them to the vet, he showed me how to remove the ticks, and left the
responsibility to me. At the time, I didn't really totally understand
the seriousness of it, but I did it so carefully, and the dogs both
lived and had no problems. It took hours to remove all the ticks.
Natalie had lived in the city all her life and didn't have a driver's
licence either, and at one point she wanted to learn how to drive out
in the country, and he pretty much ridiculed her attempts, and it was
like she was the biggest retard who ever tried to drive, something
like that, so we got the idea that maybe some people are just not
ever meant to drive, and I felt that I was probably one of them, too.
Actually, I'm not being fair. He didn't say retard or stupid cunt, it
was more his sense of humour and how he conveyed it.
Years later, he said Natalie was teaching line dancing, and it seemed
a bit odd, because from what I remembered, she didn't really seem
very interested in teaching anything, but maybe it was that she was
becoming more assertive, and trying to get out of her comfort zone.
The first time he had visitation after moving out, he took us to eat
at one of those mall steakhouse type restaurants that are dimly lit,
even in the afternoon. I think he was a regular there, because the
waitresses seemed to know him. I suspected he might have shagged one
or two of them.
That was the first time we tried shrimp cocktail, the kind popular in
the 70s. We all developed a liking for it. We had cheeseburgers and
fries, and there were onion rings to pass around. Milkshakes as
beverage, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. It was way too much
to eat, and I was in pain, we all were, for hours after he dropped us
back home. Part of it was an 'eyes bigger than stomachs' thing, but
part of it was probably about wondering how much it all cost, and not
wanting to be wasteful. The Bumble didn't have a milkshake from what
I recall - I am pretty sure he had alcoholic mixed drinks of some
Not for this section, but one 'good memory' or sensory memory is that
for 3 years in the white and black farmhouse, each year for a period
of about 2 weeks, the lilac trees that lined the long driveway
smelled nice. The lilacs only seemed to be in bloom for that short
time each year, and then, walking to the school bus, and from it
after school, kind of stands out. They were pretty and went nicely in
an aesthetic sense with the house, and I liked the scent. And when I
had mowed the lawn, the place looked pretty good.
When I studied Merchant of Venice in Grade 9, The Bumble could quote
a bit of it: the quality of mercy is not strained. (Myself, I vaguely
remember something about it droppeth like the gentle rain from
heaven, blahblahblah,) He could probably do a bit more. And so now,
what I'm saying in these sessions, maybe it's not mercy, but I think
maybe that throughout his life, he had large dollops of mercy, and
didn't recognize them.
Dr Velvet Thong: Who cooked when Natalie moved out?
Blinky: It's funny, I don't even remember what Natalie used to
cook. The Bumble ate elsewhere, and I heated up canned spaghetti or
mini-ravioli or tv dinners for me and Beany. I am not sure what she
ate while I was in the hospital, but I vaguely remember asking her,
and I think maybe tv dinners, and she might have eaten at the
When I worked at the cemetery job fulltime briefly after working
there parttime during the school year to save for university
('Resthaven Memorial Gardens, you stab 'em, we slab 'em!'.. but
seriously, I only answered that way when I knew Vlad was calling me
there.. basically my job was to call people up and ask them if they
wanted to receive info in the mail about prearranging burial or
cremation, and I never followed the script and no one complained
because the salesmen by far got more sales from my calls), I started
dating one of my co-workers, the older guy The Bumble called The
Cokehead, not the manager who made a pass in the supply closet and
asked me to be his mistress, offering to put me up in my own
apartment. And for a couple of months, I'm not sure how much cooking
I did, although I still would have made the grocery lists and taken
care of the cleaning. When the relationship ended, I resumed full
duties. The end of that relationship is a whole other story in
itself, with me sort of being abandoned in the middle of the night at
Carlton and Jarvis and being mistaken for a sex worker while waiting
for the streetcar - maybe I'll get back to it some other time. From
there, right back to my middleage housewifely type duties.. I did
regularly clean the bathrooms, kitchen and do general tidying up - in
the apartment in many ways it was easier because there were no pets,
and no carpets. But we lived there more than 2 years, and my period
of dating The Cokehead wasn't that long. I don't want to accept The
Bumble's default name for him, so I'll call him Dylan Jagger
Family Skeleton Fashion Closet
Styles of the 70s! Yes! At some point both The Bumble and Mama Smurf
sported 'fros. Him with his big Freddy Fender moustache. But even
though at times it seemed like he tried to get something unusual,
like a rust coloured leather blazer when we lived on Vic Park, I
don't remember him being very good with fashion. His work suits were
serviceable, but cheap - but not even Don Draper can pull off all the
old 70s looks. He always had jeans with cowboy belt buckles, I think.
He might have been a dude in his cowboy days, and then the confidence
lingered. I think though in his circles later on, he was often like
the Magnum PI of the group, in the ladies' eyes. The 'fros didn't
last long for either of them. It could be they didn't like the
photos. Probably the issue with clothes was that with the cheap stuff
that was in style in the 70s, you needed to be young and fit or very
slim to pull it off, so only Mama Smurf pulled off the fashions of
the day.
Mama Smurf did hippie hair extremely well. Her hair was healthy and
thick, (long) and her face was well-shaped. I think she looked best
with long straight hair, but she also looked good when teaching
kindergarten and she had a really elegant kind of updo, I'm not sure
what it's called - for the class and group teacher photos. She looked
like a movie star, with a lot of poise, not just a pretty teacher.
She wouldn't let me wear jeans to school until I was in 7th grade,
because she thought it was improper, or something, but she might have
eased up because she started wearing jeans daily herself, and maybe
her boyfriend influenced her/she wanted to please him, her boyfriend
who played guitar and sang Neil Diamond songs (Forever in Blue
Jeans!) Also, she was beginning to realize that people thought she
was younger than other mothers when she wore jeans. And, she received
comments that she looked good in them. Because she did.
They were both influenced by fashion, and when non-fro Charlie's
Angels perms came into fashion, she tried that out. The first day,
she looked amazing, and I told her so, but she just wasn't into all
the curling and styling that kind of look took to maintain, and she
ended up with the kind of poodle look a little too long. I would
have recommended she just go back to the straight hippie style, which
was easy for her to maintain, maybe cut a few long layers in, and
keep the jeans.
I have no clue as to who picked out the dress she was buried in, or
what drugs they were smoking. It was this weird woollen beige thing,
like acrylic, with no shape, very prim, and nothing like anything I'd
ever seen her in. A massive, expensive funeral, and no one in the
family who can choose a becoming or appropriate dress? After watching
Six Feet Under, I wonder if they put a wig on her, and I guess that
makes sense, because she'd had brain/head surgery, and maybe the neck
location of the aneurysm also meant the neck had to be covered, but
who chose the fucking poodle perm wig?? This was a woman who secretly
wanted to be Audrey Hepburn. I am retroactively incensed, and if I
had been a conscious enough being, and assertive enough at 16, I
would have made sure she wasn't abused in such ways. If only one
photo was shown to a funeral director, and then things were left in
the hands of the 'experts', I guess that's where it all might have
gone wrong. And I suppose the commonlaw husband, who was kind of a
pariah to the heavily Catholic crowd, might have been subtly excluded
or pushed out, might not have had much power, but fuck, it's like no
one was on her side, either. I don't remember ever seeing her in
beige. Maybe it was more of a camel-beige, but still. And it made her
face look beige, too. If she had a perm at the time, and on a daily
basis it was sort of loose-poodle, it doesn't mean that for a special
occasion, like death, she wouldn't have wanted the Charlie's Angels
look, and if I go could back in time, I'd try to fucking be the one
to give it to her.
[I think I could have worked out any neck issues. Was the problem
all the way around, even if it was the back of the neck that was
affected? Anyway, for example, what about that Jimi Hendrix scarf
thing she had?]
[Big, expensive funeral, me in my cum-stained sweet 16 dress, on
centre stage, the huge crowd couldn't look at her at the big church
or at the gravesite. The 4 kids were the focal points, what everyone
came to see. We had a special bench in the church, and we stood
together closest to the coffin and the priest for the graveside
ceremony. I'm not sure if we were sort of on elevated ground, like a
hill, but it might have made sense, if the crowds were to see us. I
have vague memories of looking out onto a big sea of people. I don't
know if the priest had a mic, but maybe, because there was one in the
church. No pressure. 'She's 16 now, she's never gonna look like her
mother, but the younger one..' But the point I was trying to make was
that it was a big funeral, it was expensive, there were a lot of
people there, and yet so little care was taken to present her as she
would have wanted to be, or in a way that meshed with anyone's idea
of her, and while professionals took care of some things,
communication in the family was not good enough that the main members
of her family, her kids, were given much direction.]
Some time later, Mama Smurf's sister had a bunch of her clothes and I
was kind of creeped out by her attitude, as if this is one of the
winfalls of death, you get all their best clothes. She seemed to
encourage me to choose a few things for myself, but I couldn't bring
myself to do it. Is it possible a jealous sister, the only available
female, would choose a funeral dress and wig for her sister, as a
kind of final fuck you? I can't know, and so a long time ago I
decided it was probably the first thing, it was left in the hands of
funeral directors who weren't as skilled as Rico et al.
A little over a year later, at Grampa Smurf's wedding to his second
wife (I'm now kind of wondering if she was in some kind of Polish
mafia family - is there such a thing?), Sister Smurf asked me after
the service if I had cried, and I said no, and she said fairly
bitchily, something like 'oh that's right, you don't ever cry, do
you'. Ok, I will try to make a statement about this. I didn't
respond, but I didn't dwell on it. It only started to come back to me
years later. At the time, I didn't know what she was trying to
communicate, or what kind of response she expected. It seems like a
person would not make such a statement unless they have some
resentment or judgment, but is it that they just need to be allowed
to let off steam, or is it that they need to resolve it? When you
observe possums scrapping, it's all kind of amusing, (actually, some
of it is quite scary and you think they're killing each other, but
usually they survive and don't seem to hold a grudge, they just get
on with their lives) and part of it is that they're constantly
defending position, territory and standing. Does how you respond or
fail to respond factor in to your standing in a family? You can aim
to be accepting and forgiving, and give people the benefit of the
doubt, they need to be allowed negative emotions, and an outlet, but
overall, they are a good person and mean you no harm, they are on
your side. The thing is though that while you think of yourself as
trying to develop your accepting skills, they unconsciously perceive
it as you conceding your position or ceding territory. And you always
have to remember that sometimes communication is simply awkward and
comes out in a way that is not in line with someone's conscious
intent, and when you recognize it has happened to you as well, that
people have perceived or might perceive some things differently to
your intent, wouldn't you want to be cut some slack?
But what if you are always cutting people slack that they never seem
to cut in return, or it gets to a point where it's so out of balance
that it doesn't make sense to keep on with cutting it to the same
extent? Some things that would have slid off maybe were too much
when I was already down, being kicked when down, etc. And it's true
that in school I had an astounding mnemonic capacity, not just
above average. It's not like I could just shut that off.
But Sister Smurf bought some of the best chrismukkah presents I ever
got from family, like a recording of The Point when Grampa was buying
me Cinderella, and really cool feather earrings when I was 15, and a
wok when I announced I was now vegetarian.
When The Space Cowboy went to prison for 2 years less a day for the
drug business, it's weird, I know that even then I sympathized, but
it's not like I spoke up. Ineffectual family communication. I think
he was providing a necessary service, and that people should be
allowed to choose for themselves. If I went back in time, I'd
probably write to him in prison, and I'd also have tried to contact
Sister Smurf often, to see how she was doing on the outside.
The music of the 70s doesn't trigger happy memories of childhood or
a more innocent time. The music of the 70s was a kind of escape from
my situation, something that lifted a mood I didn't know was already
down. I liked the car rides late at night, when it was dark, after
we'd been visiting somewhere, when all the other kids were asleep,
and I could hear the songs on the radio on the drive home, when the
parental units were awake, and The Bumble was driving, but they were
probably both drunk. I guess also the music was also tied up in
fantasies of my future, when I would be old enough to date, and to
experience Real Love, because I had the unconscious idea that family
love wasn't Real Love, it was duty, obligation. It wasn't magical.
And when they had big parties, and blared 50s, and 60s music
through the Bose speakers, there was such an adrenaline rush, such a
sense of anticipation of what the future would be, and of what Sex
and Love would be.
There was another unpleasant issue, though.. at these parties,
drunk already before guests had arrived, The Bumble would play songs
like The Great Pretender, and so from a young age, I associated
these exciting, sexy parties as not relating to marriage. They were
an escape from the prison of marriage. The Bumble was always
unsatisfied and dreaming of someone else, in every relationship he
was ever in. Most of his significant others would probably try to
help organize him or give him enough empathy that he'd be happier
in life, less stressed, but it was a massive job, and he was such a
complete disaster/energy drain, that even the best 'managers'
usually called it quits eventually. The managers also tried to
manage the sprogs, but the thing was, pretty much all of his
signficant others were only able to express empathy toward The
Bumble, and not toward any other humans. A bit like his mother.
The camera was not Mother Bumble's friend (Natalie used to call her
Mother Bumble, in a very stiff and formal way. For some reason Mother
Bumble liked Natalie better than our mother and his other gfs, maybe
because she didn't speak much), and she knew it, and while she
tolerated some family photos, she mostly tried to avoid being in any,
and had no problem scowling at those who disobeyed her wishes. I did
sympathize with her. When I became more conscious, through suffering
over my own lack of photogenicness, I wondered if we had more in
common that I had originally realized, but I think our personality
types are probably different.
She always seemed to have an awful fashion sense, as if it was
self-punishment, maybe, but in her favourite photo of herself, she
did look like a fashionplate, and when I saw it, I could understand
her better. It was from when she was young, the photo. When she
was in her 80s and her hair was white, and she had a red wool
winter coat, I think she looked better than any other time I had
seen her before, like she finally got it right again, after all
these years.
Throughout her life she kept her hair short, but still long enough
to get a regular semi-permanent wave to give her hair body and shape.
Sister Bumble did this too, and also dyed it a reddish colour, a
bit darker than strawberry blond, but not 'showy' - not the colour
of someone who doesn't know her place. She was more photogenic than
Mother Bumble or The Bumble, but she was never allowed to put on
airs about it. She was to know her place: Mother Bumble worshipped
The Bumble, and Sister Bumble was chopped liver.
That's probably also how I'd describe her fashion sense, not 'showy',
not that of someone who doesn't know her place, and the clothes she
gave as presents were always unwearable in one way or another.
I guess when I think of mother and sister, I think of really awful
70s dark beige pantyhose and clunky shoes that didn't really look
fashionable or comfortable and aged a person a few decades. Flower
prints that always resembled vomit, like the old sofa Mother Bumble
donated for the sardine apartment, orange and brown.
Camera pans with ominous music to the Possum TV house, and slowly
creeps along the orange cork floors, to all the shades of chocolate
paint and mocha microfibre sofas... Psycho theme shower scene
The Bumble himself didn't look too bad in later life when he had
gained more weight, and started wearing untucked conventional
fashions, the 'natural, no-nonsense, suburban guy look'. Maybe he
started letting his gfs do his shopping, felt comfortable in what
they bought, and left it at that.
Mama Smurf could sew, and she often made us matching outfits for
chrismukkah and special occasions, like velvet pinafores or vests and
pants. The boys would have the same colour and outfit, and the girls
would have matching outfits, too. When she bought things from the
store, and Beany and I got something that was supposed to match,
Beany's outfit always tended to be cuter. The night before special
occasions, after our baths, Mama Smurf would tie my hair and
Beany's up in rag 'curlers' and we'd sleep on them, letting them
dry overnight.
In high school, Beany wore sweats that were in fashion then, maybe
from Cotton Ginny, and also Daniel Hechter things, and Roots. When
she worked for a designer in The Beaches as a manager, she wore the
designer's clothes, which were mainly dressy-casual-comfortable
jersey knit skirts, tops, pants. I think she wore the designer's
clothes in a fashion show once that ended up on tv.. and when her
turn down the runway came, when she did a spin, her long straight
hair fanned out perfectly all around her and the whole effect was
really amazing.
Cecil and The Bumble always had short hair. Their hair was very
fine and got greasy easily, and this was the best solution. The
Bumble had a bath, every day, without fail.
Everyone also always wore jeans and t-shirts, and long sleeve shirts
that go with jeans.
In my 20s, I most liked to shop at the Le Chateau warehouse at
Danforth and Woodbine. Their stuff was more goth then than it is now.
I'd walk there and check out what they had, often. In school, I wore
tight jeans in the first years, and then I had increasing difficulty
in finding anything comfortable. At one point Vlad's mom gave me some
old skirts and blouses of hers, but we had very different body
types, and I didn't look great in them.
Boo could wake up anywhere, pick up clothes off the floor, no matter
whose, and wear them and look good.
Once I curled his thick, dark hair and put makeup on him and he
looked just like a model.
The Polish Mafia (Hidden Bonus Chapter)
-The photo album of exclusively corpses. Was that Grampa's, and if
so, wtf? Was it T's family's? I guess I didn't have my wits
about me well enough to examine it carefully, but my impression was
kind of like it was a bunch of pictures of dead mafia figures. Not
done up pretty like in Six Feet Under, but with faces that often had
a kind of black and blue appearance, and kind of slick/dark looking
hair. They were laid out in coffins or in settings that seemed
consistent with a funeral parlour, not on the street or a back room
or whatever, and they were in positions of repose. It could be that
the photography/lighting was bad, or that it wasn't a very attractive
family, even when living.
But I start to wonder about how a good Catholic girl, like Sister
Smurf, with the father she had, ended up with a drug kingpin, and
maybe there were family connections I was unaware of. Also, there's
this picture I remember of Sister Smurf, one of the most attractive
ones, when she was a young teen, sitting on the lap of some sleazy
looking relative, who looked a bit like one of the corpses, or so I
could imagine, and she was kind of surrounded by a bunch of plump,
sleazy looking male relatives, relatives I don't really remember
meeting, with her blond hair and a pretty dress, fresh and bright in
comparison to the men.
When Mama Smurf began to fantasize about Superman/Christopher Reeve,
was it partly that she simply yearned to find some law abiding
citizen? Someone physically strong enough to be a match for all these
macho athlete types she knew?
But ha, The Polish Mafia might be a fun title/section.
The Space Cowboy had a lot of involvement with bikers, and I vaguely
had the sense that it was dangerous and required all one's wits to
deal with them. I vaguely had the sense that some serious shit had
occurred, including actual deaths, but I don't know.
They had a big hotel they ran, I think near Wasaga Beach, but it
might have been somewhere else in Ontario. I think it was called The
Windjammer. I think for some reason the main foyer reminds me of
the hotel in The Shining, some part of it, but I'm not sure why. I
think there might have been a lot of stonework, very high ceiling,
a big fireplace.
They lived in Montreal for a while, and near a small town called Eden
Mills, and also near Elmira which was near a community of religious
buggy people. In Elmira and another place they had 'drug mansion'
type places. In Eden Mills, a rundown shacklike house. Montreal, an
apartment in a highrise. And in Kitchener, after jail, a more modest
house, with a swimming pool and a very ornate livingroom (and also a
dining room), with matching white leather sofas, a lot of white, gold
and glass and feathers. They always had well-groomed Afghan dogs that
matched the feathers in the decor, with fancy names, like Temigen (he
was first our dog, but too unruly for a family. We always called him
Tem, and I'm not sure of the spelling, and maybe he was called
something else before he lived with them), Petra and Morgan.
I heard about opium (and hashish?) smoking somewhere overseas where
it's a stereotypical activity, and Sister Smurf's signature perfume
was Opium. I heard about guys with machine guns guarding a door while
money was counted, in a palace-like place somewhere either in South
or Central America. And about cavity searches after a trip to
And The Space Cowboy was particularly proud that he received a
sentence of '2 Years Less A Day'. It means they could only
prove a more minor offence. But, what it appears to mean is
that a person goes to provincial rather than federal prison, and so
that would mean he did not indeed go to the notorious Kingston
Penitentiary. Did he go to Joyceville? I would only have heard things
once, decades ago, and I wouldn't have asked questions, but if he
went to Joyceville, maybe Neil went somewhere with minimum security.
I should also bear in mind that someone relaying info might have got
it wrong, as if everyone assumed all criminals go to Kingston, or
something. Was he happy about avoiding Kingston, the notorious
hellhole? Did I just assume he felt proud of getting away with a
lesser conviction than he could? And again, he was proud of having
the same lawyer to argue his case as Keith Richards had for the
heroin bust in Toronto. If he was just a minor player, why would he
get such a 'bigtime' lawyer? And was that what helped him get the
sentence he got, rather than something worse? People who know more
about drug-related laws would probably know the right questions to
ask to sort this out. In writing out any details, it's probably going
to be best that I do things in such a way that it's creatively
tweaked when I know I'm not sure of something.
I think he always hoped I would be a good enough writer to pen his
life story, or, a lawyer like that chick in the Jackie Collins novel
who defended her criminal family members. I am not just pulling that
out of thin air; he actually talked about both. I guess I turned out
to be a major disappointment.
Mama Smurf's bf also got a conviction, but a lesser one. The Space
Cowboy went to a tougher prison (but managed to avoid Kingston Pen),
he went to a cosier one, with less high security. One of the names
was Joyceville (medium security). I'm not sure, but I think the bf
was smuggling cigarettes, and it could be that with the location of
the resort, and access to the US, part of why it was bought in the
first place was strategic.
When we were visiting, we were warned by Sister Smurf that the phones
were bugged, and when she and I were walking the dog, she told me we
were being monitored by the RCMP. She pointed out a house she said
was a base camp for them.
-Always factor in Hummingbird's Tongue Syndrome. And pulling quarters
from behind our ears, every time, every visit.. the Space Cowboy
liked to exaggerate, he liked to see how gullible people were. He did
it with a straight face, but he never seemed mean-spirited to kids.
He was trying to speak in his language to them. Babci is descended
from Polish royalty, you know.
-I haven't written all that much about Grampa Smurf, and one thing
that occurs to me is that while I'm trying to restore a kind of
equality for Mama Smurf and her contributions, in the end, it might
be that while his bumbles will be seen, The Bumble might still seem
the more 'fun' or charismatic character, even more fun than everyone
else, and the whole story might look like the griping of an
unexceptional child.
One of the main reasons it was fun to visit Babci and Grampa was
that Grampa was so enthusiastic, full of smiles, cheerful, and he
seemed to clearly recognize each of us as individual entities in our
own right, not as a mass of sprogs.
The Simpsons' Family Therapy Episode (Hidden Bonus Chapter 2)
One of the first episodes, before all the characters were fully
developed or drawn. In a family therapy session, they have little
buttons to push to zap other family members with electric shocks.
Dr Velvet Thong: Your family has a lot in common with The
Blinky: Baseball/softball. When Gandhi and I played with my
brothers, their Significant Others and their friends, the team was
called The Homers, after Homer Simpson.
The Bumble is kind of like a Homer Simpson-Fred Flinstone. He looked
more like Fred. Mama Smurf was more Wilma than Marge, but sexier,
more hippieish.
We chose who we wanted to be, and our names were printed on our
uniforms, which had a Homer Simpson head as a logo on them.
Cecil was Krusty, Boo was Milhouse, their gfs were Itchy and
Scratchy. Itchy and Scratchy were obsessed with marriage and kids and
pretty materialistic, and also very pretty and petite. Beany didn't
play the year I did. I was Jub-Jub, an obscure reference, an iguana
inherited by Marge's sister. No one on the team seemed to want to be
any of the main characters, but probably Boo could have passed for
Bart, Cecil and I could have both been Lisa, and Beany would have
been Maggie. Gandhi was Otto.
It was supposed to be for fun, but starting out, it seemed like a lot
of the members were laughing at Jub-Jub, with her bleached hair,
purple dress and black leggings, and lack of experience, in a way
that didn't totally seem to be all in fun. She certainly didn't seem
the Jock Type. Anyway, for the awards ceremony, she was voted not
only Most Improved, but also female MVP. She had chosen to play first
base, as a challenge. She would have ceded to a more skilled player,
but no one wanted to take that one on. Through practices it was
discovered she was good at all positions and could be a floater but
made a commitment to take the heat that goes with that position. She
also ended up with the most RBIs. And she had showed up to every game
and practice.
A team called the Lizards won the championship.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did you enjoy it?
Blinky: No, the whole thing was excruciating, from beginning
to end, but I made a commitment, and I saw it through, and then I
hung up my baseball glove. A quitter once again, the weakest link on
the family tree, the one least likely to try hard at anything.
I think the issue was that I couldn't enjoy any social outing
because I was constantly aware of hidden judgment, even from my
family. Everyone else had jobs or were still in school. I was the
only deadbeat mental patient, or, escaped mental patient. I wasn't
medicated or monitored, and it was only a matter of time before
people with the proper social passports would begin to notice there
was something odd about me. In a way, it makes competition even more
stressful, because everyone is sort of unconsciously invested in
'proving' their right to exist and succeed in life.
Dr Velvet Thong: How old were you at the time?
Blinky: 30. A hopeless case for years already.
Dr Velvet Thong: Did your siblings or their SOs win any of
the other awards the year you played?
Blinky: Nope.
Night of the Werepossum, or, Pimped Up Possums
Where do I go from here?
Once I manage to finish 'family skeleton dance party',
if I
manage to finish, I think the next writing project will be 'night of
the werepossum', (perhaps with a subheading 'pimped up possums') and
roughly, I think it will address the concepts of 'meaningful'
work/employment, 'competence', 'deserving' and 'usefulness'. Other
concepts to address? 'Freaks', 'mutants', the supernatural.
If I still somehow continue to draggle on, I'll probably further
develop my surrealist style.
PS: I'm speaking in code.
->exile on meme st: a diary